SHOCKtober 2023!



  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    @Kitri2020 Hmmmm. Does he have any friends he can confide in at all? Being away from friends and family with nothing can do can take a huge emotional toll (ask me how I know). My escape was working out.

    Same weight - 128.6
    Water - didn’t meet
    Steps - didn’t meet
    Workout - did not do
    Calories - about 100 over goal

    Busy day yesterday - ate on the run. Better day today.

  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    He chats with old friends and calls his dad pretty often, but from what i hear, its surface chit chat. I think it probably helps him still. Cant wait to get out of here.. i think it will be better for both of us. 2-3 more years, then we get to move.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hi @Kitri2020 Are you a military family? Move in a couple of years?

    Weight 129.2
    Steps - 9k
    Calories - under but sodium filled
    Water - met
    Workout - CG

    Finishing week 3 of CG iron today. Down 2 pounds from last Sunday. Will watch sodium.
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim You guessed it haha Coast Guard. I ought to watch my sodium intake too. Maybe i wont be so thirsty all the time!
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    Goal progress:
    -lose 5lbs (163lbs->161.5lbs)
    -run 20mi (8.15mi->10.85mi)
    -drink 48oz/day 25/31days (lost track…)
    -spend 600minutes exercising (283min->306min)

    I got a boost from the scale, but i can see that in the last couple days of October, im not going to meet my goals. I dont really feel like my goals were that ambitious, so im going to try again in november.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Sam here @Kitri2020. In fact I may be not even close!

    130.2 today - up. So either it’s the extra water weight from my increased weights yesterday (getting stronger, yay!) and/or the sodium and sugar in my dad’s southern cooking. Going to drink a lot of water today and watch my portion sizes.
    Finished CG workout.
    Water - nope.
    Calories - a bit over.
    Steps - under.

    Can do much better. Discipline. Discipline. Discipline!!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Well well well. Up a pound - no mystery. 131.2 Stressful day yesterday - mom’s doc appt. Egg nog. chips. Popcorn. Cookies. Ice cream.

    Whatever. Log move on.

    Already worked out today but did not meet any goals yesterday.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    @Kitri2020 mil spouse here too :)