OCTOBER 2023 CHALLENGES -- 10/01 -- 10/31

cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
Let's try this one...
and, this one...
Let us know what you think...


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    I will do the 15 minute full body one tomorrow night and let you know.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,262 Member
    Highest weight: 248
    Ultimate goal weight: 148
    Oct 31 goal weight: 169.9

    Sep 30 ending weight - 173.4
    Oct 01 - 173.6
    Oct 08 -
    Oct 15 -
    Oct 22 -
    Oct 31 -
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    We had both boys yesterday morning. One is hard...two is exhausting!! I did nothing after they were picked up. And, now I have caught their cold. Don't think I'll be walking today.
    They are all heading for Carmel today. We will have Bean for four days while they are gone.
    I'm going to read now.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Chris you and Bean enjoy your mini vaca. You earned it. Get rid of the cold!

    Been practicing my Spanish. Doing my hip/back routine. It is helpful. Also painted the porch posts a second coat of paint.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Thanks, Shelley.
    Our housekeeper is coming this afternoon. Had to clean the house!!
    My nose is sore and my throat is scratchy. I must shower before my sweet husband says..."What is that smell?"
    Slurping down coffee right now. Will head for the water shortly.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Chris I am sorry you are feeling poorly. And had to clean the house. ;) Get well. Rest and for heaven’s sake shower

    Did my workout for my hips and back tonight. Must be working. I sure felt some pops. :p

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,471 Member
    Chris - Hope you are feeling better!!

    Fluenta Canada this morning for my work trip. Work from the hotel this afternoon, but did take a break to go on workout in the fitness center. I have an exercise on a work trip and a really long time so that felt great.

    Had dinner with two x co-workers which was wonderful. Salmon :-) did a good job all around today! Now just need to press repeat :-)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Thanks, my friends. It just kills me that we have 9 days with no Grandsons, and I feel like dookey and can't talk myself into walking. It's beautiful out there and in the 70's...sigh.
    Karen, what is your job that you get to travel to all those wonderful places?
    I'll keep working on getting better.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Better today. Going to workout w/my trainer at noon. Crimeny...that means I gotta get in the shower... :D
    Later, my friends,
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Hello old friends,

    Thanks for still being here. Hope you are all well.

    My internet died a few months ago, so I've been offline. A neighbor is letting me connect to his router for now - a godsend. It'll be nice to track meals online and hang with y'all again.

    Nice to see everyone.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Hi!! Paula!! Good to see you again!!! Nice neighbor you have there.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Karen good luck with the rinse and repeat. I am cheering you on. 🤗

    Chris I laughed at you having to get in the shower. I am so like that sometimes. 😴😴

    Paula hope your internet comes back on soon. Glad you have an alternate way now.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Almost forgot. Libby had 6 teeth pulled today. Barney one. My poor little Libby. I have been practicing Spanish for a little over a week now. I feel so dense!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    edited October 2023
    I manged 5.73 miles in 117 min to the post office and back this morning. I had my umbrella with me...sunshine...and on the way back from the post office, I saw this woman and her little dog sitting on the curb. She had one foot in the gutter and she was curled over her other leg. She had white hair and her skin was dark, dark suntanned. I crossed the street and asked if she was okay. She said she was waiting for her ride. I asked if she wanted my umbrella. She took it, asked if she should leave it against the fence so I could get it later and I told her, "No, keep it. It's yours now." I felt really bad for her. Not sure if anyone was coming for her or not, but it was too sunny for her to be sitting there with no shade. I had a nice breeze all the way home.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member

    Poor babies, but Libby and Barney probably love losing those toothaches!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Chris I sure hope she did have a ride coming. That was a super kind thing for you to do. And thanks. I don't think I mentioned my birthday recently. Do you have them wrote on a calendar? They made lunch for me at work. Cake and chili with cornbread. Yummy. The DA's office made me some butter pecan bars. I had lots of chocolate gifts. So much fun.

    Paula Libby had a rough night. She woke up crying at midnight. We gave her some rimadyl for pain. I snuggled with her until she fell asleep. Then I fell asleep with her against me. She is better tonight. I think they will be glad those bad teeth are gone.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Shelley, since I have this incredible memory...bwahahahahah...says the woman who can't even remember what day it is...yes, I have everyone's birthday written on the calendar...I think. :D Sounds like you had a great day!!
    My trainer had to have her little Yorkie's teeth pulled. She's on meds. She was bleeding Wed so had to go back in to see the vet. Hope she's better today. I hope Libby feels better, too. Not a fun experience for them.
    I have my trainer today at noon which means I have to go get in the shower...by, my friends. Have fun today! It's Friday...I had to check the calendar to be sure what day it is!! bwahahah!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    edited October 2023
    I was catching up on past posts. Everyone looks great.

    Kathy, your mom is such a doll. Shell, I'm jealous you're in such great shape. Karen thank you for sharing your travels. Beautiful locations. <3<3<3

    Did TwistedSassette disappear? I think she was another Hogwarts Challenge player.

    Chris, I have/had aFib which got increasingly worse over the years. It was getting to the point that meds didn't help control it, so they performed an ablation... and its been gone since then (bout 10 yrs now). Highly recommend it.

    Luv y'all,
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    Paula, glad your aFib is under control. Working w/the meds now. Doc told us that most folks who had the procedure fond out it didn't last. I'll see what happens with the meds.
    I didn't walk today. I sat and read!! :) To the post office tomorrow.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    I got 5.68 miles done in 120 mins to the post office and back. It was beautiful today. I had my other umbrella with me. I got to pet puppies. It was a good walk.
    Well, the Holiday Week has come to an end. We'll have Collin early tomorrow morning and Ronan in the afternoon. Next long Holiday is Thanksgiving Week. Sleeping in was soooo nice...sigh.