WeightNoMore Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 215 Member
    Hey team! Welcome to all the new members, happy you’re here!

    I’m Angie. 36 years old. I’ve been a member of this team starting in October 2023. I’m a wife and mother of a 2 yr old. I work in a factory setting that can be moderately physical with a lot of steps.

    A LOT about my history with MFP and how I got here:
    I joined MFP back in 2012?ish when I was my highest weight (205lbs or so) for that time. Didn’t use it much and it fell to the wayside.

    Fast forward to June 2020, I was again at my new highest weight (261lbs). I didn’t feel great, and knew I needed a change, and turned to MFP again and steadily got down to 213lbs by the end of 2020. Took some time off for the holidays and fell off the wagon. By March 2021, I was pregnant and had my son on Halloween that year.

    Within 1 year of being PP both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer at different times. It was stressful, scary and hectic. Navigating first time motherhood, working a 3rd shift schedule and taking each of my parents to their respective appointments was a lot and I didn’t give 2 sh*ts about the food I was shoving in my face lol

    By August of 2023, my parents were healthy and doing well for which I am so thankful but my weight had suffered and I reached 275lbs. I needed to do something about it. MFP had worked for me before and so I thought I would take a chance. I signed up for this challenge in late September 2023 because I knew I needed something to hold me accountable and give me the push to achieve the things I know are possible.

    Since the beginning of 2024, I’ve joined a boot camp style gym and work out there 3-4 times a week, sometimes more if I can manage an at home on demand workout through the gyms app. I’ve also within the last couple months started training for a 5k (using a couch to 5k style program) that I’ll hopefully run more than walk April 6th this month! I’ve never run on purpose, so this is huge for me 😂

    Something my trainer asked at my gym, was “What is my Why?”
    It’s first and foremost my son. But it’s also me, I’m worth it to feel my best for myself and for him. After losing over 60lbs now, the little things of being able to run around and dance around with him for longer and not feel as tired or as winded has meant more to me than the smaller clothes I get to wear.

    If you’ve stuck around and read all of this, hi and thanks lol I’m happy to be apart of this team!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 307 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm I wanted to reply to your question about how I'm doing on the new chat and figured I would make it part of my intro.

    Hi All, 40 year old female living in the Northeast US. Lost a net of 15lbs in 2023. Holidays set me back and I slipped into my old habits. In February, my boss unexpectedly went out on medical leave and I had to step into her role and do some travel. In March, I had to play catch up on the things I had to put aside in February, plus there was a large event at the end of the month for work. We have one more large event in mid-April, then work should settle. I am trying to get back on the wagon with my meal prepping, water and snacking.

    I have also pretty much decided I am going to try a Kayak Triathlon (Kayak, Run, Bike) in September to celebrate my 40th, so I need to start training. Hoping this is an extra motivator.

    Welcome to all the new team members!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 981 Member
    Marcy2890 wrote: »
    Am I able to skip this week? My scale broke and I'm hoping to get a new one this week.

    @Marcy2890 - Not a problem, what happened to your scale??? You didn't take a baseball bat to it, right?

    @minstrelofsarcasm and @Marcy2890 I bet there are times we all want to take a baseball bat to our scales!! 🤣🤣🤣
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,404 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies & gents!

    I'm Melanie, 47 (oof, hard to say it) and I'm from Kansas. I’m the other team Co-captain. Truly, Ashley does most of the heavy lifting (and the past month, all of it. I generally do the steps post and will be back to it for April.

    I've had some personal stuff going on and have not been engaged at all. I may talk about it later in the month, I may not. We'll see where I'm at. My lack of engagement has not meant I have gained...my recent stress has resulted in my stomach hurting lot and not eating much (I'm not starving myself, I promise), so I've actually dropped some weight. Starting the month lower than...well, in a long time. I will probably drop more drastically this week as I am prepping for a colinoscopy on Friday and that means two days of very little eating and a lot of laxatives. 😳

    The rest is my standard stuff, read it or don't; don't if you've been around a while and already did, up to you.

    My (really short version) story
    Once upon a time, I was very skinny and could eat anything I wanted and not gain weight. I was pretty active and took meds that probably ramped up my metabolism (and put me at risk of severe medical problems). But that was a long time ago and things are different. Now I an the opposite of skinny and I look at anything yummy and gain five pounds. I need to lose 80 lbs.
    My special snowflake challenges
    I'm fairly significantly asthmatic (on meds all the time).
    I have terrible allergies, mostly mold. Which is literally everywhere. And cats. Anything that doesn't have square pupils (but not things with square pupils!?! I have no problem with squid, apparently!), including people sometimes.
    I have migraines.
    And I have connective tissue issues (not enough collagen, too stretchy, lots of joint slippage).
    August 2020, I acquired some vertigo problems and persistent deafness on one side. Yay. Fall of '23 the ENT decided to call it Meniere's and recommend hearing aids, which are good.
    What I do about it
    I take glucosamine and collagen supplements for the connective tissue problem. When I have bad days, I also drink collagen peptides (but I really dislike them). I've been supplementing with Vitamin C for decades, not really knowing why. In the past few years, I learned Vit C helps the body produce and process collagen. Suddenly, my lifelong obsession with the C makes sense.
    My neurologist recommended I take 500 mg of ginger and 400 mg of Vitamin B2 every day to reduce migraines, it has helped a lot. The migraines are so much better (almost non-existent) and manageable when they happen. The ginger also helps with the vertigo. I have no excuses for not doing exercise when the vertigo is managed, except for being lazy.
    After adding some nasal sprays and sinus irrigation, adjusting my diet a bit, adfing copious amounts of ginger, and stopping coffee (EXTREMELY, TERRIBLY sad), I’ve got the vertigo mostly under control.
    What is the point behind all this?
    The special snowflake stuff is not woe-is-me drama llama. It is that everyone has to do what works for them now. The stuff a lot of people go on about are not good, for me, and are sometimes dangerous, for me. Sometimes people get down on themselves because they don't do the stuff everyone talks about HIIT, Insanity, stair steppers, etc. I not only don't do those things, I shouldn't. But I should exercise.
    My Goals
    My daily goal to get about 30 minutes of walking a day at least during the week isn't doing much for me. I try to get a walk in otherwise but frequently fail. Had a gym membership but wasn't using it and canceled it recently. Weather in good ish, no excuse to not walk.

    Anyway, I've been with WNM for a long while now. Early days, I lost a lot but blah blah blah, it came back and brought friends. I canceled my membership at Planet Fitness but need to get back to moving.
  • chocohollic
    chocohollic Posts: 62 Member
    @chocoholic - You got it, that sounds more reasonable to me too. And it'll still be good momentum for you, just more realistic.

    Thank you! 👍😊

  • chocohollic
    chocohollic Posts: 62 Member
    My steps from last week: nfiny8en6toi.png
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member
    ~~ Step Challenge Results - March Week 3 ~~

    Team Statistics -
    Total Steppers: 6
    Total Steps: 410,463
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 68,411 (+6.7% over last week!)

    Individual Statistics -
    @andja87 - 97,769 total | 13,967 average - Most Steps in One Day!!!
    @Emilienewme - 74,140 total | 10,591 average - Most Consistent!!!
    @daria0919 - 66,298 total | 9,471 average
    @BodyTalking - 59,637 total | 8,520 average
    @BlueSkyNomad - 59,382 total | 8,483 average
    @Ljdanny - 53,237 total | 7,605 average

    Our bolded members set a step goal for the week and met it! If you want to... be bold (heehee), let us know how many steps you want to hit every day on average and we'll keep track of it for you!

    I set a goal for all of you after March Week 2 (to hit 5% more steps than the week before), and you absolutely smashed it! You only needed to hit 403,914 steps, and you crushed it with over 410,000!

    Obviously, I am posting this after March Week 4 has already ended, so I can't push all of you to do even more steps this week, but I am looking at our monthly total. It looks like we're going to break 1.5 million steps for March, do you think we can break 1.75 million for April? It sounds like a lot, but something as simple as parking a little further than normal, getting up from your desk to go to a different bathroom than you usually do, inviting a friend to go for a walk and catch up... there's a ton of ways to get in a couple hundred more steps and more. A little bit goes a long way. We can do this.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    New member heading your way! Give a warm welcome to @grouchersaurus :smiley:
  • cedarfoxy
    cedarfoxy Posts: 72 Member
    Hey y'all. It's been a while since I've participated. Can I hop back on for April, or shall I wait until next month? If I can join, my info is below:

    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    SW (3/30): 183.6
  • grouchersaurus
    grouchersaurus Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! I've just joined (I signed up for MFP ages ago but didn't really commit 😅).
    I'm Ella, 37 from Aus. I'm hoping to knuckle down and improve my fitness/lose weight- for both a trip to Europe later this year, and to improve my stamina for playing percussion and sax in a few bands.

    My weigh-in day will be Mondays.
    SW (last week)- approx 98kg/216lb
    CW (2 April) - 97.8kg/215.6lb
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member
    cedarfoxy wrote: »
    Hey y'all. It's been a while since I've participated. Can I hop back on for April, or shall I wait until next month? If I can join, my info is below:

    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    SW (3/30): 183.6

    @cedarfoxy - Hey! Glad to see you here again! I can absolutely add you back onto the team. How have you been?
  • chocohollic
    chocohollic Posts: 62 Member
    ~~ Step Challenge Results - March Week 3 ~~

    Team Statistics -
    Total Steppers: 6
    Total Steps: 410,463
    Average Steps Per Stepper: 68,411 (+6.7% over last week!)

    Individual Statistics -
    @andja87 - 97,769 total | 13,967 average - Most Steps in One Day!!!
    @Emilienewme - 74,140 total | 10,591 average - Most Consistent!!!
    @daria0919 - 66,298 total | 9,471 average
    @BodyTalking - 59,637 total | 8,520 average
    @BlueSkyNomad - 59,382 total | 8,483 average
    @Ljdanny - 53,237 total | 7,605 average

    Our bolded members set a step goal for the week and met it! If you want to... be bold (heehee), let us know how many steps you want to hit every day on average and we'll keep track of it for you!

    I set a goal for all of you after March Week 2 (to hit 5% more steps than the week before), and you absolutely smashed it! You only needed to hit 403,914 steps, and you crushed it with over 410,000!

    Obviously, I am posting this after March Week 4 has already ended, so I can't push all of you to do even more steps this week, but I am looking at our monthly total. It looks like we're going to break 1.5 million steps for March, do you think we can break 1.75 million for April? It sounds like a lot, but something as simple as parking a little further than normal, getting up from your desk to go to a different bathroom than you usually do, inviting a friend to go for a walk and catch up... there's a ton of ways to get in a couple hundred more steps and more. A little bit goes a long way. We can do this.

    Yes please for this challenge! 10000 steps per day average please 🙏 😊
  • BlueSkyNomad
    BlueSkyNomad Posts: 60 Member

    Weign-In Day: Monday
    Starting weight: 109.8kg/242 lb
    Previous weight: 99 kg/218.3 lb
    Current weight: 98.7 kg/217.6 lb
  • BlueSkyNomad
    BlueSkyNomad Posts: 60 Member
    edited April 2
    Can I set my daily step goal as 10,000, please? Thank you 😊

    Screenshot of my steps for the last week
  • cedarfoxy
    cedarfoxy Posts: 72 Member

    @cedarfoxy - Hey! Glad to see you here again! I can absolutely add you back onto the team. How have you been?

    Doing pretty good! Taking more time for me these days - self care is the way to go!
    So glad to be here again!
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 909 Member
    edited April 3
    Hey all!

    I’m Syd, 49 years old from Colorado. I have a son who is a freshman in college and a daughter about to graduate high school. I’ve been a part of this challenge since October of last year. I love weight loss challenges as they help me stick to it even when the scale goes up instead of falling off the wagon completely.

    The last month has been crazy busy as my daughter is in the middle of her tournament season while also trying to finish up college visits so she can decide where she’ll be next year. I’m hoping everything settles down in the next month, but with graduation around the corner, I think it’ll be summer.

    I’ve lost 20 lbs by weightlifting 3x a week and hitting my protein & fiber numbers. I also try to get 5,000 steps in a day. I know I definitely look better than I did the last time I was at this weight as I’ve mostly maintained my muscle while losing weight this time. Previously, I’d try to lose weight as fast as possible by being a cardio bunny and severely restricting calories which never seemed to work for me long-term. I was probably losing muscle and slowing down my metabolism instead.

    I just started Caroline Girvan’s “Iron” series this week on YouTube. Super challenging but I’m enjoying it!

    This month, I’m hoping to dial back in my diet. We have a tournament in Oregon this weekend, but otherwise - no travel!

    Welcome to all of the new members!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 981 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm and @melaniedscott please excuse me from my weigh in this coming Saturday, April 6th. I’ll be out of town for a long weekend. Thanks!!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    @minstrelofsarcasm and melaniedscott please excuse me from my weigh in this coming Saturday, April 6th. I’ll be out of town for a long weekend. Thanks!!

    @daria0919 - You got it! Have fun!
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 215 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm please excuse my weigh in this week. I’m sick as a dog trying to fight off a head cold so I can make it to my 5k this weekend. I’m not really paying attention to what I’m eating and I’m definitely not exercising lol. Just resting when I can and taking cold meds around the clock.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member
    @andja87 - Not a problem. I'm sure you know the drill, but drink plenty of water and get oodles of rest, ya hear? Here's hoping you recover quickly and effectively.
This discussion has been closed.