December End The Year Strong 2023



  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hello Everyone! Happy December. Been dealing with bunch of family stuff - which led to not the most healthy of eating. So today is Day One for me. Not sure how much progress I will make with the weight loss by end of the year but I did keep my commitment to my workout daily videos. If I lose about 6 I will be happy. Sigh!

    Looking for the old me that was sooooo disciplined about a couple of years ago. 😢
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited December 2023
    @CeeBeeSlim Hiiiiii My gosh, I am so sorry that you were dealing with some "STUFF". STUFF is always horribly hard to do... and food is SO comforting. I wish I was 40 again....seemed weight wise, it was so much easier. This over 50 crud is for the birds! And I'm at least as active as I was back then (maybe even more so). Its my food discipline I keep searching for.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member

    12/10: Day in review
    The day went so good. I even enjoyed pizza that fit into my macros - as well as a salad. Then chose a truffle as a dessert option. I'm slowly inching back into realiity and balanced eating. I think that calories were in the range as well.

    Exercise: Chest and Back (P90X) + 3pm Elliptical for 30mins with 10mins abs afterwards. This felt SO good!

    WINS for the week/end: These are HUUGE for me!!!
    [*} OFF artificial sweetener. For the most part at least.
    [*] Off eating white/brown sugar. Now except for the little candy mini (and I do eat those) but, I am not adding more sugar into, or on top of my foods. For a while I was adding sweetener packets on top of EVERYTHING. Not kidding.
    [*] quit coffee

    12/07: day in review
    this was a messed up day. I wanted cake for breakfast and that led to the entire day being filled with cake, cookies, coke and candy. Literally i ate like crap. all. day. Never to a 10 or beyond, but always at a 7-8. And i did not go to sleep proud.

    I would like to say today is a day 1 for me. To do a 14days of no sugar. which will be no coffee. and soda. It not that I want to be drastic. Its just that lately, one bite is like offering an ex-smoker a cigarette. I need more and more and get hooked.

    I did ask my self If you say YES to this cake and cookies what are you saying no to? I'm saying no to losing weight for a few more days and saying yes to a guilty pleasure.

    12/05 Day in review:

    Leg day workout. LiiftMore SB. and some of mine from BFIT with Breanne Freeman. Great workout. Also was able to get in 27mins of elliptical and almost 13000 steps.

    Foodwise, Stuck to plan 94% . Added a little 4pm pick me up (totally not required) and had extra snack after supper - cereal and oil - SO yummy but, like one friend said, "eat a banana". If you're not hungry enough to grab the banana, then you're not actually hungry. Find something else to do.

    Als0 - need to remember 2 things
    "You have eaten your calories for today so GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN"
    "If you say YES to cereal, what are you saying NO to?"

    This morning weigh in, down 1# from yesterday. loved seeing that. Obviously the food sat/sun helped retain water. Or the cardio.

    Daily Calories:
    1500-1800; (over) Target was 1300-1500.
    Protein goal met ☑
    Steps met ☑
    12/04/2023 - LIIFTMORE Chest day + Max 30 Tabata Strength. Also found 30mins of Elliptical time.
    I did core (feeling it on Tues. !). and I stuck to my food plan/calories. I need to continue that streak. This morning(12/5) I weighed in at 109.4 this is 5#more than I would like to see - I know my jean would fit just a little looser if I could find the method to lose them - however -
    I am
    [*] lifting heavier
    [*] BInging less
    [*] eating less sugar
    [*] having more whole foods
    [*] eating higher protein

    12/03/2023 - Took the morning to make french toast and overloaded on carbs (good time of day to do that I guess). Went to church then then GYM for Back work. Calorie burn just at 200 ish. Ick. So I told myself I would do a 30min workout in the afternoon. I opted for 20mins on the elliptical, but prince charming and I also did a 40 min Lake walk (60 degrees outside. YUM). Food felt on point- No food after 7pm worked this weekend. I am going to keep that up. I do need to put a DINNER and DONE rule in place. Because I sometimes (recently all the time) just graze until 7pm. NOT ideal.
    MAJOR accomplishment - 60# PULL OVERS!!

    12/02/2023 - Legs and Back P90X. Used a few SLDL moves instead of body weight. Worked on going heavier and made it to 60# SLDL for 12 Reps. Felt so empowering. Also I felt that my pull ups are getting easier. I decided to use 10-12 reps (assisted) as my range, Last time I only did 10. Calorie burn on apple watch was over 2000 for the day.

    12/1 /2023 - P90X PlyoX - what a great workout! ended with 10mins of ab work. Even feel like I am physically less bloated. Great calorie burn. I have this afternoon off. My shoulder doesnt' ache today. I think I will do legs tomorrow.

    11/30/2023 - P90X Chest and Back, added "jump rope" style between moves- great calorie burn
    Right shoulder /neck experiencing soreness starting last night around 4:30pm. It did not hurt when I did my push ups or pull ups.
    Nutrition Goal Progress:
    Daily Calories: 1500; Target was 1300-1500.
    Protein goal short by 10-15g ☑
    Fat goal over by 10-15 grams ☑
    Steps 18000 ☑ - Christmas Decor!

    11/29/2023 - HIIT tabata workout - Max30 Max out power +10mins abs +10mins stretching
    Nutrition Goal Progress:
    Daily Calories: 1800; (over) Target was 1300-1500.
    Protein goal met ☑
    Fat goal met ☑
    Steps met ☑

    Goals December:
    [*] Go to sleep peacefully and proud- instead of with a mindset that says how bad I was today: 3*4
    [*] Have cut my weight to be 102.5 105.0 (12/5-109.4)
    [*] Add Core moves into my weekly routine 3*4*5
    [*] Eat 3 meals a day that satisfy me 3*4
    [*] Feel proud of myself and happy in my body because I am fueling my body properly 3*4
    [*] Practice self care: Nails done, a few new clothes, jewelry
    [*] Practice logging into the board daily for accountability 1*2*4
    [*] Practice meditation and self care daily. 1*2*3*4
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Thanks @SherryRueter! Things are calming down but I have to find better ways of being consistent even when the sky seems to be falling. I came
    across a woman on Facebook - her name, her name…. - Shaun Taylor Bevins - that speaks to fitness issues for women of our age - gonna check her out today.

    Goals for the day - workout (legs), 10k steps, and not going over 1200 calories. Gotta increase the water.

    Sherry - How did you get off artificial sweeteners?!?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Each packet of equal has roughly 4 calories. I was using roughly 20 of them in my coffee. = 80 calories
    (before creamers). I would add a couple on my salad instead of dressing, etc. etc. I tried Truvia - which bloated me. But I used a LOT less of it for a week or 2 or 3. Then, I just decided ... Its not worth it. I can live without it. and I gave it up.

    Same with sugar. Eating a 1/2 cup of it. Feeling horrible, shame, guilt and sick. I just decided, that's not worth it. and I gave it up.

    Both items caused me to over eat during the week. The idea of removing them completely from my life happened when I started re-reading a book I have called "love Dare" and it mentions how we have to give up the things we lust after or are addicted to... and I know that my eating, specifically the hold SUGAR has on me is harming my marriage, giving me body issues, etc.
    the Dare is to give them up completely. To remove it completely from your life.

    I am going to work on other processed sweets. I hope one day to be able to say that I gave up chocolate candies, or mints, or cake, cookies, bars.

    ** you'll have to let me know if Shaun Taylor Bevins has any helpful info.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited December 2023
    2/11: Day in review

    Its triple point day today at Starbucks. Totally re-thinking this no coffee thing.
    The deal with coffee and me is the sweeteners I use to make it palatable. They add up so stinking much. And truthfully a protein drink is better for me. But triple, I used to live for those moments. Kind of bummed for the moment - but working on that New Year banging body will be far more enjoyable!

    Yesterday didn't go well. I had tried to do tracking on paper only...and that didn't go as well as tracking in my app. Or maybe it was the afternoon boredom - which hasn't been an issue lately. I'll chalk it up to the stress of the holidays I guess. Calories were not in range for sure. Went to sleep early as football was on, and that's so boring. I should have jumped on the elliptical. Note to self.

    Daily Calories:(over)
    Steps met ☑ 14500
    Exercise: Plyometrics. and walking.
    WIN: My morning was perfect as far as food intake and activity.
    12/11: Sleep lastnight was amazing. Great dreaming. A little worried about my food intake.
    12/10: Calories in range. Sleep amazing. Chest and Back (P90X)/Elliptical 30mn+10mins abs
    12/07: Calories above range. Sleep horrible.
    12/05 : Leg Day. 27mn Elliptical 13000 steps. Calories in range 94% compliant. Down to 108.2

    "You have eaten your calories for today so GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN"
    "If you say YES to cereal, what are you saying NO to?"

    12/04/2023 - Calories in range: sleep horrible bc of yesterdays food. LIIFTMORE Chest day + Max 30 Tabata Strength. 30mn Elliptical.

    I am
    [*] lifting heavier
    [*] BInging less
    [*] eating less sugar
    [*] having more whole foods
    [*] eating higher protein

    12/03/2023 - Calories at Target. Workout: Back + elliptical + 40 min Lake walk
    MAJOR accomplishment - 60# PULL OVERS!!

    12/02/2023 - Legs and Back P90X. Used a few SLDL moves instead of body weight. Worked on going heavier and made it to 60# SLDL for 12 Reps. Felt so empowering. Also I felt that my pull ups are getting easier. I decided to use 10-12 reps (assisted) as my range, Last time I only did 10. Calorie burn on apple watch was over 2000 for the day.

    12/1 /2023 - P90X PlyoX - what a great workout! ended with 10mins of ab work. Even feel like I am physically less bloated. Great calorie burn. I have this afternoon off. My shoulder doesnt' ache today. I think I will do legs tomorrow.

    11/30/2023 - P90X Chest and Back, added "jump rope" style between moves- great calorie burn
    Right shoulder /neck experiencing soreness starting last night around 4:30pm. It did not hurt when I did my push ups or pull ups.
    Nutrition Goal Progress:
    Daily Calories: 1500; Target was 1300-1500.
    Protein goal short by 10-15g ☑
    Fat goal over by 10-15 grams ☑
    Steps 18000 ☑ - Christmas Decor!

    11/29/2023 - HIIT Tabata workout - Max30 Max out power +10mins abs +10mins stretching
    Nutrition Goal Progress:
    Daily Calories: 1800; (over) Target was 1300-1500.
    Protein goal met ☑
    Fat goal met ☑
    Steps met ☑

    Goals December:
    [*] Go to sleep peacefully and proud- instead of with a mindset that says how bad I was today: 3*4
    [*] Have cut my weight to be 102.5 105.0 (12/5-109.4)(12/6-108.2)
    [*] Add Core moves into my weekly routine 3*4*5
    [*] Eat 3 meals a day that satisfy me 3*4

    [*] Feel proud of myself and happy in my body because I am fueling my body properly 3*4
    [*] Practice self care: Nails done, a few new clothes, jewelry
    [*] Practice logging into the board daily for accountability 1*2*4
    [*] Practice meditation and self care daily. 1*2*3*4
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Ugh. That’s the post. Better days ahead…
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Dec 13:
    To get out of the loop you have to be willing to do what you've never done before, take a new path.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Dec 13 went well. Food on plan. Water on plan. Activity on plan. Nailed it sorta day.
    Workout: Liiftmore Super Block Back + a little extra back work. 25min Ellip + 5 mins Core.
    Protein: 173grams Carbs: ~130g Fat ~47g

    Goal... continue higher protein. Attempting to get carbs to 100g. As well as carbs to be from Fruit/Veg so that the fiber intake is above 25g a day.

    Sleep : 10/10
    Goals December:
    [*] Go to sleep peacefully and proud- instead of with a mindset that says how bad I was today:
    [*] Have cut my weight to be 102.5 105.0 (12/5-109.4)(12/6-108.2)
    [*] Add Core moves into my weekly routine
    [*] Eat 3 meals a day that satisfy me (less snacking inbetween).
    [*] Feel proud of myself and happy in my body because I am fueling my body properly
    [*] Practice self care: Nails done, a few new clothes, jewelry. Nails done 12/7
    [*] Practice logging into the board daily for accountability☑
    [*] Practice meditation and self care daily.☑

    12/14: sleep 10/10. 15min. HIIT/Max30 Tabata+ Shoulders and Arms and 5min core. 13 hr fasting
    12/13: Sleep 5/10. Back and core + ellip.
    12/12: sleep 3/10. Legs
    12/11: Sleep 10/10. P90x PlyoX. A little worried about my food intake.
    12/10: Calories in range. Sleep amazing. Chest and Back (P90X)/Elliptical 30mn+10mins abs
    12/07: Calories above range. Sleep horrible.
    12/05 : Leg Day. 27mn Elliptical 13000 steps. Calories in range 94% compliant. Down to 108.2

    "You have eaten your calories for today so GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN"
    "If you say YES to cereal, what are you saying NO to?"

    12/04/2023 - Calories in range: sleep horrible bc of yesterdays food. LIIFTMORE Chest day + Max 30 Tabata Strength. 30mn Elliptical.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Better day yesterday. Feel more like myself. Focusing on lower card, gallon of water, and 100 grams of protein. Down 2 pounds - but that’s the carbage weight. Gained some muscle over the last few months from my strength training program and after doing all the calculations my goal weight should be about 125. Exactly what a personal trainer told me I should be and shouldn’t go lower than.

    Stress and lots of physical activity got me to 113 a couple of years ago. Fighting the urge to just get back there. Totally a scale weight obsession thing. I’m too old and smart to be attached to that!!😡😡😡
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @Ceebeeslim - 113... right... fighting the urge to get back there. I hear ya loud and clear. My lowest weight was during a bikini competition and I got to 86-98# OMG the mirror .... I absolutely fell in love with that reflection. The lean ness of the waist. I remember that the most. Being able to feel my hip bones and be concave when sleeping. not having that flump in the tummy. And then flexing, seeing muscles (probably bones if I'm honest also). But I saw it (remember it as being the time of my life). I constantly remind myself....that isn't healthy. Honestly, my goal of 104 is the lowest I should dare go. Its the last number on the scale in my range. And to be realistic... if I could gain muscle definition at 110 (where I am) then I would be able to eat more foods. SO..... all this to say that if I can continue to focus on HEALTHY FOODS and LIFTING to FAILURE (heavy), to gain muscle. Then I will get to do LESS dieting and more "living".

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    @SherryRueter - Your post captures it all! “Flump” - hahaha! I could snap out of it if I could connect the WHY I’m so attached to that number. With all my other stressors, I think it may be that at that weight, I accomplished something - and had NO thoughts about any saddlebags, love handles, fat face, etc. i could put on clothes and feel great. It felt good to not stress about that one thing!

    So far so good though! Will try my best to keep it up!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @ceebeeSlim - Perfectly said! "had NO thoughts about any saddlebags, love handles, fat face, etc. i could put on clothes and feel great. It felt good to not stress about that one thing!" Thats how I remember it also... I wonder what parts I am blocking out though. It felt great to be in that body at that weight, but am I remembering only the good parts. AM I forgetting how much I stressed about food or tracked food or whatever? I probably am.

    Like you..... so far so good. I am not into weighing myself regularly as, I feel better not knowing. Its less stressful. And as long as the jeans still fit .... I know that no one else notices except me and the lady in the mirror. And I bet that BOTH of us are actually FIT and MOST women our age would LOVE to be our size. We are DOING GREAT! We are Beautiful.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Reminding myself of my goals

    Wouldn't it be crazy cool If I ended December by accomplishing these goals:
    (Won't it be crazy cool WHEN I accomplish these goals by Dec. 31st )

    [*] Have cut my weight to be 102.5
    [*] Do Single Leg deadlifts using a 60# DB
    [*] Do Lat pullovers using a 65# DB
    [*] Do Bicep Curls with good form using 20# DB
    [*] Add Core moves into my weekly routine
    [*] Eat 3 meals a day that satisfy me
    [*] Feel good in my skin because I am fueling my body properly
    [*] Practice self care: Nails done, a few new clothes, jewelry
    [*] Practice logging into the board daily for accountability
    [*] Practice meditation and self care daily.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    But, I am pleased that while I did enjoy extra sweets yesterday afternoon. I didn't eat SO many that I was bloated or was too full for dinner with the family at night.
    I did not need the ice cream as dessert.... but it was a smaller portion and very delightful.

    Trying hard to remember to eat when I am hungry.
    So that I can make December end differently. I have 15 days.

    Today we are making cookies.
    I need to factor "COOKIES" and tasting into my plan. And keep water handy.
    EAT WHEN HUNGRY>.... SO HARD for me to do.
    12/15 Day in review
    Working from home throws me. Took the afternoon off from logging because I didn't want to track foods that weren't healthy. That's a diet culture thing for sure.

    What I want to be implementing.
    Stop. Breathe. What DO I need? What AM I going to say YES to?

    immediate gratification
    calm my nerves
    spiking my insulin
    say YES to losing weight.
    sleeping more peacefully
    honoring my body and what it tells me.
    Self JOY
    being 100% proud of myself.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    @SherryRueter - great job on keeping control around the sweets!!

    Doing well! Down 4 pounds since last Sunday so sticking to the plan is working. You reminded me - my goal is actually the end of the year so I do have two weeks! I was fixated on accomplishing my weight loss goal as an ultimate Christmas present to myself.

    Rainy lazy day here but going to stick to my workout and eating plan (although that couch looks sooooo good)!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    My weekend was a bust. Made cookie dough (roughly.... 500 cookies) - ate way to many sweets and dough and ice cream. Today needs to be a secret detox day where I do mainly protein shake in my coffee and skip real food.

    Once the cookies are baked, I have LESS issues. THis weekend was just not that healthy in that regard. I have to tell myself, it was only 2 days. And I did log 14,500 on saturday and 21,000 on Sunday for steps. I was under on water. Under on protein. Over on carbs (And I didn't track...seemed to be a depressing thing to do).

    I also don't want to track today because, undereating (which is what I plan to do... as I'm honestly not hungry. Honestly I am not). And then fill in with protein which will be okay. Just a couple days of doing that should help.

    I have an appt. on Tuesday with my new Health coach. My insurance company allows a free health coach and I'm hopeful that will make a difference.

    I have not stepped on the scale. TOO afraid to. My jeans fit and that's good enough for today. I just don't like the reflection in the mirror and I desparately need to work on a mindset session a few times a day where I tell myself how good I am doing.

    WORKOUT wise. I'm so Strong. 30# bench presses. 22# chest flies. a ton of pull ups(reverse grip, close grip, wide grip, standard grip) and a ton of push ups on my toes- in sets of 15-20. It was a great workout. I kinda feel my chest/shoulders afterwards.

    Okay - signing off

    @CeeBeeSlim - nice on the 4# down. That's a LOT to lose in just a little time. AND Yes... 2024 is another....12 days ish away. Plenty of time to get started and build LIFETIME habits. Its really only a few lifetime habits that need to be implemented. And it doesn't have to be "no sugar ever". It can be as simple as "Mainly veggies + Protein" every meal. and Get in my water. Well, that's my opinion. Hope you have a good day today.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Yesterday felt amazing. As my boss said, "if only everything felt that easy." Also, I felt very focused at work. and I really tried to zone in on "am i hungry?" and I wasn't. My shake, my warm chocolate protein mixed with coffee, so satisfying. and I have my heating pad on my lap. Extra warmth. My goal today is to repeat yesterday.

    Today was Leg day. I did a mixture of weighted and non-weighted as well as pull ups. It was a mix from P90X Legs and back. I think it went well. The good thing was that the harder moves were only 2 sets. Its possible that tomorrow I should do some Yoga, and then maybe shoulders or arms because this is my 3rd day of doing different back work.

    Oh, today I have an appointment with my health coach at 2pm. :smile: I am a little nervous about this but, when I set it up I had decided that this would be the right thing to do. SO, I SHALL. From what I know this would be maybe a 1/mo appointment and its covered 100% on my insurance plan. My goal is for her to help me get my food/nutrition back in alignment so I can drop those last pesky pounds.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Glad you had a great day yesterday, @SherryRueter! You. Are. Strong! More than ONE pull-up?!?!👏👏👏👏👏💪💪💪💪

    I’m feeling good. Staying down in weight and the weight I loss is the water weight from the “carbage”.

    Focusing on as you say, increasing protein, veggies, water and steps - by increasing my NEAT! No deprivation or absolutes!

    Eager to hear about your health coach!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    I have been doing assisted pull ups regularly since 2010. I can do probably a good 8 without taking breaks unassisted but, I prefer to have an assist band. Funny story.... WE have the pull up bar attached into our closet door structure. So every time I need to go into the closet (to hang up clothes or whatever, as its a walk-in closet) I do 2-3 pull ups without the assist.

    Its definitely not my lack of activity that is keeping me above my goal weight. Its the pure simplicity of grabbing conveinent foods instead of stopping and saying "am I hungry?" "Will this get me to my goal, or will it hinder me in reaching it?"

    I met with my Health coach just a minute ago. I gave her my stats as well as my concerns. My concern is that I eat too many sugary foods instead of healthy foods. Weather it sugar, or cookie dough or chocolate squares. I tend to get one bits of that sweet stuff and then go down the proverbial rabbit hole for the day (or two).

    She told me that we would be setting a couple goals for me to work on for the next 3 weeks. Then she went into a few ideas on how she stocks her fridge with a few hard boiled eggs, string cheese, clementines, and small apples as well as almonds, so that if she wants to grab a little something-something that she has a healthy option. The egg is very good at protein and with the workouts I do, it would be a great option. The apple is a dense fiber which takes longer to digest and it helps that it is crunchy and sweet. The string cheese-to peel a few strings at a time. Healthy fats in the nuts, but need to be mindful of servings there.

    We are meeting again on January 10th.
    we set 2 goals:
    [*] to buy and sip on hot tea instead of grabbing coffee/creamer/hot cocoa
    [*] to invest in small apples, clementine's, string cheese, small amount of nuts or making boiled eggs.

    So we aren't really 'eliminating' anything, but replacing (play on words but, I'm going with it) - I will work on grabbing these healthier options that fuel my body, instead of cause gut inflammation in it - instead of grabbing the candy/cookie/etc.

    Since sometimes I am snacky at work - we discussed keeping some simple snacks in the fridge at work to help me when they have "cakes/pastries" -as I can grab a healthier option.
    AND - I believe that I can also ask my self, "Are you hungry?" Stop/Breathe/What do You need? is it food? or is it just stress and you need a walk/massage/to step outside.

    Oh, and the whole "oh, must be menopause." and "Hypothyroid...well that's why you are up in weight". Is NOT a card I play. I maybe of that age and have hypo...but I am NOT EVER going to use that as to why I cannot manage my weight. Because that's B.S. Its a food intake problem and I know it~

    Monday = On plan
    Tuesday = Goal, on plan

    I wonder if I can leave work just a couple minutes earlier than normal to accomplish a little *snack solution* investment. Also, I have to purchase a gift for hubby yet for Christmas.

    @CeeBeeSlim - Thanks to reading all this chatter about me.
    - How about you? Do you and your Prince Charming swap gifts?
    - "carbage" does pack on the pounds easily. DO you try to stay low carb or minimal grains?
    - What do you do for workouts? I want to say you do some strength and some cardio, but I could be remembering wrong.

    Its so weird that we are the only 2 people in this thread. Back in April when I was on it... it seemed like we had 4-5 ladies. Then again, it is December.