WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,187 Member
    Have fun in NC!!!

    Sorry to hear illness has been kicking your butt girl!

    And same with your hubby's chest infection!
    Tis that time of year, isn't it?? ACK!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @ashleycarole86 YIKES! That sounds like a miserable trip. Ugh. I hope you don't catch what Brad has, and that you both get home safe and have some time to rest and recover.

    Same to all of you on the sick list - feel better soon :heart:

    Quick reminder for weigh-ins:

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    Thank you for your various cents on the protein powder question!

    @ashleycarole86 oh man what an incredible wrench in the top of your week. get home safe and get the best sleep you can.

    hugs to all who are under the weather!

    Back to my workouts in the challenge for the next 4 weeks and today was a DOOZY of a lower body workout. It took me 70 min! gonna be pretty sore tomorrow I bet.

    Getting into bed now - how does the day fly by SO fast!!!
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Monday!

    PW: 229.2
    CW: 232.0

    Missed last week - sorry about that. Last week wasn't the greatest, but gotta keep going.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 621 Member
    PW: 208.8
    CW: 211.6

    🙈🙈🙈 I knew it was a bad week
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    @Kali225 - Something I forgot to mention about protein powders, I really don't use them much. To get extra protein in my diet, I use collagen powder in my coffee, powdered peanut butter every few days in my breakfast (usually either with Greek yogurt or oatmeal), and will occasionally do protein shakes. Premier Protein had a pumpkin spice protein shake for the fall that was really good.

    @YinxFed - I forgot to say that I'm sorry to hear your husband is struggling with a chest infection. I hope he is on the mend!

    @ashleycarole86 - your trip sounds miserable. I hope it and Brad get better, and quick!

    @jugar - I am glad you made it safely to NC! Enjoy the time with your family in the nice weather!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Monday, November 13th - 6,713 steps, 40 minutes spin, three games of league bowling

    It seems like we have a few people who are in the red this week, which happens. But it makes me ponder a topic that was brought me recently, that of rebellion. Often, we get into eating, drinking, or habits that we know aren't good for us as a form of rebellion. I know I definitely do this, so I would venture to say others do too, but the question is why?

    I am going on vacation this next week with my family. I plan to count calories, exercise at least a few days, and limit my alcohol intake, with respect that I am on vacation and it is okay to cheat a little. However, I guarantee I will have a day or two where I say to heck with all of it and do what I want; a.k.a. cheat a lot. I then will regret it - most likely the next day because I had too much to drink or drank the wrong thing (beer/gluten).

    My big questions for everyone about this are: Do you ever find yourself rebelling? If so, why do you think this happens? Does rebelling really help us reach our goals? What are some strategies to help avoid this?
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 225 Member

    My big questions for everyone about this are: Do you ever find yourself rebelling? If so, why do you think this happens? Does rebelling really help us reach our goals? What are some strategies to help avoid this?

    Absolutely, I rebel at times. I think it is because I get frustrated, because what I want to happen isn't happening as quickly as I would like it to, and I just get that thought, "ugh why bother".

    No rebelling doesn't help us, but I have noticed, I rebel less and less as I stay on the path, because I really do want this to work, so I think the longer we can stay on the wagon, the less we will slip off.

    I think some strategies are to really pay attention to how you feel after rebelling, I can't think of a time where I said, " screw it" and truly felt good about it, sure it gave me instant gratification in that moment, but that was it, it did not last, and I felt like crap later in the day, or the next day.

    I did this with drinking, I typically drank to excess, and then the next day was just horrible. I guess it finally clicked, WHY am I doing this to myself, it's not worth it. The drinking may be a large key as to why I am rebelling less also. Food has always been my comfort, and after drinking I always felt horrible, so that was when I wanted that comfort.

    Great Question !

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 621 Member
    edited November 2023
    I have heard of it called self sabatoge instead of rebel. I agree with @Gidgitgoescrzy and think that I am not losing weight fast enough, sometimes I get depressed which doesnt help, and sometimes I think life isn't fair and why can't I just eat the tasty food!

    Then when I see the scale go up, I kick my butt back in gear until it happens again. 🙈🤷🏼‍♀️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Yesterday when I got home, I was feeling so incredibly lethargic and just so tired. Took my blood pressure it was 100/60 - Now that is not go to the hospital low, but it's low, especially for me. and like she said, everyone reacts differently to stuff. So lets find out if this is what is happening. I really dislike drs that say, oh thats not what it could be, low blood pressure only makes you dizzy and faint.

    So I am to stop the one med and take my blood pressure 2 times a day. Then check back in on friday to see if I can discontinue that one for good. :smiley:

    That will be great if you can get off any unnecessary meds! My bp is always quite low, and I have to be careful to drink enough water to keep it up. And eat salt! Not my fave thing to do, but it beats the weird feeling of low pressure. You have been losing weight pretty steadily lately, especially the past 2 weeks. That is sure to have a strong effect. Good for you! But don't lose too fast :grimace:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Thanks for the rebellion question @MaddawgMadsen . It is one of the things that needs a good hard look for sure. The inner rebel's tendency to hit the F** It button when feeling too hemmed in by rules, "good" behaviour, instructions, and all the "shoulds" can be really intense. It feels great to hit the F** It button.

    But as a couple of you have already said, that great feeling is very short-lived. And it does not save us from the restrictions we love to hate. It feels pretty horrible afterwards, and then we still have the problem to solve. As @Gidgitgoescrzy said, though - the longer we take the steps towards our goals and stop believing in the use of rebelling against good things, the better! And who wants to rebel against that?

    But (again!) bad slips can still happen. Triggers are a physical reality - certain kinds of food and drink will kick that yum reaction into overdrive. That's not rebellion, it's chemical - although reaching for those foods in the first place might be a kind of rebellion. The hardest part for me is that hitting the FI button is not really done by the most conscious, intelligent parts of my brain. I guess that is why avoiding or limiting trigger foods feels like such annoying restriction in the first place. Interesting topic for sure!

    Bring on more discussion :smiley:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,288 Member
    Sorry to hear your trip had a big hiccup Ashley and Brad. Hope you get home soon and can feel rested and back on track. @jugar glad to hear you and your son arrived in NC just fine. Say hi to my son down there in Charlotte. :)

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I have been thinking of you the last couple days as I do stomach vacuums.

    I just got over a cold and now I have another or it came back. I don't know. Not fun. Making me very tired. My shoulder was really hurting the other night. The next day at school, I fell and I think it put the shoulder back in the right place. I was fine except a tender spot on the pad of my hand. I was SOOO thankful because when I fell, my mouth was about two inches from the edge of the sidewalk. So glad I didn't hit my teeth. Wew! I'm off tomorrow to go to the dermatologist with my husband.

    I need to get back to logging my food. been slacking the last week. Take care.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    @micki48 your shoulder story is like my wrist one last week! I love it when a fall that you think is a disaster actually fixes something! But seriously, you came close to a bad one. Enjoy that shoulder now that it does not hurt anymore :smiley:
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 626 Member
    loving the discussion about rebelling and self-sabotage, I am very much guilty of that as well. I'll have to think a bit more on my "why I do that" but I am just totally exhausted today. My TOM has hit HARD, my arm workout tonight was such a struggle. So weak and tired. Glad I am finally in bed around the time I planned to be. dreamland, take me away.
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 225 Member
    PW 166.2
    Cw 167.4

    I knew this would happen, but hey it could have been worse. I will get back to it. My goal now is to have 3 losses in a row... LOL

    I get to go get blood work done today, but I got her to do an inflammation panel and insulin panel on me. I think I have needed these for a long time, so it will be interesting to see what it says.

    Does anyone else keep a spreadsheet of all of their blood work, I have one with my blood work back to 2015 - I do this because although they say these are the levels that are normal, not everyone has the same normal, this way, I will know my normal. Who doesn't love a good spreadsheet. :wink:

    I had a self sabotage moment last night, I knew today was weigh in day, and that I would have a gain, so I ate somethings I shouldn't have eaten. It's like I thought this won't count because I am already up...

    But today is a new week :smile:

    Have a great day !
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    PW: 173.4
    CW: 172.2

    Tuesday, November 14th - 9,379 steps, one hour of CrossFit

    I'm pretty sure the weight loss is only because I had a couple of days without movement or food because I was sick, but I'll take it.

    I feel like I should answer my own questions now, too. So, I definitely rebel or self-sabotage and I still haven't found a reason why other than it's part of my nature as a human. It definitely does not help with my goals especially the way I do it. My biggest self-sabotaging habit is drinking. Once I drink, my inhibitions go down and then I hit my point of not caring. That becomes a spiral of overindulgence and it can happen so easily. Strategies to help for me include making a plan, listening to my body so that I can reasonably adjust the plan as I need to, and setting small, attainable goals.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 256 Member
    Does anyone else keep a spreadsheet of all of their blood work, I have one with my blood work back to 2015 - I do this because although they say these are the levels that are normal, not everyone has the same normal, this way, I will know my normal. Who doesn't love a good spreadsheet. :wink:

    Oh! I LOVE a good spreadsheet! Seriously. I've had to stop my husband on many occasions from buying shirts or mugs that say stuff like,"I Excel in the Sheets". Working with spreadsheets is my happy place ... I donate blood once every two months and I keep a spreadsheet of the vitals they take. I haven't started one for my blood work, but I really like the idea of doing that.
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