OCTOBER 2024 CHALLENGES - 10/01 - 10/31

cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
Let's try this one...
and maybe this one...
Let us know what you think.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Kathy I think stretching will help. Hugs

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    edited October 2
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Oct 31 Goal Weight - 163.2

    Sep 30 ending weight - 166.2
    Oct 1 - 167.2
    Oct 8 -
    Oct 15 -
    Oct 22 -
    Oct 31 -

    Got up this morning and did a full body stretch and 15 minutes on my recumbent while mom was still sleeping. I haven’t worked out in weeks but I’m determined to have a consistent month. Honestly I don’t know how I stayed in the 160s but I’ll take it. The unhealthy snacks have to go. No more stress eating.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    Got up this morning and did a full body stretch and 15 minutes on my recumbent while mom was still sleeping. I haven’t worked out in weeks but I’m determined to have a consistent month. Honestly I do know how I stayed in the 160s but I’ll take it. The unhealthy snacks have to go. No more stress eating.


    All my love to you, Kathy. Hugs.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited October 1
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Oct 31 Goal Weight - 207

    Sep 30 ending weight - 211.2
    Oct 1 - 211
    Oct 8 -
    Oct 15 -
    Oct 22 -
    Oct 31 -

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    I did another 15 minutes on the recumbent but couldn’t do another workout this evening. Tomorrow is another day. I’m so tired physically, mentally and emotionally.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    KAR1959 wrote: »
    I did another 15 minutes on the recumbent but couldn’t do another workout this evening. Tomorrow is another day. I’m so tired physically, mentally and emotionally.


    I am so inspired by you Kathy. You did good.

    Paula you are so close to onederland. Keep at it.

    I have been working out good. Sweat was pouring off me last night. Leg day. Pushups this morning and upper bosy tomorrow.

    The new corals I bought are still doing good. Added a coral food to my regiman tonight. We will see if anything happens.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Kathy, you are amazing!!
    Paula, what Shelley said!! Good job!
    Shelley, you are doing great, too!!
    Wow! You, my friends, are doing a fantastic job!
    Collin and I did 2 miles this morning in an hour. It was nice and warm!! No breeze. He napped about half the walk.
    I had my trainer for 60 mins this afternoon. It was a hard workout for sure!!
    Pat has a doctor appt about now. His knee has really been hurting. I'm glad he's going in for it.
    I'm gonna eat popcorn and read now. Bye!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris you rock. I hope they have a plan Pats knee soon. Rocky also suffered from knee pain.

    Worked upper body tonight. It was a great session. Lots of variety. But pulling this sled thing by a rope really was awful! I will get better.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris did yu eat that popcorn and read. Sounded relaxing.

    Pushups tonight. Sore from yesterday a little. But not excessive. Wish I would walk more. Chris I envy your tenacity about walking.

    night all
  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday!

    It's been a fairly hectic week but so glad we're at the weekend :-) our kitchen is done! Thank goodness. I spent the past week organizing, donating, decorating. Really pleased with how it turns out. I'll put a couple of before and after pictures here. So nerve-wracking to pick colors and textures, but I think we nailed it :-)

    Parenting is not for the faint at heart :-) Bella admitted to struggling a bit in school and yesterday had a fender bender. This is really challenging just after having a major accident. I'm curious if they may need to wear glasses so we will get them to the eye doctor.

    I feel a bit more focused around the eating. I hope I don't jinx myself :-) but directionally correct.

    Paula - So excited for you to see that number continue to go down :-) well done!

    It finally stopped raining here. We had rain for days and days. I decided to work from home yesterday so I could go out and walk and it was just so beautiful. Perfect fall asleep weather :-)

    Highest weight ever: 306 (2013)
    Ultimate goal weight: 165
    10/3 - 187.6
    10/4 - 186
    October goal - 180
  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Here are some before and after pictures of the kitchen. I am fairly obsessed with the tile :-) We have so much more cabinet space than we did before. And having the peninsula to do food prep is just glorious. The counters were so wonky before. We do a ton of cooking and host all of the holidays at my house. Really happy 😊
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    We had Collin this morning and he and I went to see the horses, goats and ducks!! It was a good walk 2.35 in 60 mins.
    Had my trainer at noon for 60 mins. Tough workout!
    I'm planning on walking to the post office tomorrow and to the Ruins on Sunday. It's suppose to hit 103 both days...ugh!
    The kids are getting ready for a trip to Disneyland starting Sunday. We'll have Bean for the week while they are gone. That means I may be able to walk Tues and Thurs if it's not too hot in the morning.
    Have a good rest of the day, my friends.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula I really like your new improved kitchen.

    sorry guys, my eye keep shutting

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Chris - I need your trainer!

    Did a beautiful hour walk this morning. So nice and chilly now that fall is here.

    Jim and I are going out for Greek to celebrate our anniversary and then to a comedy show tonight. I can certainly use some laughing after the month that I have had :-)

    Hope everybody has a great Saturday!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    edited October 5
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Shelley!!! I hope you have a great day! EAT CAKE11
    Karen, beautiful pictures! Happy Anniversary to you two! And if you live in Tennessee, my trainer will me moving there in about 2 years. Her family all live there now. Her husband will retire in 2 years. Unless she sells her book (not quite finished) and becomes rich and famous, she will have to move. They won't be able to afford California then. :'(:'(:'( I don't know what I'm gonna do then... :'(:'(:'( We have been together 11 years!! I have been to Tennessee...nooooo thank you!!!
    I got to sleep in this morning until almost 10:00!! After getting up at 6:30 every morning all week then tending to Collin, I needed to sleep in. Couldn't walk, tho, because by then it was 83 degrees outside with NO wind!! Gonna hit 104 pretty soon. I will walk tomorrow morning. Must go to the post office.
    That's it for now. Have a great day, my friends.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    edited October 6
    Thanks Chris. Today was filled with family and friends. And the mountain. And cake!

    Karen happy anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful evening.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    I did 5.38 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back. The weather was a little strange. I left the house at 7:20 and it was really nice, by the time I got home is was muggy!! There were lots of pretty clouds and a tiny bit of wind. It's supposed to get to 100 degrees today. It's 84 right now at 10:45 a.m.!!!
    We have Bean while the kids are in Disneyland for the week. Depending how he is feeling I might just take him to the park tomorrow and throw a ball around...a ball which he'll pounce on and not bring back to me!! We'll see what he wants to do.
    Going to read now.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Bean is silly. I used 2 balls to teach Asuna to give. She did bring it back. But would not give it to me. So when she brought it I threw the second ball. And picked up the first ball as she went for the second one,

    Dug irises and gave them away. Did some pushups. Tomorrow is gym day.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Shelley, What a clever trick! I'm very impressed.

    Chris, I hope you have A/C.

    On the coast, we don't usually need it. My "A/C" is opening windows for cool night and shutting them in the morning - that's usually sufficient. But this last week, it reached mid-80's inside the house and poor Sherpa and Tigger are just sleeping all day.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Paula I just love the sleeping beauties. As far as the ball trick, let's just say I have had practice in innovation with my pups.

    Sara is another thing all together. That cat has ME trained. Dug up and divided irises yesterday. Still doing more tomorrow. We have been giving them away rather quickly.

    I hate leg day. I know I said it before. But I really don't like it.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Shelley, I'm claiming today as my Leg Day...5.47 miles in 117 mins to the post office and back...Boy, howdy, it was a hard walk...probably cuz I have a stupid cold!!! so much tissue was used!! I just wanted to sit down. Okay, I'm doing that now. :D
    I also cleaned the house for our housekeeper. She just got here. :)<3:)
    Paula, yes we have air conditioning. We'll be turning it on in a few minutes...86 outside already.
    I loved the pic of your fur babies...so cute. :*
    Going to drink coffee and read now.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Chris sorry you are feeling poorly. Chicken soup would be so nice about now. And a good book. Get better.

  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hope you feel better Chris!

    I'm in Canada for a short trip for work. Got here Monday and will leave tomorrow midday. It's a bit of a whirlwind, but all good.

    Bella is really struggling with community college. I think you all know that she has ADHD and anxiety depression. She's only taking seven credits but it's been a struggle to focus and get work done. She finally told us this last weekend we're doing what we can with the resources that she has to try to help. It's really disappointing and very worrisome. Sometimes it's just hard to know what to do to support this child.

    My anxiety is a quite an all-time high here right now. Trying to do my meditations and other things to feel better.

    Full day ahead here at work and then we are taking the team out to do laser tag and a happy hour. Doesn't sound like very nutritious food lol :-) I think what I will do is eat when I get back to the hotel. Trying to really be mindful here with my travel.

    Watching his hurricane from afar and it looks terrible. Saying prayers to everybody in Florida my goodness.

    Hope everybody has a good Wednesday.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Ladies I wanted to let you all know that mom passed away Sunday afternoon. She fought for three years but her body couldn’t take anymore. We’re heartbroken but happy she isn’t suffering anymore. She’s with dad who coincidentally passed away on Oct 8 while she passed Oct 6. Please pray for my family as we prepare for her service.

    I’m okay but the house is quiet and I’m not use to that. Here’s a picture of my mom that I just live. She was 88. You guys take care. ❤️

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,793 Member
    Oh, Kathy, my heart is breaking for you. You talk about your sweet mom every day. It's like I know her. She was a fighter. I love her picture. Sending you love and good thoughts. <3
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member

    So sorry.

    Your mom was always beautiful in the pictures you posted and serenely glamorous in this one, with the grey curls and ivory lace. So very sad to lose her (but it sounds like a blessing for her to be at peace).

    Glad that you're okay.

    There with you in spirit, in the quietness. :brokenheart:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,000 Member
    Kathy she was a lovely person inside and out. I have never worn a dress like hers. She really could dress. And so can you. I had so wanted to meet her. I feel as though I and she would have been the best of friends.

    A quiet house can be so lonely. Keep the television on. Or music. Sending you huge hugs.


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Highest Weight - 248
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 148
    Oct 31 Goal Weight - 163.2

    Sep 30 ending weight - 166.2
    Oct 1 - 167.2
    Oct 10 - 164.0
    Oct 17 -
    Oct 24 -
    Oct 31 -

    The loss is definitely due to stress and no appetite. It will probably come back.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited October 10
    Highest Weight - 317
    Ultimate Goal Weight - 138
    Oct 31 Goal Weight - 207

    Sep 30 ending weight - 211.2
    Oct 1 - 211
    Oct 10 - 209.2
    Oct 17 -
    Oct 24 -
    Oct 31 -


  • kjs1228
    kjs1228 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Kathy - I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Mother. I enjoyed watching your adventures together and the many photos you shared.

    Sending you lots of love…
