January Join our Shrinking Squad



  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm 35 years old, 5'3, 134.8 lbs.

    I stayed on track yesterday. Logged all food, was under calories and went for a run (4 miles). Did not sneak bites of my toddlers' food (their leftovers, handful of crackers while they munch, a bite while making their meal, etc). I know it sounds silly, but I have a hard time mindlessly nibbling during their meals and I'm sure it adds up throughout the day. I'm trying to be conscious of EVERY bite that I take, no matter how small.

    Today's goals are pretty much to do the same. Log all food, stay under calories, and go for a run.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    @Zaxa2021 I really do believe its those small, teeny things such as extra bites that are keeping SO many of us away from making progress. GOod for you on not nibbling!
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    edited January 3
    5’4” 46y/o

    1/01: 137.2
    1/03: 136.6

    I know it’s only day three, but so far so good this month. Diet, exercise, water, AF: check.

    This morning it struck me yet again how much better I feel when I wake up and I’m not still bloated from the day before because I made good food choices.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    Yay @Cora0477

    I did excellent and then had pie and a sugar cookie extra. Tasted so frikin amazing. Put me around 1800 cals for today instead of 1400. Im going with it was worth it mentally.

    The question is …. Why did I need that? I haven’t had fluids since I got home from work . I bet that’s part of it, most of it. My bottle is still full …. Whoops! I’ll need to make tomorrow a 1300 day. Maybe Friday as well.
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    @jsutliff01 finding filling meals and snacks is hard for me too. I found tuna packets to be a pretty filling and low calorie/ high protein snack that generally satisfies me. And drinking water before i eat anything has helped alot too. Sometimes my snackiness and my sweet tooth is actually just because im thirsty lol
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 843 Member
    The first 3 days for me have been good. I've been getting exercise in everyday and staying in my calorie range. I had some ricotta cheese still in the fridge, so am not yet 100% vegan at home, but that'll be gone by Friday so I'll see how it goes over the weekend.
    Hope everyone else is having a good start to their new year B)
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    @Kitri2020 I've been using Tuna creation packets as well. Great way to get in that protein!
    and I second the drink your water!!!! My snackiness seems to be FAR less when I'm hydrated, which can be super hard to do in the colder months.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member
    yesterday I found my sugar cookies. They were good. Put me at 2000 calories for the day. Now I have to say, that's about 600 above my target range. A friend looked into an online calculator for my Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It believes that my daily expenditure is 2000, which matches what my apple watch states for my total daily calorie burn.

    THEREFORE< Maybe 1400 daily is too low of a target for me and that is one of the reasons I gravitate towards snacks. OR/and combined with I am trying to make a lifestyle shift right now and its NEW and its not 100% easy to do.

    SOOOO, I'm thinking to myself....Maybe I should do 1 day at 1400, the next day at 2000, the next day back to 1400, the following back to 2000 and just bounce/ calorie cycle it. I wonder if I would be happier and more consistent with my calorie intake that way.

    Do any of you do that?

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,952 Member

    @Zaxa2021 how old are your little ones?

    @SparkSpringtime69 Yay for the first 3 days being great. My challenge occurs somewhere between day 2 and 5..... I know its all mental bull* that my brain throws up at me.

    I was just listening to a webinar that the trainer said, "2024 you have to focus on nutrition". Its so true. The other bull* is just fluff. Its calories. I have to focus on getting in the right number of calories to meet my goals. I have to focus on how I feel when my calories are "off".

    By that I mean this:
    Did I eat crap foods? How did I feel 10minutes afterwards? Not good?....Ashamed?...Guilty?....Angry...{color=blue] To me this is not a surprise or a shock - I know that I feel like a drug addict when I eat sugar and processed foods[/color] Next, I need to remember: How do I want to feel? Joy...happy...proud.... That comes from being aware that when I eat XYZ I will feel [fill in the blank]


    Also, same web talk....and the subject was how foods feed disease or they starve it. What a great picture that paints. Donuts, sugar cookies, cake, pie = I visualize little germs gathering together like a DNA structure and that forming the perfect environment for disease to grow.

    Where as when I feed my body healthy foods. Pure fish, chicken, beef. Whole fruits, vegetables. THAT will feed my muscles, fuel my body. Fight disease.

    Which foods will help you as you age? Which foods...if you eat them over and over and over again... will make you STRONG as you age.... BULLETPROOF???


  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm currently a stay at home mom to my two year old twins boys.

    The webinar sounds interesting, thanks for sharing. I particularly like the part of food either feeding disease or starving it.

    Similarly, I've been trying to focus on how food is only fuel, not for boredom or emotions etc. When it comes to my running, what is going to help me perform my best? What is going to help energize me throughout the day? I am far from mastering it, but looking at food from this perspective helps to take the emotions out of eating and (hopefully) eat the food that will promote health and longevity.
  • khatch76
    khatch76 Posts: 1 Member
    Happy New Year! I'm new here and it sounds like I'm in the right chat group. 54 years old 5'8 ish. Been slim all my life but with a layer of somethin' lol. Peri-menopause came as a Christmas gift and I know that I have to now be careful of those sneeky calories. Like CeeBeeSlim above, I have an ageing parent who has been through WWll, I tend to tell myself that life is short and to enjoy a snack / drink every now and then. Hubby and I splurged on a Pelaton so I will now finish my protein coffee and go for a spin! :) Hoping that I can log what I eat as that is 80% of it all!
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    @SherryRueter You couldnt have said it better. I feel like a drug addict too, stuffing my face and then feeling ashamed. Lately, we had icecream in the house… i ate like 2-3 bowels a day till it was gone.

    I was thinking, should i eat this? My answer was no but i ate it anyway. Ugh.

    Ive also been feeling pretty low energy which makes me feel lazy. All ive been doing is taking care of my baby girl and then sleeping, eating and doing nothing. My hubby is gone for 2months so that might be part of it. Hard to be motivated to run when i have to bring a stroller in a neighborhood with unusable sidewalks and crazy drivers. I looked at a couple of workout videos to do in the house but lazied out of it.

    Im also struggling to get my little one to like solids. Ive tried all kinds of stuff and she just makes the same ew face, spits it out, gags or just refuses. Trying to be patient because she will probably be ready later, but how much later?? The breastmilk journey has been a downer of my mental health and i really wish i could start tapering off.
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    @Kitri2020 Sounds like you are in the thick of it. Those days were some of the hardest I've been through. I went for lots of walks when my twins were little (still do), but couldn't ever manage running with them. I pumped for the first year, and that was rough. I completely understand what you mean about it taking a toll on your mental health. It wrecked me. I don't have any advice, but just wanted to let you know that I understand that what you're going through is HARD. Don't forget to give yourself grace.
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm going to say I lost about a pound so far this year. It was a bit more, but a majority of it was water weight etc from the holidays. But I've been at 134 the last two days, while I was at around 135 most of December. I've been tracking calories carefully and running every day.

    But today is going to be a rest day, other than a walk. I was thinking about taking one, and then my twins kept me up most of the night, letting me get about 2 hours of sleep. I think sometimes rest and taking it easy is just as important as the days you go hard. However, I'm trying to not make it a habit to skip the run whenever I'm tired, so there's still a bit of guilt.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 46y/o

    1/01: 137.2
    1/03: 136.6
    1/05: 136.6

    I’ve been on track with all my goals so far.

    I have a formal event tonight at a fancy venue. I don’t know what the food will be, but last time I was there it was amazing. I will just be mindful of portion sizes and try to only eat what I want to and not nibble things I don’t like just because they are there. I don’t love that it’s assigned seating and am already feeling the social anxiety. 😬
  • Zaxa2021
    Zaxa2021 Posts: 414 Member
    edited January 6
    Well I'm pretty bummed. My weight this morning was 137.2, up from yesterday's 134. I have no explanation for this. Yesterday was a good food day. I know it's just water weight fluctuations, and I shouldn't let it get to me. But it's still discouraging to see it on the scale. Over 3 pounds?

    Today's goals are the same basic ones. Track all food, stay under calories, go for a walk this afternoon and a run tonight. I will also focus on drinking water.
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    edited January 6
    Hello everyone! Hope you have all had a good week! I have been reading posts, but haven't kept up with posting during the work week. This week had not been perfect, but I would say I am mostly successful and making big improvements. Definitely room to continue improving, but I am pleased with this week as a start. Sorry for the wall of text below! Feel free to not read it, but I want to keep myself accountable!
    Alcohol: I've stayed away from wine, except for 1 glass to be polite when my husband's aunt visited and brought a bottle to share.
    Exercise: I have exercised for 30 minutes every day, which I had been really neglecting for several months. I am extremely lucky to have a small home gym, so I don't have to go outside when the weather is crappy or if the air quality is bad (I'm asthmatic). I'm just starting to get back to running after a long break, so starting with run/walk intervals to try to get me back in shape. And a few barre workouts in between as well. And yesterday, husband and I bundled up to walk a mile to dinner in the cold. We discovered last year (after living in our house for over a year) that we could walk to the nearest shopping center, where there is a movie theater, a bunch of restaurants, and a bunch of stores.
    Food: This is where things haven't been entirely successful. I have been logging everything, so that's a victory. I have not been sticking to my calorie goal. We have been eating out a bunch this week (had husband's aunt over for takeout on Wednesday, and had the leftovers for dinner Thursday, then went for dinner on our walking date yesterday). I did try to pick a lower cal option when we went out yesterday. Got mashed potatoes and broccoli instead of fries. And man, did my husband's fries look good. If eating out was all I did for my calories, I think it would be okay, but I am still snacking a lot. Less than December, but still too much. I have been keeping within my "exercise" calories in MFP, but I am sure that those are over-estimates. But overall, I think that even counting and trying is big progress for me.
    Weight: Probably too early to tell anything conclusive. I weigh every morning and keep losing and gaining the same half pound this week, after reaching my all time heaviest on 1 Jan. Technically down 0.4 pounds since then, but it's been up and down.

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @Cora0477 Good luck with your event tonight! I totally understand the social anxiety aspect of that!

    @Kitri2020 and @Zaxa2021 I can't even imagine trying to parent AND eat right/exercise/everything else. It's hard enough for me, and it's just me and a super supportive husband. You guys are AMAZING!
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @SherryRueter I've seen people talk about alternating days with higher and lower calorie goals. That would probably not be a bad idea for me to try, since I've had some 2000 calorie days this week (goal of 1500ish).
    Last year, when I was losing, I had about 1 day a week where I just didn't care about tracking, which probably averaged out to about the same thing. These were either family parties, date nights out with my husband, or days where work was stressful and I told husband to get me something from a drive-through on the way home...
    I wonder if alternating days would be a more sustainable method for me, so I don't fizzle out after a couple of months like I did last year.
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    @SherryRueter @ScienceofTeaching I think having a day or two a week to not track and not hit the scale is just as important as physical rest days. Give your brain a break!