WaistAways Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • Vio_let23
    Vio_let23 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Everyone - I'm looking forward to this challenge - getting to know the group, and getting fitter and losing weight along the way !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    StayFITTer wrote: »
    Focused Finish: Exercise Challenge

    Workout everyday for the next 9 days self reporting challenge.


    I'm going to give this a try! I am getting it installed to see how it all works. Thanks for putting these together @StayFITTer !
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 708 Member

    You’re welcomed to join us. I put this one together because someone said that it helps hold them accountable to workout. Figured we might as well build off the momentum of a new day, new week and 9 days before a new month!

    Hope you like it!
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 251 Member
    @ashleycarole86 - Thursday, April 18 - 6,806 steps
    Friday, April 19 - 7,326 steps, one hour of spin
    Saturday, April 20 - 3,639 steps
    Sunday, April 21 - 6,634 steps

    @gidgitgoescrzy - I'm sorry your friends responded that way. Last time I lost a bunch of weight, it seemed those who didn't comment on it were the ones that were jealous or noticing it in me made them not feel good about themselves. It seems weird though that you brought it up and instantly had the subject changed. I guess maybe she just needed to talk about herself for whatever reason. I'm glad you were able to share that with us. You know we've got you. You've lost a lot of weight and you're continuing to become a better, stronger version of yourself every day! Even with the occasional ice cream dinner ;) . We see it and know it.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Vio_let23 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone - I'm looking forward to this challenge - getting to know the group, and getting fitter and losing weight along the way !

    Great to see you here! Let us know a bit about you - it is always great to meet new members. And if you have any questions about how things work, fire away!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    60 minute Peloton ride after work - check!

    Day felt good. Onto the next one!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Ready set Tuesday:

    @adrimango (you're travelling, so if you need the week excused, no problem!)

  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 436 Member
    edited April 23
    @strong_fit_ells great job on cutting the alcohol.

    @jugar Thank you for all the encouragement and time spent lifting us up. I know the future of this group will be in good hands.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I"m saddened to hear of the insensitivity from your friend. Virtual hug and want you to know we acknowledge all the hard work you are doing.

    @ashleycarole86 great job on all the riding this weekend.

    what I do to deal with stress. - walk the dog and get outdoors, bake, exercise, clean ( I'm a rage/stress cleaner makes me feel like I've accomplished something)

    It's an odd week for me, my husband's grandma passes last week and the funeral is tomorrow. Won't have the ability to weigh in this week from being out of town. Going to use some of my non-snacking ideas and put them to use this week.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 615 Member
    Just caught up on posts -

    @jugar the end of an ERA!! I will try not to get hyperbolic but WHAT will we do without you!

    @lauren_989 saluting our new captain!!

    @Gidgitgoescrzy that is super disappointing, I'm sorry that your friend clearly wasn't in the space to appreciate the work you've put in.

    I had a very sludgey end to last week and a not-so-healthy weekend. Turned it around a bit yesterday evening by doing meal prep and trying to set myself up for success this week. Today was pretty close to a perfect day, eating and movement-wise. Work is still getting me a little worked up, if you will, and I got home pretty pissed off actually. My train went express on the commute home so I had to get off and wait for another. While making dinner, my pasta spoon flipped out of my hand and I got red sauce ALL over my cabinets, and 1 sock! I could feel the steam coming out of my ears. But:
    1. Getting dinner in my system helped, and it was a delicious batch of chicken parm, crispy broccoli, and some thin spaghetti.
    2. I started a new 4-week workout challenge with a trainer I like on instagram, and my bad mood almost made me think I should already skip out on it. But no. Got it done, about 30 min total lower body that I am SURE to feel tomorrow.

    There is still a LOT on my plate for work and personal to-dos this week, and I travel home to long island on Thursday evening for the final weekend at my childhood home before it goes on the market in May (some weird feelings due!). I am starting to look forward to a more quiet May, and hopefully back to real progress on the scale.

    Hello to new team members, and thank god Monday is over. Ta!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    @cleaneater80 My condolences to you and you'd husband for the loss of his grandma

    @Kali225 I can visualize the red sauce flying. Oh no! Way to bounce back and focus on heslthy choices after a few tough days. Getting back to it is what counts

    @katzservant Welcome. Congrats on 20 pou ds down in the past month. Looking forward to joining you as you work to your goal weight!

    I stayed up too late watching Baby Reindeer on Netflix. Oops, bad Ashley. First outdoor soccer game of the season is tonight so I'll be getting lots of activity today.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 566 Member
    PW: 209.8
    CW: 209.8

    I am surprised I stayed the same. I was expecting a gain. I ate bad some days, good some days, but I had my book club last night (normally it's on Wednesdays) so I thought I would retain water after eating some not so healthy food and having some wine.

    @Kali225 I feel ya with the sauce on your sock. Last night I stepped on a blueberry in my white sock 😑

    @jugar I hope you don't feel too run down. I hear the second shingles shot can be a doozy!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    I'm feeling right as rain after the shingles shot - I managed to get all my errands done in record time, and then had a fantastic ride on Jasper. We went up to the high hill where we ride around a rural airstrip, and the wind was crazy strong! Gotta love a horse who spent the first 4 years of his life in the prairies of Saskatchewan and Alberta, though. Constant strong wind? No problem! But then I took him through a lot of muddy areas. He is less fond of that, but is getting to be brave about it now. All in all, we had an excellent ride.

    So far a good day - a strength workout, mad errand running, horse riding in the sunshine, no bad purchases in the grocery stores, a wise and delicious day of eating. I might even hit the exercise bike tonight!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Next up - the wonderful Wednesday weigh-ins:


  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 615 Member
    hello from the end of Tuesday! My friends and I moved our weekly dance cardio to tomorrow, which was great timing for me. I got home later than planned (no thanks to another commuting debacle - stuck underground for 20 min, then forced to get off for another express run - the absolute nerve of the MBTA, I tell you), but hopped right into dinner. After dinner, I rolled out dough and baked some homemade cheezits! I did my upper body strength workout while they baked. They came out SO tasty! And so simple. Only 8 ingredients, and 4 of those are spices. Let me know if anyone wants the recipe.

    Feeling pretty good about this week. @jugar Forget if I said already - I will weigh in on Thursday this week! Heading out of town that night and don't want to drag the scale along.

    @ashleycarole86 hope the soccer game went well!

    @lauren_989 squishing anything in a socked foot is the worst feeling. :D

    @jugar cheering for your record time! Errands are the best race to win.

    @cleaneater80 sorry for you and your husband's loss <3
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 214 Member
    PW 147.4
    CW 146

    Thank goodness, I was honestly kinda worried it would be a small gain or stay the same. Guess ice cream for breakfast isn't so bad after all. :blush:

    @cleaneater80 I am sorry for your loss.

    @Kali225 I would love that recipe, I love cheezits but don't buy them because they are full of bad things, so I'd love to try a better version.

    @Ashleycarole86 What did you think of Baby Reindeer? I've watched 2 episodes, but I'm just not sure, is it worth finishing ?

    Hope you all have a wonderful day !

  • Vio_let23
    Vio_let23 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there - I live in NJ - the weather's getting nice finally. I like to be able to spend time outdoors - working in the yard - or walking, hiking. I used to run - I might try to start that again. I gained 10 pounds over the winter - which it seems I usually do LOL. So I want to lose those 10 and 20 more ! I'm 58, and I've had a lot of experiences losing weight / gaining weight / getting frustrated and giving up / getting motivated and succeeding. I like science fiction and have a pretty cool rock/mineral collection. Went to Disney a few weeks ago - stayed at the Dolphin and took the boat to Epcot and Hollywood Studios. It was the BEST time ever - and best Family vacay. That's all for now I guess. Have a great day Everyone !

    Also - do I just check this discussion to find out what I should do next ?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Vio_let23 wrote: »
    Hi there - I live in NJ - the weather's getting nice finally. I like to be able to spend time outdoors - working in the yard - or walking, hiking. I used to run - I might try to start that again. I gained 10 pounds over the winter - which it seems I usually do LOL. So I want to lose those 10 and 20 more ! I'm 58, and I've had a lot of experiences losing weight / gaining weight / getting frustrated and giving up / getting motivated and succeeding. I like science fiction and have a pretty cool rock/mineral collection. Went to Disney a few weeks ago - stayed at the Dolphin and took the boat to Epcot and Hollywood Studios. It was the BEST time ever - and best Family vacay. That's all for now I guess. Have a great day Everyone !

    Also - do I just check this discussion to find out what I should do next ?

    Sounds like you're in the right place to work on those winter pounds - they can be pesky. I was 58 when I finally lost the weight I had been fighting with for years, so I can assure you that it is possible! I have been maintaining for 11 and a half years now, and it sure feels like a better way to step into the older years.

    What to do next is very simple. On your weigh-in day every week, post here. Put it at the top of a message so that it is impossible to miss :smiley: - then it goes into our team spreadsheet. On Sundays every week, the tallies for the previous week are done and we have a good-spirited report of the winning (losing!) teams and individuals, as well as what % of the team members had any kind of loss at all (we call those green weigh-ins because losses appear in green on the spreadsheet).

    Even more important than the weekly weigh-ins, though, is participating in the chat here. Sometimes the motivator or captain (or any member who wants to!) posts a challenge, a question to discuss, or some other thing to encourage commitment and consistency. We share tips, encouragements, frustrations - all the things. Knowing that your team is looking over your shoulder is sometimes all the help you need to get up and do that walk or workout, skip that snack, or make any kind of healthy choice.

    One last thing! There are always weekly challenges for the whole Fat2Fit group. These are posted under Announcements on the F2F main page. There is also a link there to our Habit Tracker which is a great way to check off those small commitments that add up to a difference if you are consistent. Here is the home page where you can find all those things:

    There is also a link there to the team spreadsheets if you are interested in keeping an eye on that. It can be fun to see how everyone is doing, and to catch any errors that might slip in :open_mouth:
This discussion has been closed.