Major March Motivation thread



  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Monday morning, time for some stats:

    * I got 82k steps in despite having the mother of all colds, I'm still sniffing today
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check
    * 2 fitness sessions: only one session as I started to get sick on Wednesday
    * 1 PT session every 2 weeks: check
    * Lose a bit: from 74 (163 lbs) to 72,5 (160 lbs) : currently at 74.
    * Diving and bicycle rides according to weather: none of both due to my cold

    This week will be a though one foodwise as we have a 3 day meeting at work, which means I have no control over WHAT I will eat, but I'll still have control over the portion size. I'm not really good at doing that, so it will be a battle of will.

    @k8richly: doens't it feel good to feel strong enough to shovel snow around for hours? Kudos to you girl !!
    @CeeBeeSlim: I understand you are not crazy about the statins, but I guess you also should be glad that you have access to them in the first place. You'll do fine ! :)
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    My motivation to eat good is negative 678%.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    This week is apparently one where the "lazy" voice is really needing to be put into the backseat. I've been doing and accomplishing and staying productive, and even with enjoying the results, going through that stage of just wanting to be lazy and do nothing and eat like crap. I know, however, that those are the exact thoughts that have sent me down the yo-yo hole in the past (and why I'm taking on the Live Hard challenge.
    Time to build that mental muscle, and keep the any muscle though, it takes time to build it up and you can't let up or you lose it.
  • spl8
    spl8 Posts: 101 Member
    Late check in for the week:
    59 yo, 5'7"
    SW (12/2022) 160
    Week 1 (02/27): 151.6
    Week 2 (03/06): 150.8
    GW 139 (or thereabouts)
    Goals for March: Stick to my 10K training plan. Get under 150. Start pilates class. Continue yoga and regular home strength workouts.

    So far sticking to my goals pretty well. Had my first pilates class today, and I liked it! My core is pathetic, so this class is perfect for me.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    @SherryRueter we’ve all been there. You’ve been through so much recently so it’s not a bad thing you give yourself some grace. You’re still here posting so I’m sure your exercise mojo will come back.

    Having said that - the tough-love side of me says “C’mon girl. We petitioes need you and your energy! Shake it off! We got a few more months til we shed our winter clothes and gonna be as close to our best selves as we can! We got this!!”❤️💪👏🏋️‍♂️😃
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    This week is apparently one where the "lazy" voice is really needing to be put into the backseat......these are the exact thoughts that have sent me down the yo-yo hole in the past (and why I'm taking on the Live Hard challenge.
    Time to build that mental muscle, and keep the any muscle though, it takes time to build it up and you can't let up or you lose it.
    Thanks for posting this
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    @SherryRueter we’ve all been there. You’ve been through so much recently so it’s not a bad thing you give yourself some grace. You’re still here posting so I’m sure your exercise mojo will come back.

    Having said that - the tough-love side of me says “C’mon girl. We petitioes need you and your energy! Shake it off! We got a few more months til we shed our winter clothes and gonna be as close to our best selves as we can! We got this!!”❤️💪👏🏋️‍♂️😃
    And CEEBEE- Thanks for posting this!

    It was a tough february for me. So....let me post once more with what I decided to do last night so that I could pull up my big girl panties and get a move on .

    ??? why are we always pulling up our panties??? seems like a really negative thing...are we standing naked???....maybe the panties need to be re-sized so they don't slip off. Anyway...I digress....
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    workout: 60mins. IRON series - Chest and Back; NOTE: My right shoulder/bicep is killing me! even just sitting here at work. Need to re-assess what I can do for strength training.

    So, last night, while loathing in self pity...having a pity party over eating 3000 calories (Yeah, I logged them.... I guess that's a good thing, but its like ... maybe log them BEFORE I eat them is a better idea for next time)...... I digress

    I went onto Facebook (are you on FB?) I went into a Jym GIRLS (Jim Stoppani) and into a Macro's group and into the JYM Army group. Searched for the word HELP... found some people posting about macros and cutting calories for spring.

    Inspired by their words, I eventually took out my journal and wrote a plan for the next 3 weeks for Macro goals to be hitting. I geek out on figuring this stuff out. The plan is to follow it all week this week. Today I'm not hitting the 1600 - as I figure I had 3000 yesterday....having a down day is perfectly fine. Gives my body a chance to burn what I've added.


    Starting at 1600 calories this week.
    Recommendations were:
    1 - 1.5 grams of protein per body weight #
    .5 grams Fat per pound of body weight
    the rest = Carbs.

    Week 1: Daily (1600 cal target)
    Protein: 108-162g (108*4=432 cal) (162*4=648 cal)
    Fat: 50g (50 * 9=450 cal) 450 cal
    Carbs: 125g- 179g (179*4=718 cal) or 502 cal

    ** Assuming 2# loss**

    Week 2: Daily (1500 cal target)
    Protein: 106-159g (106*4=424 cal) (159*4=636 cal)
    Fat: 53g (53 * 9=477 cal) ( 477 cal )
    Carbs: 149g- 96g (179*4=599 cal) or 387 cal

    ** Assuming 2# loss **

    Week 3: Daily (1450 cal target)
    Protein: 104-156g (104*4=416 cal) (156*4=624 cal)
    Fat: 52g (52 * 9=468 cal) ( 468 cal )
    Carbs: 149g- 102g (141.5*4=566 cal) or ( 408 cal )

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    @spl8 Did you enjoy the pilates class?
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    44, F, 5' 7"
    GW: 128-135(ish - TBD)
    SW 01-2023: 157.6
    3/1/23: 152
    3/8/23: 151.6

    Yesterday had a nice power walk in the greenspace by my office (one of the 2x/month I have to go in), according to my FitBit really got my heart rate up for quite sometime, but unsure how accurate the readings were, although it was well sustained so might have been accurate.
    Sun is still shining on clear skies today, but forecast is showing rain every couple/few days as far out as it goes (and a fair bit of it), but at least some sunny days in between.
    I'm having some interesting insights going through 75Hard/Live Hard, especially when I take my "why" into consideration. Today I was thinking about the fact had I not failed almost a month ago, I'd be completing 75 Hard next Friday in just over a week....instead, I'm not even halfway through. Remembering my 'why' brought my thoughts around to how, despite the set back, not all progress is lost when you have a setback (and my brain was applying this to life as well). If you keep doing the work, there may be a setback, but much of your previous progress is still there. In this application, the fitness and health changes are all still there. The weight loss is still there. I'm still feeling a million times better on the bike due to those things.
    I was taking those thoughts and lessons and applying them to life and business. With starting my own business, I'm sure to run into setbacks. There are going to be things that feel like they have sent me back to day one and will make me question if it was all worth it. Thing is, it's never a full set back. I will have learned valuable lessons, I will have gained experience, and I will reset from a better place to start with. And this is the story of life - if I stay focused on my goals, keep doing what I need to do every day, keep up with the small daily touches every day, I AM going to keep heading in the right direction, even if it seems to come in starts and fits and back and forth.
    In a way it was comforting, in other ways, it was like "strap in girlfriend, it's going to be a crazy ride" but seeing this lesson in this light was helpful.
    I don't know if I would call it motivating - it's not like it fired me up to go do my things, but more of an acceptance that the work WILL pay off, just not always on the timelines or in the ways we originally planned. Gotta do the work though, or progress will halt...
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 - this is SO inspiring!
    Today I was thinking about the fact that had I not failed almost a month ago,
    I'd be completing 75 Hard next Friday
    ... but instead, I'm not even halfway through.

    Remembering my 'why' brought my thoughts around
    not all progress is lost when you have a setback

    If you keep doing the work, there may be a setback,
    but much of your previous progress is still there.

    In this application, the fitness and health changes are all still there.
    The weight loss is still there.

    With starting my own business, I'm sure to run into setbacks.
    There are going to be things that feel like they have sent me back to day one
    and will make me question if it was all worth it.

    Thing is, it's never a full set back.
    I will have learned valuable lessons,
    I will have gained experience, and
    I will reset from a better place to start with.

    And this is the story of life -
    When I stay focused on my goals,
    keep doing what I need to do

    keep up with the small daily touches
    I AM then still heading in the right direction
    even if it seems to come in
    starts and stops and setbacks
    back and forth
    forth and back

    Its more of an acceptance
    the work WILL pay off

    just not always on the timelines originally planned.
    Stay doing the work lest your progress will halt...
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    Monday: IRON series - Legs
    Tuesday: IRON series: CHest and Back
    Wed: IRON series: Cardio and Glutes

    Great workout. Planned my food for today, which was a little difficult as work is bringing in Chick FilA, and my daughter and I go out to eat on the 1st Wed of the month. Thankfully, we are choosing a deli that has their nutrition online. Then I plugged in other foods to meet the budget.
    What I noticed is that when eating 2+Meals out, we get in more breads and less veggies. Thus less fiber, which means hitting the daily recommended 25+grams is NOT happening today without concerted effort.

    My mom and brother met with the Lawyer yesterday to get a few things shored up and started on the transfer of assets to my mom. So, last night I got to talk to my mom for a good 30mins. She sounded okay. Today is her busy day at the senior center. I am SO thankful she is the leader of the Senior center as almost ALL of the ladies there have lost their husbands as well. What a great support team for her! And I remind her...if they can do it, and survive, SO CAN YOU!

    Oh, and last night I went to a church ladies activity where we planted a bowl garden (paid and brought home).... met a lady of the curch that is around my age and told her that we had to do a meet up sometime and just take a walk. I hope she can become my first friend (since moving to memphis, I don't have any lady friends).

    Also thinking of going to ZUMBA tonight to see if I can start to make some friends there also.

  • spl8
    spl8 Posts: 101 Member
    @SherryRueter - I liked the pilates! Who knew there were so many different ways to work the core. And the group in the class seem really nice with good camaraderie.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    Totally messed up yesterday. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!

    Its over and done. I beat myself up most of last night.
    on to today.
    Started with a 10min mindfulness meditation.
    then a 45min Elliptical ride.

    Now at work.
    Lunch is packed, -not hungry so just had my protein shake.

    I've thought about checking in more often. moreover, I need to do some mind work. One slip up leads me to "F" this. which ain't good for my body or my mind.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yeah @SherryRueter. It happens to all of us. Just shake it off - it’s over and done with now. What worked for you in the past? It may be a bit rocky before you get your mojo back but you WILL get it back.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    @ceebeeslim - what i've tried in the past doesnt' seem to be working because my mindset is off.
    So, I'm listening to some mindset stuff.....Following a few new ladies on instagram that are more about Mindset and manifesting.
    The better you feel, the more you can give
    What daily habit do you need to do today? Stop thinking about the habit you need to do next week.

    Give yourself the best selfcare, self talk and positivity. Talk positively to yourself. Give yourself a pep rally each morning and manifest your best self.
    prioritize your goals
    prioritize your choices
    prioritize your time spent
    prioritize your energy

    What choices do I have that I need to prioritize?

    and...prioritize your protein. Prioritize to have some at each meal. It will take a little bit for your metabolism to adjust but, your cravings will diminish.

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @SherryRueter: I have an app called Anki, that reminds you every day (or whenever you set it) to read some study flashcards. I have flashcards with my "Why's" and "what if's". Every morning, I get a reminder to read them and it won't go away until I did. It forces me to be mindful about what I am doing. Maybe this can help you?

    From my side: I had a crazy 3 day onsite meeting at work, where I knew I would struggle: luscious breakfasts and wonderful buffets galore. I was planning to do some portion control, but I completely lost it. Danish pastries at breakfast, chips and dessert at lunch, and two portions of brownies after an evening bbq... just let me say it didn't go well and I've gain a pound. Also, I felt so incredibly tired and sluggish yesterday, and I'm pretty sure it's at least party because of eating all that crap.

    Anyweeeez... I've logged it all (approximately because one never knows how it's really made), I've owned it and since yesterday I'm back to normal. Oats for brekkie, healthy sammies for lunch and a well portioned dinner. I undid two weeks of effort in three days, but that's how it is.

    So I have put my big girls panties back on :lol: and I am so ready for the weekend !

    Enjoy it all when you get there ladies !! :kissing_heart:
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 160
    End of month GW: 153.5

    3/2: 155.3
    3/10: 155.7
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    @SherryRueter my daily "power list" has - literally - been life and health altering. Fitness and healthy eating aside, it has been elemental in lowering my stress so significantly it has had major positive impacts both mentally and physically. I know I've talked about it before, but if you think it might help, I'm happy to share some details on how it functions and why I believe it worked so well for me.
    In other news, I got some awesome news yesterday FINALLY passing the application process to sit for the PMP exam! It took 3 tries, and after getting audited on my first one, the rest are all auto-audited, so it took some doing and digging for me to get approved, but it finally happened! Exam is scheduled for May so that I have plenty of time to study and do tons of practice tests since that's really the key element for me, understanding how they write questions and how you need to approach them. I was studying late last year into this year a bit as well, so I've got a head start on that. Getting the certification will make me a lot more marketable to potential clients as I really want to get this business off the ground and running - it's making money, but as a one-man show right now, and I have a much bigger vision for it lol.
    SOOOOO glad it's Friday though, for some reason I've just been tired this week. No good reason for it, other than lots of little things and I think just hitting that stage in the new lifestyle where all the newness of it has fully worn off, but the results are still slow coming, so in that stage where things drag on a bit - but determined to stay disciplined and focused - I've made a ton of progress, and excited to see where it can take me from here!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    Proud of myself today. Lowest weight since holidays 2021 (never got past the holiday weight gain and just kept going up). Plus for two moments last night I forgot my IF schedule requires me to stop eating at 9:00. At about 9:30 I went for a handful of cashews, was still under calories, remembered my fast and put them all back. Later when my mom asked for some cheese and crackers, I reached for one triscuit and also put it
    back. Heading home next week so hope once I reunite with hubs I can keep it going 🙏🏽🙏🏽🤪