Mardi without the Gras - March Accountability Thread



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    edited March 11

    Early 53 and 5 days ;) 5'-1" (ish)
    SW (01.2024) - 109# (ish)
    Highest Wt. - 175. (July 1999)
    Jan 31 Weigh in: 107.0
    March GW - 106.0
    Final GW - 104 lbs

    Mar 4th - 108.4 *impromptu weigh in. Did not restrict or diet leading up to this.
    March 5th - 107.6 *Ate when hungry yesterday ✅
    March 7:L 106.8 *Headed in the right direction! ✅
    March 8-12 : no weigh in

    March Goals:
    1) Workout with BODi Dig Deeper - Collection 3
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

    2) Get in PiYo/Yoga once each week (7, 14, 21, 28)
    March 1st ✅

    3) Hit 100 oz water daily 90%+ of the time ✅
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, X ,9, 10,

    4) Hit my protein goal 85% of the time. (26 of 31 days) 5 days or less of X 's
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, X ,9, X

    5) Hit Food tracking 90% of the time (28 of 31 days) 3 days or less of X 's
    Hit Mar: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7, X ,9, X

    Click SPOILER to see my updated Log for march.
    My thoughts..

    [*] Wow. I only have 1 more day left that I can blow off tracking or I miss that goal. DANNNNG.

    [*] My protein goal - I was doing so well but missing 2 days.... that really threw me! I now only have 3 days that I can slack on it. It's crazy how easily we can get off track and how hard it can seem to get back on track. My HOPE is that I will NOT miss it again this month.

    [*] I also am slacking on the PiYo practice, SO I moved my matt and DVD player into my workout room - hoping that gives me a better mental thought pattern on "DO IT".
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member

    @Kitri2020 - it sounds like you're in a loop of "its the last, last time I am getting this food, so I better eat it all now, because I am never having it again". And, you're doing it in secret, because you found a time of day that no one is watching. It's easier to hide that way. I was doing that cycle over and over again with cups of plain sugar. At work, between 3-5pm .... similarly to you. Feeling sick alot. Not enjoying the food. NOt really tasting it. Feeling guilty, ashamed, mad, angry. Is this a lot of what you feel also?
    Are you on FB or instagram? I have a lady that I follow that really helped me break out of the cycle.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    For me, I had joined a group on FB for food freedom. SHe offered classes and it was like $30 for the month. I think I did 2 months. I started with allowing all types of food. And, I realized thru the process that when I overate junk foods, I felt SO bad, and that it was like a drug addict. I was searchign constantly for a nother hit. Another little slice. It was all I was focused on and then, when I would have to come down from that high, I felt like crap physically and mentally. From FOOD. I was allowing myself to over indulge and I needed to stop it. Actually I got to the point that I wanted to stop it because I realized that I felt so much happier, calm, focused - and NOT like a drug addict - when I just ate normal whole foods. I think her website is: (Its blocked at my workplace so I cannot validate it).

    Right now, I am workign on
    • being PRESENT when I eat.E
    • Eating 3-4 meals (not snacking all day long)
    • Noticing when I pause - like right now. I had 4 bits of food and then started this post. I havent taken a bite for 4 minutes (just guessing, not timing myself). So, I am actually completely satisfied and not hungry at the moment. When we have this pause, it is our body saying "I'm good. You don't require more fuel." When we are actually hungry, we and then when we pause, that's when we are satisfied. I've been working on noticing the pause. AND I think RIGHT NOW, I am going to honor that pause and put the rest of my Yogurt+Blueberries away. I am no longer hungry.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    edited March 11
    I did not honor my hunger on Friday or on Sunday. So it makes sense that right now I am not hungry.
    I ate snacks up until 9:30pm last night. I didn't go to bed full, but I also didn't require food.

    Shout outs:
    @scienceofteaching - Sounds like a great time with your family. "feeding your soul" Just Not needed every day - EXACTLY! working out while watching TV used to be my FAVORITE thing to do. We don't have a machine at our house anymore, but if we did, I think hubby and I would do that a lot.

    @CeeBeeSlim - we are enjoying the new table. we put up a new LED light fixture on Saturday (I put it up.... on a 12' ladder ... eeeeeekkk .... but It wasn't too bad. Your neice and the Air Force - sounds like a delightful time in her life. Congrats on the workouts and core work. Do you do Carolines CORE work as well, or on your own.

    I needed this from you today CeeBeeSlim
    "Stay strong and STAY disciplined everybody!! 🙌🙌
    Today I will be disciplined.
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    I've gained again, so I'm pretty frustrated. I definitely haven't been restricting calories perfectly, but I haven't been nearly as bad as I could be.
    So have to buckle down and get bag to work with carefully counting. Like many of you, snacking is my big challenge. Hopefully this week I'll do better with snacks and start my weight going the right direction again.
    Best of luck with your goals this week, everyone!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,297 Member
    We’re all in similar boats it seems. I can’t let all these Girvan workouts go to waste if I’m eating badly - which I am. I just can’t join my niece in eating her baked treats - leaving or not. So alas I’m back to feeling off this morning and committed to better eating. Decided to eat as many whole foods as much as I can so eggs on a bed of spinach this morning.

    @SherryRueter - I’ve been adding on one of CG ab workouts - any one of the three - standing, dead bugs, and I’m forgetting the third one. Throughout the day I’ll jump on my power tower to do some knee raises.

    I know I should do this for me, but I find I need a tangible North Star - even if short term. As in - lose x pounds by y date and you’ll get z. The competition will drive me. I’ll figure something out and try to have my husband “play”. 🤪
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member

    @ceebeeslim My Lose x by Date: Y and Get Z is this

    Get to 104.8 or less by March 28th and Get: ______ I don't know...... I rarely tie anything to it. (perhaps bc I don't make it). Happiness?!?! LOL ??!?!

    A new swimsuit? A pair of Lululemon Leggings? A Pedicure ?The mirror I've been eyeing for my dining room.

    (The times I was supremely successful I put myself on the calendar for a Physique competition. Nothing like it to make you dial everything in. But it messed up my brain big time. )

    *** meal 1 and 2 successful.... next up that noon walk and making my lunch.
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    edited March 11
    @ceebeeslim I love the idea of a tangible goal! This is what my husband and I did for flossing our teeth, because we knew that we weren't flossing every day like the dentist tells us to haha. My prize was fun new lunch containers (I have a whole collection of bento boxes for packing). Added benefit to those was that they encourage me to pack nice healthy lunches.

    So maybe I'll have to think of a prize if I stick to my goals for a certain amount of time. I'll try to brainstorm while I go for my run today...
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    A couple things I 've been wanting but putting off.... That's what I think I will put as my "goal prize".
    1) A new weight lifting belt.

    2) a new sports bra I have in my Amazon cart.

    3) A wrap for my stainless steel water bottle. This is like a big sticker that would go around it.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    edited March 12
    I forgot my greek yogurt breakfast at home... bummer.
    The good news is that I did bring along my protein shake and my lunch. My Sweet potato(scheduled as lunch) is now breakfast. AND I get yogurt and berries with lunch,. win win.

    Yesterday went well. Very pleased with myself. 17 days left until I go to IOWA. Making smart choices today. Visualizing my day going SUPER easy and stress free.

    Early 53 and 5 days ;) 5'-1" (ish)
    SW (01.2024) - 109# (ish)
    Highest Wt. - 175. (July 1999)
    Jan 31 Weigh in: 107.0
    March GW - 106.0
    Final GW - 104 lbs

    Mar 4th - 108.4 *impromptu weigh in. Did not restrict or diet leading up to this.
    March 5th - 107.6 *Ate when hungry yesterday ✅
    March 7:L 106.8 *Headed in the right direction! ✅
    March 8-12 : no weigh in

    March Goals:
    1) Workout with BODi Dig Deeper - Collection 3
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

    2) Get in PiYo/Yoga once each week (7, 14, 21, 28)
    March 1st ✅, 12th ✅

    3) Hit 100 oz water daily 90%+ of the time ✅
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, X ,9, 10, 11,

    4) Hit my protein goal 85% of the time. (26 of 31 days) 5 days or less of X 's
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, X ,9, X ,10, 11

    5) Hit Food tracking 90% of the time (28 of 31 days) 3 days or less of X 's
    Hit Mar: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7, X ,9, X ,10,11

  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    @SherryRueter those all sound like good motivators!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    yesterday was on target with food. I wasn't quite sure how I would do with the breakfast being a salad.
    I sat thru a few urges and it all seemed to workout.

    This morning. HIIT cardio - 60mins with Shaun T / Insanity. Soul mate workout
    I know, they aren't recommending ladies over 50yrs to do HIIT. I'm like ...whatever.....
    I get it that HIIT is harder on your joints however, doesn't a little of that HIIT weekly HELP you keep your joints in motion? That's my thought. ALL in moderation.

    The Grind:
    ✅Yoga/Pilates (PIYO)
    ✅ Insanity 60mins.
    I'm already at 8000 steps and its 8:08am
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,297 Member
    As said in these here parts, “Great day in the mornin’!!” 8k steps by a lil after 8?!?! 👏👏👏

    I’m still tryin to find something I swoon over to get my butt in gear. Doing well so far today! Busy!

    Happy hump day all.
  • ScienceofTeaching
    ScienceofTeaching Posts: 106 Member
    edited March 14
    I did a bunch of impulse shopping today... But I've had 3 days in a row of tracking food and exercising, so I guess I just got my reward early haha. Already planning tomorrow's run after school. Going to a slightly longer trail, so hopefully I'll increase my mileage a bit from what I've been doing lately!
    One of my friends and I get together at the mall after work every couple of months, so I did lots of window shopping. When I told husband about the pretty corelle dishes that I saw on clearance at macys, he told me to go back and get them, because I love dishes, and for 60% off, they won't last until I earn a fitness prize.

    I'm thinking maybe new running shoes as a longer term reward if I stay on track. My current shoes are perfectly fine, but it might be nice to have a pair for outdoors and a pair for the treadmill. I'd like to go to a running store to do a gait analysis so they can recommend a good fit for shoes, but I'm also super shy, so the idea of running on a treadmill in front of people is very intimidating.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    @Scienceofteaching - No... running on a treadmill at a gym.... there is NO ONE ... I can really only speak from my personal experience, I do NOT remember one person at the gym all of the times that i have gone. I know that there were people in the gym, some on treadmills, some on ellipticals, some lifting weights. of ALL the days that I have went to the gym (maybe 1x/wk for a few years). I remember NOTHING about WHO was there, male, female, what shoes they wore (like seriously, who looks at your shoes?.. I dont' know what my co workers wear for shoes even). What top they had on, what size they were or were not, if they were going slow or fast. I type this to you to remind you, we are all focused on ourselves. Not on the other people.

    Case in point. Think back to yesterday. How many people did you see... and do you really remember ANYTHING about them? My co workers.... I don't know what they wore at all, weather they were at their desk all day or not, Do people even wear shoes...because that's just weird... I have never ever remembered that "OH Mr. thompson wore black sketchers..."
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    edited March 15
    @ScienceofTeaching Gait analysis gets me giddy, but yeah thats a big no running like that in front of people. Lets be honest ill probably run differently knowing im under watch like when you instantly forget your pain when another runner passes you haha

    @SherryRueter I struggle to even get 8,000 steps in a one day thats so awesome! And yea out of all the times ive been to the gym, i SHOULD be focusing on myself and i usually do while i am doing an exercise but while im walking around i notice people alot. I remember people too, have a little image of them usually because i thought they were just absolutely beautiful or extremely strong. I wish i had some of these peoples confidence.
  • Kitri2020
    Kitri2020 Posts: 72 Member
    edited March 15
    Ive been doing good with my pumping now that ive got it set up at my desk instead of my bed so i can distract myself with a game. I also weighed 145 yesterday!! That has been my goal weight for a long time. I cant believe it. I guess i dont really know how far to go from here. Im still seeing softness on my body compared to pre-pregnancy so i could probably go for more like 135-140 and stand to get some tone/muscle back. Im going to make it my goal to start one of the CG workout series TODAY
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,297 Member
    Congrats on meeting your goal, @Kitri2020. Let us know what CG workout you do! Today for me is Fuel Day 14.

    Praying, hoping, chanting, lighting candles - 😜😜😜 - that I can get through the weekend without stalling my progress nutrition wise. That has been the pattern and I WILL break it this weekend!!! One fat-filled, sodium-laden meal can throw me off for days. I know it’s not fat but disheartening to see that scale creep up.

    I put on a pair of goal pants. They were a lil too snug for me, everyone else said I looked great - because I filled them out. I think I maybe happy with another 5 pound loss!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    @kitri2020 - yay on meeting your 145# goal. I bet focusing on strength with CG will help get that "fluffy" turned into muscle.

    @ceebeeslim - Fuel huh.. day 14.Another 5# - yes, no one else can really "SEE" the 5# except you and I when we look in that mirror. We know that the 5# will make "THIS PART" look less full- and we equate that into a happy smile/confidence I suppose.

    YOU WILL do good this weekend. I'm rooting for you (and me both!) although this weekend is already going better for me than all of last week.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,971 Member
    edited March 15

    Early 53 and 5 days ;) 5'-1" (ish)
    SW (01.2024) - 109# (ish)
    Highest Wt. - 175. (July 1999)
    Jan 31 Weigh in: 107.0
    March GW - 106.0
    Final GW - 104 lbs

    Mar 4th - 108.4 *impromptu weigh in. Did not restrict or diet leading up to this.
    March 5th - 107.6 *Ate when hungry yesterday ✅
    March 7:L 106.8 *Headed in the right direction! ✅
    March 8-12 : no weigh in

    March Goals:
    1) Workout with BODi Dig Deeper - Collection 3
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1213,14,15

    2) Get in PiYo/Yoga once each week (7, 14, 21, 28)
    1, 6,7,
    March 1st ✅, 12th ✅

    3) Hit 100 oz water daily 90%+ of the time ✅
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, X ,9, 10, 11, X ,12, X , ,14, 15

    4) Hit my protein goal 85% of the time. (26 of 31 days) 5 days or less of X 's
    Hit: Mar: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, X ,9, X ,10, 11, 12,13,14,15,

    5) Hit Food tracking 90% of the time (28 of 31 days) 3 days or less of X 's
    Hit Mar: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7, X ,9, X ,10,11,12, X, x 15