Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
    I'm so sorry to be late with the Habit Tracker for May! Here it is - it is open for anyone to use.

    This is a simple and user-friendly way to track those small habits that add up to success. Go for it!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member
    Daily Post ~ Monday

    Track ~ Yes
    Calories ~ MFP Yes, WW No
    Exercise ~ No
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,227 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Jennifer, I didn't realize you were a horror movie fan. I think my boyfriend has an EXTENSIVE collection of horror movies on DVDs. He says it's "only the good ones" that he collects. Everything from the classics to the gruesome, he loves them.

    We've had rain rain rain, and then the sun came out yesterday for half the day, but we are in for more rain rain rain for the rest of the week. Grass is very green and very long, but can't mow because it's wet and under the grass it's muddy. We had some major flooding in some areas of New Hampshire on Sunday night; some roads got closed and will need repair before they are safe for cars. I don't think the rain that falls for the rest of this week will be downpours like Sunday night, so we are probably safe from any more flooding. Anyway I'm grateful for the rain because I know that we need it; I just wish it would come in measured doses and not all at once!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @sleepygirl79 @shaunarlr83 @Cornanda congrats on making it onto the leaderboard! Special shout out to @GabiV125 for 4 weeks in the green, way to go!

    @DJill68 When you have a change to your weigh-in days or weights, please tag @broncobuddee he will handle it for you. I LOVE the view from your back porch! How peaceful is that? Wow.

    @gemwolf110 Great job with the tracking and exercise!

    @laurelfit57 Congrats on the loss! Violet is really smart and very food motivated, we can get her to do almost anything for a sliver of cheese lol. We are trying to teach her down (as in lay down) now. That is hard because we get her sitting and then moving towards down but her butt pops up at the last minute lol. You are right, animals, humans, we all have issues lol. I did have a great day on Saturday. Lots of fun! Sorry about your sleep. Wow, sounds like you are doing really well with the social eating. Congrats! It definitely is challenging when you aren't getting enough sleep to function. I hope your hamstring gets better soon so you can get back to the gym. Wow, great weather! Oh my gosh, your grandson's hair is amazing! Your daughter is so creative. I bet he was the star of the class!

    @sleepygirl79 I hate when that happens. Just keep doing your healthy habits and hopefully next week, the scale will reflect your hard work.

    @gjaholy33 Congrats on your success so far, 78.6 lbs is AMAZING! And to be cleared to go back to work in February--- BRAVO!!! You are rocking it! Thank you for your YouTube link. I will check it out. I did WW for many years and loved it. I am not doing it right now due to finances.

    @AmbersWay Congrats on the loss! I'm sorry you are sick. Is there a hamster of your own in the future? I think taking good care of yourself is a great no-zero. You are doing great!

    @megnolia82 Great job on the bike and with your eating!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Sophie is ADORABLE! So is Kismet! Such a pretty coat.

    @Katmary71 I hope the steroids kick in soon and that it helps. Hugs. Gerat no zeros! What a nice family you have! Thanks for sharing.

    @fairymange Congrats on the loss!

    @Bemybestby60 Health problems in the family is great motivation to get healthy. Your flowers are gorgeous! I bet that just makes your day to see those.

    Hi all. Sorry this is so long, that's what I get for not coming here yesterday (was busy and didn't have time). I am doing pretty well. I tracked my food yesterday and ate healthily.

    MY NO-ZERO DAY WIN FROM YESTERDAY: Drank the minimum amount of water (50 oz), tracked my meals.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Mariamamjad
    Mariamamjad Posts: 83 Member
    Monday, it's bank holiday in uk so forgot was Monday 🙈
    PW: 185.8
    CW: 185.4

    Had a rough last few weeks with motivation so I'm really hoping I can turn this around
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 229 Member
    The first one is me with my mom, daughter and daughter in law. The second is me and my kids.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »

    Chris and I thought it would be fun to start off the first week of the month sharing via pictures things we love or that are important in our lives each day with one another such as or families, pets, hobbies, special momentos, or anything else you may like to share. It's always been so fun to see pictures from all of you and it would be a great way to know each other better and welcome our new members in On MFP in a group that means sending a pic from your phone to download on a computer and uploading but I'm sure there's other ways I'm unsure of as well. If you have issues please post what you're using (for example I use an Android phone and can't attach pics in group which is why I send them to my email and download to my laptop).

    Can't wait to see and hear more about all of you!

    I was actually thinking I’m going to post more pictures!!! If any of you were my fb friend you would know I’m a huge picture person 😂😂😂

    I have an IPhone and cannot post from the app but as long as I log in through the web browser I can.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @Katmary71 – You have me cracking up! 64F in Michigan is a heat wave! Love the family photo.
    @shaunarlr83 – I’m sure you’ll have that excess off in no time with those crazy hikes you take! So happy to hear your family members are starting to eat healthy, too. It always helps when we are not in it alone. Love your hiking photos. Such pretty scenery!
    @micaroo4 – I have over 1,600 DVDs and Blu-rays. I love collecting physical media! I have all the ones I love plus ones that are so bad they should never take up real estate in anyone’s collection! I enjoy a wide variety – anywhere from B-rated to Lovecraft to revenge to killer animals and people to banned ones. I have one stack on my shelf that my kids know they shouldn’t watch because they are too extreme. Thankfully they trust me. I probably shouldn’t even keep them, but sometimes I like to re-watch. We’ve had lots of rain here, too, so my yard is quite the mess. Not looking forward to when it dries enough to mow and whatnot.
    @Bemybestby60 – Welcome! Your siblings definitely give you pause to think about your own health. You have beautiful tulips – are you an avid gardener like @Katmary71 is?
    @trooworld – I’m laughing at Violet being motivated by cheese! And good job on your water :)
    @Mariamamjad – We are here for you! What can we do to help with motivation?
    @DJill68 – Love that quilt! That is some serious work – how many hours did it take?
    @txcritter69 – What a happy, beautiful family! We need another pic of Diesel, too, tho!
    @tfelts147 – Dang! 12,000 steps is awesome! Hope your daughter likes her new car, too!

    I had a fantastic visit with my therapist yesterday. He said he could tell right away I was having a good day. Just gotta stay focused. Main thing for eating is making sure I have foods ready to prevent mindless eating (which typically turns into binging). You know I’m a huge horror fan, but I’ve run out of movies to see at the theater (saw Renfield twice, Evil Dead Rise, The Pope’s Exorcist), so Hunter and I are going to watch Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. Not gonna lie. I really want to see Beau is Afraid, but from the Parent’s guide, I know Hunter would hate the movie (she doesn’t like gratuitous nudity or bad language). I just don’t want to go by myself, so I’ll probably wait until I can just buy it. Had a great lunch of salad and a stew of veggies and barley, so I’m ready for my bag of popcorn sans butter.
    Everyone have a great afternoon and don’t forget to eat some veggies!

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