WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    edited November 2023
    I might as well face it. It’s been a hard three years. Here is my low photo and a higher side photo. Not sure what my exact weight was on photo day. But this is where I am. The thinner photo was my low right before the pandemic and two moves. AND I think I’m wearing the same sweater. 😕op41rdjgsyua.jpeg

    Oh and MFP was kind enough to tell me I’ve gained 25.1 pounds.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
    edited November 2023
    @micki48 - I think you are beautiful in both pictures. You have such an incredible smile! It is hard to see ourselves larger than we think we are and then even more disheartening to get negative messages from those who care about us. My best advice (if you want it) is to first talk to your husband and let him know how what he said made you feel. He probably thought he was being funny, not hurtful. Then, if you don't like the way you look in the picture, know that is past you, and do your best every day to take another step towards your goals.

    Here is the picture from my friend's wedding in May that became my, "I need to change" and "I will never be there again" picture. I'll post a more recent picture in a minute. Almost six months and I'm only down 25ish pounds. It has been hard, but not as hard as how I felt about myself after seeing that picture.

  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 621 Member
    I honestly don't think I am brave enough right now to post pictures but I love that @micki48 and @MaddawgMadsen are! Maybe tomorrow. Mirrors are hard. But I think you both look great in both pictures. And these are all part of our whys.

    I'm having another weird night of appetite. Not really in the mood for dinner. I did my light workout. Going to see if a hot shower feels good, and get ready for bed. hump day looms!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Oh, the power of photos. It is weird how bad they can make us feel. We hate hearing our own voices too. And are shocked by how old we look (those of us who do!) even though we still feel the same inside. Dang it - and then keep going. Hugs to you @micki48

    I have had a very sedentary day - did get some pilates in, but I'm heading to bed early tonight for sure.

    Weigh-in update - due through Wednesday:

  • CarolAnnM2
    CarolAnnM2 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks @jugar for reminding me! I looked back and found pictures which also helped me. They span 2 years. w9m454p1p9uy.jpeg
    These pictures help me and my resolve not to go back there!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 601 Member
    @micki48 I feel the same exact way! I don't realize how big I am until I look at photos. Once in a while, I will feel how big I am, but usually I'm like, no I'm healthy fat 😝 Then I try to jog and I'm like nope, just normal fat.

    This is from when I was my light and my biggest. I am now inbetween the two. The heaviest was when I graduated from undergrad in 2009 and the lightest from 2021. Also, angles can make or break a picture.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
    CW: 173.4
    PW: 173.8

    Tuesday, November 7th - 6,001 steps, 1 hour of CrossFit (so many deadlifts my legs were dead the rest of the day, hence why I barely made my step goal as I fell into bed)

    It's a small loss, but I will take it. I really want to get to the next decade because I promised myself CrossFit shoes once I'm in the 160s.

    Does anyone else have a non-food reward planned for a specific goal? If so, what's the goal, and what is the treat/prize?
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
    And, I want to say I love all the pictures! We are all beautiful! If you are someone who doesn't feel comfortable posting a picture, that is more than okay. What makes us all beautiful is that we come here as we are and not only better ourselves by being here, but help better everyone else.

    Cheers and happy Wednesday!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I hope you all had/are having a wonderful waistaways Wednesday. It was a good cold but lovely day here - and I walked the most challenging of my snowshoe routes to start getting in shape for snow time, if it ever gets here. Lots of big hills! I realise I have been getting spoiled riding my horse lately - it's so much faster with four legs. But it felt good to get working on the challenging parts of my winter routes. I was extra happy because I slipped and fell in some mud at one point (much bad language ensued) and the fall onto my left hand actually fixed a problem I have been having with my wrist lately! The pain is gone - I think something was out of joint, and the fall actually made it better. Sometimes slipping on the mud isn't half bad :smiley: Of course this means I have to get back to doing my push-ups and planks in the normal way. I have been either doing elbow planks or push-ups on my fists, or just skipping them altogether (ahem!). So, no more wrist excuse.

    I like the non-food reward question. Mine are mainly just for having a good clean eating day, or for hitting exercise goals. The good feeling is already a reward, but indulging in a nice lazy read on the couch session, or a full on stretching half hour while listening to some interesting music are my go tos. Stretching just feels so amazing - no plan, just stretch whatever and flow along from one to another.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 621 Member
    Hi friends! Cold here today too but it felt energizing on my walk. I needed it. I think maybe I pushed it too much on a small incline with my pace - my foot did get pretty tight. But I rested on benches as usual and iced when I got home. Feels okay.

    I have had various rewards systems over the years, some successful, some not but currently I have a little table with each level of weight less (10 lbs, 20 lbs, etc) and then what the reward will be. I crossed the 10 lb mark and I got a habit tracker journal from Amazon. Loving it. The next level is 20 lbs (I am 0.6 lbs away from my starting point in this file - might not line up with my MFP SW currently but close), and I get some new sets of bedsheets at that point!! I am in desperate need so it has been really motivating. I think in the past, some of the rewards I chose were either not motivating enough or something I needed so much, I didn't bother to wait for the weight to actually be lost. Some other rewards on the list; hoop earrings (my earrings collection is sorely lacking and mostly very cheap materials so trying to upgrade the whole thing), Tatcha skincare, a Garmin fitness tracker, taking a day off work, and a solo trip to New Hampshire! I hope to hit them all. :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Wow - some great rewards in there @Kali225 - I like the idea of saving money for something you really need or want, and building up health capital at the same time. Inspiring!

    There are quite numbers missing for this week so far, so I am here in my official capacity! You know I'm

    Due Sunday - Wednesday: (consider yourselves nagged!)

    Due Thursday:

  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 552 Member
    @Kali225 where will you go in NH? I’m just across the Connecticut River in Vermont so you’ll be closer than normal. It’d be fun to meet up for a walk or cuppa.
    I’ll write more later tomorrow. We’re due for some icy weather but I still hope to get to my first session with KDR fitness folks in Enfield, NH. We’re targeting good change and strengthening my bones over the next year. It’s a good approach for me with pillars of support including nutrition, zoom-exercise time with personalized schedules, and in-person time at the gym. Whee!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    I don't know you in person of course, but I adore you
    Screw your class pics .. you are a fabulous person and you deserve to feel that way
    Hope you find your peace because I guarantee you deserve to feel like the queen you are no matter what
    We are here for you, always!
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 101 Member
    Good morning Waistaways, as always I'm late with weigh in 🫣 sorry ❤️
    Nothing much to report 😢
    I stayed the same.

    CW 228.2 😢

    Oh well, here's to the new week 😍

    Have a lovely day everyone ❤️
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 221 Member
    Soooo tired this morning, I did not sleep well, and I have no idea why. I've had 84's all week, and today it's a 68... wahhhh

    As for rewards, I have found they don't really work for me. I've tried and never followed through, and I don't like to tie something I need or want to my weight. I am currently pushing a little harder so I have an easier time on my vacation, but I am going on my vacation successful or not. I guess I look at my reward as just feeling better and being healthier.

    I once told myself, I would not book any vacations of any kind until I lost the weight, that was just depressing and made me feel worse.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    Thursday weigh-in

    PW 220
    CW 221
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 440 Member
    @micki48 Husbands are not good a good judge of anything related to looks or our relationship with weight. We are here for you and there's so much more to you than your weight and looks. As I look back on pictures I know what my weight was and how I felt in my body at that time. We are all on a journey and this may be the picture you refer to when you want to throw in the towel and give up.

    @MaddawgMadsen @CarolAnnM2 @ashleycarole86 thanks for sharing your pics

    At the moment I don't have any rewards - I've tried in the past but were never motivating enough so not on my list as part of my weight loss journey at the moment.
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