Weight No More Team Chat - DECEMBER 2023



  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    @izzified Niiiice!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Stimpy56 drool 🤤 peanut butter fudge, get outta here!!! Have you ever made Scottish Tablet? Even the thought of it makes my mouth water 💦
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Went to the Dr today for a weight check, she was happy that my weight is going down. She did up my rybelsus. I had an epidural shot in my back last week, my back feels a little better but I still have problems with my left leg. I go back to the Dr for that next week, we will see if they will schedule another shot. I am on vacation Christmas week so I am going to try to start walking a little bit that week or finding something easy to do that won't cause to much pain in my back and leg.
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    edited December 2023
    🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪⬛️ (Sun - Sat)
    ❤️🧡💛💚⚪️⚪️⚪️ (Protein/Fiber)
    ❤️🧡💛💚⚪️⚪️⚪️ (Planned Exercise)
    ❤️🧡💛💚⚪️⚪️⚪️ (Steps 5k+)

    @ljdanny It sounds like things are moving in the right direction at least. Hope you’re able to get some more walking in soon.

    I’m feeling pretty good about this week… I made an emergency appointment with my hairdresser and chopped all of my hair off yesterday. I do it every few years, but it had been at least 7 years since I’ve had it this short. It was past my shoulders and down my back. It’s much more sporty looking. Not frumpy at all!

    I’ve been purposefully not tracking my food this week. Just trying to get the protein and fiber in and then allowing myself to eat some of the holiday goodies that I’ve been baking. I guess we’ll see what my weigh-in is like this week. I usually try to build in a non diet week every 4-6 weeks to switch things up metabolically while still working out, The holidays seemed like a good time to do that.

    Is anyone looking ahead to the new year? Anyone trying something new with their diet/exercise? Or planning more of the same with renewed purpose?

  • gillwellow
    gillwellow Posts: 74 Member
    Hi again,

    Friday weigh-in
    Last week: 81.8kg
    This week: 81.2kg

    Since last checked- have lost 2cm from my waist. Have also exercised 6 days out of 6 so far this week (getting up early on work days). Not really a morning person but felt good to wake up my body.

    Happier with this weeks weigh-in.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited December 2023
    ~Step Challenge Results ~
    Team Statistics -
    Steppers: 5
    Total Steps: 242,182 (+21.53% from last week)
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 48,436

    The Leaderboard -

    @andja87 - 69,152 | 9,879 average
    @daria0919 - 65,170 total | 9,310 average- Most Steps in One Day!!!
    @sydditt - 44,517 total | 6,360 average- Most Consistent!!!
    @melaniedscott - 36,266 total | 5,181 average
    @BodyTalking - 27,077 total | 3,868 average

    We have a small group for December but if anyone wants to step into the challenge, they're welcome to join. (You see what I did there?) Bolded steppers made their stated goal!

    Two of our steppers stepped more than 10,000 steps in a day three times! Let's hear it for @andja87 and @daria0919 !

    The past few months I've made some challenge goals and we haven't quite made them. I'm not sure these goals are motivating...what might be more motivating to you? I could say, let's try yo meet a million steps but maybe we should do a game of some sort?

    Last week we collectively walked about 80 miles. I'm going to post a song that references 80 miles. Find a better one (this won't be too hard, I am a bit appalled by this one, but I don't esp like country):

    And this week, we can try for a different number and a better song!
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW 182.0
    Dec 8: 180.4
    Dec 15: 182.5

    GW (Dec): 178
    Plan: Strength training, daily walk, Protein 100g+, Fiber 25g+
    Age: 48
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    @melaniedscott I absolutely laughed hysterically just after the first few lines of the song!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Never did finish listening to it. 😂😂
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member

    Last week we collectively walked about 80 miles. I'm going to post a song that references 80 miles. Find a better one (this won't be too hard, I am a bit appalled by this one, but I don't esp like country):

    And this week, we can try for a different number and a better song!

    I recalculated...this is why i don't do math in the morning...we walked approximately 121 miles collectively. Do either 80 or 120+...

  • Marcy2890
    Marcy2890 Posts: 63 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I feel like I have hit a definite plateau, which I knew would happen but can be frustrating. I had another knee incident so I cancelled my gym for now until it’s fully better again, going to just focus on getting back on track with logging meals and atleast checking in daily🙂

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Username: marcy2890
    Weigh-In Day: Friday
    PW: 133.4 lbs
    CW: 132.5 lbs
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    @melaniedscott I absolutely laughed hysterically just after the first few lines of the song!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Never did finish listening to it. 😂😂

    If you listen to the first three lines, I think you're pretty good on the rest of it. I got through about half. I've gotten less tolerant this year of songs that are literally the same one or two sentences over and over and am pulling them out of my play lists (ex Bad Company Do Right By Your Woman has become increasingly insufferable this fall, after having no problems with it for 30 years...)
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 621 Member
    Marcy2890 wrote: »
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I feel like I have hit a definite plateau, which I knew would happen but can be frustrating. I had another knee incident so I cancelled my gym for now until it’s fully better again, going to just focus on getting back on track with logging meals and atleast checking in daily🙂

    Plateaus are the worst. Good luck figuring it out, changing it up, etc…! Hope the knee improves.
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 189 Member
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 235
    CW (Current Weight): 230

    This week I held myself firm to my calorie counts and deficits. Added in extra walking and movement while I still could at work, so my step counts will be up this week too. Trying to put the work in now ahead of the holiday, so Christmas doesn’t bite me so hard lol

    I’m officially on Christmas vacation from work so I will have to pick up on workouts and stepping at home til the new year…hopefully 😂
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    @andja87 AWESOME WEIGHT LOSS!! Congrats!!
  • pamelacorzine9
    pamelacorzine9 Posts: 16 Member
    December Start Weight: 154
    December Goal Weight: 149
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145
    weigh in day: Friday

    December 1: 154#
    December 8: 153#
    December 15: 153#
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 189 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    @andja87 AWESOME WEIGHT LOSS!! Congrats!!

    Thank you! I got off and weighed like 3 times to make sure it was reading correctly 😂
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member
    Hi folks! Thanks for not burning this chat down in my absence. I've been on a work trip since Saturday and oh boy have my health and good choices fluctuated drastically throughout the week. (I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow and see what the damage is - may end up excusing myself for this one)

    I should be caught up on weight updates, looks like I am still waiting on info from:

    And tomorrow we should be seeing numbers from:

    I will do my best to make sure everyone's weights are updated before jugar calculates the results on Sunday morning, but my boyfriend's company holiday party is tomorrow, so I'll be all over the place making sure everyone knows he has a hot girlfriend.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    edited December 2023
    I will do my best to make sure everyone's weights are updated before jugar calculates the results on Sunday morning, but my boyfriend's company holiday party is tomorrow, so I'll be all over the place making sure everyone knows he has a hot girlfriend.
    You go girl!!! 😀
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Weigh In Day:Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 148.5
    CW (Current Weight) 148.5
This discussion has been closed.