WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    PW - 166.4
    CW - 166.4

    Love this topic just as we start the holiday season. I agree @MaddawgMadsen drinking is a trigger for me with the F-it mentality and something I know I need to be conscious about in the next few months.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 774 Member
    PW - 166.4
    CW - 166.4

    Love this topic just as we start the holiday season. I agree @MaddawgMadsen drinking is a trigger for me with the F-it mentality and something I know I need to be conscious about in the next few months.

    I’m right there with you guys! That’s one of two main reasons I mostly stopped drinking.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Well, Wednesday has flown by! I got a few important bank and other tasks done with mom, spent some great time with some of her friends, had a good gym sweatfest, and got prepared for the avalanche of work that will hit tomorrow afternoon as soon as I arrive in Montreal. For once I am glad that documents can be reviewed together with people far away.

    Keep the chat about how to deal with our rebellious natures rolling, and send in those weigh-ins! Here is the due list through Thursday:

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    another quick check-in from me. got some delayed soreness from lower body day on monday + regular soreness from arms yesterday, but the kind that kind of makes you feel good. I do need a good stretch tomorrow before the next workout.

    But first, I am trying to get in the car at 5AM to drive about 3.5hrs to upstate NY for an early jump on the Thanksgiving holiday. I'll work remote until next Thursday, which I am excited for. I really should already be snoring. ta!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Well folks it looks like I too am succumbing to illness!!
    Brad and I finally made it home last night and I put him straight to bed. But I had soccer at 9:45 p.m.. which was 11:45 p.m. in the time zone I came from, anyway between the hectic travel the past few days and not sleeping well because of Brad's sickness and then the last game I now appear to be coming down with the same. The timing is bad as work is hectic, I have family with us for the next ~10 days or so in celebration of my dad's 75th birthday coming up, and we go to Disney at the start of December. Just feeling overwhelmed and out of my routine and that's not boding well for my healthy lifestyle I tell ya.
    I made it to work today but throughout the day I was declining.. maybe I'll have a miracle recovery overnight but it doesn't seem likely. Off to bed to try to heal up!
    Thanks for all the nice comments regarding our rough travel adventure. It happens sometimes but I definitely feel like a day of my life just got lost in the mix!

    I am the queen of self-sabotage when it come to my diet, always have been. There is a voice in me that compels me to binge and the feelings afterwards are so hard to cope. I feel out of control, then I beat myself up.. then I will myself into better behavior.
    I had gotten myself out of that pattern for quite a long time but I'm back in my higher stress circumstances and that's always been how I've coped.
    I am going to therapy in hopes that in healing some of my issues overall it will help with some of these behaviors.

    Sleep well all and stay away from all the nasty viruses spreading out there!!!
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 225 Member
    @ashleycarole86 I hope you feel better soon, with all of your traveling and adventures, it's easy to catch a bug.

    I got on the scale this morning and I was down, and would have had a loss if today was my weigh in day, WHY DOES THAT ALWAYS HAPPEN ! lol I thought about changing my weigh in day, but I think I am not going to, I think if I do that it will leave me to the "but I have 4/5 days till I weigh in, I can eat that today" mindset.

    I have a 3 day weekend this weekend, then a 4 day weekend next week, so this is going to be a tough 2 weeks. It is our 6 mile hike weekend, so I think I will split these, and do 3 on Friday, and 3 on Saturday. I have a lot going on Friday, and will be out running errands till at least 2, so we should be able to hit a park and do 3 miles, sometimes though my husband isn't willing to do afternoon hikes, he is definitely a morning person, when we plan a hike, we are out by 7am.

    Have a great day !

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    Well folks it looks like I too am succumbing to illness!!

    I am the queen of self-sabotage when it come to my diet, always have been. There is a voice in me that compels me to binge and the feelings afterwards are so hard to cope. I feel out of control, then I beat myself up.. then I will myself into better behavior.
    I had gotten myself out of that pattern for quite a long time but I'm back in my higher stress circumstances and that's always been how I've coped.
    I am going to therapy in hopes that in healing some of my issues overall it will help with some of these behaviors.

    First off, I hope you beat whatever illness this is and feel better quickly!

    Secondly, I love that you are utilizing therapy to help! It is often overlooked which is sad because it can be quite helpful.

    Lastly, where you said, "I feel out of control, then I beat myself up.." I can 100% relate to this and I bet I'm not the only one. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if almost everyone in this group could relate. What if, instead of beating ourselves up we retrain our brains to realize the occasional slip-up is going to happen, and that's okay? If we could do this, we would at the very least minimize negative feelings. But, additionally we would shorten the time between our sabotage and getting back on track, which would ultimately shorten the time between today and our goals.

    I think that will be the strategy I implement. Knowing myself, I am going to have a couple self-sabotage days over the next week if not every day. The past has shown that I do great until a trip like this, or just over the holidays. I relax, think about the progress I have made, and turn that into a reason to stop working towards my goal. Next thing I know it's been a month or more of daily poor choices and I am back where I started. So, on this trip, I will focus on sticking to my goals, but not beating myself up when I don't. Hopefully, that will keep me from going down the self-deprecating rabbit hole when I return.

    What other thoughts are out there about rebellion/self-sabotage and ways to overcome it?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    edited November 2023
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW 221
    CW 221.2
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Thanks for all the well-wishes!
    Had to call in sick to work today, well not quite as I am working from home, but didn't go into the office
    Brad is asleep beside me.. he has had it quite rough!
    @MaddawgMadsen Absolutely - you are right about a mindset shift helping here. Something I am constantly working on. I am getting a lot out of therapy but sometimes it feels like I almost have to get a bit worse before I make improvements. Or maybe it's just the season of life I'm in that's making me feel that way. In any event, it's a constant work in progress!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    Wednesday, November 15 - 8,341 steps, 40 minutes of spin
    Thursday, November 16 - no steps. I forgot my watch :s , but I did do an hour of CrossFit, two longer than normal walks at work, and I still have shopping and packing tonight. So, I know that I will hit my step goal (if I haven't already), I just don't know the exact number.

    Also, this might be the last you hear from me for at least a few days. We leave tomorrow for our Thanksgiving vacation. I will try to login sometime during the next week, but cannot guarantee much interaction.

  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,087 Member
    @MaddawgMadsen Bon voyage and happy Thanksgiving in advance 😊
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    It looks like lots of travel, some stress, some illness, some hiking - a big mix. And some great ideas!
    What if, instead of beating ourselves up we retrain our brains to realize the occasional slip-up is going to happen, and that's okay? If we could do this, we would at the very least minimize negative feelings. But, additionally we would shorten the time between our sabotage and getting back on track, which would ultimately shorten the time between today and our goals
    This is important! The days when we feel like we have "given in" "failed" and all the other ways we berate ourselves are really lessons! And they're going to happen. Hopefully, we have more successful days than lesson days. The lesson part of it is to think, and not just yell at yourself. You thought it would soothe the tensions and stress. Did it? You thought it would help you celebrate. Did it? If not, what would work better? You know - all those kinds of questions that help to root out the beliefs around food and figure out what is true. Lessons are good! Then go on trying to use food more wisely, and have more "good" days than lesson days. That feels pretty reasonable.
    I am getting a lot out of therapy but sometimes it feels like I almost have to get a bit worse before I make improvements. Or maybe it's just the season of life I'm in that's making me feel that way. In any event, it's a constant work in progress!
    That's another really interesting one. That somehow things "have to" get worse before improvements begin. Take a good look at that and see if it is true. And why? Maybe they don't really have to get worse.

    I'm holed up in Montreal, had an easy travel day, but came straight to a meeting from the airport and missed lunch! It's a beautiful day, though, so I walked a lot, found a fantastic Poke place to get dinner, walked some more, and now I'm finishing up my notes for the long interview day tomorrow. I almost got beer to go with the poke bowl, but coconut water saved the day! I love that stuff, and I'll have a much better evening without any beer, that's for sure. I'll also hit the little hotel gym before the meetings start tomorrow. I will need to be sharp and calm. A good endorphin-enducing sweat fest should help!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 264.9
    CW: 261.8

    Another double take day for me on the scale, since my TOM was making me quite snackish early in the week. But I think my period is ending and thus, some bloat would have fallen off.. but I don't think that was captured in last week's weight. However, this is the first week of the add-on workouts to my challenge, following a deload week. And they have been HARD. So maybe a bit of a jump in energy and burn to be back in it. Anyways, I will take it! And I have definitely earned the right to shop for new sheets, my 20 lbs lost reward. :)

    Have to decide if I want to weigh in the day after Thanksgiving next week or maybe 1 day early... lol.

    @EvMakesChanges yay on your new decade!! You and @wishfuljune are quite early risers today. I am going to be so tired from my 5AM drive yesterday, probably for the next few days. But I do love getting things done early!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    leni1us wrote: »
    If this journey went any slower, I wouldn't be moving at all. I know what I need to do, it's just finding the motivation to do it. One day everything will be on point - eating right, drinking water, walking for 30 minutes a day only to follow it up a day or two later with going out to dinner with friends and enjoying to much food, and wine.

    I've gotta get this dialed in better.
    Slow is OK! It might seem like it takes forever, but I think you end up with fewer plateaus and raging hunger. Your body can adjust as you go. Maybe moving up to a steady 1% per week is a great aim, but as long as you're not steadily heading upwards, all is good. Make a plan for those outings so they have a smaller impact, or compensate for them by a lower day or two. I know @ashleycarole86 used to calculate her calorie deficit on a weekly basis rather than just daily, and that can be a useful tool if you're using CICO.

    @jugar, thanks for that. Slow IS OK. This whole journey can be so discouraging sometimes because I know what to do but sometimes I make the choice to do it (or have it) anyway.
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    PW 164.4
    CW 164.0
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @ashleycarole86 I am blown away by the stat summary on the steps and exercise - somehow 1.55% of a tank of gas in a Boeing 747 sounds ridiculously impressive! And a great percentage - if anyone loses 1.55% of their body weight in a week, it is a fantastic job! So yeah. What a team :smiley:

    I'm also super impressed with you @Kali225 - that is a great loss this week! When the residual calorie burn of the workout regimen kicks in, it is surprising and encouraging - even if it is hard work during those workouts. Building muscle burns, baby, it burns! Calories get used up. Keep building muscle and the calories keep burning. One of the hardest things about getting smaller is that we need fewer calories to survive. Keeping the body composition moving towards more muscle and less fat is one of the most useful tools in the box to compensate for being lighter. You are doing great!

    I am finally home! Today was a long one interviewing the complainant in this investigation I am doing. I think the person felt relieved to be listened to. I enjoyed the day, in spite of how intense it was, and I got to go to my fave falafel place for lunch! I have missed the good food in Montreal... My own bed will feel good tonight, and I'll get to ride dear Jasper tomorrow :smiley:
    My travel salad that I took with me for the ride down was so delicious! It was roasted beets, pumpkin seeds, roasted chickpeas, pomegranate seeds, kalamata olives, and lentils. There was a shallot, lemon, apple cider vinegar dressing at the bottom, and then chopped romaine on top. It was definitely one of the best salads I’ve had.
    I want this salad. Will work on something like it soon!!

    Let's get ready for Saturday! weigh-ins are due from:

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