WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 629 Member
    @micki48 what a sunset!! love the pics

    I did a quick check on the scale this morning to gauge where I will be tomorrow, given that I've had basically 5 "perfect" days in a row, can't imagine the last time that was true -- and beyond frustrating as @Gidgitgoescrzy said, the dumb thing is UP from last week and I could just pull my hair out. I did not let it derail my day, so fingers crossed for a miracle tomorrow??

    @ashleycarole86 you're very right, you can't be "perfect" all the time (haha don't I know it) and I think stopping snowballs as they start is key for me... not great at that, yet.

    I leave tomorrow for the mountains in NY for the weekend, after work with a friend. Hoping we get some sunny time outdoors on Saturday, but I do think we will all be drinking a bit... and having some food out. We'll see. I feel I did good with habit building the last 2 weeks so I want to keep that rolling.
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 31 Member
    Counting down the days until my staycation. Did a Sydney Cummings Houdyshell workout for the first time. Depending on how I feel tomorrow, I may go for heavier weights next time!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    I made it to Boston last night and just learned the Celtics won the championship. I was going to ask @Kali225 if you were going to the parade but going to the mountains with friends sounds like more fun to me!

    Dad has his surgery today, he's nervous, I'm nervous, and visiting hours that would apply starting tomorrow don't start until 11am...what?!?!

    Even though yesterday was travel and staying in a hotel, I walked in the airport with my backpack for 30 minutes on my layover (it is not weird to see someone walking quickly in the aiport haha), rucking anyone? And I tracked my calories, even if they weren't the healthiest and stayed within my calorie range. Goal for today is to add some fruits amd veggies.

    @micki48 those pictures are beautiful! Have fun!

    @Lyss983 I still have yet to do a Sidney Cummings workout, but I know someone else in our group does them...I can't remember who at the moment, was it @Kali225?
  • Gidgitgoescrzy
    Gidgitgoescrzy Posts: 228 Member
    Happy Friday !

    Yesterday was a good day, today is shaping up that way also. We got our walk in both yesterday and today.

    It's supposed to be hot all weekend, so I think the weekend will be spent at the pool.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend !
  • Ruth_2024
    Ruth_2024 Posts: 13 Member
    PW 222.8
    CW 221.4

    Still trending in the right direction, but it was lower 4 days ago. Too many snacks.

    I've kept up with my DL/Pushup goals with the exception of one day. Still just focusing on slow and extremely careful with minimal weight on the DLs because of the hamstring tendonitis. I've been brave enough to pull out the WaterRower this week, but I'm going back to square one. I most likely gave myself tendonitis with bad form, so it's 3-5 minutes of slow form drills and I'm going to stay at that level for a while. I hadn't realized how much I was slouching... lemme tell ya, 5 minutes of just upper body rowing while maintaining good posture was more of an ab workout than I expected.
  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    Cw- 169
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 421 Member
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    The June Week 4 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, June 23rd. Join us for the Climb the Ladder to Lose Challenge! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat thread!
    Jessica :smile:
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 690 Member
    Last call for weigh-ins this week!

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