WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    edited November 2023
    @micki48 - oh my - those kitten cuddles are so cute. I agree right now I'm not pushing myself to have all my health goals in alignment with this season. I'm not going to throw in the towel but I want to be kind to myself and also know that I can make changes in the future.

    @ashleycarole86 and Brad - Hope you are on the mend soon. I've been lucky to stay healthy so far but know my time is coming.

    PW - 166.4
    CW - 165.8

    Nice to see the numbers going down rather than all over the place. I have a game plan with my workouts this week and will be cooking at home most of the week and want to keep this momentum going.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Nov 12: 2778 steps
    Nov 13: 6480 steps
    Nov 14: 11863 steps
    Nov 15: 8416 steps
    Nov 16: 1431 steps
    Nov 17: 2830 steps
    Nov 18: 2242 steps
  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Weigh in Day: MONDAY
    PW: 196.8
    CW: 196.8
    After 3 days AWOL I’ll take it, happily!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Weigh-ins due through Tuesday:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Wow @Gidgitgoescrzy .. i think I remember your tubing incident because Brad and I had a scary experience doing the same in Costa Rica and he slammed his lower side into a rock.. scary to think you may have broken a vertebrae that way. Hope you get some clarity with the doc.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 620 Member
    PW: 211.6
    CW: 212.0

    Still a red, but I did manage to turn this week around.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I hope your back feels better soon and you don't need surgery!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Sorry I'm late, been battling a cold and have been in a fog this past weekend. That said, not the worst week, especially as it was a birthday week with a trip to Disneyland.
    PW: 232.0
    CW: 230.0
    People want to know! What's in that fog of yours??? Birthday + Disneyland = 2 pound loss? Fabulous! Seriously - hoping your cold is better :smiley:

    @strong_fit_ells No worries - you hang in there, girl! I sure hope the crazy days take a break soon. Hugs to you! :heart:

    It has been a good Tuesday! I did some tedious house cleaning jobs that really needed doing (while listening to the dénouement of a good book) but then took Jasper on a nice ride out around the fields. Not into the woods - there are still some hunters around - but in the open. The snow was beautiful, the views lovely, and I managed to avoid being in the headlines as the crazy almost 70-year-old having an accident out riding a 4 year-old horse on a bareback pad (no stirrups). We made it with no problems! There was a slight hoop-di-do when Jasper was startled by a person who was out there wandering around, but he came right back under control and made me look really good. Tonight is going to be freezing rain and other yucky precipitation, though, so I'm glad we went out riding today.

    Hoping your back is feeling better @Gidgitgoescrzy ! And your sinuses...
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    how is it 10:30pm again?! where does the day go.

    I am hoping tomorrow's workday goes a little smoother than today's although I was able to log off by 6pm. Arm workout was a good one! will likely be sore today and the glutes were certainly feeling yesterday's work already! tomorrow is a rest day from workouts and I will try to walk at lunch (while there is sunlight!) straight up the mountain road. more work for the glutes! It snowed more today and actually stuck around a bit. So pretty but I actually hope it melts away before I walk since I did not bring proper shoes for that kind of walking!!

    I think this is a year where I will hit the black friday/cyber monday sales. I don't always bother. Does anyone have any recommendations for plus size office clothes? I could use a new pair of work pants and maybe a top. I happened to throw together a sweater I have had for a while and a North Face vest today that I realized I can definitely wear to the office, and hadn't thought of before - nice when you can create a new outfit from stuff you already have, even at an elevated weight. :)

    @Gidgitgoescrzy hope you feel better soon! glad the meds are helping to address one problem at least
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Here come Wednesday already! And here's the lineup:

  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 225 Member
    PW 167.4
    CW 166.0

    Was lower during the week :(

    So turns out everyone at my office has covid, I wonder if that's what I am battling...

    We have thanksgiving tomorrow, we aren't doing anything , but I am going to make a horseradish beef tenderloin, with melting potatoes, asparagus and green beans.

    No dessert, no appetizers.

    Friday, we are going to the Festival of Trees, it's this thing one of the children's hospitals in the area does, they have over a thousand decorated trees. I've actually never been, but apparently you can purchase the trees, and then pick them up next weekend. I imagine they are pretty expensive though. I'm just going to look though...

    Have a great weekend everyone !
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrzy gosh hope all goes well with your back. Also nice loss this week.

    @jugar - You have snow already? We've had a decent fall so far and the snow hasn't settled in yet, but time is ticking. Hunting season should be over soon.

    My days have been flying by. I had an interview for a new job and I feel like it went really well. I'm not the kind of person to brag and talk about all my achievements so doing this isn't easy. I'm happy how it went and regardless of the outcome I feel like just getting asked to interview was a win.

    Got a few good workouts planned this week and I'm keeping focused not to add too much alcohol in the next few weeks. Plan is to keep it at 1-2 drinks/weeks and so far so good.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Happy Wednesday Waistaways 😊
    @jugar I'm not sure if you had a chance to see my private message, Liselyn. I've explained why my weeks have been so hectic 😕

    I have new Fitbit watch now so hopefully this will make me feel more motivated 😊 I really miss the challenges in fitbit app, but now I joined the Conqueror Challenges. Not the same but still very good 😊

    Have a lovely evening everyone ❤️

    I finally got your message! It is so good to see you back, and even if things are still hectic, come by here when you can. We love to get your news. Let us know which Conqueror Challenge you are doing, and maybe you'll get some company :smiley:
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