WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2024

jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
edited June 30 in Social Groups
Here is your Team chat room for June 2024. This is where you weigh in, post your goals and progress, discuss any issues or topics of interest, share ideas, support your teammates, receive help when you need it, and dream big. Try to post often, and help each other succeed! Bookmark this thread to make it easy to land here any time.

Fat2Fit has five great teams. The group and team leaders are as follows - contact them any time!

Our Moderators:
Ashley - @minstrelofsarcasm
Jessica - @jessicakrall8
Lauren- @lauren_989
Megan - @Megan_smartiepants1970

Our Team Captains:
Downsizers - @Megan_smartiepants1970 and [open]
Mission Slimpossible - @Katmary71 and @trooworld
Weight No More - @minstrelofsarcasm and @melaniedscott
WaistAways - @ashleycarole86 and @lauren_989
Shape Shifters - @jessicakrall8 and @Pupowl

Our Team Motivators:
Downsizers - @Slimmersixties & @NachDeezy
Mission Slimpossibles - @19shmoo69
Weight No More - @rachelrjh and @BodyTalking
WaistAways - @MaddawgMadsen
Shape Shifters - @LaurieWrobo and @Cyncia85

HOW IT ALL WORKS: The June challenge runs for four weeks, from June 2 - 29.

Everyone weighs in weekly on their chosen day right here in the team chat. At the end of each week, the tallies are done to determine the team and individuals with the most weight lost. The best losers are announced with full fanfare every Sunday. The team competition is all in good spirits - may the most losing win, and may everyone else get to work on next week!

We also celebrate those small, steady losses. If you lose, however small an amount, you are in the green! At the end of the month, we celebrate everyone who lost at least a bit every single week. You are heading steadily towards your goal even if you aren't at the top of the weight loss leaderboard. In March we are aiming for every team to hit 50% green every week - let's do this!

To make your weigh-in easy to find for your team Captains, please put it right at the top of a message, and use this format:
Weigh In Day:
PW (Previous Weight):
CW (Current Weight):

If you miss two weigh-ins in a row without asking for a break, you will be dropped from the team, so be sure to inform your team captain if you are traveling, sick, or just need some time off. If you want a break, you can be excused for a week or two, or can be moved to the Support Team for as long as you need. You still participate in the discussions, you can weigh in if you want to, but it will not count in the weekly tally. Don't worry! You can always come back even if you get dropped.

Once you reach your goal weight, you join the Goal Zone. You continue to weigh in every week. If you have 2 weeks above your self-defined goal zone, you go back to the regular team to lose that amount before it builds up. You will have a chance to hone those maintenance skills and stick with your team.

In addition to your own team, there are weekly F2F Full Group CHALLENGES. You can do all or none - it's up to you. Participating adds a lot to your success, so we hope to see you there often! These can involve anything fitness, health, or nutrition - and they’ll get you moving, thinking, and learning about this journey. Check the Announcements section for full group challenges.

Let’s show our fellow challengers some F2F love :heart: Introduce or re-introduce yourselves right away, and let's get June on the road!


  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 682 Member
    edited May 31
    Welcome to June 2024! I can't believe this year is almost half-way over!

    I am Lauren, co-captain along with @ashleycarole86. I am 38 years old and from North Carolina, USA. I have been on a weight loss journey most of my adult life. I have done a lot of the yo-yo thing, losing a lot of weight in 2012 and then gaining it back. Over the last few years, I seem to be gaining and losing the same 10-15 pounds.

    May was a very rough month for me. Looking back, I stopped tracking about half-way through the month which is never a smart idea, plus my steps were way down. Part of that I think is that I didn't have the step challenge to hold me accountable. So my goals for this month will be to:

    1: Track my food every day
    2: Have a step goal of 7,000 steps (you can add me back on @ashleycarole86)

    Some helpful information/tools:

    Posting your daily updates
    We know from experience that posting daily (or as often as you can!) makes a huge difference to your success. Use any format you like to let everyone know how you are doing on your daily goals and habits. You can report on food, exercise, water, sleep, or whatever you are tracking and trying to stick with. While you're there, talk about how you are, ask questions, and if you can answer someone else, please do! Congratulate others, commiserate, enjoy someone's rant, or go ahead and rant yourself. It all helps make the kind of community where we are in each others' heads when the hand is reaching for that off-plan snack, or the couch is feeling way too inviting...

    Weighing in
    Please try to weigh in on time (but don't sweat it if you have to use a different day sometimes)! Put your weigh in at the TOP of a message, so it is clear and easy to find. If you cannot post your weight for whatever reason, you can request a week off, or if you need a longer break, you can be moved to the "Support Team" where you still participate but your weigh-ins will not be part of the weekly tally. This is where members who are ill, on vacation, or just needing a break can hang out for as long as needed.

    So everyone, tell us a bit about you, your goals, what steps you are going to work on. It's fun to know your name and where you live (if you're willing to share that), what brought you here, how your weight loss journey has been, and where you are headed now. We all have information to share, things we can learn, and lean on each other as a team for a successful month!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 107 Member
    PW: 146.3
    CW: 146.3

    Sun- 4457
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,217 Member
    The June Week 1 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Jun 2nd. Please join us for the "Treat Yourself Well" Challenge, a unique and creative 7-day challenge, you're sure to enjoy!

    Here's your link:


    See you in the chat thread!
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 682 Member
    @micki48 you had a great week! Plus, all that weeding is great exercise! I'm proud of you!

    @smcewen99 great job going for a walk. I definitely agree with the mindset of believing you are an athlete or a jogger helps with motivation and feeling good about what you are doing.

    Who is ready for the first week of June? Sunday folks are up!

  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Sunday weigh-in


    PW - 188.3
    CW - 189.2
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 682 Member
    Good Morning WaistAways! We have a new team member joining. Please welcome @Barbara13B!

    Please tell us a little about yourself, where you are from if you would like, and any goals for this month! We are happy to have you!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Greetings Team,

    The weather is glorious today and I have just come back from my Week 2/Run 2 of the None2Run program - and I was thinking of you, @lauren_989 ! I only managed to regulate my breathing after 3 groups of running for 1 minute and walking for 2 (out of 7). But it is getting a tiny bit easier. I don't remember who mentioned this in the group, but I think that I need to take a leaf out of their book and call myself a runner from now on. It might help!

    I hope you're all having fabulous days wherever you all are.

    Here are my step and exercise stats for the last 7 days:

    Sunday 26th May - 3153
    Monday 27th - 3209 / 42mins Heather Robertson 12 Week 4.0 Day 52 - Total Body Tabata
    Tuesday 28th - 2598 / 39mins HR12W4.0 Day 53 - Leg Strength
    Wednesday 29th - 5531 / 29mins Walk/Run
    Thursday 30th - 3202 /69mins Yoga
    Friday 31st - 1373
    Saturday 1st June - 6057 / 42m Zumba

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,133 Member
    @Barbara1369 is joining your wonderful group :)
  • Barbara13B
    Barbara13B Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning WaistAways! Let me introduce myself - I'm Barbara from Chicago. I am 63 years old and semi-retired. I work in education, 3 days a week now and Monday is my last day of the school year. Yay Summer! I plan to use this summer to lose weight and get a little healthier. Life is still crazy with 3 grandchildren, 2 aging parents and 1 dog. I need to learn to spend some of my "me time" doing something active. I'm good at sitting and reading but I need to move my body! This is my first week on MFP so my goals are to log in daily, log my food consistently and exercise 4 times a week. I want to dust off my bike and start using it along with some hikes. Thanks for having me! I'm excited to start this journey with you.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 844 Member
    edited June 2
    @ddsb1111 wahoo!! Congratulations! 🎉What would you like your maintenance range to be? You will still weigh in each week and if you have 2 weeks in a row outside of your maintenance range, you will be moved back to the active challenge roster until you get back to maintenance. I am so happy for you!

    @lauren_989 Thaks so much! This is brilliant. Let’s make maintenance 120-125. I’ll keep weighing and rooting for everyone 😊.
  • smcewen99
    smcewen99 Posts: 20 Member
    Happy Sunday
    CW 393
    PW - to honest - it was a wild guess at 398 as I was terrified to weigh myself
    Now and know!
    Let’s do this!

    Getting a few days of down time
    Packed the bike and looking forward to a week of reflection, smart planning and movement

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome @Barbara13B! We have a few teachers/educators on our team, you will fit right in!

    @YinxFed it sounds like you have a great exercise plan for this week. For the jogging, I have 2 tips. 1 is to jog slow...slower than you think! And 2, is that you can always repeat a day or a week. I noticed you typically have a plan for your exercise for the week, do you plan your meals as well?

    @smcewen99 great loss this week! I know you are tracking your food as a challenge with your wife which I find as the most helpful thing with a successful week.

    Here's a question for the team, when tracking food, do you measure or weigh out your portion sizes? Or just eye-ball and guess? I have a food scale that I use all the time...well I should say when I am actually tracking my intake...
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,347 Member

    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners

    Percentage of Members in the Green!
  • Lyss983
    Lyss983 Posts: 30 Member
    Giving myself a pat on the back tonight. I had zero motivation to do anything this morning, but I did do my workout, as well as meal prep my lunches for this week. Future me will appreciate it! :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Lyss983 wrote: »
    Giving myself a pat on the back tonight. I had zero motivation to do anything this morning, but I did do my workout, as well as meal prep my lunches for this week. Future me will appreciate it! :smiley:

    Zero to hero! Our pats on your back join yours :smiley: "Future me" is the most important person to give gifts to.

    @Barbara13B Chicago! Great town. I have only been there a few times, but I really enjoyed it, and I'm not a city lover! Getting moving more and having friends to brag to (or inspired by, or getting nagged by, etc. etc. :wink: ) is a great help in this endeavour. There will always be times we don't feel like it, but as far as I can tell, no one ever regrets getting in a walk, a workout, or whatever kind of movement you can muster. So good to have you with us!

    @ddsb1111 Yay! I love to have company in the Goal Zone. Every now and again we might get bumped back up to regular team for a couple of weeks or more, but maintaining is not a straight line either - and sometimes complacency sets in. I go off and on from logging as needed as well - and try different ways to keep it all fresh. We've got this!

    @lauren_989 Your question about measuring food when logging - I did this for a time while in my losing phase, but I tend to eat the same things in rotation and don't really need to measure them. I might measure a new recipe and put it into MFP to see what it all comes to just to have a pretty accurate idea, but mostly I'm an eyeball and experience non-measurer.

    @smcewen99 Shawn - no more terror of the weigh-ins! You are going to have to make friends with the information-giving device :grin: even if it is hard sometimes. It's going to go down in a jagged line, so don't worry if you hate the number sometimes. Love the trend. You're going to make progress!
This discussion has been closed.