Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2023



  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi I’m Jen from WIsconsin. I am 56 and live with my husband, 27 year old son, 63 year old sister and 4 year old Golden Doodle. I have another son who is 30 and getting married in July. (Thus also trying to look good in a Mothers of the Groom dress! )I am relatively new to two part-time jobs after ending a 13 year stint as an Executive Assistant. I’m obsessed with gamifying habits as I have trouble staying interested otherwise. So I love habit challenges of any kind. However, I struggle with cooking and menu planning and is the reason I came to this group. I returned last month after more than a year away. It feels great to be back!

    I think we, the Mission Slimpossible Team, are doing a pretty good job finding each other on the Stridekick App and have tried out a few challenges as a group. Several Mission Slimpossible team members have tried out a Tokyo challenge and a leaderboard challenge. This week I wanted to try the “Target” challenge so I invited the 10 participants (10 is the max) with the highest steps from the weekend leaderboard challenge to the new 10k weekday target challenge. https://link.stridekick.com/join?groupCode=KX6J47 - if we fill up that challenge, I’d be happy to create another target one with 9 k daily for others and new Mission Slimpossible friends.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    @micaroo4 I hope Rich is feeling better today, having asthma definitely makes things more frightening. I had a little giggle at him being a collector and you loving to declutter, you must really love each other to make it through the merging phase!

    @txcritter69 I'm sorry for the challenging week. I love your motto!

    @sleepygirl79 Way to go! I've never reported anyone on here but you can block them if they send you private messages on the left side on the website. Under Community on the right side bottom there's a spot that says “Contact Us”. On the app it's under settings. I know you can either contact someone on the forums or leave a message, I don't recall ever getting a response from a contact form so if you can talk to a moderator on the forums that's your best bet. Some of the easy ways to deal with it is if you see a friend has the same friend send them a private message and ask (a friend actually sent me one about this guy like an hour after I'd accepted his and I told her to wait then said no) or many females will post friend requests on their feed asking for feedback. It was weird at first as it felt like talking behind people's backs but I think after you've been through this garbage a bit it makes more sense. I forgot to add with what @FushiaKat had said when I've had that situation they'll say their CC isn't working in the country they're stationed in so can you send them a gift card (their birthdays are surprisingly two weeks away all the time!) or they'll say their kid's birthday is coming up and the card won't work will you send one to that address so their child isn't crying on their birthday. Some female friends don't add men at all anymore, I have some great male friends here so I still tend to give people a chance but scammers or men looking for women as more than friends as pretty common. Yet another thing you can do on the website is if you find a mutual friend see how long ago they added the friend and if it's a short time ago I'd skip it. Sorry this got so long, 4 years of learning everything the hard way! Some other things friends do is if a FR has a private profile or no information about themselves and/or no photo they won't accept as they're more likely to be bots or scammers.

    @AmbersWay Are you going to eat the potatoes or grow them that you got? I think I've talked the food bank farm manager into growing them again, I'd rather not deal with them here after how small they were. I love the idea of adopting older or disabled hamsters. How long do they live? Between my brother and I we had a few rats and they tended to get tumors on them after a couple years which was real sad.

    Way to go Mission Slimpossibles on lost by pounds in 3rd place! @trooworld @txcritter69 @Cornanda you had a great last week of February! @laurelfit57 @davors19 @gemwolf110 @GabiV125 @megnorlia82 Way to go on a great February!

    @laurelfit57 Good luck with the weigh in!

    @trooworld I hope the trip goes well and meeting your cousin is wonderful! I did that through 23andMe and it was real exciting, we still keep in touch and he sent me a video of my great uncle's 70th birthday party which I remember talking about and you'd commented on, made me cry seeing my grandpa. I hope it's all good memories to share with each other.

    @AustinRuadhain I think you can still plant tomatoes, you may have to buy seedlings though! Love you being back!

    @Amanda32390 Hi Amanda! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Wonderful March goals! @Cornanda was saying to someone a few days ago how many of us have emotional eating issues which is definitely true, you're among people with the same struggles (and you obviously have a lot of stress which makes it harder).

    @JenAWhite The challenge sounds really fun, I hope if I get the stimulator I'll be abe to join all of you! I love challenges as well.

    @megnolia82 Wow you're taking all the good pre and probiotics! I agree not to put much stock in the weigh in, just get yourself healthier should be the main focus. I hope this will be the end of the antibiotics for you!

    @shaunarlr83 Wow sounds like an exciting day at work, it doesn't sound boring at all! Congratulations on getting your first ER shift behind you!

    I'm guessing people posted since I started this since I explained a lot to @sleepygirl79 and ran through the app and website to find the contact us info, if anyone is wondering about FR check out my response to her above.

    I only got a few hours sleep, still not feeling the best but I had to disinfect my bathroom after my toilet misadventures yesterday so I Cloroxed the entire bathroom then did all the floors in the house, I'm totally worn out. Did some arm cardio and stretching before all of that too. I took a bath and had Skinnytaste chicken taco soup for dinner and am headed back to read more of The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn. My only issue is they keep popping squares of chocolate in their mouth and slowly letting it melt and after reading 40% today I'm absolutely dying for chocolate! Have a great Monday!

    No Zeros
    cardio, cleaning, great water, and ate healthy and under calories
    about to do my stretching
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @megnolia82 glad you’re having some good days. That’s quite a fluctuation, hopefully that will pass soon. At least you know what’s causing it. I’m on a medication that causes some fluid retention that comes and goes. Yesterday, my face was like a blow fish 🐡 and today it’s not. I just ride the water wave 🙃

  • rodgerd27
    rodgerd27 Posts: 11 Member
    Username: rodgerd27
    Weigh In: Monday
    PW: 106.0 kg
    CW: 106.0 kg (first ever weigh-in)
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi everyone- the beginning of the month is always fun to "meet" new members and be reminded of old friends life circumstances.

    It time to go exercise!

    @micaroo4 - so sorry to hear you broke your wrist. Hope it is not too painful.

    @megnolia82 - I REALLY hope this round of antibiotics works for you!

    Let's have a great week!

  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    @FushiaKat - I sent you a friend request in Stridekick. Let me know if you’d like to be in a team target challenge of 8k steps per day.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    edited February 2023
    JenAWhite wrote: »
    @FushiaKat - I sent you a friend request in Stridekick. Let me know if you’d like to be in a team target challenge of 8k steps per day.

    Hi JenAWhite I will accept the friend request if I can figure it out, but the most steps I can do in a day is 6000 when it's not raining and I'm doing yard work. Which is up from my usual 3000 But the challenge sounds like fun. If you need space for people who can walk more steps, I'm happy to cheer people on from the sidelines.
  • JenAWhite
    JenAWhite Posts: 137 Member
    edited February 2023
    @FushiaKat - thanks for trying to figure out the friend request on Stridekick! I think when you figure it out you’ll find at least three of us from here, but be careful if there are other requests. I make it a point to only accept those I know where they come from, so they don’t try to scam me. 😊 It sounds like when we all get these things figured out, some of us will like different challenges. I have a feeling virtual ones might be some of this team’s favorites. I hope to be your friend soon😉. On my phone, the “friend” button is on the bottom. Once I press that, I have to press the right sight at the top that says “requests.” I’m not sure if that helps or not.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    @AmbersWay I love your attitude, here we come March!

    @megnolia82 I am SO glad to hear you're starting to feel more alert, that's wonderful! I'm hopeful too, I know sometimes we'll feel better mentally before we physically get better (will be interesting to see where gut brain connection and vagus nerve research goes on that). I'm looking forward to you being healthier each and every day, what a frustrating setback!

    @rodgerd27 Hi Dan, welcome! @19shmoo69 will be happy to see a third man show up here, he was just asking how many men were here about a week or so ago. I hope the group works well for you, this is the only group I've stuck with for a decent amount of time and it's been about 4 years now. What's awesome is we're all at different stages and learn so much from one another. I'm happy you're here! Feel free to ask anything you'd like, one thing I've found is things we think we're going through alone we're really not from weight loss to other areas in life.

    @trooworld Oh your meeting sounds like it went great, I'm so glad! It's wonderful you feel like you fit in with your cousins. Growing up as you did doesn't sound fun, I hope you continue to have healthy relationships with this part of your family. I still keep in touch with my cousin if I come across pictures or I'll text him on holidays and wish him and his side of the family a happy Thanksgiving or whatever it is. I think a lot of times people aren't sure what to say to each other and that's an easy way to keep the door open.

    @laurelfit57 Woohoo, congratulations on 30lbs down!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Your rabbit is beautiful! Hey I watched M3gan last night and thought of you! Did you like Smile? Congratulations on 11 years vegan, what an amazing anniversary! Jennifer makes great cards, thank YOU for them! I loved the black cat on the last one, they go straight on my fridge until the next one comes. The lettuce and basil look great! I honestly can't believe how good basil comes out, I may just start growing that in mine but now I'm curious about lettuce too.

    Hi team! I woke up and actually felt a little better finally despite it still raining, it was wonderful to have a break and be able to walk more today. My back had been going out and it was the first day doing a little better so I was careful with it for my workout then spent time thinning my seedlings (my version, I hate killing plants so I try separating extra and repotting them though they don't always make it but I can always give extra away). The food bank farm manager reached out since I disappeared to see if I was ok and I'm meeting him early tomorrow at the greenhouse, he said he cleared some room (I filled our entire row so we've been at a standstill) so we're back to starting seeds tomorrow, yay! I'm recruiting my Dad to help me increase my home setup space so lots of seed stuff. Let's have a great Tuesday everyone!

    No Zero Days
    -chair cardio, ab and arm strengthening, stretching
    -good water/tea
    -good diet, healthy food and under calories (I'm trying to get through some extra stuff but am almost out of fruit and veggies so may have to go to the store)
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    ⚖️WEIGH IN⚖️

    Weigh day Monday
    Previous weight - 173.4
    Current weight - 173.2

    Meant to jump on here when I got to work but we’ve been busy all night. Surprised there was any loss with the foods I’ve been eating.
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