January Join our Shrinking Squad



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @ScienceofTeaching - I love that you are planning on bringing the left overs home. I always ask for a to go box, 100% of the time. Recently my 25yr old daughter mentioned to her boyfriend that *my mom always asks for a to-go box, it's so embracing but, that's just her* ... Um...If I'm not eating all of my food #1 I should bring it home, I paid for it. #2, We don't need to be eating everything we order, the serving sizes are huge. #3. Why is this embracing? I think its not that uncommon.

    @ScienceofTeaching ITs not motivation that I workout. Its discipline, which it sounds like YOU have been practicing. I don't see why moving intentionally every single day is an issue. I know that the "fitness influencers" say you don't need to but, honestly..... why is getting in intentional movement daily a problem? Seems to me the problem is a vast majority of people who don't move daily and/or do not *eat* intentionally. (sorry, almost on my soap box....) FOOD is the main issue in America...people thinking that a 10min walk is going to make them lose weight when its really a FOOD issue...I'm all for the walking that's taking place but, FOOD is what's out of balance in America (my opinion only).

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @WhiskeyInATeaCup176 YES - I am on week 3. Day 3 today. Join in here - not a problem. I'm in about 6 groups between facebook and MFP. I feed off of other people and their posts, ideas, successes. I've been with Beachbody since 2009. P90X. I'm 52yrs old. 5'0" (rounding up to 5'1") and working on my nutrition. What about you?
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    feeling so 🔥 about my nutrition.



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member

    accountability: SNS: 4 Workout:18/84 Dig Deeper Rest day

    DD has 2 rest days. I take one today, and the other on Monday. So my rotation is: Upper/Lower/Total/Rest/Upper/Lower/Rest.

    PiYo today (I used to instruct this class, Its a Pilates/Yoga practice.) I have been doing it now 1 time a week for 4 weeks and I can SOOOO tell that I am getting stronger and more flexible in it. Loved it. 38mins and it flew by.

    Active storms today down in TN. Rain/Wind/Tornados. Up north where my mom lives ( its so weird not to be able to write "parents" since my dad passed in feb. ) They are She is expecting snow/blizzard.

    Stick to the plan today nutritionally. I will stick to the plan. stick to the plan. Day 5 here we go.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 46y/o

    1/01: 137.2
    1/03: 136.6
    1/05: 136.6
    1/10: 137.0
    1/12: 136.6

    So far this week diet, exercise, and water have all been on track.
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    @SherryRueter Im in MS and hubbys in TN at the moment so im with you on the storms. Tornados scare me. Doesnt help that my dog is terrified of even rain so she needs as much if not more care than my baby does during storms. She often wakes up my baby… stayed calm though.

    Ive been skipping breakfasts.. i need to eat but i dont want to cook for myself so i end up not eating, drinking water or grabbing a protein bar. Probably should be eating more since i come way under my calorie goal. If i eat out for dinner, i make up the calories, but not a good habit to make.

    I havnt been getting outside and touching grass because the weathers been making me either sleepy (wind and rain) or sleepless (tornado watch and severe thunderstorms).
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @SherryRueter I agree about intentional movement every day! When I mentioned working out too much, I mostly meant that I don't want to overdo it pushing myself too hard every day. I don't want to accidentally injure myself pushing too hard at running or anything when I haven't been as active lately. But less active for me is still pretty active because of my job; I'm on my feet for a large part of the day at work, so Monday through Friday I usually log 8-10k steps before I even get home from work. I do agree that getting some movement every day is super important!
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    edited January 14
    I ran again today, ive only been able to get out without the baby on the weekends so ive been taking advantage of that.

    I ate out for the weekly outing. My tummy is all messed up. It was already upset for some reason today.. mexican made it abit worse lol fajitas are so good though!

    Definitely missing my hubby, been sleeping whenever i can, pushing off things i need to do until evenings. I have always been a night owl and i get so much done after my girl goes to sleep. Unfortunately i feel like a bum, lazy and unproductive nearly every morning so roller coaster every day. My eating habits also follow this pattern where i dont want to eat until afternoon/evening
  • happymom221
    happymom221 Posts: 73 Member
    I have been around a long time with a lot of weight fluctuations. My goal this week, get back to exercising after a week off. My dog is injured and I felt like I had to be home 24/7
    Continue super conscientious eating with a plan each day
    Make sure I have stocked groceries
    I look forward to everyone's progress
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Morning Everyone! Been quite a while for me not posting! Quite a few busy weeks. There’s a lesson somewhere in here but I let myself go a lil cray cray because my niece was scheduled to go to the Air Force TOMORROW and she had been cooking her fave meals as sort of a goodbye gift. (Salty, sugary, fatty). She looked down when I said ‘no thanks” so I figured I’d eat it, watch my portions, but start on Wednesday.

    And what happens - some administrative ridiculousness that has delayed her entry. (Insert very bad words here). 😆. So overweight for nothing but delayed start or not - it begins today.

    I told her February 14 will be a Valentine’s Day to myself! Days before my doc appt and still long enough to make some progress.

    So 132.6 today. Will do my 10k steps and Caroline Girvan’s Fuel day 1. 💪💪💪
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    5’4” 46y/o

    1/01: 137.2
    1/03: 136.6
    1/05: 136.6
    1/10: 137.0
    1/12: 136.6
    1/15: 137.6

    I know it’s bloating, but it’s still not nice to see.

    I didn’t exercise Fri, Sat, or Sun. I didn’t drink enough water either. I didn’t eat badly, but I didn’t eat at a deficit for at least 2 of those days.

    I’m back on track today. It’s bitter cold out, but I went to the gym and got my run done, had a great amount of fiber at lunch, and my water is on track.

    I’m feeling good about this week and expect to see some progress by the end of it.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    HIIIIi Its bitter cold here too in Memphis. Recieved a nice 6 inches of snow. The city has 6 snow plows the nightly news said. Oooo My Gooodness... So, anyway I can't walk because we don't have a snow shovel and if we did, our road isn't cleared so I wouldn't have anywhere I could walk. We do have a treadmill in the Club house. We used that at noon. Will do so again in a bit.

    Fri/Sat/Sun I ate at maintenance. or slightly more ( sounds better but means the same). Back on track today .... or should I say, more mindful today and it feels much better mentally.

    Got in my workouts everyday though and at least 10K steps. Tomorrow Leg day? or I will do cardio (likely leg day since I will be working from home due to the roads and weather.).

    Like @ceebeeslim said, Its still plenty of time until Valentines day and that WOULD make it a GOOD present to myself. I like that goal. Hope you did good on FUEL.

    I do not want to commit to taking a scale weight anytime soon, but I can commit to taking a front,side and back photo sometime soon. I did take measurements, They haven't changed. So I HOPE that is a sign of MUSCLE being added (what you focus on you become, right?!?!) I know, its not highly likely. The better thing to do is mind my portions and mind myself to not eat at Maint. more than 1 or 2 meals a week.

    Hope you are having a good monday.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Accountability: Lower circuit 1 23/84
    SNS: 2

    SNS reverted to 0 again as the weekend I had SNACKS... so Sherry No Sugar/Snacks did not work favorably. Somehow logging into this thread each morning helps me keep on track. Although I do type quite a bit.

    Lower was good. I can really feel my lower glute/hamstrings. Kickboxing would be fun to do today at noon since I will not be able to get outside to walk. IDK.... the treadmill works also. Or cardio/core work.

    Work is calling GTG. looks like I have work to do today (which is abnormal).
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Todays planned food log: I have about 200 calories not planned.
    goal - to stick to the foods I have planned below. And if I want something else, I can have it tomorrow on that food plan.


  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    I have to say, that lunch was amazing!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    131.8. ⬇️.8

    If I start with my weight - I’ll feel more accountable!

    Stuck to my calorie goal, step goal, activity goal and water intake goal. I can’t reach my protein goal at all - ever! Can’t stand cottage cheese, yogurt, so try to supplement with shakes or bars. Not great but I may have to stick to reaching calorie goal - one less thing to think about.

    Chose to continue with CG Iron and save Fuel for later. Fuel has more cardio and I want my cardio to come from walking. Easier on my joints. Do I really need to do burpees at my age? Feeds my ego, but I’ll pay for it later. 🥺

    About to start CG iron day 7!💪💪
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    @SherryRueter I love those salad kits too. I add stuff like you did. Tomato, cucumber, olives, romain heart, boiled egg whites. Works so well for me.

    Was on track with diet, exercise and water yesterday. The kids had a snow day today so I got some extra time in the gym. Also on track with diet and water so far.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @ceebeeslim I think that yes, you need a few burpees a week to practice getting up and down from the floor. 😊. How close are you to your protein goal? I’m presently just trying to get 30% of my calories from protein.

    Protein that I get in:
    • Tuna packets 14g per pouch
    • Chicken
    • Vanilla Greek yogurt 20g per 8 ounces
    • Eggs boiled and in my salad
    • Egg whites /1-2c in my protein shake instead of water.
    • Salmon Pattie’s 17g per 3 ounces
    I try to limit bars and shakes as I know they are highly processed foods.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Accountability: Kickboxing 24/84 (recovery day)
    SNS: 3

    Sherry No Sugar/Snacks is starting to feel great. Yesterday the food was amazing. And I tried to plan for some fun food today as well.

    My mom is in the hospital- she had shoulder surgery on Monday - she is 77yr and does not workout. to be honest, she needs to lose probably 50#. anyway, just to point out she is not an active 77yr old, or whatever. She does a lot but, ya know...she's the typical American female.

    Anyway, I may need to go for a weeks visit to help take care of her. I do not want to go up north but, I know it would make it so much easier for her. At least for the first week - where she is just getting used to the routine and all. My brothers live relatively close to her (15 min and 45 mins away) but their jobs don't allow for the same flexibility that mine does. As I can work remote. Anyway - any prayers would be appreciated. I think my brothers kinda rely on me to figure out what she needs. and I rely on them to help her for day to day stuff.

    Kickboxing today because my hamstrings are on fire from leg day yesterday.

    Again, my work queue is FULL - extremely out of the ordinary for me! My meals are basically the same as yesterday. The French fries are swapped for mac and cheese. :)

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Oh Sherry - so sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she recovers fully and quickly. Boy oh boy - do I know how the eldercare responsibility is! And speaking of brothers - will they ever grow up?

    Long story short - they’re still visiting for the holidays. We get into a nostalgic convo about things we loved to eat when we were young. Hours later here they come with all my temptations - apple pie, cinnamon swirl danish things, etc. 😡. Oh - and they know I’m trying to lose weight.

    So I stare at it - for a while. Get BACK on the treadmill then do for a walk outside. Proud proud proud!!!! Didn’t touch it. Yay!!


    130.8 ⬇️ 1.0 pound! Hit all goals yesterday! If I’m lucky I’ll get around 70 grams of protein daily. And still no to the burpees! 🤣🤣