Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 507 Member
    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 144.6
    CW: 144.6
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 182 Member
    @DJill68 hope you co to use to feel better. Whether you decide to test or not, it sure does sound like Covid. Smart of you to quarantine regardless.
    @AmbersWay how was Fast X? I kind of want to go. I mean what’s not to love about fast cars and John Cena, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham AND Jason Mamoa?!

    I have been MIA again this week. I have tracked every day but not kept up to date on posts. Did ok with eating during the week and actually had a few days under calorie goal (this is rare). But also had some WAY over. So win for me that I didn’t gain I guess. I feel like I am starting to lose a bit of motivation. The scale isn’t moving like I wish it would, despite my efforts. If anyone has any good tips, please fire them my way. This next week will be a bit difficult; 4 birthdays in the family. Wish me luck and lots of will power.
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 825 Member
    May 21 weigh in Megnolia82


    I guess I’m down 2 from last week but I feel so crummy.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    WI: Sunday
    PW: 198.6
    CW: 199

    Ugh my first time going up I think. I’m not shocked. Exercise is down, types of foods not the best. Trying to get back to my usual though.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @trooworld you were a busy gal. I need to see that movie. I remember reading the book as a kid.

    @sleepygirl79 the movie wasn’t highly rated online and I get why (the ending was unexpected and you must wait to see the bits after credits). But if you’re like us that always go to see them like a family tradition, we enjoyed it. I think it was a lot of build up for the next one, which I wonder will it be the last. Yep can’t beat the cast. Adding Jason M was fun. He played his part in a way that I wasn’t expecting. My husband is all about fast cars, so it’s always been fun to watch the movies and relive the good old days and be thankful his racing ended well. Also, thankful my son didn’t take after his dad, his truck is supercharged and has all the fun stuff added but he’s my mellow kid. 😂 These girls are getting bicycles and I still worry.

    Hitting a rut myself. I’m trying to give myself some talks. Literally, telling myself to move, to get out of the kitchen and drink more water. I need to find some new low cal meals to prep.

    @DJill68 I hope you’re feeling better today.


    We had a nice mother daughter night out. Sephora, the fancy cinema with recliners and butler service, and a purse of Swedish fish and Reeses that I brought home for the little. Now I need to take my youngest to see Guardians of the Galaxy. She’s been having rough days at school and needs a break.

    Did I mention that I am so ready for summer break? Beyond ready!! I love having the kids home with me.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @sleepygirl79 Holy jumping hormones Batman, I didn't realize all the gorgeous stars in that movie, it's been so long since I've seen one!

    @trooworld What did you think of Are You There God? I loved her books too, Forever just came out as well which I think was the older book I snuck into my pile and was terrified my mom would know it was about a woman's first love. Is Are You There the one where she has scoliosis and gets a back brace? I was so scared I'd need one too after reading that, I did but not for scoliosis. I remember the spin the bottle scene if that's it.

    Hi team, don't have my glasses on so I can't congratulate the top winners as I can't see them, I'm just popping in to wish you all a wonderful Monday! My support group meeting was an hour away, I'm nervous on freeways these days so I'm proud I did it even though I'm it's hard getting there and i was nervous. The worker who said at most it's a block away parking was wrong so I'm glad I took my walker. It's a Northern CA support group and we're all scattered, not many people come to them and the 3 that did have been dealing with it for about as long as I have. Most members stay in bed, it helps me to see others who haven't given up. Their ice cream was some of the best I've ever had, it's a good thing it's far
    away! I'm exhausted and drinking my tea then bed, sorry for not catching up more!

    No Zeros
    - support group meeting helped me mentally
    - good water
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I've been having so much trouble getting back on track. About a week ago I posted on my newsfeed that I was getting back on track. It lasted 2 or 3 days and that was it. I am 20 lbs heavier than I was this time last year. Our weather all of a sudden decided it was summer and I can not wear all the cute clothes I wore last year. I feel disappointed, depressed and down right mad at myself.

    I don't know if anyone is still doing Stridekick, but if anyone would like to send me an invite for a challenge, I'll be happy to join. Those that aren't and/or can't do Stridekick and have some challenges in mind, I will be happy to try. My favorite things to do are walking and dancing. Lol, I'm very diverse when it comes to music. One day I could be listening to country that my grandma used to listen too or gospel that my other grandma used to listen too. The next day I could be listening to pop or metal. It really depends on my mood.

    I can even try food challenges, it would be the first time though.

    I'm going to keeping checking back here and being more active. My laptop is getting ready to die on me and I'm tired so goodnight y'all 🙂
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Happy Monday!

    So last week Went okay although I gain 2.4lbs I had a lot of NSVs that I am very proud of. Continue making my 5 workouts in 5 days yay went as far as creating a different workout Playlist for everyday on YouTube with Tuesdays and Thursdays being my strength training days was going to push it to three days but so glad I didn't as started feeling the results on Friday afternoon so I'm good 🤣🤣🤣🤣 also made meal prep meals that I stuck with. On Friday had McDonald's again as that's what my nephew wanted for his date night with me but made wise choices for myself this time and didn't overeat (thanks to last week WW technique making a plan to eat high points foods) so proud of me. Also ate prepared meals all weekend so didn't fall into the trap of ordering in although was soo closed yesterday cause had severe back pain.

    Looking forward to this week my S.T.A.R. GOAL is to complete 6 workouts in 6 days and to eat prepared meals 6x this week.

    Have a blessed and productive week rooting for you all. #wecandothistogether
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    🎉Congrats to everyone on the leaderboard this week 🎉

    @Katmary71 I’m glad you made it to the group and great ice cream to top it off. I’m so happy you haven’t given up, continue to share your story and support us all. You’re amazing 🤩

    @DrewsAnna I sent you an invite for a stridekick. Shauna and I are starting one today. I like all kinds of music too and am with you when comes to getting back on track. So you’re not alone. I’m taking it day by day at this point.

    @gjaholy33 good for you! You’re doing great. Surviving McD’s is a success. Hot fries would be my downfall.

    Stridekick Challenge starting today. If anyone wants to join, 7 spots open. Let me know and I’ll send you an invite. It’s just a step challenge this week. Leaderboard

    Thanks Shauna for posting! I really do better with challenges.

    Thanks to the gals who got the stretching started too.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm back home. I'm back in the gym. I'm back to eating properly. I found a new workout. It's based in the strong lift 5x5. It's titled Ice Cream. While I can no longer eat ice cream at least I can say I had some. Lol
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    @AmbersWay - Invite me to the stridekick challenge please!

    Got some stomach bug and have been up and down with how I'm feeling all weekend. Hoping today is better. Sleep has been the pits since Thursday night too.

    DD has been home a week now and she's been a bit of a pill. I think the reality of her situation has hit her- while she removed herself from a toxic roommate, she is now living with her parents, needing to find new friendships and graduation/real life are in her near future. Trying to be patient with her while she works through this.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    Congratulations to the whole team for achieving 3rd place by percentage AND pounds! And special shout out to @DJill68 @Mariamamjad and @broncobuddee for leading the way! Woot woot!

    @sleepygirl79 I know it isn't what you wanted, but at least you maintained rather than had a gain. To keep your motivation up, you might try setting small, achievable goals so you can get some "wins" under your belt. For instance, setting a goal of drinking 20 oz of water a day, or walking for 10 minutes or tracking just breakfast. If you can do one of those for a week, try adding another healthy habit/goal in. Some people are motivated by rewards, so maybe set up some rewards for your healthy habits. Oh gosh, 4 birthdays! Can you set up an expectation that you maintain or only gain 1 lb for the week? That's a lot to get through. Good luck! <3

    @AmbersWay I was! It was a really charming movie, definitely see it if you read the book. Sounds like you had a fun mother-daughter night out! Summer break will be here before you know it! :D

    @Katmary71 I loved it! I don't remember how it compares to the book as I read the book 40 years ago, but it was a great movie. No, Are You There is not the one with scoliosis, I believe that one is Deenie. I didn't read that one, I don't think. Spin the Bottle scene is in Are You There and it was a great scene in the movie as well. I'm glad the support group was helpful. Sorry it was further away than anticipated. Hugs.

    @19shmoo69 Welcome home.

    @Cornanda I hope you feel better today. I hope your DD can work through her issues soon.

    Hi all. I had a great time at the zoo yesterday but my legs were still sore and tired from the art museum from the day before. I ended up very tired for the rest of the day. We ordered food delivery last night. I made a healthy choice: a chicken kebab, small Greek side salad, small hummus and roasted broccoli. I hate not even half of it and saved the rest for today. Unfortunately, I got into some snacky stuff during the day. Today is a new day.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    Still sick. Moved into my chest. 2nd Covid test still negative. Continuing my meds and lots of fluids. Got a shower and changed my bedding last night, but still not up and about much. Trying to keep to myself so others in the house won’t get it. This is way worse than the 2 times I had Covid! I’m sure I picked up a bug when I took FIL to the doctor last week. Thank God he didn’t get it! I don’t think he could have handled it. Need to find someone to take him for his MRI appointment tomorrow, checking to see if cancer has spread.

    I ate pizza last night! It wasn’t even good pizza. It’s basically all I ate yesterday, so I’m not going to stress about it too much. No one felt like cooking. I’ve been doing Keto, so that’s a big no no. I’m starting to see how things fall apart when I am out of commission. Laundry, food, housework.

    My goals today in between rain showers is to get outside and at least walk up and down the walkway for fresh air and some exercise. Stay upright as much as I can, so this head & chest congestion can maybe get moving. Take my meds, drink more water. Use Neti pot, use humidifier. Pay bills online. Find something to eat that is easy and not full of carbs.

    I made the leaderboard, but what a way to do it! Do not recommend!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @AmbersWay - please add me to the Stridekick challenge. I've never done one before and I just added the app and registered. Same user name as here - vegan4lyfe2012 - looking forward to getting some movement motivation! Thanks!

    Well, everyone, I've been in my usual monthly downward spiral. That means TOM is going to rear his ugly head soon. On a positive note, I'll get some Grammy time this weekend with Miss Sophie. And Hunter is getting super close - only 2 1/2 weeks until her due date (as long as baby Byron doesn't refuse eviction).

    In the meantime, here's a photo of my lunch. Rancho Gordo Vaquero beans, roasted poblanos and brown rice all topped with the most divine sauce Hunter made me - Spicy Jalepeno Quesedilla sauce! So freaking scrumdiddlyumptious! Be jealous!

    So here's to a new week of fresh possibilities and positive vibes! Let's do this!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @cornanda - OMGoodness, Lisa! What a sweet, thoughtful card you sent me for Mother's Day! I love it!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member

    @vegan4lyfe2012 please try this link. It keeps giving me an error when I try to search for your name.

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    AmbersWay wrote: »

    @vegan4lyfe2012 please try this link. It keeps giving me an error when I try to search for your name.

    Just now seeing this, but I did receive the invite and accepted :smile: Thanks!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @DrewsAnna I’m normally down for challenges but can’t do anything right now, I’m sorry! I hope you find some good challenges for you. Try not to beat yourself up, you’re taking charge now and I don’t want shame to paralyze you! I have a playlist with dances on it if you’d like them, they’re mostly one song dances.
    @giaholy33 Way to go on the workouts, you’re doing amazing! Sounds like the lucky number this week is 6!

    @AmbersWay Thank you! Good luck with the challenge this week!

    @19shmoo69 I’m glad to hear you’re back on track!

    @Cornanda Oh boy things sound tough with your daughter, I hope she doesn’t take it out on you too hard. It’s hard coming back home after being out of the house, for everyone involved!

    @Djjill68 @Mariamamjad @broncobuddee congratulations! Congrats team on 3rd place!

    @trooworld Not surprising I scrambled a few books, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! That food delivery sounds real yummy. Sounds like it’s time for a little rest from the places that are a lot of walking.

    @DJill68 That cold/flu isn’t letting up, geez! I’m glad your FIL didn’t also get it and hope you’re recovering soon. I hope you’re able to get some walking in, sounds like a good plan on your schedule.

    @Mariamamjad Back to basics is a good plan!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That meal looks amazing!

    Hi team! I rent from my parents and my dad’s saying super annoying stuff today like why did I buy 1 gallon of fence stain for the handyman when I should’ve gotten 5 gallons (it’s $50 a gallon that’s why plus it’s one section of fence and I know nothing about it to begin with perhaps!)? He likes to stand over people when they do stuff at his house and I’m not that way at all but he’s wanting reports on all the details and complains about all the stuff I'm doing lately. Did some light gardening for a short time but that’s it. My new med is just making me feel like I have the flu (neighbor gave me a Zolfran and it’s helping the nausea). I may not put on the next dose which is tomorrow. Have a great Tuesday, sorry for being a grump! Been looking at wheelchairs and scooters, I can’t afford to be disabled, even used the car lift is as much as the scooters. I’m skipping the farm since I can’t do it now but am going for the mushroom talk tomorrow.

    No Zero Days
    - Healthy food under calories
    - Gardening, light stretching
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