WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    So many lovely pumpkins!

    Ready for Monday? (I'm not really...) Here are the weigh-ins due:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,166 Member
    Hey all!
    Today was a good day.. started with lots of steps cleaning (remember.. cleaning can be good exercise in itself.. I'm always pleasantly surprised with how many I get just being productive around the house!) Then I took my dog for a walk as it was finally warm enough for her. Then Brad and i hopped on the Peloton. I love days like that where movement feels so natural to get.
    We then went to our friends who were our old trailer neighbors who often look after our dog.. they are in their 70s and there was a craving for ham and scalloped potatoes so we went over and collaborated on the meal. I stuck to small portions and had a few seconds but of the lower cal items.. kept it to one beer when I could have had two...etc.
    We also ordered some healthy food delivery. So, I have stuff to make good choices. There are also two work events this week and my birthday.. so yeah, I will be juggling things..going to try to keep activity levels high!
    Hope everyone has a good start to their week. Let's get this November week 1 off to a kick butt start.
  • Betsy___
    Betsy___ Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2023
    @lauren_989 starting out with the 5K training plan on Nike Run Club. 🙃

    My activity for Sunday. s5k065dftfi2.jpeg
    @jugar I'm in Hyderabad. Let me know when you’re in next. 🙂 I know it’s hot 😝

    Going to a cooler place in Dec though.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 610 Member
    Happy almost-November team!!

    I'm Kay, 28 (for just the next few hours - 29th bday tomorrow), living in Boston, working a hybrid job in finance/investment management. I struggle with binge-eating/emotional eating but I started seeing a new doctor in July and trying a new medication that specifically treats binge-eating disorder which we agree is helping thus far (yay). I've been with this group on and off since August 2020.

    I had some friends here for the weekend to celebrate my birthday a bit early - we went to an orchard in Stow, MA and did a hedge maze! It was VERY hot out but the maze was so fun and challenging. Very Secret Garden vibes, if you ever saw that movie. Probably too much eating out and takeout and I did have a few drinks (like I said I would for my semi-sober-October) but it really served as a reminder that I just don't need to drink anymore.

    One of my friends asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next October! I was so flattered, I've never been a bridesmaid before so that is very exciting - and now the clock is on. I really want my 29th year to be the year where the weight finally comes off. And I don't want to be hung up on my weight and body for all the professional pictures that come with being in a wedding. 348 days to go from now. So @jugar I need the knife hand!! For sure! (although I was pleasantly surprised to see my name on the leaderboard for the month! I'll take it)

    @lauren_989 that's so much sleep to get back from moving your phone away! I am a terrible nighttime scroller and it must stop. I might have to take your lead and let it charge elsewhere. And I want to get my books for fun more anyways which is a way better way to wind down. Love the pumpkin too!

    Today really got away with me with yet more football games to watch. It's so late and my hair is still wet from the shower. At least the weather cooled off immediately so I should fall asleep fast with the sound of rain out the window. :) I'll think on my November goals and post later this week.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,166 Member
    Anyone changing up what they eat for the changing season?

    Oddly enough I had my first breakfast smoothie in a while AFTER our first snowstorm.

    Day is off to a good start.. my measurements for my breakfast were waiting for me beside my plate when I got downstairs.. love that husband of mine.
  • Betsy___
    Betsy___ Posts: 5 Member
    Monday done 🙃 stayed on course. v7btzbds8coo.jpeg
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    Great numbers @Betsy___ - I love the way you stood for 14 of 10 hours and generally exceeded all your movement goals. Hyderabad is indeed hot! I was there only once, and enjoyed walking around the city quite a bit during breaks from too many meetings. It was not a too hot season, thank goodness, and the food was fantastic.

    I'm having my last day visiting my old happy pappy today, and then will head home. I have planned a stop at a (supposedly) excellent kitchen store in New Hampshire (no state taxes!) to get a couple more pans that will work on our induction stove. I love cooking on it, but many of our pans won't work because they are not magnetic - slowly we'll get all the sizes we need.

    I have not been great about eating while here, and have had a couple of beers - so back home I will aim for a series of perfect days to get back to where I was on Friday. That will feel good for sure.

    Tally ho!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am a wife and mother of 4. I teach 2nd grade. I started in this group on Jan 2020, but took this past summer off. I am definitely at a plate. I am doing IF, with an 8-10 hour window. I am typically only eat meat at dinner. As of today, I am changing up my workouts. I am starting a lifting program that I have done before with 2 of my coworkers. It was so cold when I got up this morning, but I got my workout in.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 550 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy that is a very cool tree!

    @littlemzkitty and @Betsy___ great steps!

    Well I gave in to some candy today. Heading to the gym now, but I will be glad when Halloween is over. And then dumping any left over candy to the break room and avoiding it like the plague! Slightly nervous for tomorrow's weigh in.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 250 Member

    I am Jolene. I am 38 years old and live in SW Colorado with my husband and two dogs - I call them Chaos and More Chaos.

    I have been part of this group for a few months. I think I started in July. It has definitely provided the support and accountability I've needed to mostly stay on course.

    I did sober October (still doing it for today and tomorrow) and honestly might just keep going into November. We shall see. I am most afraid of falling back into bad habits with alcohol where it becomes a crutch, coping mechanism, liquid courage, or some other foe in my goal to be healthier.

    I started with a nutritional coach this last week. My diet isn't going to change too much, except I will be sending my daily food logs to her and really starting to focus on macro counting. I have been terrible at logging recently, so this will be good!

    @kali225 - Happy Birthday!

    Last Thursday marked 18 years since I lost my dad. He died when I was 20 of very aggressive lung cancer. This is the first time in 18 years that I have not had at least one drink on this day. Best part is that it wasn't a struggle to not drink.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 250 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Thursday, October 26 - 4,792 steps - no CrossFit because I was trying my best to avoid humans in case I caught covid from my OH.

    Friday, October 27 ... I forgot my watch. 0 steps. If I were to guess, I would say 4,000 - 5,000 steps for the day. Not my best showing all around.

    Saturday, October 28 - 6,038 steps - thanks to cleaning and other chores, I hit my step goal!

    Sunday, October 29 - 4,459 steps ... I thought I looked last night and saw 5,200 or thereabouts, but my app only says 4,459 ... still under the goal
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    Phew! Made it home. It felt like an endless drive in the rain. My planned stop at a kitchen store in New Hampshire did not work out -- it had closed for the day 20 minutes before I got there, so no new pots for me! Hmmph. So then it was grumpy me driving in the rain for the next hours. How dare they close so early???

    Back on exercise and good eating tracks for me tomorrow.

    Who is up for next weigh-ins? Due through Tuesday:
    @ashleykaykay93 - new member! hoping you'll be here soon :smiley:

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 610 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen thank you!! and WAY to go on not drinking today. raising my plastic halloween glass (of lemonade) to your dad.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy love the cool tree. you always get more steps going off the trails anyways.

    I had a great workout on my birthday before chowing down on some creamy potatoes and a hot dog, and watching football. Crawling into a freshly made bed - a very adult present for myself :D

    I don't know if this counts as a non-scale victory but something I recruited my friends for this weekend since I refused to pay a handyman for 1 task; we hung my almost 40-lb mirror on a plaster wall in my apartment. I moved in here about 15 months ago and it has been sitting around. We learned a lot as a group about plaster, toggle bolts, and power drills. very informative. and it hasn't fallen yet so I am taking that as a good sign!!
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 207 Member
    @Kali225 Happy Birthday, sorry I missed it yesterday. A freshly made bed is honestly one of my favorite things... lol

    My goodness I feel fabulous, I don't know why or how. Maybe it has to do with 5 days of no sugar, and only fresh natural food, nothing came out of a box, bottle or can.

    Anyway, today is a good day, I was very very pleased with the scale. I will weigh in tomorrow, but I have a training class all day, so I am not sure I will be able to get on here and post, so if not, I will post it on Thursday.

    The weather here has finally become fall weather, I love it. I told the hubby our goal for November was to hike 6 miles every weekend, but we could break it up if needed, because I will be honest, I was sore after 4, so maybe if we do 3 and 3, or 4 and 2, you get the gist. I want to go to the park with the hill that goes straight up, because that is what we need to work on, is going up hills. Where we live is fairly flat, not North Dakota flat, but we have to go about 2 hours away to get to places with elevation. But this park has a great hill to practice on, they even have a bench halfway up for those who need a break. I met a couple there, who that is all they do, is go there and walk up and down this hill. I will have to share a pic when I go there. We are also going to do this regardless of weather, when we go on our trip, we will still be hiking in the rain, so may as well learn what works best for us, and how to deal with it.

    Have a wonderful day !

  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Weigh in Day: MONDAY
    PW: 193.0
    CW: 193.8
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 550 Member
    PW: 208.8
    CW: 210.6

    I knew it wouldn't be pretty but didn't realize that bad! I have some candy in my future tonight, but no more! Back on the wagon tomorrow.
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