January Join our Shrinking Squad



  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    I agree burpees are good for practicing mobility, but i bet theres other options out there that might work better for you. Im alot younger than many of you, but i still have knee issues. I tore one side, severing the nerve playing some intense volleyball in highschool and it has never regained feeling. Its probably been 8years now? I think theres just so much scar tissue that its not gonna come back. Anyway, i have to be careful with my limits during certain exercises because sometimes it feels like its going to tear again. Still working on keeping it strong though.

    Ive been staying give or take a hundred of my calorie goal which i take as a win since i lowered it to 1500 from 1650. I usually hit 80-100g of protein. I eat a lot of meat! And those tuna packets are the perfect snack. I dont eat cottage cheese or greek yogurts because im allergic. Meat and eggs are what ive got!

  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    I'd like to join.
    I'm 29 years old. I'm 5'7 and 142.8 lbs.

    I've been having some pretty tough relationship stuff in my life and I've really gotten away from my goals. Most of last year all I did was work, come home crawl into bed and sleep. I ate a lot of take out and I'm so over being sad all the time.

    I need to lose about 34 lbs and I just want to get back into being active.
    I used to run daily and go to various fitness classes and I really just want to be more active.
    I was a lot happier when I more active and I'd like more friends who are living active lifestyles.

    Looking forward to the support and community!
    Everyone seems so nice and friendly.

    Does anyone have any experience with dance and aerial silks?
    I've been dying to try that out.

  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    I posted an update but now I don’t see it so I apologize in advance if it shows up later as a duplicate.

    5’4” 46y/o

    1/01: 137.2
    1/03: 136.6
    1/05: 136.6
    1/10: 137.0
    1/12: 136.6
    1/15: 137.6
    1/18: 135.8

    I’m excited to be in the 135 range.
    I didn’t feel up to exercising yesterday. I was on track with diet, but I’m not sure about water. Probably not.
    I ran this morning. On track with diet and water so far.

    Welcome @plainpixxel. This is a supportive group. I like the small group feel. I find it’s easier for me to stay accountable when I’m not lost in the crowd.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Welcome @plainpixxel. Hope you stick around!

    Congrats on reaching in the 135 range @Cora0477. Great feeling isn’t it!!

    I’m finally finally finally in the 120s, albeit 129.8 - down 1 pound from yesterday - but I’ll take it. I’m sure this will steady out soon - maybe it’s still the crappy carbage weight I’m still losing. But it’s motivating since I haven’t seen a consistent 127-129 weight since last October! Dangerous time - I can get a bit cocky or feel like I can treat myself - just have to remember that nothing I will do will feel like a “treat” afterwards. Get. It. Together, Girl!

    Did great on all counts yesterday but think I didn’t quite reach my water goal. Was soooo close at 11pm to just say 8.3k steps is enough - no need to get to 10k. But got up, put in headphones and danced to upwards of 10k! Proud of me!

    Rest day - meaning no lifting but will do Pilates instead.

    Onwards and Up - no Downwards!! (Is that a word?) 🤔😉
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @Cora0477 Thank you so much. Congrats on reaching the 135 lb. That's a great accomplishment

    @CeeBeeSlim Thank you too! Kudos on dancing your way to 10K steps. That's really good. I usually end up doing 10K steps at my job on a good day. I need to track my steps a bit more closely.
    I'm curious about pilates. Is that similar to Barre?

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone! Just read through everything that I've missed in the past week... Hope everyone's doing well today!

    I took a break from MFP for the past 6 days. Got some medical test results back that weren't what I expected, so being sent to another dr in a few weeks. I couldn't deal with tracking calories AND the anxiety of that, so MFP had to take a break. Didn't gain, but also didn't lose, so I guess I didn't do too badly while away from counting. Tried to keep up the exercise most days, but definitely was more half-hearted than it could have been. But hey, movement is movement!

    And the weather is cooperating with my stress levels... Due to snow and super cold days, we only had 1.5 days of teaching this week. So that was a nice break. It's 11:30 AM and I'm still in my pajamas on what should be a work day. :)
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hi, Pals. Down just .4 today but I’ll take it. I will try not to get too caught up in my current downward trend as I know the weight loss isn’t linear and there may - will - be times when the scale will not be my friend.

    @plainpixxel - I usually see barre and Pilates compared but when I think of barre I think more of ballet - more smaller intense moves. I fell in love with Pilates - both on the mat and the reformer - when rehabbing from back pain. I was lucky and found a reformer a neighbor was selling relatively inexpensively. It’s perfect for me on an active rest day - love the low impact, stretching, core focus moves.

    Used my hack again - was exhausted after reaching around 7500 steps at 10pm - so on went the headphones and dance music! Put away three loads of laundry ONE ITEM at a time. Fam thought (thinks) I have lost my mind! 🤣🤣

    Reached my goals yesterday!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hello All.

    No weight change - still at 129.6 but at least both my daily weight and moving average are both under 130. I’ll take it.

    I tried on a pair of pants I wore when I was 113 and it’s only just slightly more filled out?? And 15lbs heavier? I have to find a true pair of pants or dress that’s a goal outfit - that will also help keep me disciplined.

    Hope you’re all having a great Sunday
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Made it through my first week and weighed myself. I'm a bit worried about my scale. It says I lost 9.0 lbs in like 4 days which can't be right. I think it just read high initially because I weighed myself after eating and drinking a ton of water.
    Regardless, I'm 134.7 lbs according to my Garmin S2 scale. I'm feeling really good.

    I ate on target most days last week and I didn't struggle as much with my intermittent fasting on Sunday. I've been borrowing @CeeBeeSlim trick of dancing my way to my step goals..works out well 😂

    I'm nervous because tonight I'll be traveling to Miami for a work conference for the whole week. Ive never been to the city so I don't know what the food scene is like. Plus there are lots of dinners and parties at these conferences. I hope there are good options for salads and bowls. I'm assuming it should be because Miami is a "trendy" city. I already bought a week pass a gym near my Airbnb. So I can at least work out. I'm also gonna pack oatmeal 😆. Wish me luck and any tips are appreciated.

    Oh and @CeeBeeSlim I signed up for a beach pilates class too. Let's see if I survive lol
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Oooh @plainpixxel - beach Pilates! Sounds like fun! Enjoy your trip. I can fully understand the nervousness around it but you’re tackling it correctly by pre-planning!

    Back to 129.4 so sticking right around here for a while! Stressful few weeks coming up - planning for trip back home this week - leaving this weekend back home for my parents doc appts. I will not stop at chik fil a! I won’t!!!💪

    So hubby will be glad to see me (wine, treats, good food); the stress of the doc appts (consoling myself with treats) and just the glee of being home will turn itself into a gluttonous day or two. BUT - I have to remember afterwards that I DONT EVER FEEL LIKE I TREATED MYSELF!!

    Off to do CG leg day! Then 40 minutes on the treadmill!!
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I love your idea of dancing the extra steps in! I never have trouble with steps on work days (it's lunch and I'm already at 6k), but on weekends I sometimes struggle. I'll have to try that!

    My weight was trending downward most of the week, but now is up 1 pound since yesterday. I know it's just random fluctuations, but still frustrating haha!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    I'm in iowa. Getting in my workouts and i think my food is doing good. But like so many, this cold weather has hampered me in getting in steps. Today I may be able to go around the block a few times.
    And I did do cardio.

    I'm working with mom to see if we can get her to pull up her britches by herself with one arm. she can get it 75%. Thats really the only thing I can see her having big issues with. ANyway, she's recovering well. Just working out a few kinks. Britches are a big kink, but she can shower herself well enough. Although, the home health care worker will be doing that for her for the first 2 months.

    I gotta go.
    Just a fly by post.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member

    You're either going to be sad that you over ate
    You're going to be sad that you cannot have MORE food.

    Choose the one that fits best with your goals.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 840 Member
    @plainpixxel welcome to the group!
    I've been away for two weeks and didn't get much exercise in. It was almost as cold in FL on some days as it has been in the northern states :o
    Back home now and got in a yoga class and tai chi class yesterday. Today I'm registered for a step class but, since I woke up with a nose bleed (from the dry heat in the house) I'm going to drop out of that and do a session of weight training instead.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Yesterday meals felt great. I’m really hoping that when I get back home on Saturday I will have a weight loss week show on the scale.

    I did get 10k steps yesterday and my morning cardio (kick nosing + abs).

    @SparkSpringtime69 yeah- that cold weather was bananas!!!!

    Finally work is a little slow…. I might get in a hot shower 😬.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Heys Yalls! Happy to see 128.6 today! Whoo hoo!

    Everything on track. Just maybe I will see 125 on Valentines Day!

    Waiting for the 75 degree weather later in the week.

    Welcome back @SparkSpringtime69!

    Got the headphones on - and time to twer - oh I mean dance!! 🤣🤣🤣💃🏽
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Morning Pals! Up .4 from yesterday but finally my moving average is below 129 - 1st time since an October.

    Hoping I can continue with this! And hope you see a loss @SherryRueter and that your mom makes some real progress before you leave.

    @SparkSpringtime69 - the dry heat makes me wake up with very dry lips so I’m making sure I add moisturizing them back to my nightly routine - which I discarded after the eldercare stressors. But I added that back once the new year started and my face already feels and looks better.

    Glute/hamstring day today!

    Oh - any of you do vaccuums?? (Ab work)
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    Good mornin' friends.

    Down .5 ish (okay, it could be .8 but... thrilled)
    @CeeBeeSlim - WONDERFUL. Love the dancing routine you have started.

    My mom has made wonderful progress. SHe can now dress herself completely.
    Next up, make sure she has enough for meals etc. I feel confident that she will be self suffient before I leave. She can even lay in bed again! WHich is huge with shoulder surgery. She continues to have pain at night. IDK. We are going to try some iBU profen at night. AND, her to not use her muscles during the day.

    Moisturizers are amazing. I go off and on them, but I make sure I clean my face with this cleansing oil and use good hydrating foundation (I've switched a few years back to a brand that is more 'vegan'/clean)

    Plyometrics today.

    YEs- I do vacuumes. Love them. They were implemented when I did my fitness competition.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,291 Member
    Wow @SherryRueter - on all counts! Your loss, your mom’s progress, and fitness competitions??? Did I miss this?

    You may be able to answer my two questions - are vaccumes easy? My brain can’t seem to get the breathing right with the sucking in?? Can you instruct me?😜

    And do you ever train abs directly? And if so, how? I either hear you don’t have to if you’re lifting as the lifts work the core and you risk getting a boxy waist, or of course you work them - no different from any other muscle??
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    @ceebeeslim are you up for a couple you tube videos? or not really? LMK and I can post a couple about the vacuume -

    Yes, I did a Physique comp in 2014 and 2017. 2017 I was a lot better muscularly. I used Keto as my nutrition plan and, it was very satiating but, I was unable to find food at dining establishments that I could eat. So I believe I cut well, simply because my "food rules" didn't allow food.

    I will forever blame those competitions for my bad diet mindset. For me loving how I feel underwieght. For me enjoying that flat stomache, even though its not a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm learning to enjoy my present lifestyle. It allows treats and sweets and my jeans still fit. But I also want to embrace a Weight loss Week. and Drinking water (which is easy for me). And I want to embrace more veggies as they do fill me up and help me not focus on food. I enjoy not having a food thought filled mind.

    I am dribbling crap (and austrailan statement for talking too much).
    My workouts are goign great. I'm starting to feel stressed by the next couple of days. I have thur/fri and then leave saturday. I can feel my nerves kicking in and my sweet tooth coming out to play.
    Breathe.... Breathe....