Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • Oldmfp
    Oldmfp Posts: 28 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 193.6
    CW: 194.6

    +1 lb. All good and expected that time of the month. Working harder this week. 💪
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited February 26
    Good afternoon!
    Yesterday I was running around and camping, so I did not post a plan. I did have a good day as regards food and steps, so happy about that! The pictures that @trooworld posted reminded me to say that I saw some camels on Saturday. I was driving past a ranch in central Texas, and there they were, about 20 yards from the road. They were huge!

    Sunday plan
    🟢 Social/mental health: Hang out with a couple of girlfriends
    🟢 Food on plan: vegetables & fruits, G-BOMBS
    🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+)
    ⚪ Movement: 45 min not done yet!
    ⚪ Steps: 5,000 not done yet!
    ⚪ Floors: 5 - 3 so far!

    @KatMary - Yes, the ginger lemonade is indeed very tasty! https://tajabeverages.com/product/taja-coconut-water-cold-pressed-natural-lemonade-with-ginger/
    The Middle Eastern bakery sounds dangerous and wonderful!

    @morenin - I hope your cranky joints are improving!

    @TeresaW2024 - Swedish dishcloths sound fun! I have been off to google that to see what they might be like, and am seeing pretty and useful-looking things!

    @txcritter69 - None of my pets would be useful in the zombie apocalypse. The cats would panic and the chickens would have a lot to say. *sigh*

    @laurelfit57 - I am so sorry about your grandpuppy. The pictures were adorable!

    @megnolia82 - You were on a book selection committee? Wow! It's nice that you are enjoying reading
    again. I love rereading YA favorites as comfort reading when I need a break!
    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Greetings, Slims! We have this week to add some new members!

    Feel free to share this link if you have any friends you'd like to invite to join us, or if you are on any of the community forums where someone seems to be looking for a team or group to help them. Here it is:


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    Weigh-ins needed now: @sleepygirl79 @vegan4lyfe2012

    Monday weigh in reminder for: @AmbersWay @AustinRuadhain

    @laurelfit57 I think being moved now would work as it's the start of the week, I'll go request it now.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @morenin That's so frustrating I'm sorry about the increase!

    @megnolia82 I'm so glad you've been able to do some reading again, that's great! It's the best to escape into another world for awhile, that's what I love so much about books. I'm reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series right now.

    @trooworld Thanks for the link I added them to my wishlist to check out after this. I love kitchen stuff too! I did both on my last Costco trip, they had pretty bowls 10 for $10 on clearance which is cheaper than my cat bowls so I figured I could share them with the boys then got new hose nozzles and new trimmers for the yard. LOL I had a big bunion too, wow maybe I need to start saving for Hokas after I get the garden in! Great zoo photos!

    @TeresaW2024 Hugs Teresa, praying church is exactly what you need right now. If you lived here I'd be over there with my micro current machine experimenting on you!

    @micaroo4 Yum breakfast sounds really good!

    @Veta2018 I'm glad you're feeling better, that makes sense the wind is great at getting allergies going. I was supposed to pick up allergy medication at the pharmacy from the beginning on the month and am not happy it hasn't been filled yet!

    @DebJB30 It's common for weight to go up when strength training, that isn't a bad gain. I'm glad the Hokas help your son, another great review! My SIL and nephew who's in long distance track both have them and love them. I have my nerve issues then have a bunion and hammer toes so maybe I should stop buying shoes from Costco. Enjoy those chicken breasts, they're a great one to prep with.

    WOOT WOOT GO MISSION SLIMPOSSIBLES IN 2ND PLACE! @AustinRuadhain @Cornanda @askewcr you all did incredible leading the pack!

    @littlebabekitty You got this, I'll send some extra encouraging messages to you this week!

    @AustinRuadhain Wow how cool to see camels I bet it was a surprise to see them when you drove by. How was the camping trip? Nice the drink is at Sprouts which isn't too far from here.

    Hi team! Frustrated with some charity stuff again, I've been going out of my way to be friendly and supportive with our new vice president and she showed interest in the program I'm working on for our town's Big Day of Service and offered to send a letter or make a call so thinking she really wanted to be a part of it I let her and she started emailing our president with all the updates and leaving me out of it when I've attended all the meetings. Now I look incompetent with the organization we're working with because she threw extra information in the letter that was incorrect and the charity looks like we don't communicate when we talked on the phone for an hour. The president is having health issues so I don't want to stress her out too much but did let her know what went on and told her what I'm planning to do to resolve it that won't include the vice president unless it's stealing my football back and shoving her in mud haha. I'm fine with her making a few missteps but she's left people out a few times and is reminding me of the jerk at work who takes your job by being a snake and being underhanded. It fueled a great angry music workout followed by garden chores and cleaning the house I'm exhausted! I'm running out of time to get going on my homework, tomorrow's PT, my first allergy shots, and talking to the librarian about washing books and/or a book drive for the town's Big Day of Service for the charity to do. I DID get a salmon filet a little over 1lb and had it and asparagus for dinner, those will be great leftovers for a couple days. Go be awesome this week!

    No Zero Days
    great workout and cardio
    Healthy food under calories
    Enjoyed chatting with my brother.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    I forgot to encourage you all to check out Jessica's challenge this week, self-care bingo! https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10910335/february-week-4-group-challenge-self-care-bingo#latest

    One is to dance for 20 minutes, I think if I dance while the tub fills for two nights I can get it, this gets us to 13 minutes, bonus points for singing loud too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSO2txDN3VU
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 183 Member
    SW 232.2
    CW: 222.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    Yay for the whole team for achieving 2nd place! A special shout-out goes to @AustinRuadhain @Cornanda and @askewcr for leading the way!

    @TeresaW2024 Sorry about your headspace. Hugs.

    @laurelfit57 @txcritter69 Congrats on the losses!

    @Veta2018 Congrats on the loss, I'm glad you are feeling better!

    @DebJB30 That's good the Hokas have helped him. I think the inserts are helping but only so much. I really need to just stay off my feet as much as possible and do some stretching.

    @AustinRuadhain How cool!

    @Katmary71 Sure! Ugh, I hate my bunion. I'll probably need surgery soon as it is pushing my big toe into the toe next to it which is pushing that one up. Yeah the Hokas, I recommend! Thank you! Sorry about your charity frustration. Your dinner sounds yummy.

    Hi all. I ended up having a big to-do list yesterday and was totally overwhelmed by it so I only got about 30% of it done. I didn't fold my clean clothes so I don't know what I'm going to wear this week. I did order a night splint for my plantar fasciitis. I don't know if it will help, but it's worth trying. I'm not feeling well this morning, tummy troubles and chills. But I took some medication so hopefully that will help and I'll be on my way to work.

    No Zero Days: Stuck to meal plan.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited February 26
    @trooworld - Thanks for the shoutout! I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. I so, so get being overwhelmed by too long a list. You are doing so, so much.

    @Katmary71 - Oh, yay! The BeeGees video looks like great fun. I just made myself a scoreboard for Self Care Bingo. Woohoo!
    The charity work sounds maddening. Good for you for stealing your football back.
    The camping trip was grand! We are having early spring weather in central Texas, and everyone wants to be outside. On Friday night, the freeways were packed, and quite a few cars had bikes and kayaks and such on them!

    @morenin - The ring is a great victory! Congratulations!

    Sunday Plan
    🟢 Social/mental health: Hang out with a couple of girlfriends
    🟢 Food on plan: vegetables & fruits, G-BOMBS
    🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+)
    🟡 Movement: 45 min
    🟡 Steps: 5,000
    🟢 Floors: 5 - 3 so far!
    Sunday evening workout plans were interrupted by a family emergency. All is now well, but I decided to call the day and make sure I got good sleep rather than stay up and hit the numbers. Today's a new day!

    Monday Plan
    ⚪ Food on plan: vegetables & fruits, G-BOMBS
    🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 4 sets (12+) - upped the goal, and did one already!
    ⚪ Movement: 45 min
    ⚪ Steps: 6,000
    🟡 Floors: 5 - 2 so far!
    ⚪ Tiny Habit: After I go to the kitchen to make coffee, I do a counter pushup. Then I celebrate (fist pump or maybe a John Travolta dance move)!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    @vrafer @AustinRuadhain and @vegan4lyfe2012 - Congratulations on the loss!
    @Katmary71 - Thank you. You're a great person. Sorry for your frustrations with that VP. I hope things get better for you. I like the Bee Gees video, 🎵Let's go dancing, Yeah.🎶...hehehe.
    @trooworld - Thank you. I hope you're not getting sick.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Beautiful family!

    I started my 5-day Tiny Habit Challenge today. Actually, I started last week, but today is the official start day. My husband is laughing at the sticky notes I placed around the house as reminders. My three recipes are:

    After I flush the toilet at home, I will do ten squats, then the Howard Dean shout.
    After I turn on my computer, I will write down a priority for the day, then I will draw a smiley face.
    After I have been sitting for an hour, I will get up and walk 250 steps, then wrap my arms around myself, giving myself a big hug.

    My husband said he might need to get me an elliptical or something. I think I might be driving him crazy when I get up and pace the floor to get in my 250 steps....hehehe.

    My left ankle and wrist has been hurting again. And my hands have been falling asleep too. The doctor thought it was a vitamin deficiency. I stared taking vitamins and losing weight last August. I thought things were improving, because it felt better for awhile, but it's all back now. My doctor also said it was an autoimmune disease, and that was that. I explained that I thought the hypothyroid was an autoimmune disease. However, She never followed up with me. This is the same doctor that didn't' complete my annual physical. I guess I just need to find a new doctor again.

    I went to the thrift store on the weekend and bought two pair of jeans for $5 and two medium shirts, also for $5. I just couldn't hold out any longer. I'm getting close to my goal weight, so now I want to start planning a weight lifting plan to shape, tighten, and tone.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    I saw the orthopedist today; it did not go well and was a complete waste of money. He said I have no arthritis in my knees, it's entirely my weight causing the pain. I told him I'd lost 30 lb. in 3 months and he shrugged and said I need to lose more. I asked him about treating the pain, he said he won't treat it because then I wouldn't be motivated to lose weight. I told him the pain is too much to exercise with, he said I don't need to exercise, I need to eat a healthy diet (without asking what my diet is like). I guess he doesn't care if my heart and lungs are lousy, as long as I'm thin. I'm filing a complaint tomorrow, not that I expect anyone will care.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    edited February 27
    @trooworld Thanks! I hope the night splint will help. I hope you’re feeling better soon. Long lists ARE stressful!

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you, I remember you used to log the weigh ins when I first joined! Yay I look forward to seeing what you do on the Bingo board let’s show ‘em what MS is made of haha! I love camping I’m glad you got out and enjoyed the good weather. I hope things are better with the family emergency.

    @morenin Yay on your wedding ring fitting, that’s wonderful!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ollipop is so precious, aw! Oh I love everything about the happy family photo of everyone it’s impossible not to smile seeing all that joy! The matching sleepers are the best, it’s wonderful seeing everyone so happy.It’s very awesome they’re all close and will be raising their kids together. When I see your card I picture you with three babies on your lap and a huge smile. They are a great why!

    @Veta2018 Thank you! I’m down on going dancing, it was fun! I love you sharing what you’re doing for the challenge, those are great goals. If you’re working on water intake it may suffer a bit if you’re doing squats every time you go to the bathroom (I did squats after the bathroom too!). Oh no a better doctor sounds like a good plan. How are you supposed to know how to improve them without tests and monitoring the labs? Medical is really a mess. Great score on the clothes, congratulations on being close to goal that’s awesome!

    @morenin Huge hug, I’m so sorry to hear how your appointment went. What a jerk, 30lbs off is awesome and he could’ve said to keep up the great work or something to acknowledge it as it takes a lot of weight off your knees. He sounds terrible and shouldn’t be practicing medicine. Are you going to see another doctor I hope? I can’t believe he wouldn’t treat the main reason you’re there, that’s so ridiculous! If you don’t have improvement after losing 30lbs how is losing more supposed to make a difference? I wish the healthcare system wasn’t such a mess and it was easier to get support and help.

    Hi friends! Bit of a frustrating day, I had PT then had my allergy appointment in a town on the opposite side of my house that has the same PT business in it but that branch doesn’t take my insurance. Anyway the nurse who looked at my medication list last time didn’t realize my BP med is a beta blocker even though it's on their "Do Not Take" list and I can’t take it prior to an allergy shot as the anaphylaxis medication wouldn’t work correctly if I had a reaction so I have to go back but NOT until after I take my antibiotic I need so I can get my teeth cleaned (need it because of my back fusion healing possibly having issues with more bacteria). I went to the holistic clinic for a treatment and got home kind of late, next up after this is homework. Have a great night and wonderful Tuesday!

    No Zero Days
    - Did good on the challenge
    - Ate real healthy good food
    - Did a good stretch with band workout and went to PT (have a super lazy PT I find
    super annoying but that’s another story)


  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 208.6
    CW 208.6

    No change which is sad, I’ve been on the go non stop and calories are low. I traveled now, got settled, 2 kids sick, start to catch a break, 3 kid sick. So, I’ll be back next week for WI. Hopefully, my life will settle down.

    Have a beautiful day.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,024 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Your family is beautiful and a great "why" to strive for. Loved the pix. I think I already thanked you for the lovely Valentine card, but in case I didn't- thanks!

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 101 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012- Your grand child is beautiful. Congratulations to your family.
    @morenin- That doctor sounds like an incompetent fool and a jerk. Congrats on the 30 lbs weight loss that is no small feat and shows you are putting in the work. I would be looking for a second opinion to help with your pain because living with everyday pain is a horrible way to live.

    I've been feeling so much better this past week. The steroid meds helped significantly with my inflammation in my shoulder and neck. Because my pain has gone down so much I have been able to do my exercises with my resistant bands and work on building up my weak left side.
This discussion has been closed.