WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 302 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Wednesday, November 8th - 8,904 steps, 35 minutes of spin class, bowling league

    I had a couple light beers at bowling last night. I fit them into my calorie budget and planned for it since it is something I sometimes enjoy at bowling. It is kicking my butt today. My sinuses are so inflamed. It hurts. I guess no more beer for me or at least not for a while.

    In the past having non-food rewards hasn't really worked for me for many of the same reasons some of you have mentioned. What I am trying different this time is making it something I want that will help me exercise. It's not something I need, and it is tied to making exercise easier or more enjoyable which should in turn make losing weight easier or more enjoyable, and the cycle continues.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 671 Member
    @EvMakesChanges the solo NH trip is technically my reward for 100 lbs lost so we are quite a ways off :D but I went to sleepaway camp near Lake Wentworth as a kid and I have always wanted to go back to the Winnipesaukee area. I've been living in Boston since 2019 and still haven't had a trip to NH! But it will also depend on the season when (NOT IF - WHEN) I get to that point because I also like to snowboard. So if it was winter, I would maybe opt for a mountain resort like Loon. I would love to meet up if I am in your neck of the woods!! See how it goes...

    @MaddawgMadsen I like exercise related rewards, too. The Garmin tracker is my 50 lbs lost reward. I had a fitbit for a long time and just got fed up with what I saw as shoddy craftsmenship - plus I couldn't walk as much or at all with my foot tendonitis so the step counter became useless to me. I had a garmin years ago that I liked a lot. I figure at 50 lbs down I will hopefully be more mobile again and will want to track more movement. Plus since I started swimming and kayaking, those are activities that I really can't estimate calorie burn for without a good tracker like Garmin. Will be fun to see some stats.

    I may not have said earlier but I am doing sober November! So you (all) are welcome to join in! Thanksgiving will be the toughest day for sure but like Jolene just said alcohol just doesn't sit well so it is just never worth it anymore for me.

    I have my deload upper body workout today, and hopefully a walk or swim tomorrow. the day is flying by!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    I don't know you in person of course, but I adore you
    Screw your class pics .. you are a fabulous person and you deserve to feel that way
    Hope you find your peace because I guarantee you deserve to feel like the queen you are no matter what
    We are here for you, always!

    Aww @ashleycarole86 you are so sweet! Thank you for that I appreciate it and you, of course. I think you are pretty incredible too.

    Thanks also to @jugar @MaddawgMadsen @CarolAnnM2 @Kali225 @cleaneater80 @lauren_989 and everyone!! Thank you all for your photos, kind words and support. I really do appreciate it and I am grateful for you all.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    The ground is white! We got our first stick-to-it snow today, and even though it is just the beginning, it makes me happy. The snowshoes are stacked up and ready to go, eventually :smiley:

    I had a wonderful session with Jasper today - we were playing around in the big indoor arena (kinda slippery out), trying out some new ways of lunging that involved me running around way more than usual, then tons of patterns and transitions with me up. I'm using a bareback pad these days until my new saddle arrives, so it is an amazing core and balance workout! We laughed a lot. I swear he laughs.

    Today's update! Due through Friday:

    A veritable shower of numbers it shall be :smiley:
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    PW 89.8
    CW 89.2
    Happy with that. A mixed week but mostly ate mindfully. Tried to listen to my body while logging calories. What I'm learning is that I don't need much in the morning. I prefer to blank calories for 4pm ish when I get the munchies. This seems to work better than pushing myself to eat a big breakfast, because I get the munchies regardless.
    Have a great weekend everyone!:
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 270 Member
    So about 2 months ago, I was having some back pain again. Well, I started doing my typical PT exercises for it, and it's all better now, but I had a side effect, I wanted to share. My belly and waist are shrinking, the hubby noticed this morning and was like it's a significant difference. Turns out that the exercises I do are a "new trend" called stomach vacuuming. So it's not really a new trend, anyone with back pain should be doing this on the regular, and it's a base move in pilates.

    Anyway, I do this constantly throughout the day, you only have to do it and hold it for a few seconds at a time. No need for a mat etc. Just while you are sitting, sit up straight, and tilt your pelvis up, to flatten your back (pretend you are trying to push that bottom curve in your spine straight and suck your belly button up and in all at the same time). No one will even know you are doing it. It's like invisible exercise :smile:

    I read this article on this "new trend" , and they say you only need to do it like 3 times a day, 3 days a week. Well I do it, like 5-10 times a day everyday, and for quite a while before I get out of bed in the morning while I do bridges, as it loosens up the stiffness. Best part is, you can do it sitting, laying, or standing.

    So I challenge all of you to do this for a few weeks and report back. Also, do not hold your breathe while doing it, if you do you aren't working the muscles, you are working your lungs. :smiley:

    If nothing else, you are helping to stabilize your spine and take it from someone who knows, that's IMPORTANT!

  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 190 Member
    CW 227.4
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Exercise catchup (from the car on the way to Brad's mom's house in Ontario!):
    Nov 2 - 11047 steps
    Nov 3 - 4135 steps
    Nov 4 - 15085 steps
    Nov 5 - 9754 steps
    Nov 6 - 14257 steps + 31 minutes Peloton
    Nov 7 - 9315 steps + 79 minutes Peloton
    Nov 8 - 12591 steps
    Nov 9 - 9446 steps
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    edited November 2023
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    So about 2 months ago, I was having some back pain again. Well, I started doing my typical PT exercises for it, and it's all better now, but I had a side effect, I wanted to share. My belly and waist are shrinking, the hubby noticed this morning and was like it's a significant difference. Turns out that the exercises I do are a "new trend" called stomach vacuuming. So it's not really a new trend, anyone with back pain should be doing this on the regular, and it's a base move in pilates.

    Anyway, I do this constantly throughout the day, you only have to do it and hold it for a few seconds at a time. No need for a mat etc.
    Just while you are sitting, sit up straight, and tilt your pelvis up, to flatten your back (pretend you are trying to push that bottom curve in your spine straight and suck your belly button up and in all at the same time). No one will even know you are doing it. It's like invisible exercise :smile:
    I read this article on this "new trend" , and they say you only need to do it like 3 times a day, 3 days a week. Well I do it, like 5-10 times a day everyday, and for quite a while before I get out of bed in the morning while I do bridges, as it loosens up the stiffness. Best part is, you can do it sitting, laying, or standing.

    So I challenge all of you to do this for a few weeks and report back.
    Also, do not hold your breath while doing it, if you do you aren't working the muscles, you are working your lungs. :smiley:

    If nothing else, you are helping to stabilize your spine and take it from someone who knows, that's IMPORTANT!
    This is great! I totally agree that this is something easy, effective, and wonderfully invisible. Waiting in line is now a workout session!

    One thing, though. Lungs can't work. They are flabby balloons. The diaphragm muscle is the only thing that makes them work, and it is an abdominal muscle! And one that connects your front core to your back core! So when you are sucking your belly button up and in, your diaphragm is going to join the party. When you exhale all the way, it goes way up and helps you lift your belly further up and in. If you inhale the diaphragm is going to make sucking your belly up harder - there will be some conflict to the "up and in" because your diaphragm is going way down into your abdomen to get the lungs to fill with air. So you are right to keep breathing while doing this, but it is good to know that inhaling makes it more difficult to keep the belly button up and in. Feel the burn!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    @wishfuljune You are sure busy! I think it's great how you have kept your dietician appointments, and you are in planning mode even through lots of travel irregularities in your schedule and food availability. You're also keeping the exercise going - this all sounds like a winning approach to me. Or losing :wink:

    @eggfreak many hugs - thinking of you! :heart:

    @Kali225 hats off!! You're on a roll :smiley:

    I'm having a rather lazy day. Better get on that exercise bike tonight! And go horsing tomorrow. I'll be away from home all next week - going with my son to visit my mom in North Carolina, and then when we get back to Montreal Thursday, I'll be staying there to work that afternoon and Friday all day. I'll miss my boys, both the human and the equine! It will be good to see mom, though, and to finally get my investigator job going. I'm wearing the hat. It's snazzy.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Saturday people - here you come!

    Remaining Friday weigh-ins still to go:

    And a few overdue:

    Let's wrap this week up by the end of Saturday - thanks!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 837 Member
    PW 164.8
    CW 164.4

    If this journey went any slower, I wouldn't be moving at all. I know what I need to do, it's just finding the motivation to do it. One day everything will be on point - eating right, drinking water, walking for 30 minutes a day only to follow it up a day or two later with going out to dinner with friends and enjoying to much food, and wine.

    I've gotta get this dialed in better.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 433 Member
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,025 Member
    edited November 2023
    jugar wrote: »

    I'm having a rather lazy day. Better get on that exercise bike tonight! And go horsing tomorrow. I'll be away from home all next week - going with my son to visit my mom in North Carolina, and then when we get back to Montreal Thursday, I'll be staying there to work that afternoon and Friday all day. I'll miss my boys, both the human and the equine! It will be good to see mom, though, and to finally get my investigator job going. I'm wearing the hat. It's snazzy.

    Where in NC @jugar? I have grandchildren in the Raleigh/Durham area.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    jugar wrote: »

    I'm having a rather lazy day. Better get on that exercise bike tonight! And go horsing tomorrow. I'll be away from home all next week - going with my son to visit my mom in North Carolina, and then when we get back to Montreal Thursday, I'll be staying there to work that afternoon and Friday all day. I'll miss my boys, both the human and the equine! It will be good to see mom, though, and to finally get my investigator job going. I'm wearing the hat. It's snazzy.

    Where in NC @jugar? I have grandchildren in the Raleigh/Durham area.

    I'll be way down in Matthews (near Charlotte) - bummer! But it is going to be a fast turnaround anyhow.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    If this journey went any slower, I wouldn't be moving at all. I know what I need to do, it's just finding the motivation to do it. One day everything will be on point - eating right, drinking water, walking for 30 minutes a day only to follow it up a day or two later with going out to dinner with friends and enjoying to much food, and wine.

    I've gotta get this dialed in better.
    Slow is OK! It might seem like it takes forever, but I think you end up with fewer plateaus and raging hunger. Your body can adjust as you go. Maybe moving up to a steady 1% per week is a great aim, but as long as you're not steadily heading upwards, all is good. Make a plan for those outings so they have a smaller impact, or compensate for them by a lower day or two. I know @ashleycarole86 used to calculate her calorie deficit on a weekly basis rather than just daily, and that can be a useful tool if you're using CICO.
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