WaistAways Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member

    Good Morning Beautiful People!

    Happy Friday Jr!! For me it is Friday, as I’m off tomorrow thru Tuesday!!

    PTO Days for me! Part of my mental health focus of 2024. Actually using the 6 weeks of PTO I get. #BeenWithTheCompany21Years

    So who else woke up to the nationwide phone outage?! I’m wondering how that will impact my work day today… as it continues. I’m able to get on most anything via WiFi but calls are a not and text are random.

    Anyways.. my thoughts today… Take Time. You are worth it!

  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 550 Member
    edited February 22
    …I need my skin to catch up with me...
    Seriously considering an arm lift, but I know it takes time for skin to catch up, so I will give it a while, but honestly I am dreading pool days... I guess when it gets to be too much, I will just fly away with my new wings... :wink:
    Oh, how I can relate! As a water baby myself, I can safely remind you that resistance in water is your best friend. Wear a pair of water “gloves” that extend out from your hand a few inches and you’ll help those wings tighten up. I’ll try to get a link in here so you can see what I mean.
    I’ll be back soon! Have a great day, everyone!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 254 Member
    PW: 170.4
    CW: 170.8

    It could be so much worse. Also, I have been teetering on the cusp of a new decade since November. Hopefully I can reach it this next week! ... or two!

    @ashleycarole86 - Monday, February 19th - 4,350 steps
    Tuesday, February 20th - 6,085 steps, 1 hour of CrossFit
    Wednesday, February 21st - 7,028 steps, 35 minutes of spin
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    edited February 23
    jugar wrote: »
    Are we allowed to request a permanent change on what day our weigh in is?
    Absolutely! and it is never permanent - you can change it any time. Trying different days is one of those fun experiments :wink:

    Could I change my weigh in day to Sunday please.

    @lindamartin27 Done! Sunday is always the first weigh-in day of the week, so there would be no weight recorded for you this week. Do you want me to excuse you from this week, and then just go ahead with your Sunday weight for next week? That would work easily, or if you prefer to give me a guess at your last Sunday weight I could put that in.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Also, I found a state job that I want to apply for today. Today is the deadline. I saw it a few days ago and have been debating. But, after talking with a friend, she pointed out that the state usually takes a while to hire for positions like these. So, even applying now means I will have time to talk with the president of our company. If that talk doesn't go well and my decision is to leave, I at least will have started. If it goes well and I decide to stay, I can always say I'm no longer interested. And, if anyone is curious why I haven't talked to him yet, it's because his wife is our realtor and I'm waiting for the house to close. The house closes on Monday. So close!

    This is great to hear. Taking some action all while keeping your eye on a way to improve things at your current job is smart. And what a situation - you cannot talk to the president until the house deal closes - if that was in a movie we'd say, c'mon! That can't be real! Keep us posted :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Time to line up for Friday! Here we go:


    Have a good one!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,582 Member
    PW: 197.6
    CW: 195.2

    In the green again! 😁

    I have had a very busy week with work. My days start as early as 8:30, and I’m in meetings all day or people will ask me if I have time during the moments I block for myself to catch up on emails and tasks. With all of that, I’m so glad I signed up for classes at 7pm this week. It forced me to log off at a reasonable time and then go workout. I had a great circuit training class, spin class, and yoga class Monday - Wednesday for a total of 150 exercise minutes. I took Thursday as my rest day, and ended up working until 8pm.

    Today, I have another full day of meetings. My husband is amazed by my calendar. He asks me all the time what do I do when I’m double (or triple) booked and I tell him that I literally have to choose what meetings to attend. He couldn’t believe that people book more meetings on top of the times I’m already showing as busy. I guess that’s just how corporate life functions! 😅

    I’m going to work out this morning because tonight we’re going to this escape room/obstacle course/video game inspired place with some friends after work. It should be a lot of fun! I’ve looked at the menu for their kitchen and know what I want to have for dinner tonight.

    This weekend I have to work, but I have also planned time for a morning spin class on Saturday and a yoga class on Sunday.

    Also very exciting news to share as we are officially one year in our home… Our living room is finally done being painted! I am so excited. We have a green accent wall that I am just obsessed with; I’m planning on carrying that color into the sun room. My husband isn’t completely sold, but I told him that the sunroom is almost all windows, so it’ll get plenty of light.

    This is the color of the accent wall: https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/hc-123/kennebunkport-green

    And then the other walls are this neutral color: https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/csp-250/dulce-de-leche?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA4smsBhAEEiwAO6DEjWrJvvrdFE5V_8C4mOOv_MxreTHHhfr8Etb6v_hJt9zvgbrl612AGhoCnFwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 619 Member
    Friday Weigh-In
    PW: 251.9
    CW: 251.8

    Tiniest of losses. I felt like food was good this week but stress was high and sleep was low. Goes to show!

    @wishfuljune escape room/obstacle course sounds so fun!!! And I LOVE the green accent color. I am hoping to visit Kennebunkport this year haha
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Some beautiful greens coming into our spreadsheet too! Thanks for the inspiration @wishfuljune

    As of today, I am officially (because I said so) back on the regular team for a bit. I have strayed above my top maintenance weight for more than 2 weeks, so it is time to get more serious and have my gains and losses count with the team for a while. There has been a bit too much sedentary and comfort eating, and it shows up fast! I'm sticking with the main group until I'm back to feeling those good feelings of strength and energy again.

    I'm tempted to say "don't work too hard" to you both @kali225 and @wishfuljune (not to mention @ashleycarole86 @bowens1973 and all the others who are putting in the crazy hours) but that isn't really helpful. Work balanced maybe? The hard work can be fantastic, even with too many hours and all, but if there isn't also the time to move, sleep, and eat well it isn't sustainable. I think you are all figuring it out pretty danged well - and also seeing when it doesn't quite work. It's a beautiful thing to watch - experiments, learning, good ol' trial and error, and getting through the hard stuff. Go team!!
  • bowens1973
    bowens1973 Posts: 181 Member
    Well any attempt at a beach bod before our vacation next week only added to my Dad Bod.

    Username: Bowens1973
    CW: 235.8
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,181 Member
    Hey team!
    If I'd weighed in today I think I would have posted a loss.. so go the ebbs and flows. I've been doing this for years and it's still fascinating to watch what the body does.
    February hasn't been as kind to me as January was.. lost a bit of grip on positive progress, the work piece that @jugar mentioned has felt out of control, just a lot of things.
    BUT, the big things, happiness, health, relationships.. those are all good. Great, in fact. So, I am focusing on that.
    I leave for Jamaica on Monday and I'm gone for 7 days. I will get the step report out this weekend! I know it's been a pared down version but that's the best I can do right now. I'm bursting at the seams trying to get life done.

    You are just killing it girl! Sorry to hear the snowboarding is at risk due to your neck. Hope it works itself out.

    As one gal in the corporate grind to another, I feel ya. But boy your schedule sounds intense! I usually keep a good in-office schedule and manage to get out reasonably on time but the high impact stress wears me down even when I'm not there. I find I'm always worrying about things at night and that is where I don't feel I recharge. And, the environment itself comes with lots of triggers. There is an on-call component too so that adds to it as it can be unpredictable. You are so smart to book classes at the end of the day to keep you from staying late!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Alrighty then! It's time to wrap this week up. Here are all the weigh-ins due by the end of Saturday:

  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member

    PW 220.5
    CW 218.5
  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member

    Good Morning Beautiful People!

    This morning there is 2 lbs less of me!
    It is slow and sometimes it is nothing or a gain, talking to you last weigh in, but it is not impossible!! You are not impossible!! Say it with me?!?

    Nothing major on the agenda today.
    Gym ✅ Coffee ✅ the world at my fingertips ✅

    I pray today that your burdens are lifted, you feel peace and you feel love.

  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Late weight report - on Thurs. morn. 175.2
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    PW 219.1
    CW 219.1

    This week was all over the place from 217 to 220. Glad it settled in the middle and not red.

    Love the questions. I’ll have to give it some thought and report back. Excited about? Next summit? Hmmmm.
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 419 Member

This discussion has been closed.