Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,322 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,724 Member
    @trooworld I DO have a lot of tea in case I’m snowed in for a year, hahaha! That’s scary how is your hand feeling today? Sandwiches are a good idea! Shoot they were just doing better too! That makes sense with Daisy’s nightmare but still disappointing plus your hand injury is frustrating. I’m glad you’re working on art again, have fun at the zoo! Looking beautiful!

    @TeresaW2024 I was wondering if your sister was still with you, I’m sure your niece can really use her help right now. Sounds like a perfect relaxing day for you! The dip sounds great, yum!

    @Veta2018 Congratulations on 35lbs down that’s awesome! The award event was a lot of fun though we didn’t win anything but were in the tops for most areas. It was fun hanging out and getting dressed up for it, everyone looked so good! Ugh oh sounds like you need a break for your muscles to recover, good idea to take it easy today. I think slightly sore is okay but if it’s real sore a break sounds good. You handled going out to eat well even if it’s a little over, chances are you were in maintenance range and will still stable. I was expecting your story to turn into eating 2 loaves of bread but you did great especially for being starving!

    @morenin That’s awesome you dropped a pant’s size! Those are great goals, think about which one will get you closer to your goal and when you feel good about having that one under control add the next one, you got this! Hm your body may just need to balance out after the weight loss and sodium, wait a few days and hopefully it will adjust.

    @littlebabekitty You’re doing great you’ll get those 60lbs off! We’re thankful to have you on our team and as part of our family now, I look forward to watching you become a healthier you.

    @AmbersWay We appreciate you too! That’s great news the tests are going well, I’m glad you’re able to go longer with the kidney one! Thank you that was so kind of you to say. Oh no I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your eldest are feeling better soon, thinking of you.

    @megnolia82 Are you able to try a few things with functional nutrition or do you have to jump all in? I definitely see the pros and cons of that I’ve been in the same boat being hesitant because of cost.

    @txcritter69 Thank you! I’m so glad you’re doing better and have recovered from the infection. Thank goodness mouths heal fast! Sounds like you’re doing great despite all the soft food! I probably would’ve ended up with ice cream if I’m being honest.

    @sleepygirl79 Hang in there it could be sodium or bloating or just fluctuations, it will balance out.

    WOOHOO MISSION SLIMPOBBLES in 2nd place for percentage and pounds down for the last week, way to go TEAM!

    @tammymccrady6278 @Vata2018 @askewcr Great job overall for January top winners!
    @badnoodle @Cornanda @askewcr @laurelfit57 Way to go on leading the pack!

    @Cornanda Huge hug on your visit, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Too funny on the soap box derby car I’m glad you weren’t injured!

    Hi everyone! That was a lot of posts! Had the card reading party this morning, we’re having crazy winds right now and it was raining while getting all the boxes from businesses in the retirement home then pouring while we were getting organized card bags and boxes in cars. We’re just under 7000 cards which was our goal and were planning on a card party tomorrow but still have two boxes that need to be counted so I’ll wait. A group of us went to a local bar that was having School of Rock performing so we stayed outside. This bar had a drink our charity gets the proceeds from so we went to support them and have our drink. I’m behind on a lot of stuff but am so tired I don’t know if I’ll get anything but a bath done tonight. My diet went downhill not taking time to eat before I went, back to it tomorrow. I did work out no Zero Days here!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,724 Member
    WEIGH INS STILL NEEDED: @badboodle @laurelfit57 @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012

    TOMORROW WEIGH IN REMINDERS FOR: @AmbersWay @Jactop @GrinningPossumLifts

    FUNNY STORY: I think I was in 4th grade and had a crush on this guy Roy in my class. My little brother had HIS brother in the class and they were going roller skating at the roller rink so I went in case Roy went. I figured out who his brother and dad were and got it in my head that if I showed off and made a good impression it would get back to Roy so I zoomed in front of them and went to “rex” (criss cross the skates in front and in back real fast) and managed to get my wheels tangled up and fell flat on my face! So mortifying, his Dad rushed over to see if I was okay (they almost ran me over) and I couldn’t talk at all as I’d knocked my breath out, as soon as I could talk I yelled I was fine and went and sat in a bathroom stall for awhile!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @Katmary71 - Love your story!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,100 Member
    Congrats to the whole team for achieving 2nd place by both percentage and pounds! A special shout out goes to @badnoodle for grabbing 2nd place by both percentage and pounds and for @Cornanda @askewcr @laurelfit57 @Veta2018 and @tammymccrady6278 for getting on the leaderboard! Congrats to @tammymccrady6278 for being in the green all four weeks! Way to go!

    @Veta2018 You are right, you've been working on good habits and working out and I'm sure the gain is a fluke. Just stay the course with your good habits. I'm sorry you were starving by the time you ate dinner. I would have been hangry and ordered something unhealthy, so I think you did well.

    @txcritter69 Thanks, me too! I'm glad you are doing better. Congrats on the loss!

    @sleepygirl79 I hate when the scale doesn't reflect the work I'm doing. It happens. I bet you have a "whoosh" next week!

    @Cornanda That must be so heartbreaking, Lisa. I'm so sorry. Hugs. You must have the record for the earliest car accident!

    @Katmary71 My hand is feeling okay unless I press on it, then it hurts. It is bruised so it doesn't look so good, but it's okay. I know, right? LOL This is the first time they fought in a while. Thank you, I did have fun! Thank you! It was really windy here yesterday, too. Gosh, lots of cards and card parties lol! I hope you meet your goal. Good job with No Zero Days! OMG that story is funny but darn, I can feel the embarrassment you must have felt! lol

    Hi all. I had a relaxing day yesterday, after a stressful week, I really needed it. We went to the zoo for 2 1/2 hours and then I dropped my husband off at the hospital. After that, I went to a coffee shop and drew/painted. Then I came home and took a nice nap. It felt really good. I hope today at work isn't stressful, I've had my share for a while! :D


    No Zero Days: Pretracked everything, met my step goal.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 160 Member
    @trooworld Why did you choose a dung beetle to paint? I once watched a documentary on them, and they really are incredible creatures. But they are ugly! :D I love your new glasses. Very snazzy! Are you growing out your grey? I love it! I am going to my hairdresser today, and we will have a serious talk about me growing out my natural color. I am so tired of dyeing my hair. Plus, I can’t be tied to a chair for three hours anymore, leaving Joe home alone. I need simplicity in my life!

    @Cornanda I know seeing your mom and dad is sweet and painful at the same time. Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease. I don’t know what type of dementia Joe has. I don’t think it’s Alzheimer's because he still remembers his life, but it’s his short-term memory and his ability to communicate that is the real struggle. And he will only get worse, which is hard to accept, as I know you understand. <3 Cute story! I bet those dads were so worried about you hitting that car. :)

    @ Katmary71 HaHa loved your story! Reminded me of the time I was trying to impress a boy at the roller rink. I was cruising along, trying to look so cool, and then I tripped and fell so hard on my butt that I was sure I broke my tailbone. The joys of young womanhood, huh? :D

    Hi Team! I forgot to post again yesterday. We had a good day at church yesterday with our new pastor and his family formally joining and becoming a part of our church family. We had a church potluck, and I did OK, but I did cave and had a small piece of pecan pie. After my workout this morning, I have a hair appointment, and then I need to do some church work. We might be changing banks, which will be a huge hassle, and I hope it doesn’t need to happen. :#
    2024 Word: Strive
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    edited February 5
    @morenin - I also do measurements. And I notice my stomach is sagging at the bottom too. I guess it's common.

    @Cornanda - I like your soap box car story. Sounds fun. <HUGS> My grandma and I were really close. I was named after her. As her Alzheimer's got worse, it got harder. She got to a point where she didn't recognize me anymore. She also would get angry because she couldn't remember things. It was difficult for everyone, especially when we had to place her in a nursing home.

    Congratulations @badnoodle , @Cornanda , @askewcr , and @laurelfit57 for top weight loss last week!

    Great job @tammymccrady6278 , and @askewcr on your January weight loss!

    @DebJB30, @19shmoo69 - We've got this!

    @Katmary71 - Roller skating, I remember going roller skating. I practiced for hours to learning how to skate backwards. We still have a roller rink open near us. I celebrated my kids birthday there. Thank you. I wanted the bread, but I drank a few glasses of unsweetened tea instead.

    @trooworld - Thank you, I feel pretty disciplined when it come to portion size, it's the quality of foods I choose that I still need to be mindful about. I like your glasses. I went to the eye doctor for the first time and I'll be needing to get glasses too. I draw a little bit. Here's a picture I drew of my dog, Benny. I drew one of my husband too, but he does not think it looks like him.

    Good morning!
    Yesterday went well. I didn't do my regular workout routine. I took it easy and walked our property with Benny and my husband. It was a beautiful day outside. I think we reached 43 degrees but with the sun out it felt warmer. We found some mushrooms and seen some trees starting to bud. Looks like we might get an early spring.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,869 Member
    Please welcome back @AustinRuadhain :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Please welcome back @AustinRuadhain :)

    This is great news! Welcome back - once you have posted your weigh-in day and what you weighed on that day last week (wild guesses accepted), one of your wonderful captains @Katmary71 or @trooworld will put that in the spreadsheet and I'll put you in order on the roster. You'll be good to go!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited February 5
    Great! Back to work I come! I have been letting life get in the way of health, and am determined to turn things around.
    WEIGH-IN DAY: Monday
    My wild guess is that I weighed the same last Monday as this one. :) I think I held steady.
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    I was better yesterday, drank lots of water, had less (though still too much) sodium. Weighed in today for fun... 221.1. Why couldn't that show up on my weigh in day! *screams into the void*

    I'm feeling a lot better, this week. My pulmonologist is of the opinion I need to do a better job fighting dust mites, because I am deathly allergic to them. Neti pot rinse twice a day, using my cpap so I can sleep and so my air is filtered, wearing a mask to clean and especially dust and I'm already seeing improvement. He had me get mattress and pillow covers because they like to live in those. I'm also to wash my bedclothes in hot water from now on, instead of the cold I've been using.

    I'm moving a lot more, now that I am not dizzy all the time. I'm back to decluttering the house (in a mask), and splitting walking doggy with my spouse. I will try adding in at least one round of chair yoga this week.
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 183 Member
    edited February 5
    I'm never very good at these introduction things. I'm a 45 year old wife and mother (15, 9-both boys). I work full time as a pediatric speech therapist in Manitoba. Trying to get rid of some weight, however the scale doesn't move too much for me. I get super motivated for awhile then fall off the wagon. Doing my best to keep tracking. Currently attend Zumba 1x/week, walk my Golden Retriever every day, chase my kids around to where they need to go, and stress about work and family the rest of the time. I'm a sucker for a good dad joke (@19shmoo69 give me your best), which have become 'mom jokes' at my house. Just started some physio this last week for hip issues and committed to getting that better so I can get up off the floor without sounding like a 95 year old.

    @ambersway I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. Hopefully, your 'pouring' will come to an end soon.
    @trooworld from what I can tell, those are some pretty spanky pug earrings you got! I hope I have 'whoosh' too!
    @Katmary71 I hope you're right about it being fluctuations. It's kind of disheartening. LOL on your roller-skating story though.
    @morenin glad you are feeling better and finding some solutions to your issues.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,724 Member
    edited February 6
    Weigh-ins needed from yesterday:
    @badnoodle @laurelfit57 @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012

    Still needed today:
    @AmbersWay @Jactop @GrinningPossumLifts

    Tomorrow weigh-in reminder: @FushiaKat

    Today's Question:

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,724 Member
    @trooworld Your zoo trip followed by coffee shop sounds perfect especially topped off with a nap! Great job at self care yesterday!

    @TeresaW2024 I betcha the beetle painting isn't ugly, up close like that they're actually kind of pretty (this is despite having a beetle explosion in my garden last year). Hahaha love you had a mortifying roller skating/trying to impress story too! Let's see we've both gone out with men we met online and we both have roller skating hot mess stories! Oh boy I hope you won't have to change banks.

    @Veta2018 Yay I'm glad you got that walk in and got to see hints of spring that sounds wonderful.

    @txcritter69 Hopefully once your mouth has recovered cold sensitivity will decrease. I had a gum graft last year and prior to it cold was really uncomfortable. Do you like protein drinks? That would be an easy way to get it but having it cold may not be possible. Awesome job with the food journal1

    @AustinRuadhain YAY! I'm so happy to see you back! What have you been up to? Fill us in! Everyone when I joined 5 years ago @TeresaW2024 was captain and @AustinRuadhain was one of the two motivators. It makes me happy people return, just so you all know we're always happy to have you back no matter how much time has passed and the door is always open!

    @morenin Hey your next weigh in will be extra awesome hang in there! Those are all good ideas on preventing dust mites though I know it's a lot. That's wonderful the dizziness is improving! Let us know how the chair yoga goes, it's surprising how many good poses you can do sitting. I'm so happy there's so many chair workouts as without them I wouldn't be able to exercise as easily.

    @sleepygirl79 Love that your family calls them Mom jokes instead! What do you think of your physio team? I hope they're able to improve your hip issues. I've been a bit disappointed this round of PT.

    Hi everyone! Got up early and did cardio then took a shower and went to PT. I'm basically doing what I do at home there. I mailed a few packages then went to the holistic clinic but no one was there which is frustrating, of course they were after I'd gone to the store and brought my groceries home but decided to knock out the charity board minutes. We did a final card party so we could hit our goal of 7000 cards which is pretty awesome! Driving's a little crazy as there's branches and debris from the storm yesterday. A lot of people still have power outages and trees down. Thankfully all I had was flickering and smaller branches down but the cats were scared. Have a great night and wonderful Tuesday!

    No Zero Days
    Good workout and PT
    Got a lot done
    Off for my self-care bath and reading!

    Question answer: I've flipped my procrastinating around and try to get done all I can today to make tomorrow easier on me. I have my coffee pot programmed as well and spend the time I used to dwell on not wanting to do stuff actually doing it, saves the stress in the long run.
This discussion has been closed.