WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 595 Member
    Weigh-ins due today (already got @YinxFed):


    What is one thing you want to focus on this week that will help get you toward your goals? It can be any goal that you have for this week.

    Mine is going to be tracking. I have been hit or miss tracking my food and I know that is one thing that really helps me see what I am eating. I have been eating out more and instead of trying to find a similar item, I just haven't been tracking at all. Plus, I should cut back on the eating out :D

  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    edited May 19
    @jugar I weighed in last night and posted, because my scale wasn’t available to me in the morning. You can either use that number or my weigh-in this morning 124.8. Thank you!

    Great job everyone! 👏🏻
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 595 Member
    @ddsb1111 I had already finished the tallies for this week when you posted your weight from this morning. I will leave it as the one from yesterday to give you a head start for this week 😊

    Great job to our top losers this week, plus almost half our team was in the green! Awesome work!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 595 Member
    Monday folks up next:

  • adrimango
    adrimango Posts: 131 Member
    CW: 155.2
    PW: 155.0

    I'm happy to be so close to last weeks number. I was really off plan Wed - Sat and was expecting a higher number. I am realizing the rest of this year is going to be very full both professionally and personally. Now that I can see that, I'll be spending this week thinking and experimenting with ways I can take exceptional care of myself. One strategy I'm going to implement is getting up earlier so I can get some work in while the house is quiet. This should let me have time in the evenings away from my computer so I can wind down before bed which lends itself to better sleep. I love finding one thing that has a domino effect like that. I'm up, showered, and dressed before anyone else so I'm off to a good start!

    Thinking of you all and wishing you a good week ahead.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Made it home! I'm going to make my bed and climb into it. It was a beautiful day, and a good drive home with my daughter and her partner. Now time to get back to riding and exercising!

    I have a bit of nagging energy though :wink: Here is who is due through Tuesday:

    Huge thanks to @lauren_989 for tallies and getting into the new role as I start to step back. I feel so good knowing that this team and all of F2F will be in good hands. :heart:
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 595 Member
    Wow! What a day, I am glad to be in my bed too! I tracked my food today, which I am right at my calorie goal for the day. Really not sure what tomorrow's weigh in will look like. I'm hoping for green, but since I only tracked 2 days, I don't really know for sure.

    @jugar glad you made it home safely!

    @YinxFed that's awesome you are liking the none to run! You are doing great with your exercise!

    @adrimango I hope getting up early works for you, and you don't work extra early and later. Keep us posted!

    @StayFITTer nice green weigh in! I like your plan for the rest of this month!
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 439 Member
    edited May 21
    So much to catch up on. I've been more absent as the next 6 weeks will be full. I'm surprised the scale showed a loss because the long weekend was enjoyed with rich food and a few drinks. Had a good start today with a quick workout.

    PW - 167.2
    CW - 165.2
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    Hey! We're back from another whirlwind trip to Ontario. Per usual my weight is up after my flight and out of routine behavior - I may take an extra day to weigh in but we'll see.

    I got 2 hours and 41 minutes last night cause we got home so darn late and I had to get up for work so I got a sub for my soccer game as I feel beyond wiped.

    Brad had an extra day off so he got the house back in order and is cooking us a nice meal. We just reinstated our Costco membership after many years without so he's been excited about that.

    We both felt blah and when we go back to Ontario in November we said in unison that we want to go lighter than we just did.

    @jugar Sounds like a lot of celebration and good memories with all your dad's loved ones. Glad you're back home now and that you get some extra time with your daughter.

    @micki48 Wow, I am so sorry to hear that... ageism is one of the forms of discrimination that isn't getting its proper air time.. I hope you find somewhere that treats you much better than the place you've been at.

    Ok.. off to collapse... think I just need Michele's steps and my own and then I can do this week's report!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 595 Member
    PW: 209.4
    CW: 210.2

    Ok...so time to turn this red ship around. The stress is getting to me at work, and I added more onto myself by precepting a student 🙈 I did try to relax some tonight and enjoyed a glass of wine with some of the ladies I take a yarn (crochet/knitting) class with. I stayed within calories today, but didn't get to exercise because I forgot about a work meeting.

    Welcome back @ashleycarole86 and @bowens1973. We have a costco membership and love it!

    No weigh in's for tomorrow, but a few people still due:

  • ineego
    ineego Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry I missed my weigh in yesterday. My father had a stroke on Monday.. Stressful and sad, but he is doing incredibly well considering. So.. I stepped on the scale this morning.

    Cw 158.8

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    @ineego Glad to hear your dad is recovering well, thinking of you and your family as you go through this difficult time with his recovery.

    @lauren_989 I know firsthand how much work stress can affect healthy habits, I was so derailed by that and I'm still trying to recover. So just a message to say I can totally relate to how difficult that can be.

    I feel like I'm rushing around like crazy and not actually focused on any goals. The one item I'm really trying to maintain (thanks to @StayFITTer and Stridekick) is my hydration and step goals. The food aspect has to come in here soon if I'm going to make any real progress.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,183 Member
    May 12-18 steps:

    May 12 - 6408 steps
    May 13 - 10039 steps
    May 14 - 15866 steps
    May 15 - 12218 steps
    May 16 - 7505 steps
    May 17 - 5198 steps
    May 18 - 3999 steps
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Steps (if it’s not too late)sw8qmpat8qwo.jpeg

    Ashley, I’m sure I hit 7k on the day it was 1,000 something. My Fitbit stopped working for no reason. It’s also having a hard time syncing.

    Thanks everyone for your support on the job front. I had one prospect write me that “their vision for the position was a recent graduate not someone with all the experience” I have. 🫤 I think that’s ageism too! I did get an email for a zoom interview in the coming week. The school is about 10-15 minutes from my house.
    Also, it’s feeling positive to get the enrollment needed for me to get an offer where I am. So we will see.

    Glad everyone got home safely.
    I feel like I'm rushing around like crazy and not actually focused on any goals.
    This is me to a tee. So Lauren focus on 2 things. Good idea. Also hope your husband feels better soon.

    Have a good night.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Time to get ready for the Thursday trio :smiley:


    and @strong_fit_ells - hoping all is OK!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 595 Member
    @ineego sorry to hear about your dad! I hope he is still recovering well.

    @micki48 I hope the interview goes well! I can't believe the other company said their vision is a recent graduate!! Maybe because they don't have to pay as much? 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I had a good day at work and enjoyed my book club. I am looking into flights to RI at the end of June for my dad's surgery. Trying to decide if I will just fly into Boston where the surgery will be or drive up with my parents from RI.

    Also getting ready for my cousin's wedding this weekend. It will be great to see family who I haven't seen in a while! Just not looking forward to the 8.5 hour drive (each way). But I have my book on tape ready to go!

    And next up for tomorrow:


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