WeightNoMore Team Chat - August 2024



  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW (Previous Weight): 226.4
    CW (Current Weight): 224.6
  • beabenitez1978
    beabenitez1978 Posts: 19 Member
    CW - 303.8
    PW - 310
    HW - 495.0

    MFP User Name: beabenitez1978
    Chosen Weigh In Day -Sundays (Previously Wednesday)
  • Lizslonghaul
    Lizslonghaul Posts: 12 Member
    Yay! I started last week on August 5th and did 4 days protein/fat only because it kick-starts ketosis and I get over the cravings part faster. All of that weight loss is water weight. Still stoked though, now the real work begins. Wishing everyone a great rest of August!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 208 Member
    Steps week ending August 10

    Sun- 11,965
    Mon - 10,771
    Tues - 15,933
    Wed - 11,389
    Thurs - 12,951
    Fri - 8,493
    Sat - 10,097

    Total - 81,599
  • andja87
    andja87 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All! Thanks for all the well wishes! We got our power back on Saturday night finally! Almost 100 hours without power! I’m not cutout for that kind of living 😂 past few days have been busy just getting caught up with food shopping, preparing, cleaning and working on all the laundry that backed up from not being able to do them.

  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 433 Member
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,119 Member

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,119 Member
    I usually go walking every day on my vacation. I did not go once. We did tons of boating and swimming. I do not want to get on the scale tomorrow as I know it’s going to be horrible. Since I have come home I have been eating fish, chicken and salad. Hoping it helps a little.
  • Stimpy56
    Stimpy56 Posts: 610 Member
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    PW: 247.0
    CW: 245.0

    Not bad for the week. Stay Motivated Team!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm i posted my weight with you on Saturday August 3rd. I was away last weekend. I assume you can look at the spreadsheet you keep for our group and can look my weight up.

    What was my weight on August 3rd? It doesn’t seem to show up in the thread anymore as I scroll back. Looks like posts are missing. Thanks!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,119 Member
    Cw 192
  • Laurabb99
    Laurabb99 Posts: 92 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 197.7
    CW (Current Weight): 196

    Still playing with the one pound. I'm days away from the first day of school. I'm tutoring again this year. I'm a little nervous since my MIL's dementia is rapidly declining with her over active bladder issue. I feel like I'm in the movie "Ground Hog's Day". The day starts over every time she goes into the restroom which is about 5-10 minutes. She's wearing me out big time.

    Anyway I'm still trying to focus on making sure that I take care of me, my husband, my five children, their schooling, and finally her. We finally got her estate documents in order. So, now we prep the way for her to be in a good facility that can handle memory care.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    @Laurabb99 it must be a very difficult time for you all. Wishing for some relief for you soon xx
  • Lizslonghaul
    Lizslonghaul Posts: 12 Member
    Weight in day: Friday
    CW: 271.3
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 208 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 205
    CW: 203
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 175 Member
    OllieAndEd weigh-in day Friday
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 175 Member
    OllieAndEd steps 08/04-08/10:


    Total = 163,177

    Had a great week camping on the beautiful Oregon coast!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,487 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    @minstrelofsarcasm i posted my weight with you on Saturday August 3rd. I was away last weekend. I assume you can look at the spreadsheet you keep for our group and can look my weight up.

    What was my weight on August 3rd? It doesn’t seem to show up in the thread anymore as I scroll back. Looks like posts are missing. Thanks!

    @daria0919 - Sorry about the delay! I've been out for work all week. Your last recorded weight is 192.9.
This discussion has been closed.