WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2023



  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 181 Member
    Good morning,
    A trip to Vegas and a slight gain... dinner at Vanderpump Vegas and Ramsay's Kitchen will do that to a guy. Back to reality this week.
    CW: 224.8
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - congrats on the small gain post Vegas! Here is my step/activity count yesterday: Wednesday, October 11 - 7,079 steps, 40 minutes of spin, couple hours of bowling league

    @eggfreak - a couple drinks to celebrate your dad is definitely not a bad thing. I'm glad you did. And, congrats on being in the green!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    CW 150.4
    PW 148.8

    Sorry, but when I saw 150 on the scale yesterday I was very upset. I know there are reasons - changing up my workouts, a few to many carbs, but instead of making excuses, I am going to own it and do better.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    @eggfreak Love the soup idea. I need to look at adding soup now that it's cooler. Happy to hear you are at peace with your dad's passing.

    @KellyBgetsfit you can do it this week.

    I needed some extra sleep last night. I changed my duvet and I've been so hot in the middle of the night- not sure if I'm starting to hit hormone peri menopause or it's just too warm in the house. I sleep better when the house is cool and I'm nestled in my duvet but not this week.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 552 Member

    Has anyone moved with kids? It's been something my husband and I have causally been talking about and getting out of the city but guilt gets me thinking I would have to pull my daughter out of the school she knows and loves. Having been raised on a farm I feel a pull to go back to the country.

    You've probably answered some questions since posting this but I wanted to jump in before reading them. How old is your daughter and what grade is she in? I moved my family every couple of years until the girls were in jr high school. We would sometimes move to a nearby town that used the same school. The best aspect was they learned skills on how to adapt to new communities and how to be decent to "newbies" when there were newer kids in school than they...because they knew what it was like. I'm sure there were times when it was painful to relocate. However, if being in the country is part of your dream, it's important to make it happen while you're all young enough to adapt and connect with the new community. Don't let your child's possible discomfort override your needs. *You* are the Queen...she, the Princess. Neuroplasticity will help!
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    Sorry I missed last week. I kept meaning to log on but life got crazy
    CW: 221.6

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Thursday, October 12th - 7,979 steps - 1 hour of CrossFit

    @kali225 - It is so great that your foot is doing better! And, kudos to you for listening to your body and taking it a little easier when you need to. This seems like one of the hardest things when trying to lose weight and get in shape. I hope your foot continues to heal.
  • Antonia2050
    Antonia2050 Posts: 28 Member
    CW: 215
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen giving away XL stuff! Wonderful. It's such a good feeling!

    @Kali225 nice whoosh! I like that you are determined to hang onto it instead of "celebrating" and possibly bouncing back up. I also really like your spreadsheet tracking % towards a goal rather than pure weight numbers. Even if the goal is approximate at this point, it is a great way to track your progress. I always found it helpful to aim for a % of bodyweight loss each week instead of actual poundage. That automatically adjusts for the diminishing amount that % represents, and makes it easier to stay within a consistent loss rate. Even at something like 0.8% per week, it all adds up nicely.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 552 Member
    CW: 188.7
    Starting to feel a bit more like myself overall. Thanks for the speedy recovery wishes!
    This newer Covid has hit me differently than last January, including increased shortness of breath and lack of energy. I’ve been doing short bursts of projects in between naps and mealtime with a few walks sprinkled in for good measure. Tomorrow, I plan to take a slightly longer walk to start increasing my stamina. Wish me luck!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Almost the end of another F2F week! Saturday people and anyone else - numbers, please!


  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,583 Member
    PW: 193
    CW: 191.6

    COVID this time around wasn't as bad for me. I felt like I had a really bad cold for two days, but otherwise the recovery time was faster. It’s a shame because I was supposed to get my booster this week, but I had to cancel - they don’t advise that you get it after you’ve recently had COVID.

    I didn’t work out at all this week because I was still in the 10-day period, but I did track all of my food and my average calorie intake was around 2000.

    Today, it’s getting back to normal after a splurge of dining out at a Portuguese tapas place. The food was absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to go back. They are always booked so I made these reservations weeks ago.

    For dinner tonight, we’re making vegan butter “chicken” tonight using tofu instead of chicken. Yum!

    For next week, I have already planned my workouts and put together our meal plan: I’m going to make tiramisu protein overnight oats for breakfast, we’ll have two different soups for lunch (pizza soup, and unstuffed cabbage roll soup), and for dinner we’ll make chicken and butternut squash enchiladas, and then a cassoulet with white beans and garlicky healthy breadcrumbs.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Weigh in

    PW 214
    CW 214.7 better today 😳

    Will check back and catch up on posts later.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Time to post my exercise for the month so far:
    Oct 1 - 8252 steps + 47 minutes Peloton
    Oct 2 - 15357 steps
    Oct 3 - 13767 steps + 31 minutes Peloton
    Oct 4 - 14938 steps
    Oct 5 - 9639 steps
    Oct 6 - 15813 steps
    Oct 7 - 20599 steps
    Oct 8 - 10464 steps
    Oct 9 - 7214 steps + 31 minutes Peloton
    Oct 10 - 10891 steps
    Oct 11 - 5542 steps
    Oct 12 - 10631 steps
    Oct 13 - 8484 steps

    Week 1 (Oct 1-8) results coming soon and thanks to all who have already started posting some or all of week 2!
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