WaistAways Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 601 Member
    PW: 212.4
    CW: 216.8 😫

    I just got back from RI yesterday and I know a lot of this is water weight, but still, I thought I ate good overall. Oh well, back to my normal routine.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 601 Member
    I agree with the saying the next week starts the minute you weigh in. I had a gain this week and was out of my home environment. Today, I had a perfect day. I was able to eat according to plan and got to the gym for body pump 🏋🏼‍♀️

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    edited August 2023
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    I agree with the saying the next week starts the minute you weigh in. I had a gain this week and was out of my home environment. Today, I had a perfect day. I was able to eat according to plan and got to the gym for body pump 🏋🏼‍♀️


    edit a while later, after typing that word:

    OK - I have to tell you a silly story. Years ago when my daughter was doing her basic training and lots of drill, she told me that one of her squad mates was a 6'6" big fit guy who looked totally soldierly. But he was hilarious. One of their drills is this one -

    Every time they did it, even at serious parade events, the guy would quietly say "FABulous" in a very silly undertone while they had their elbows out, side stepping. Trying to keep a straight face. I cannot hear or think that word anymore without picturing him being FABulous.

    Now you are too!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Seriously! Now - Thursday folks all lined up, right?

    And a few pre-Thursday people who need to catch up :blush:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Thursday weigh-in
    Username ashleycarole86

    PW 205.8
    CW 204
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 221 Member
    Yesterday was a good day, I did not exercise this morning, I will do it when I get home.

    Have a great day !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    It took me forever to figure out how to get here! LOL! Social media is not my thing!
    Would chat more but heading to the gym to work out with a friend! 2nd week of going --- so out of shape, but gotta start somewhere!
    I'm so glad you got here! It is wonderful that you have started going to the gym and that you have a friend to help keep you going. It helps so much when you don't want to disappoint them, even when you don't really feel like going. You'll never wish you had not gone afterwards, even if you are a bit sore!

    When you're back, pop on and tell us a bit about yourself. We're a curious bunch :wink: Also, since social media is not your jam, ask any questions any time.

    To start with, bookmark this team chat! Just go to the top of the page and look for the dms0bo9f2331.png
    Click on that! Then it will always show up in your list also at the top of the page where all your groups and bookmarks are listed under the heading Quick Links.

    When you go into MFP, hit Community, and then you'll see your quick links. Good luck!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I'm so torn. I really want to join the gym. Somehow being gym member motivates me to eat better and exercise, but that doesn't last long and I ended up paying for not using it 😢

    Other option is get out bikes from the shed, fix it and go on rides with my son 😊 I also have dumbells in the shed. I could do few exercises with it. The second option is obviously better. Nothing better than spending time with my boy, but how do I get myself motivated to exercise? In the gym I just have to do it. At home? All the excuses not to 🙄

    Your advise is greatly appreciated 😊❤️
    Great question! I think the bike rides with your son sound amazing. Get that bike fixed up! If going to the gym energy runs out, I totally get that. I just hate leaving home to go there too, even though it is a great place to work out and get help. SO, you might try some of the online exercise programs. Many are free, and even those that are not are usually more affordable than a gym membership. I like the ones that track your workouts on a calendar, or (even better) give you a workout every day so you don't even have to choose which one to do. I use a Pilates program that is like that, and the ease of using it makes it possible to really stick with it. (it is called Lindywell) But there are tons of these, and I am sure other team people have recommendations. My fave guy in the UK is Greg Brookes. He has tons of free stuff, both using just bodyweight and using kettlebells. You want to find something that is within your abilities and progresses at a good speed for you. You don't need to go all out and then not be able to keep going. Short and effective workouts are out there.

    That said, going to the gym if you have a buddy to go with works great too :smiley:

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Hi I'm Michele and I've been part of this community for quite a while now. I looked back at my intro from last August.

    Hi everyone. I’m Michele, 58, living outside Philadelphia, Pa. I, too, moved recently and piled on a bunch of pounds. Like 16 I think! Now, I am just coming off my 5 day isolation from Covid. Hubby and I got out, masked, and walked almost 2 miles in the woods today. It felt great to be out. I e been with this awesome group for a long time now. I think since February 2019! I love this group!! What a bunch of all stars and wonderful friends.

    @jugar My starting weight for august is 208.9. Considering all that I put in my mouth this week. Not awful. I need to get myself together and get a plan. Working on that.

    So post menopausal ✅
    Move with a weight gain ✅
    Loves shoes ✅
    Just getting over COVID✅
    Former member and employee of WW ✅

    I have about 35 pounds I’d like to lose, But my first goal is just to get below 200 again./i]

    Well, I'm a year older. Moved again into what I hope is my forever home even closer to Philadelphia. Still trying to get it situated from the move. I am definitely having difficulty getting that done. My success this past year has been nil. But I am still here. The last few years have been super challenging for me in my life. My weight lately has been hovering around 211 after being so close to 200 again. My stress has helped me lose weight the past couple year while feeling not great, followed by feeling less stressed and gaining.

    Hopefully, I will start experiencing "normal" life and can get to it. This is not a happy weight for me because I don't feel great. My body hurts all over. I don't know if it's the weight (can't help) or my age or what I am putting in my body, but I don't like it and it is not my norm. Or what was my norm. I do thing being post menopausal is part of the equation, because lots of things have gone downhill in the last few years since.

    So here I am. I loved the wonderful comments here. Silver linings, observations about putting ourselves
    last, starting the work from the weigh in (or right now). I have spent so much time reading comments and catching up that I am itching to get some steps in. I am in my house alone, which hardly happens and I want to enjoy it. Thanks friends for all you contribute here.

    My goals for this August are quite the same as last August. I'd like to get closer to being below 200. Losing 11 pounds is unrealistic for me, so I will go with...

    ~ Losing weight overall during the month of August. Green month!!
    ~Drinking 64 ounces of water a day (at least)
    ~Logging my food most days good, bad, or ugly!!
    ~10-15 minutes of actual exercise 3x during the week. (I'm starting from scratch.)

    Good luck to everyone! Congrats on being our Biggest Loser in July to Lauren. Welcome new members! Hugs to all of us struggling. We are all here for each other. <3

    Now, I'm going to go move my body. Been sitting for FAR too long. Make it a great day!
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