Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    A minor complaint (comment), the size 20 jeans I just got are loose already... time to break out the belt again. But I am not consistently losing weight, I keep going up and down!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited February 12
    @sleepygirl79 -- Hang in there! It is oh, so human, to get disappointed with results, get upset, and give up! I am so, SO familiar!

    YAY, you, for getting back in the game after just a week!

    Tracking food can be a challenge, so forgive yourself and get back at it, if you miss some meals. Adding some fruit and veggies, and slowing down -- those both sound like wonderful small changes. Keep taking steps!

    @morenin - hehehehe! What a great problem!

    Go, team go!
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 213 Member
    Well I’m home and now I need a vacation from my vacation haha. I had such a blast with the grandkids! They are growing up so fast let me tell you! We went up there (Sudbury ON) to attend my son’s 30th surprise birthday party his wife planned. It was a wonderful busy time for sure but well worth being tired. Lol. I overate and ate a lot of restaurant food but I’m back and on track today. I just went with the flow while up there rather than make any fuss about the foods were too rich. I will post a pic or two.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @Cornanda I agree my first teacher made music boring (though I will say I still remember theory because of her). Happy Monday!

    @865jessica The doctor’s appointment is a good plan so you can get x-rays and imaging to see if there’s something underlying going on. I hope you get answers soon.

    @AustinRuadhain Woohoo look at all those green circles of success! I’d count your movement as success too since you DID work out for that amount of time. Thank you for the nice comment on dealing with numbers, I don’t mind helping with it just wanted people to know what happens as far as the spreadsheet goes.

    @trooworld I’m so glad your husband is feeling better, yay! I haven’t finished The Power of Now, I found out the book club party was cancelled so I felt better after hearing that. I DO have to get the book back to them but it just became available through the library so I can finish it. LOL I like Puppy bowl and kitty half time more than the Superbowl but don’t think I can watch without cable. Great news on your Spanish!

    @morenin What’s also complicated is If you’re eating sugar and simple carbs you tend to have more cravings for them as well. I’m glad you didn’t push a workout while tired and dizzy, definitely try to get some healthy foods in to recover. Those jeans are baggy fast way to go! Hm are they looser than when you first got them? Maybe you’re losing inches?

    @Veta2018 I get feeling impatient but 36lbs in 6 months is 6lbs a month which is great! I wish I was losing that much! You CAN lose faster if you don’t mind losing muscle too but for only having 15lbs more to lose what’s recommended is .5lb a week and you’re losing faster than that. I DO totally get wanting it over though!

    @TeresaW2024 I hope you hear from the new pastor soon, good luck with all the graphics!

    @sleepygirl79 Hugs I get what you’re saying, glad you stocked up on healthy food to make this week better! I hope this week goes better for you, I’m guilty of falling off the wagon over things like that too.

    @micaroo4 Oh I love that story from the weight loss group!

    @tammymccrady6278 Welcome back! I’m so glad you had a great time. Your son is handsome, him and his wife are a cute couple! Love seeing you, you’re so pretty and your grandchildren are beautiful (and handsome!).

    Hi team! Woke up and did my arm weights then went to PT, I’m only going once a week and today asked if we could step up lower body weight training so I’m not wasting my time (I didn[‘t say that but if I’m just doing what I do at home I can save time and gas). I did Walmart pickup on the way back and stopped at the holistic place to talk to a practitioner there about a machine I’m using. She asked me if I’d be willing to be filmed showing her helping me and it would be free or discounted depending on what we did and I said yes so that’s on Friday. I hate being the center of attention and being filmed but get why she wants to do it plus it could help me too. She’s feeling like she isn’t reaching people and is hoping it will help people see what goes on when people come in. Did treatments and went back for more compost then wrote my first article for the local newspaper about the charity’s Valentine’s for Seniors program and what we did.

    No Zero Days: good home workout, PT workout, good food, and my treatments went well today. Feel like I made a good step in my healing and have a possibility as far as a possible job too.

    Have a great Tuesday friends!

    WEIGH INS NEEDED: @badnoodle @megnolia82 @vegan4lyfe2012 @DebJB30 @AmbersWay @Jactop @GrinningPossumLifts

    TOMORROW REMINDER FOR: The awesome @FushiaKat
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @Bethanie0825 Congrats on the loss!

    @Veta2018 Aww, thanks! It's hard to learn a new language. I took 3 semesters of Spanish in college and forgot most of it but I guess not all because it is coming back a little bit. ASL is a great thing to learn! It's hard to be patient with weight loss. It's so hard to lose but so easy to put on the pounds. You'll get there, hang in there! <3

    @TeresaW2024 Good luck with the big Easter graphics job. I know you'll pick just the right things!

    @sleepygirl79 Hugs. I've done that before, too. That's great you got fruit and veggies to add to your lunches. That's a great step towards better health!

    @morenin Wow, that's a fabulous thing to complain about! AWESOME!!!

    @micaroo4 Thank you for this, Mica. That's a fabulous insight.

    @tammymccrady6278 I'm glad you had a great time! Congrats on getting back on track so quickly. Great pictures, everyone looks so happy!

    @Katmary71 Oh that's good it was canceled. Maybe you can watch it on YouTube, or at least the highlights. Thank you! That's cool that you will get it free or discounted. Cool that you wrote an article.

    @19shmoo69 That stinks. I hope you get it figured out soon!

    Hi all. Doing okay here. Just waiting for the weekend. The weather has been cold for here (60s) but the sun has been out after about a week of rain. I am planning on going for a walk at work today. It didn't happen yesterday.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything, drank more water than the day before.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @morenin What’s also complicated is If you’re eating sugar and simple carbs you tend to have more cravings for them as well. I’m glad you didn’t push a workout while tired and dizzy, definitely try to get some healthy foods in to recover. Those jeans are baggy fast way to go! Hm are they looser than when you first got them? Maybe you’re losing inches?

    No Zero Days: good home workout, PT workout, good food, and my treatments went well today. Feel like I made a good step in my healing and have a possibility as far as a possible job too.

    I HAVE been eating nothing but sugar, fat, starch, and a little protein. It's almost certainly what's making me feel worse. Yesterday, blood tests came back that my A1C is back to pre-diabetic and my cholesterol is through the roof, even with medication. At the same time my weight is trending back down, and I definitely have a smaller waist than when I just bought these pants; I'm back to using a belt. It's... odd. But definitely a sign I need to treat my body better food-wise.

    Good for you, taking care of yourself!
    AmbersWay wrote: »
    I’m 86 posts behind and my hormones have the better of me this week. I’m still hanging on. Got my 10k in yesterday. That’s all I got, just trying to hang on while I find my way back to consistency.

    I think you're doing great! I know exactly what you mean about out of control hormones. It is really hard for me to keep up with this thread some days, but I'm trying. It helps my mental health to have something so positive to focus on, I think.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    edited February 13
    @morenin - Such a great NSV! I'm holding out on buying new clothes.
    @micaroo4 - I like the egg drop story. That's a good way to think of it.
    @tammymccrady6278 - You have a beautiful family. I'm glad you got to spend time with them. I treasure every moment I get to spend with family.
    @Katmary71 - I hope your PT become aware the progress you've made and that you're ready to step it up and advance further. That's cool that you'll get to save money to be filmed. I'd feel a little self-conscious. That's nice of you to step out of your comfort to help her reach more people.
    @AmbersWay - Hold in there. You can do it!
    @19shmoo69 - Hi!


    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Checking in on yesterday:
    🟢 Food on plan with a focus in veggies, starting with a green smoothie this morning.
    🟢 Fifteen for Fitness Challenge
    🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 4 sets (12+)
    🟡 Movement: 45 min walk - did 31 minutes, and didn't make it back out for a second walk
    🟢 Steps: 6,000 - exceeded goal with 8900 steps!
    Bonus: 15 floors of climbing

    Today's plans
    ⚪ Food on plan with a focus in veggies
    ⚪ Fifteen for Fitness Challenge
    ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 2 sets (12+)
    ⚪ Movement: 30 min walk
    ⚪ Steps: 6,000
    ⚪ Floors: 10
    I am scaling today's plans back a bit, as Tuesdays are packed. will have to catch up on messages this evening! Off to the bank!
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 237 Member
    Good morning,

    @laurelfit57 I understand about leaving the house, Diesel is not alone in the house Tigger is here to. The only thing is they definitely act like brothers. They like to pick at each other. For the most part I know Diesel will climb into my bed and lay where I sleep until I get home.

    @DebJB30 I am so sorry about your mom's health. Cancer is a nasty disease. You are in my thoughts 🤗

    @TeresaW2024 Have fun with the Easter graphics.

    @sleepygirl79 falling off the wagon is so easy to do. Getting back on is what deserves a pat on the back. WTG!

    @morenin that is so awesome that your pants are too big already.

    @micaroo4 that is a neat story about the egg.

    @tammymccrady6278 glad you had a wonderful time with family.

    @Katmary71 That is neat that a holistic place wants to use you in a demo. Awesome on getting to write your first article.

    @AmbersWay You got this!

    @AustinRuadhain great job on sticking to your plan.

    @19shmoo69 Howdy, hope you get your phone and laptop straightened out.

    It has been somewhat busy for the past few days. Sat we picked up the RV from the dealerships after having it for 3 months fixing stuff under warranty. Sun was the first day that I really started getting back into the groove of things. Then Mon was cleaning and moving stuff back into the RV.
    @trooworld I checked out your calorie counter and it came out the same as MFP to maintain my weight is around 1600 to lose I have to cut 500 calories. MFP has me at 1200. I know I am eating the wrong foods and I am working on changing that this month. The journaling is helping me see where my weaknesses are and where my strength is. I am cutting this short. I am off the walmart to do some grocery shopping. Have a great day!

    "Today, I Choose To Be HAPPY!"

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    I thought we could share a recipe instead of answer a question this week.

    For my recipe I'm going with Skinnytaste's Sweet potato black bean bowls. I've changed out protein and usually skip the rice since it has sweet potatoes and have added in chicken before. The sweet potatoes take a little longer to boil then cook like this but it really makes them perfect that way. I made it last night with beans and used bagged "power greens" from Trader Joe's so it was pretty fast and easy. Adding chicken would be easy if I rotisserie one was on hand, I'm marinated chicken breasts in Trader Joe's sweet and spicy jalapenos leftover juice and that was real good. The spice on the sweet potatoes is strong so if you don't like heat definitely cut back there. https://www.skinnytaste.com/sweet-potato-black-bean-bowls/
  • sleepygirl79
    sleepygirl79 Posts: 184 Member
    Here's my recipe: https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/tomato-spinach-pasta-toss-recipe-2269587

    It is good with or without the noodles. I'm sure you could substitute for something else like couscous, rice, or anything else. Really easy to make. Our hacks are to buy ground Italian sausage and use the frozen spinach (thawed).
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,284 Member
    Jamaican Soup
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    1/2 cup celery
    3 cloves garlic
    1 chopped onion
    1 sweet potato (cut in 1/2" cubes, about 1-1/2 cups)
    1 can diced tomatoes
    1 diced red bell pepper
    1 butternut squash (cut in 1/2" cubes)
    6 Tbsp brown sugar
    1 can black eyed peas, drained and rinsed
    1-2 quarts chicken broth (low sodium)
    1 package cooked sausage, casings removed, quartered lengthwise and then cut into pieces (I like Al Fresco, with the jalapeno peppers)
    1 bay leaf
    2 tsp cumin
    1 Tbsp curry
    1/4 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp minced fresh ginger
    1/2 tsp allspice
    2 tsp thyme

    Cut everything up first.
    Saute the red bell pepper, celery & onion in the olive oil until the onion is starting to brown. Add the sausage, and let that brown a bit. Add the garlic for a quick saute (like 1 min) and then add the brown sugar, cumin, curry, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice for a quick saute (like 30 seconds), add the squash, sweet potato, broth, tomatoes, thyme, and bayleaf. Cook for about 30 minutes until the veggies are soft. Add black eyed peas at the end, just long enough to heat through. Whoever is served the bowl with the bay leaf, has to do the dishes. Or you can just take it out before you serve.

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 164 Member
    @micarro4 I really like that egg story, and what a good lesson for us all to remember. It’s not an all-or-nothing approach that we should be focusing on. We do what we can and let the rest go. :)

    @tammymccrady6278 What a lovely family you have! Glad you had such a good time, and yup, you will get back on track now that you are home. :)

    @Katmary71 Hey, make that practitioner do everything so it will be free! :D How did the article writing go?

    @trooworld Do you have any fun weekend plans? How is your hubby feeling? Did you ever get your walking pad up and running? :D

    Hello everyone! It’s been a busy day. I worked out and then went to the office and grocery store. Came home and did a little housework, and then my new boss called me and kept me on the phone for almost two hours with his long list of questions. He wants to implant new things and have me find out all kinds of stuff. Ugh! At least he loves my Easter egg and Easter service banners and the invite cards I created. So, I can get those ordered and move on to the next thing on my list. I’m off to make meatball subs. Not a healthy recipe. Maybe tomorrow. :D
    2024 Word: Strive
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @AmbersWay Oh no I hope you’re feeling better soon! I’ve been following a menopause doctor and she has me thinking a lot of what we put up with when we don’t have to. Great job on the steps!

    @19shmoo69 Ugh oh good luck with them!

    @trooworld I never thought of looking up The Power of Now on YouTube, now I’m listening to a “Cliff notes”-type video. Were you able to get in the walk today?

    @morenin Hm the labs aren’t what you wanted but you ARE seeing results so you’re on the right track and not doing as bad as you might have been thinking. You don’t have to be perfect but imagine if you were able to clean it up a little what would happen?

    @Veta2018 Thank you! I’ll feel totally self-conscious being filmed and wouldn’t want to say anything too personal in case it ends up on social media though my nerve issues and CRPS started from a pelvic surgery injury so it’s hard to avoid a bit. Thanks! Love the Mardis Gras bling!

    @AustinRuadhain Great job on the goals, 31 minutes is an impressive walk and you did great with everything else! Woohoo on the climbing! Good idea on scaling back a bit. Hey if you’re ever up for it could you tell everyone about being 1% better each day? I’m sure those who hadn’t heard it will be inspired. I learned so much from you on habits and improving myself.

    @txcritter69 Thanks! Wow that’s a long time for them to have the RV! You have a great day too, hope Walmart wasn’t too crowded. Journaling my food helped me SO MUCH when I was diagnosed with diabetes, I would’ve said I ate healthy before but had been doing some ridiculous things like eating oatmeal with dried fruit and maple syrup and bagged salads that were 150 calories a cup.

    @Sleepygirl79 Yum that recipe sounds really good! I noticed the mozzarella cheeses said it has a touch of Philadelphia, does it actually have some cream cheese in it if you buy the Kraft brand?

    @micaroo4 Your Jamaican soup sounds awesome, the butternut squash and spices would be really good together I’m fascinated to try it. I wonder if my Futsu squash could be subbed for butternut?

    @TeresaW2024 LOL I’m taking a little money in case as there’s a scan she does to target areas with the worst inflammation which may be worth doing. Grr I’ll talk about the article in a minute, I’m guessing I’m not a bubbly enough writer but my college education was writing a ton of scientific papers. Enjoy the meatball sub, glad the box likes your banners!

    Hi friends! I got up and had coffee then went to the store and came back and worked out, I’d done full body strength yesterday with PT so I skipped any strength training. I heard back on the article and had asked the president to add a sentence or two on how she came up with the Cards for Seniors program originally and got it back with that not done and she changed most of it and she wanted to put my name on it. I haven’t written in awhile but have always had good feedback on my writing and don’t want my name on something that I didn’t write so I told her to put her name on it and leave mine off. I’m used to writing more professional stuff but had explained the program and all the things we did and don’t think all the changes were necessary so while she added at the end she could see me doing this for now on I have no desire to have everything changed with my name on it. If that’s her version of delegating no wonder she never does it and frankly if she wanted a gushing recap I’m not the person to ask. The grant writing class I’m taking starts tomorrow but I’m not too thrilled about it now, I like the president but feel like I’m getting my ideas and things I do squashed and that’s not an atmosphere I want to be in. I can’t ever get my minutes or anything approved without a ton of nagging and spend hours every two weeks nagging people to do their jobs and am thinking of stepping down as secretary soon if this doesn’t change.

    No Zero Days
    - good cardio
    - Healthy eating under calories
    - Got is some good relaxing time to read today
This discussion has been closed.