AUGUST 2024 CHALLENGES - 08/01 - 08/31

cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
Let's try this one...
And this one...
Hope you are having fun!
Let us know what you think.


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    edited August 2
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8

    July 31 ending weight - 167.8
    Aug 05 -
    Aug 12 -
    Aug 19 -
    Aug 26 -
    Aug 31 -
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Aug Goal Weight - 215

    July 31 ending weight - 223.4
    Aug 02 - 221.8
    Aug 05 -
    Aug 12 -
    Aug 19 -
    Aug 26 -
    Aug 31 -

    I was nearing 250 in May, which is the point where I start to feel crippled. Getting back into Keto was a game changer as well as a life saver. So grateful.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    We had Collin Duty this morning. My trainer went to Utah to help her dad so no workout today...Collin was plenty, believe me. Ronan is here now playing w/Grandpa.
    I made a Raley's order then made soup.
    I get to go to the post office in the morning!! Got to get up early before it gets hot. Supposed to get to 102 tomorrow and 98 on Sunday. :#
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    I got 5.43 miles done in 110 mins this morning. There were a ton of folks out there! Good thing cuz it's 80 degrees right now at 10:00 in this morning!! It's supposed to get to 102...we'll see. Going to try to get a walk in tomorrow but I'm not sure...I got talked into going to Ronan's last baseball game. Its from 9:00 to 10:00...walking is a maybe. :D
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    That is awful Chris. So hot here also. Today was my son’s 40th birthday. Had family over and we all visited. My daughter and I disagreed on a topic. I finally said we should agree to disagree.

    I might have to research it. But I am sure there are lots of thoughts on the subject.

    Is a transgender female as much a biological female as one born female? Interesting

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    edited August 5
    Last ball game!!
    Sara's best friend since she was 8 or 9 lived two houses up from us. Her name is Holly but I always called her Hollywood. Anyway...Hollywood has two boys in baseball. One on Ronan's team and the other on a younger team. Hollywood and I were standing next to each other at the fence watching Ronan's team at bat when she looks at me and tells me how pretty my makeup is and that she really liked it!! Made my day! But that's not the whole story...Sara told me the same exact thing this past Monday!!! I told Sara that she and Hollywood were twins and she said they always have been!! Crazy!!
    After the game, Pat and I went to our Barnes & Noble book store then to Target then we came home and I had to shred paper and grind got pretty loud in the kitchen!
    Shelley, I don't think we can answer that question honestly because we are not in that situation. Every situation is different. Every child is different. Who are we to decide?
    My trainer is still in Utah, so no workout for me tomorrow except for Collin...he is a workout plenty!!
    Ronan starts 3rd grade on Thursday.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I agree. Tough question. The closer to home the more it affects us. Did you change up your makeup? Different shade? Nice they noticed.

    Karen I am excited for you. Great loss. And cutting alcohol out really helps. Keep moving forward. Hmmm. Wish I could have a housekeeper. But I would clean like Chris before they came. Lol

    Today I actually got in some weeding. Walked the boys on the mountain. It was an easy day.


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8

    July 31 ending weight - 167.8
    Aug 05 - 166.6
    Aug 12 -
    Aug 19 -
    Aug 26 -
    Aug 31 -

    Home from vacation. We walked around the resort a lot. I was in the pool and in ocean. The food wasn’t that great so I actually didn’t eat a lot and watched the adult beverages as well. Still shocked at the loss and hope it’s still there next week. Great short trip but lots of fun. We did exactly what we wanted each day. A lot of relaxing, a great tour of the island from a local, Ron had a great birthday dinner off site that was the best meal we had. The time together was priceless.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Shelley, my answer to your question kept me up all night. A biological child is any child conceived rather than adopted by a specified parent, and therefore carrying genes from the parent...dictionary definition. Sara has another very good friend...Kaleena. Kaleena's oldest Jay, practically lives at Sara's house and trusts Sara and tells Sara everything. Jay told Sara she was a girl...even tho she didn't have all the right body parts. Jay is a teenager. Sara helped her tell her family. It has taken Jay's father a bit of time to come around but he is more accepting every day. Kaleena is helping Jay get all the treatment she needs at this stage. There is more to this story but I'll just tell the happy parts...Jay loves bracelets...I have given her some of mine that I wore everyday to work. I keep thinking Sara and I should take her to the Harvest Fest where the Bracelet Lady has a booth. All the bracelets mean something and have special powers. ;) Jay is such a good kid. She loves playing with Collin and Ronan. I just want good things for her.
    Okay, I'm done for now.
    It's a beautiful morning! I wish I was out there walking but we have a 21 month tornado coming over shortly.
    Kathy, Shelley, Paula, hug then ones you love tight and tell them you LOVE THEM TO THE MOON AND BACK!!! because you never know ...
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Aug Goal Weight - 215

    July 31 ending weight - 223.4
    Aug 05 - 221.0
    Aug 12 -
    Aug 19 -
    Aug 26 -
    Aug 31 -


    Shell, I thought a biological female was one with the equipment (by birth or with chemical/surgery); but the google definition of biology (below) includes behavior. How female (feminine?) one is, seems like apples and oranges, just too many versions to compare. I would be considered a tomboy and less feminine than many gay (or other) men.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good morning ladies. Everybody has a good Tuesday. Sadly my meeting started 7:00 so I was only able to take a 20 minute quick walk outside. It's hot as Hades here as well. We're supposed to get rain off and on all week. I am going to try to get to planet fitness this afternoon if I can squeeze it in :-)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula and Chris I have always accepted a person for who they are. But then the Olympics made me think more. And I am not sure I am ok with transgenders competing against biological born women.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    I'm with you, Shelley. I'm not sure how things work at the Olympics...or in regular sports. Makes my brain hurt thinking about it. But I wish for transgender people to be accepted and to always be safe.
    We had Collin Duty this morning then Ronan came over for a while.
    Karen, we had rain on Sunday and a dark red sunset! The kids had a rainbow over their house! Crazy strange! It got over 100 degrees today. Hot and, strong wind!!
    I'll have my trainer tomorrow. I'm excited!!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Monday was upper body and full body stretch FitOn workouts. Today mom had a doctor’s appointment but was so physically exhausted that we had to reschedule. It was a rough day for her. I’m wondering if the radiation treatments did more harm than good. I just don’t know. She’s having to use her walker more and for the first time I had to help her with her. Her independence has always been so important to her but I realize more and more she needs more help.

    She has a MRI on the 16th and I think that will tell us a lot.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I sure hope the weather cools down soon. Not good for the wildlife or plants. Which means not good for us.

    Wanted to work out tonight. But it was after 8:00 by the time the commissioners meeting was finished.

    Kathy I keep thinking about your vacation with Ron. Envious here. I am very happy for you.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member

    I appreciate the conversation around gender identity. I think the Olympics question can be kind of tricky relative to it. I think it's complicated all around. We just read a really great book in our D&I book club at work called He/She/They. Absolutely fascinating. I learned a lot. The person who wrote it was the first transgender swimmer in the college circuit. Sharing a couple things here.

    What I do know is people that struggle with identity are 40% more likely to commit suicide. Tragic. So I'm with you ladies. Hopefully people find peace and who they are and life.

    Gender: A person's relation to society's understanding of gendered groups

    Gender identity: A person's internal sense of their gender, which may or may not match their sex assigned at birth. Gender identity can be female, male, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. Someone whose gender identity matches their birth-assigned sex is cisgender, while someone whose gender identity doesn't is transgender.

    Gender expression: How a person publicly expresses their gender, such as through their appearance, behavior, chosen name, and pronouns. Gender expression can, but doesn't always, reflect a person's gender identity.
  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I did do a short walk yesterday before my meeting started at 7:00, and went to planet fitness in the afternoon. Only had 30 minutes but decided to go anyway.

    My left knee has been bugging me. It has for a while. At some point I'm going to need to go and get a shot or something but for now I just baby it. I'm fairly sure that I have worn it down after all these years of being overweight.

    Probably going to work from home today. We're getting lots of rain from the hurricane up here. It's supposed to rain for days. We have a lot of low areas and there are some flood warnings. Probably makes sense just to work from home :-)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    We had Collin Duty this morning then I saw my trainer for a 60 min workout. I could use a nap now!!
    Ronan is here. He and Grandpa are battling on some game. He started swim lessons on Monday. He has them Monday and Thursday for five weeks. He said he loved them!! Very different from last year's lessons!!
    Hope everyone is doing okay.
    I'm going to drink coffee and read now.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula I find all of that very interesting. But thought, this is why jails now struggle with who pats whom down and where should we house them? It can now take 2 deputies to pat down one person. And while I hate to put anyone in solitary we must for their safety.

    Paula I hope it is not serious with your knee.

    Chris you have such a close family. You are blessed.

    They now have the streets on both sides of my home tore up. Such a mess. Worked out to FitOn with my weighted gloves. What a difference.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I just had to add my two cents. I find it horrific the way politicians are using this issue to demonize and target LBGTQ+ rights and control others bodies. There’s an estimated 1.4 million transgenders and research shows this isn’t a new occurrence. Gender identity issues go back centuries; but we now live in a society where certain people want to control everything. I’m of the opinion that we should “mind our own business”.

    It’s a very complicated issue and I will always have sympathy and pray everyone finds peace and we learn empathy. We’ve become so judgmental.

    Sorry for the late post but I’m having trouble sleeping.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Kathy you are right that there have always been gender identity differences. I hate to think of the people who were forced into loveless marriages just for appearances sake.

    I hope you have finally been able to sleep.

    Got in a fun dance routine Kathy told me about. Did some maintenance on my tanks and now am headed to bed.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    We had Collin Duty this morning then I had my trainer for a 60 min workout. Ronan is here for the afternoon.
    I have to start wrapping birthday gifts. Three birthdays this month!!
    I am going to read and eat popcorn now.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I love wrapping gifts. I am really slow though. I match up everything. Crazy.

    Had a huge migraine today. But managed to work out still. Called a friend and we both went.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Paula I find all of that very interesting. But thought, this is why jails now struggle with who pats whom down and where should we house them? It can now take 2 deputies to pat down one person. And while I hate to put anyone in solitary we must for their safety.

    Paula I hope it is not serious with your knee.

    Shell, That was Karen who made those comments, not me (Paula), just to clarify.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    I got 5.33 miles done in 107 mins this morning to the post office and back. Held it at 3 miles an hour right up till the end. It was a perfect morning and there were lots of folk out and lots of puppies, too!
    We get the boys in a few mins so the kids can go to a play. I hope it's a fun 4 hours. :#
    I plan to walk tomorrow if everything works out. I want to go to the Ruins...or the post office if the mail lady delivers a bill today...we'll just have to wait and see. :o
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula I should read while my eyes are still open! Lol

    Spent all day on the mountain with family. It was great.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    I did 5.21 miles in 104 mins to the Ruins and back. Not as many people out this morning.
    Tomorrow starts the real Back to School Schedule!! Egads, man!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris I enjoy it when it’s not too crowded. School schedules are hectic

    Did water changes on all 6 tanks. Can’t wait to add the babies to the large tank and be rid of the small ones. Went shopping for bathroom tile for the cabin.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Aug 31 Goal Weight - 164.8

    July 31 ending weight - 167.8
    Aug 05 - 166.6
    Aug 12 - 168.0 😔
    Aug 19 -
    Aug 26 -
    Aug 31 -

    Too much snacking, not enough exercise and a little depression.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Aug Goal Weight - 215

    July 31 ending weight - 223.4
    Aug 02 - 221.8
    Aug 05 - 221.8
    Aug 12 -
    Aug 19 -
    Aug 26 -
    Aug 31 -

    My weight has bounced up and down and it's only a coincidence that today is identical to last week -tomorrow it will change. But I guess that's still a plateau. So I'm just practicing patience, perseverance and optimistic anticipation.
