Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - AUGUST 2023



  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,392 Member
    Previous: 184.2
    Current: 184
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @txcritter69 I hope you had a good walk with Diesel. Good job with your steps and no snacking!!!

    Great weigh-ins, @UTMom81 @FushiaKat and @SatanLuciferJones!

    @Katmary71 Hmmmm...it kind of is I guess? Here's a video about it but this instructor jumps around and the movements are harder than what I do: https://youtu.be/ajv8AMBNwsY Oh yes, that music was terrible and hard to get moving to lol. YES!!! I would love a Prince Aqua Zumba class! That's a crime that they didn't play YMCA at the rollerskating rink! :D HUGS to you, my friend.

    @sleepygirl79 Enjoy your vacation!

    Hi all. I drank sooooo much water yesterday (142 oz!), I don't even know how I did it. I drank a 25 oz tumbler on the way to and from work, I told myself to drink 50 oz before lunch, and before I knew it, I was at 142. I think I'm less sleepy nowadays, I think due to drinking more water as well as the exercise and eating better. I haven't had a migraine in about 2 months, which is really good for me. However, I feel like I'm starting to get a headache today.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    @sleepygirl79 Have a wonderful vacation! Good luck eating out and logging and above all, have fun!

    @trooworld That looks really fun, I’ve seen the aqua aerobics classes but not Zumba, I want to take that sometime! You’ve done great upping your water, wow! Sounds like you’re taking good care of yourself, boo on that headache creeping in!

    Been quiet in here tonight! I picked up my prescriptions this morning then had a call that another one was called in because I had a bladder infection when they did a urine test at the hospital. So I’m happy to know feeling like my bladder was about to let loose wasn’t from my spine problems, I’m guessing that’s what my bad headache is too since I’ve probably had it for a couple weeks. My pain med is increased too so hopefully I’ll be feeling a lot better soon. A MFP friend just bought a plane ticket to visit in October so I’m hoping we’ll still be able to do that. Doing my best to stay on track, yesterday and today have been good.

    Have a great Thursday!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,119 Member
    MFP "friends" are so sensitive nowadays. I accept a new F. R. They send a message, say I'm cute and ask if we can switch apps to chat better. I reply with what's wrong with chatting here Scammer. And then BOOM out come the profanities. What's the problem? Was I not supposed to figure it out that quick?
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,212 Member
    Happy vaca, @sleepygirl79 !

    Hi guys!

    Reading - immersed in stuff tho. Cheers! Xx

    - mk
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @Katmary71 It is totally fun! You should try it. :D Thank you, I am trying. I'm sorry about your headache and bladder infection. I hope the meds help. How fun to visit with a MFP friend! Congrats on a couple of good days, way to go!

    @19shmoo69 Ha! I'm glad you aren't falling for the shenanigans!

    Hi all! Whoa...two replies...boy, you guys are quiet lol! I feel like I am on a roll. I'm doing pretty well. I was over my cals yesterday by about 300-something but it was all healthy foods so I don't feel badly about it. My knee has been feeling better...less inflammation because of eating better and taking Naproxen? Or just feeling better? I hope you are all well. Let's make this a great day!

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    @19shmoo69 - I get those MFP "friends" too; also on StrideKick. And I used to get them on Fitbit.

    @Katmary71 - I hope the meds clear up your UTI and also help the headache!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    @trooworld Thanks! I’m not sure why on your knee but that’s great news!

    @micaroo4 Thank you!

    Hi team, hope everyone’s off doing fun things for the quietness in here! I’m hanging in there, I talked to the charity president and I’m glad I wasn’t there for the salsa competition when she told me how there were disagreements going on, my blood pressure’s been high from pain and it makes me a little too reactive so good thing I was safely at home. I talked to the farm manager and Saturday he’s going to have a chair and the garlic ready for me to separate cloves for planting more garlic, one of the only things we can think of to do on a farm that isn’t carrying or moving much. I’m still having a lot of spinal pressure like I’m being crushed so I’ve been using my walker a lot lately. Not much else going on, have a great Friday!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    @broncobuddee - Weighing in a day early, because I'm going away for the weekend; no scale.

    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 124.2
    CW (Current Weight): 126.4
    This gain is a good thing... I am trying to get back to my goal range of 127-133. Almost there.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 174.1
    CW: 174.8


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm about at my wit's end here.... and this quote was in my email hmmmmmm:

    "You're more likely to unlock a big leap in performance by trying differently than by trying harder. You might be able to work 10% harder, but a different approach might work 10x better. Remain focused on the core problem, but explore a new line of attack. Persistence is not just about effort, but also strategy. Don't merely try harder, try differently."
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    @katmary71- spinal pressure does not sound good. I'm glad you are getting out and finding things to do that you enjoy. It can't be easy with how you are feeling, but it's good for you.

    @trooworld - hooray that your knee is feeling better.

    I'm very happy that it's Friday- this week has been long and when I woke up yesterday, it felt like it should be Friday.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 230.6
    CW: 228.2

    -2.4 lbs (and in a new decade!) :D
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @Katmary71 Huh? I don't remember what I said about my knee, so I don't understand lol. I'm glad you are okay with missing the salsa competition. That's good you talked to the farm manager. I'm glad he can help out.

    @Cornanda YES! That is awesome. I can't wait to hear what you try differently. Sorry about the gain. I'm happy it's Friday too, I've felt like it should be Friday all week. :(

    Hi all. I lost 2.4 lbs this week. This is the 4th week I have had a loss. It feels really good and it has taken a lot of vigilance to do it. I hope to be in the green all the weeks in August. We are celebrating our anniversary today: we are dropping off the dogs at the kennel for an overnight stay and then going to happy hour at a nice restaurant on the harbor. I've already looked at the appetizer menu and there are some good choices and some splurges. I think rather than getting a sugary mixed drink, I will get a glass of wine.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Name - bethanie0825
    Day - Friday
    PW - 259.2
    CW - 257.6
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all
    username: davidji82
    weigh in day: Friday
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member

    PW: 214

    CW: 212

  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 291 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 239
    CW: 240
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 317 Member
    Weigh in Thursday
    PW 159.3
    CW 160

    I'm a day late again, I'm sorry. I'm going to get better.
This discussion has been closed.