Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 257
    CW: 257 <3

    Let's go get it!! B)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @AmbersWay Yikes that sounds awful for your husband. Will the bones eventually be corrected at a later date? Huge hug and prayers, I know it’s hard and you’re probably extra empathetic since you’ve been through severe pain issues. Your neighbors sound wonderful and I’m happy your nephew is helping out. I’m so glad your husband got some rest in the chair. When I had my back fusions I helped moderate a support group for spine issues and when the Zero Gravity chair came out a few people swore it was the only way they could get sleep and we all bought them.

    @maggybd Funny you said that, I straightened up my pantry the other night even though I didn’t feel good and it’s bringing me a lot of joy when I open the door now to see everything organized. Cleaning is hard but I’d given up at one point and it was a disaster so I take a lot of pride in it being semi-clean now, those workouts you get results from like cleaning or gardening are awesome. Good luck hitting 199 and being back to Onederland soon!

    @trooworld I saw that about Splenda too, I’m doing fairly well with stevia and use the leaves in tea but just killed my plant cutting it back too much. Well shoot I’m not going to ask if they’ve fought if they did it after I asked! Thank goodness your husband is ok, that’s so disappointing about the fight. I went to the YMCA when I visited my aunt and uncle in Washington, theirs was amazing and I loved it! They have great classes too. What kind of tea bags did you use in that recipe, it sounds great and I want to try as I have a lot of mint. I think the only plain tea bags I have is Lipton and have no clue how many years ago I bought those. I'll be collecting seeds from my strawberry mint if you (or anyone else) wants some, just send me a private message and your address.

    @19shmoo69 I just read @trooworld ‘s post did you mean groups in Fat2Fit or other groups? I’ve been in other groups outside of Fat2Fit but this is the only one I’ve done since the beginning. Thanks for the answer, only on accident. Haha “the competition” made me laugh, no posting sundae photos in the other groups!

    @bethanie0825 Yum but yes I agree, lots of sodium from a meal like that! Hey definitely pat yourself on the back for not sounding like you’re dying, the progress for now is awesome even if it isn’t what you’re used to and you should be proud.

    Hi team! Don’t recall if I said this the other day but I’d been planning on asking the pain doctor for steroids and my appointment got moved a week out last minute, I was doing bad enough to go to the ER for them yesterday and because of the upper body increase in symptoms they insisted on a neck MRI so I was there for over 9 hours. They wouldn’t let me eat in case I had to go into surgery. My neck’s in bad shape as far as dengeration/stenosis/bulges and one of the bulges is putting pressure on the spinal cord, it’s real overwhelming since there’s a few areas that are real bad now in different areas of the spine but I have to wait for the meurosurgeon referral to go through, the consulting surgeon offered to see me but I have to see if he takes my insurance first. I have a list of symptoms to watch out for but would prefer when I have surgery to have multiple areas corrected instead of just one level versus emergency surgery. Basic consensus is the fusions made the rest of the spine crumble. If this stuff would move a little faster I’d lay around resting but as those of you who’ve been in this group for awhile know it’s been a few years of waiting for referrals. I did figure out an arrangement with the tea thank goodness and will be trying to make it tomorrow night after it arrives. Sorry this was long and depressing!

    No Zero Days- right at calories despite a Blizzard, good water, stretching and watering the yard.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • maggybd
    maggybd Posts: 48 Member
    @Katmary71 This sounds awful. I am sorry:(
  • maggybd
    maggybd Posts: 48 Member
    My wife and I are both trying to do vegan keto which is really hard. My wife is definitely vegan and mostly keto. I am definitely keto and mostly vegan. I thought this was such a niche thing that I didn't even try to look for resources. Whenever I looked for recipes on Google, things would come up but the recipes weren't really keto. Last night I looked on Amazon and there are actually a bunch of books with real vegan keto recipes! I bought two. I am excited. I love to cook and I usually make up recipes but vegan keto is too different and I need to incorporate some new ingredients that I have never used before. I am sure that after I follow recipes for a couple of weeks I will be able to start making up things. Hopefully I can finally get my fat high enough and my carbs low enough that I will stay in ketosis reliably.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @Digger61 Congrats on the loss!

    @broncobuddee Brigit02 messaged me saying she was taking a social media break, so she may not be weighing in.

    @AmbersWay Thank you so much! <3 I'm glad your hubby was feeling well enough to take a good nap. Are you doing anything for stress relief for yourself?

    @Katmary71 Yeah it's pretty scary. LOL...yeah that was funny you just asked and waaaa laaaa! :D Yeah, I'm disappointed, too. :( We are lucky enough to have about 6 in the county and if I join, I can go to any of them. There are some really amazing ones near me. I used just Lipton family sized in the tea. It was really good. I would love some of your seeds. I'll send you a message, thank you for the offer!!! You were at the ER for 9 hours??? Oh my dear, I am so sorry. I hope the consulting surgeon takes your insurance. I'm so glad you got the tea worked out. I hope it helps with your sleep. HUGS.

    @DrewsAnna Why do you wait so long to eat? Is there a way to shorten the time?

    @maggybd I'm glad you found some resources to help. Amazon has everything! :) I can imagine it must be a challenge to find vegan keto recipes.

    Hi all. Well, I did well during the day. Yogurt & chopped apple with sliced almonds for breakfast. We went out for lunch but not until 2 pm, I STILL made a good decision even though I was starving: seared ahi tuna salad + a glass of wine. But it was dinner and beyond that I messed up. I didn't do too bad until the ice cream and wine. I had 1/2 of a baked yam + about 5 oz of steak for dinner. It was the ice cream and wine that got me. The ice cream is gone so I don't have to worry about that anymore. I am going to Aqua Zumba this morning. That should burn some of those calories.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 224 Member
    Good Morning!

    First off CONGRATULATIONS to everyone that has lost weigth this week!

    @FushiaKat WOW ON the electric bill. I was expecting ours to be like that this month but we were lucky it only went up about $60 from last month. Ours runs around $400 this time of the yr. Just one more month.

    @Katmary71 hope all is complete with your repairs and you are happy with it. Sorry to see you are having so much pain from your back. I hope they can do something for you soon.

    @trooworld please send me your superpowers. Why does it seem life throws a curve ball every time you are doing well. I to have stopped using sweetener 10 yrs ago. I was a long time user, Diet Coke was my drink and if it was any kind of sweet I it had to have been made with sweeter or was "sugar free". I read an article about a woman who was dying and she was a diet coke drinker. Her sister found an article about the effects of sweetener and when she stopped drinking the soda she got better. So April of 2013 I quit sweeter, May 2013 one month later I had my heart attack. I can't link it to that but it sure was crazy how it all happened. About the crafts these are just some cell phone holders I made for my MIL,SIL and Daughter s4lud0961wwf.jpg

    @mkksemail your trip is sounding awesome. I would choose the complicated one. I love to travel and will look for ways to extend my travels to avoid returning home.

    @AmbersWay you and your hubby are still in my thought and prayers. Hopes for a speedy recovery.

    Well, my first week started out really great with daily check in but, Thursday everything went down hill😢 My hubby was in a finder bender. He is ok and I am thankful for that, but unfortunately his car which is a '99 Trans Am 30th Anniversary edition is not. This was my hubby's dream car. We were so lucky when we were able to buy it. Now we are crushed that it is basically totaled. We are in limbo right now as to who's fault is will be as he was doing a legal u turn in the intersection when he got rear ended. I know to some it is just a car but, it is the fact that people just don't pay attention to what they are doing when behind the wheel of a vehicle. So over the next few weeks we are back on the roller coaster of emotions. This is going to be a tough ride.

    I am going to try to make my daily post starting today.
    This month I have 6 goals:
    1.) WAKE UP HAPPY!
    2.) Get all my steps in every day.
    3.) Only eat out once a week.
    4.) Stop the snacking after 7pm.
    5.) Log food and water intake.
    6.) Check in daily with my goals.

    1.) Waking up Happy is a challenge. I have been looking for things through out the day to make me smile.
    2.)This past week step goal of 800024lidvuetwla.jpg
    As of Tuesday the 1st of Aug. I missed 1 day.
    3.)We eat out Friday while taking to car to body shops for estimates.
    4.) Still fighting with snacking after 7 pm.
    5.) Had a stumble with logging food and water but still logging on app.
    6.) Check in daily with goals✔

    Have a Blessed Sunday!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,022 Member
    @txcritter69 Sent! :D Interesting about the sweetener. That's great you've been sweetener free for so long, you are an inspiration! <3 I love the cell phone holders, you are so creative! How did you cut the vinyl? Do you have a Cricut machine? I know we talked about this but I forget lol. Oh bummer about the fender bender. I'm glad your hubby is okay. That's a hard loss, that car. I would think the person that did the rear ending was at fault but the insurance companies have their own ideas, don't they? Great goals, 8,000 steps is a good amount and you did fantastic most days.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 180 Member
    SW 232.2
    PW 218.8
    CW 216.0
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,212 Member
    @txcritter69 , ty! 🤗😊 Hubby is off today and tmo, so decision is imminent! Cell phone holders are adorable! Love the creativity. So sad about the car (((((( hugs )))))) Fingers crossed that the insur claim comes out in your favor.

    - mk :)
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,212 Member
    F2F Slimpossibles - mkksemail
    WI Day: Sundays
    SW: 197.9 lbs, Sun 5/28/23 (-3.7)
    PW: 194.5 lbs, Sun 7/30
    CW: 194.2 lbs, Sun 7/30 (-0.3)

    OSW: 197.9 lbs, Sun 5/28/23
    EOM 01: 194.7 lbs, Sun 6/25 (-3.2 M, -3.2 T)
    EOM 02: 194.5 lbs, Sun 7/30 (-0.2 M, -3.4 T)

  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 224 Member
    Weigh In Sunday
    SW: 175
    PW: 167
    CW: 167
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,291 Member


    Team Results
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    Team Winners
  • maggybd
    maggybd Posts: 48 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    Hi team, just wanted to drop in and say hi and wish you all an amazing Monday! Thanks for your support as well.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 317 Member
    @trooworld I do need to shorten the time between meals but, I get busy doing something and forget. When I'm finished with whatever, I realize that I'm starving. That's when I mostly whatever is convenient and ready to eat.

    Today, I did much better. I weighed, measured and tracked all my food. I closed my diary. This week my focus is to keep moving forward with more of the same. I went and did a little shopping today and tomorrow I plan to cut & chop all my veggies so they are ready to grab. We are going to costco tomorrow, I think 🤔 that is where I like to buy my fruit.

    I'm hoping that at some point I will incorporate some exercise into my day.
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 282 Member
    WI Sunday
    PW 193
    CW 194

    Not bad considering all the take out food. I tried to keep to protein but still it was higher calories than usual.

    Is this my first time having to post a gain on WI day? Eeek.

    I’ll be back for catching up.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    @Ambersway - of course you will forgive yourself for having a bit of a stress gain. You're doing awesome just sticking with the team when you have so much personal stuff going on. Hugs!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    @Katmary71 - very, very gentle hugs to you my friend. I've been praying for you. I think it's time to pray that things move along much faster with your appointments. I'll get on it.
This discussion has been closed.