Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 216 Member
    Good Morning,

    @gemwolf110 Yesterday was grocery day ,but we had to go help a friend feed their cattle. So I had to go shopping. I am actually very proud of myself for sticking just to the delivery cart and not buying anything extra.

    @micaroo4 I hope Rich is still doing ok with covid. Fingers crossed that you don't catch it.

    @19shmoo69 I love Cardinals, they say that if you see them flying around your home that it is loved ones from beyond visiting.

    @Cornanda Madam Secretary was pretty good. I have been thinking about the Good Wife.

    @trooworld I tried the meal planning thing. It didn't work for me. I always found myself not wanting to eat what I planned that day. I now wake up and plan the day based on what I am in the mood for. I love your woodland bag.

    @TeresaW2024 YES, Harvey! I am in 2 day this week and doing well. That's great that you are seeing results with your workouts. Great job sticking with it.

    @sleepygirl79 I watch Mandy in the making on youtube, she has some amazing dishes that are easy to make. I have tried a few myself and have more I am planning on making. We don't live in the polar vortex but did go through our 1st winter. It got down to 14 degrees wind chill 1. We had enough snow to cover the ground yesterday morning and let Diesel out to play in it. The temp is now rising back up into the 30 to 50. We will see what Feb brings.
    I understand the aches and pains winter months cause us. I wake up stiff as a board. I have to muster up the energy to crawl out of bed. Getting moving sucks.

    @morenin Glad everything went well with your pups surgery and that her recovery is moving along as planned.

    @Katmary71 I found the cherry tomatoes to be the easiest to grow. I tried the bigger tomatoes but they did not get as big as the should have. I don't think they got enough water and nutrient need to grow over the summer which lead to poor production. My slicing tomatoes only got a little bigger then a golf ball. I like the pickle cucumbers, they were the perfect size for us. I have a better plan for them on the trellis this upcoming yr. It's sad i can only get them in the spring and summer. I also have to keep things simple for my cat sitter who has no green thumb. I only got one cantalope of my vines last yr so will not try those this yr.

    So for this week I have made the no snacking after dinner goal. I am 2 days in and can honestly say I have had no snacks after dinner. We did eat out yesterday after helping with feeding the cattle. I had beef bulgogi at a local korean restaurant. Other than that we have been sticking to the no spend Jan. I think I will carry it over next month. It has been helping with not eating out. I also have been watching Mandy in the making on youtube and I love that she helps me come up with ideas on what to cook. I have tried a few of her dishes (enchilada casserole, taco tater tot casserole and italian sausage,egg and biscuit bake) and have to say hubby even asked to have them again. Tonight I am trying sweet and sour kielbasa sausage over rice.
    I was going to start working out this week but my leg is still bothering me so I am still resting it. Hopefully next week I will get started back up.

    QUESTION: What is one of your bad eating habits? How can you change this behavior?
    I love snacking after dinner when sitting in front of the TV, mostly chocolate then anything salty. I have decided not to buy anymore junk food to store in the cabinet. If I am out shopping and what a candy bar I will buy one bar and save it as long as I can. The reward will be sweet.

    For my Mid January Challenge I am going to stick to the no snacking after dinner and continue choosing to be HAPPY!

  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 177 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
    @865jessica best of luck with potty training. Always a bit trickier when they have potential sensory differences. So nice for your boys to have school cancelled and be able to play in the snow-hopefully it's decent enough to do so.

    My goal is to track my food for the rest of January. I don't know that I will get on here to post about it every day, but I will be sure to check in every once in awhile.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,072 Member
    I looked back in my journal from my notes from last year when Rich had covid. His cough was pretty bad by day 3. By day 6, he was using his rescue inhaler four times a day. Day 8, I started with symptoms. Day 10 of Rich's illness, I tested positive. Day 11, Rich went to the clinic to try to get a nebulizer treatment so he could breath. The clinic called an ambulance and he was at the hospital overnight with a-fib. They released him the following day. Day 17, he was able to go back to work. His disease is definitely different this time around. He's not coughing, other than like a post nasal drip cough, not a deep bronchial cough. So I think he'll get through this better than last time. As for me, I'm making note of that time line; it was 8 days into Rich's illness before I had any symptoms.

    I'm going to work tomorrow, as long as I test negative. I'll wear a mask.

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 128 Member

    @Vegan4lyfe2012 That baby shower paper is so cute!! My mind doesn’t even compute that type of cold. It’s 40 and raining here and I’m complaining that I have to go out. That is a good idea to have a protein-rich snack and have it instead of being so hungry you have the noodles, which you know aren’t going to satisfy you enough.:D Happy birthday to you!!! <3

    @trooworld I’m so glad you are feeling better. Your crafting area looks great!

    @865jessica I have the same issue with eating no matter the emotion. Finding other ways to soothe ourselves is such a good idea. I’ve been trying to acknowledge the emotion first before the mindless eating sets in. I wish we would get some snow in Georiga!! Good luck with the potty training. My three-year-old great niece just got potty trained and then her baby brother was born and now she has regressed. Her mother is not pleased! :)

    @txcritter69 Great job at sticking to your no snacking after dinner goal! I do keep some Breathsavor cinnamon flavored mints that help me in the evening when I just want something. Sucking on two of those really slowly helps me so much. Maybe give that a try for yourself? That might help your need for something when you are watching TV in the evening.

    @micarro4 Yikes you and Rich have been through it haven’t you? I just hope you both start improving soon. That is good that you can go back to work. :)

    Hello everyone! Today was a good day. The scale was down this morning which always makes me happy. I had a great leg workout. I had been taking a supplement called Creatine but ran out last week and I really believe not having it is why I’ve been feeling so sluggish while I work out. Today was a much better day with so much more energy for the workout which is almost an hour long. I went to the office to get this week’s work done and I’m still trying to nail down our new pastor on exactly how he wants to be paid. It’s a whole thing when it comes to pastors. I’m off to make a lovely peppercorn pork tenderloin and air fryer Brussels sprouts and carrots. Yum!! :)
    Word for 2024 - Strive
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,612 Member
    WEIGH-INS Needed for @laurelfit57 @broncobuddee and @FushiaKat !

    Thank you!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,612 Member
    @morenin I just downloaded Calm again, I remember I liked it but couldn't remember details. It sounds perfect especially with calming music, the music helps me a lot at night so I'm going to check that out. I hope the vet appointment goes well and another surgery isn't needed. You're welcome I hope your other band helps! I used to switch arms every day and ended up with two red wrists, grrr.

    @AmbersWay Oh no hope you're feeling better soon!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You're right @trooworld 's bag looks just like your card which is super cute! Happy birthday to you! Yum your soup sounds delicious! You're doing great with no soda, I wouldn't be surprised if the soup is extra good with your tastebuds being less used to sugary stuff this far out from when you stopped drinking it. I love this being your year to get healthy, follow that and the grandkids will never hear you out-of-breath!

    @trooworld Hope the tracking has gone well today! I love your craft corner and board!

    @865jessica A hot bath or reading is great to turn to when you want to eat your feelings. I have issues here too, I remember telling someone I'd been through a breakup so I wanted ice cream all the time for comfort then I was in a new relationship where I was happy so I was baking a lot and eating it. Makes sense to me but not good to do! Sounds like you have your hands full at home right now!

    @Jactop That's a great idea to eat then go for a walk or exercise, by the time you're done the 20 minutes to feeling full will have passed and it will be easier to stick to.

    @txcritter69 Cherry tomatoes are tough an do well, I like growing them too. I stuck to small fruit for a long time but have added in bigger ones, the over 1lb ones aren't worth it though since they don't do that well here. I'm looking forward to seeing your garden! You're doing great on your goals right now, keep it up!

    @sleepygirl79 It's okay if you can't post your tracking every day, you got this!

    @micaroo4 I hope you don't end up with Covid again too, I'm glad Rich isn't as bad as last time.

    @Teresa2024 Your dinner sounds delicious have fun making it! Are you planning to take Creatine again?

    @JadeGypsyxo Glad you dropped in! You're down for Sunday weigh-ins, would you prefer Mondays?

    Hi friends! Had a semi-lazy day after how hectic things were yesterday, I did get my workout in. I listened to relaxing music last night and am planning the same while in the tub tonight. Have a great Wednesday!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 519 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 03 of 52

    PW: 137.6
    CW: 137.6

    @vegan4lyfe2012 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    Yay, starting off the New Year in the right direction not that there's a wrong direction it's more like one step forward and to steps back. I've been so busy with yard work and trying to keep up with the house. I'm taking our Cat Leo to the vet on Thursday, he's been losing weight and I want to get him checked out. I don't know because he's just Finicky lately and not eating as much.
    I don't think I'm going to change my goal weight, I'm happy and its working for me, no reason to change it. I bought a couple of sweaters in a small size, and they fit perfectly. It is not that I am unhappy with myself that I wanted to change. I think it's more like the medication cycle some people get on, they take medication, and they feel better, but they stop taking it and then feel bad again and wonder why, when if they would have just continued taking it, they would have continued to feel good. Some medications take months before they are fully effective, why mess with a good thing.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 487 Member
    Sorry my friends, on Sunday

    Username: laurelfit57
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 150.4
    CW: 151.1

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Good morning everybody, my apologies for being silent. I've been trying to orchestrate flight/work plans. This cold blast makes planning really difficult.
    I know I'm not an aerospace engineer but if I'm needing to go to Indiana why would I have to fly to Georgia and then to Indiana? Distance wise they're the same from the starting airport.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @865jessica Enjoy your snow, that must be very pretty. Good luck with the potty training.

    @Jactop Thank you! Oh, I would love to have a craft room! You sound like you've got a good setup, I'm jealous. Too bad for your husband lol. I didn't realize you were crafty, what kinds of things do you make? Ooh I like the idea of that app, I may have to download it.

    @txcritter69 Yeah that happens to me sometimes. Thank you! Great job not snacking! I don't know if I mentioned, but I'm also doing a no-spend January. I may do it in Feb, too, I don't know. I really like how I feel more in control by not spending. And it's helping us not eat out, too. That's good you found a good YouTube channel. Thanks for sharing.

    @micaroo4 I'm glad you kept a journal so you can look back on it. That's a relief to think about, I'm sure, that he's doing better this time around.

    @TeresaW2024 Thanks! I'm glad you had a good day. Good luck with the pastor thing! That peppercorn pork tenderloin sounds amazing, do you have a recipe you can share?

    @Katmary71 It did! I tracked 100%! Thank you. :D I hope you enjoyed tub time!

    @FushiaKat I hope Leo is okay.

    @Cornanda That's a good idea. I try to make it as easy as possible and do a lot of Instant Pot and Air Fryer recipes but even that doesn't help some days. Good idea to freeze some stuff. I don't have a lot of room in the freezer but I could cook some chicken breasts and shred those and put them in the freezer. Thanks for the ideas!

    @19shmoo69 Good morning Darren! Where do you live? That doesn't make any sense to have to fly to Georgia and then Indiana unless you live below Georgia? Hmmm.

    Hi all. Happy Weds! I had a hectic day yesterday and I didn't like it at all lol. I prefer my days to go by quickly but on my own terms and yesterday, they were on other people's terms with other people's ideas of what I needed to do. Today will be different, I will chill out a bit more than yesterday. I miraculously didn't go to the cafe despite the turmoil yesterday. I ate an apple for a snack (planned) and stuck to my meals as planned. Have a great day!


    No Zero Days: Stuck to my planned snack, drank a lot of water, tracked

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 216 Member
    Good Morning Slim Peeps,

    My morning was not off to a good start. At 7:10 this morning before coffee my day was off and running. I let Diesel out this morning and when he came back in he smelled like a skunk, he ran past me and jumped on the loveseat before i could catch him. We got him bathed but now I have to get the smell out of my house. The smell of a skunk is AWFUL. I wish I could go back and restart my day. I am going to make the short today, I am off to steam clean my loveseat now.

    Have a great day!

    "Today, I Choose To Be Happy"
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