What is your focus today?
Good Morning! Renewed vigor today! My hips needed the 2 day rest, so even though I won't hit my step goal, it was needed! :)
Today I am in training from 9-5, so won't get much done during that time- zoom on camera is required. LOL BUT I am having my second cup of coffee, so that's a good thing!
Ok, MK…. LOL This is the level I've gotten to with my work bleeding into my personal life! :) At work I do something called Scrum Master/Product Owner which is outside of my job title, but what I really want to do. That's what all the certs are for. Scrum is a way of organizing tasks to deliver a completed "product" every 2 weeks (think Project Management, but slightly different) Since I will be jumping (hopefully) to a new role, I need to have some "experience", so I've decided to "Scrum my life" to reach my household/Youtube goals! :) I work in "Sprints" (2 weeks) and break tasks down into small, digestible blocks to complete. I have fired it back up this morning because I will use this project as a case study for when I'm applying for jobs! :)
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So cool !!
Also, good morning! I have a 20z mug of … hot water :p . Nobody signed up for the 1-day water only task, so I tagged in for it. Missing my Protein Tea !!
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You've got this! 1 day isn't terrible! :)
I got a 30 minute walk in with Scott for my "lunch" break. We are going to start extending our fasts for a little bit. There are lots of great benefits to fasting (I'm sure you're aware) and since I'm still trying to take care of my fatty liver, I really need to do OMAD (one meal a day) or some 48 hour fasts before my liver ultrasound on 4/11.
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we do two meals a day. Breakfast is light, then we cook a decent dinner around 1 or 2. I have a snack in the evening. I stick around 1250 calories a day. I dont lose weight because I dont exercise. I am lazy.
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Sunday !
12 Squares done (and Board #1 Completed 🥳). I'll update tmo …. and make a new board for next week :p
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LOL Cat, you aren't lazy! I'm sure you do plenty of things throughout the day!
LOL I started this post then got busy at work! It's been an interesting day, at least the start was!
My list for today:
- dishes
- table/table cloth put on
- Darks (last load)
- sheets/blankets (at least 2 loads)
- Clean personal desk
- Pick my last fit deck, determine what I need to do to finish my Hogwarts Bingo card
I'll probably add more later!
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Oops I posted on the wrong thread again!
Omg I slept for 10h 43m
(Damn. With the new update, you still can't upload images from an Android phone)
Edit - uploading from laptop ~
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WOW MK! almost 11 hours of sleep! You needed it!!! That's awesome!
I slept terrible Sunday night, so yesterday was very low energy. I needed a mental break at work and personally, so I didn't get anything on my list completed.
Last night I slept great! Sleep score of 87! Keeping the list from yesterday and adding a few things in…
My list for today:
- cut up chicken wings and freeze in portions
- cut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrow
- Patty up the hamburger and cook for dinner
- cook the roast I should have 2 days ago
Create morning and before bed routine- dishes
- table/table cloth put on
- Island
- Darks (last load)
- sheets/blankets (at least 2 loads)
- Clean personal desk
- Pick my last fit deck, determine what I need to do to finish my Hogwarts Bingo card
Morning routine:
- make bed
- Clean teeth (aligners)
- Empty DW
Before bed routine:
- Wash/moisturize face
- load dw/run as necessary
- brush teeth
What am I missing?
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- cut up chicken wings and freeze in portions
- cut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrow
- Patty up the hamburger and cook for dinner
- cook the roast I should have 2 days ago
- dishes
- table/table cloth put on
- Island
- Darks (last load)
- sheets/blankets (at least 2 loads)- First load started
- Clean personal desk
Pick my last fit deck, determine what I need to do to finish my Hogwarts Bingo cardCreate morning/before bed routine
Morning Routine:
- Make bed
- Brush teeth (aligners)
- Empty DW
Before Bed Routine:
- Load DW/Start as needed
- Wash face/moisturize
- Brush teeth
What am I missing? I guess I'm just trying to keep it simple so I can get back into being consistent
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Simple is best, then build on it when solid. 💪✨ 7h 12m sleep score 82 last night. Asleep at 00:27 - I did try to get to sleep before midnight tho! Not close enough to 'count' to cross off a bingo square (Asleep before midnight)
I haven't finalized my Wk 8 Hogwarts Fitdeck, tho I pulled 2 possibilities last night :p
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So, the last time we saw Hannah and Jonah (her husband) we were talking about chore games we used to play when they were kids, and how much she actually loved it! :) It reminded me that I used to use Habitica.com so, I created a new account the other day, and I'm spending time in it, because, you know, I don't have ENOUGH ways to track things! hahahahaha
I did add a couple things to my before bed routine:
- Clean Counters
- Stretch 15 minutes
- Work on H&J's blanket for 30 minutes
(trying to find ways to relax before bed)
- cut up chicken wings and freeze in portions
- cut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrow
- Patty up the hamburger and cook for dinner
- cook the roast I should have 2 days ago
- dishes
- table/table cloth put on
- Island
- Darks (last load)
- sheets/blankets (at least 2 loads)- First load started
Clean personal deskPick my last fit deck, determine what I need to do to finish my Hogwarts Bingo cardCreate morning/before bed routine
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Habitica.com …. filing info in 'interesting things' bucket!
Cool, Jenny! And wtg on desk, fitdeck, and am/pm routines creation! I'm trying to shift to analog so I'm resisting the (strong) urge to check out Habitica.com heh
Having a quiet day today, I think. I severely overextended myself in workouts last week, with the Rescue Sirius Team List Event thingie. Yesterday's monster sleep and quiet day was quiet rejuvenating, and I could go at it again today, but I feel like another quiet day would be more prudent. Fitibt agrees, my page today is headed:
"Plan for recovery
Your target load is low because you're at risk of overtraining. Taking a recovery day will help you repair muscles and prevent stiffness."
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Yep! Recovery is important! I had to take a pause for the cause last week, but I'm back and stronger now! :) BUT I'm also paring down a little what I was doing.
It is BEAUTIFUL here today, we have a lot of windows open! Including 1 of 2 bedroom windows! :)
Got a 45 min walk at lunch- Scott walked for 30 minutes (treadmills).
Habitica is good for the geek in you… you are on a quest (think D&D) to gain XP and Coins- there are side quests you can participate in and raise pets (LOTS of them!). But it's a lot, for sure….It reminds me of what I've been learning for work, but more fun! Gamify it!
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ahhhh, how nice you have such gorgeous weather, and are taking advantage of it!
I just got back from Functional Fitness Tuesdays - Resistance Bands class. I almost forgot about it :o
Glad/not glad I went :p. Still low energy.
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Tonight was just what the Dr. ordered…. a beautiful night, able to breathe and relax for a couple hours.. talk about goals moving forward….. it was a good night…
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I also made chaffles, put all food away and started the DW! Not perfect, but there's always tomorrow!
- cut up chicken wings and freeze in portions
- cut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrow
Patty up the hamburger and cook for dinner- cook the roast I should have 2 days ago
dishes- table/table cloth put on
- Island
- Darks (last load)
sheets/blankets (at least 2 loads)- First load startedClean personal deskPick my last fit deck, determine what I need to do to finish my Hogwarts Bingo cardCreate morning/before bed routine
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Good Morning! My keyboard is acting stupid today! :) If you see words mashed together, it's my keyboard! I am going to keep the list from yesterday and add on where I need to! I have already emptied my DW!
- cut up chicken wings and freeze in portions
- cut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrow
- cook the roast I should have 2 days ago
- table/table cloth put on
- Island
- Darks
- Make bed
- Declutter blankets
- Clean office desk
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Good morning! WTG on up and hitting the stacks hard! Just doing morning things. AM bg, AM bp, protein tea, checking in on MFP :)
I'll be working on Bingo squares today. Haven't decided which ones yet.
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It is beautiful out today! I already have the windows open- a high of 75 today is predicted! I am really slacking this week on my Hogwarts stuff :( I guess I'm ready for the break…. Sticking with OMAD (One meal a day) for now. With my aligners it's actually easier for me… Thankfully yesterday wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be!
- cut up chicken wings and freeze in portions
- cut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrow
- cook the roast I should have 2 days ago
- table/table cloth put on
- Island
- Laundry
Make bedDeclutter blankets- Clean office desk
Clean Bathroom counter
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Would love a good recipe for chaffles. I had one a while ago and lost it before I ever made them. I had forgotten all about chaffles until I saw your reference.
Gorgeous day. Had a nice walk. Eggs and toast for lunch today. Sometimes the simple things are the most satisfying.
Not a Bingo carder yet, but every evening I write down three goals for the next day. Today I had to buy decorations for my granddaughter’s birthday party, walk 30 minutes, and do a load of laundry. I marked them all off. Next week my list will be four things. I think this is going to work for me.
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My chaffles are pretty easy. In a food processor, blender, nutribullet (whatever you have) put in 4 eggs, 1/2 cup sour cream and 1 cup pork panko (pork rind dust). Mix for a full minute, then make waffles! We like these because they are not greasy and hold up to burgers really well! I've even toasted them! We love them for breakfast sandwiches as well!
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Got a lot done today, still working on a few things. Even though I had crap sleep last night, I'm wide awake!!! I will be working on the chicken and pork belly as soon as I get my millions of water bottles filled and in the fridge for tomorrow! I'm getting it done! It sure is nice to have 2 clean desks, though!
cut up chicken wings and freeze in portionscut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrowcook the roast I should have 2 days ago(I think this went bad… :( )- table/table cloth put on
- Island
LaundryMake bedDeclutter blanketsClean office deskClean Bathroom counterdishes
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cut up chicken wings and freeze in portionscut up Pork belly into 2 portions, cook 1 tonight into tomorrowcook the roast I should have 2 days ago(I think this went bad… :( )- table/table cloth put on
- Island
LaundryMake bedDeclutter blanketsClean office deskClean Bathroom counterdishes
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Wait wait wait ! I thought your chaffles were chicken and cheese?! lol
They do come out beautiful!
W-T-G !!! You're killing it, J!
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PS - I did not get a lot done today, but I will tomorrow !
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Good morning! I make those too, but they are a little more dense than the sour cream ones, and the sour cream ones you could add some vanilla to and make them taste like real waffles! They have a good neutral flavor! I used the chaffle mix 3 different ways- chaffle, pancake, pizza crust. Pizza crust needs more work, it wasn't crispy enough.
Up and moving this morning! :) DW unloaded, coffee being drunk, bed made (made Scott do his own side). I have all my classroom stuff done BUT the questions, so I'll work on those today. Time to make my list for today:
- Clean off table/put on table cloth
- Clean all countertops
- Clean Ninja Sizzle
- Towels
- Litter boxes
- 30 min decluttering family room
- crochet
- Clean in front of/beside drink cooler in office
- Take give-aways to the car
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Good morning! Fixed my protein tea, but haven't drunk it yet. Doing am bp and bg check. Bed not made cuz Eric is still in it, but the rest of am routine (except hair brushing, hm) done. Eric work schedule is later, he goes to be later.
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I'm getting lots done today! I even got my 45 min walk at lunch, looking forward to one tonight! An opportunity fell into my lap today, so I am working on getting 8 week health challenge weekly work created. I have a plan for people who are new to Keto/Carnivore/tracking/reading labels, but have to develop curriculum for someone with some experience with those things. I got my Life Coach Certification last year but was unable to use it much due to all the health things going on with my parents. I am excited this will be a 1:1 option and will get my feet wet and back into it!
Clean off table/put on table cloth- Clean all countertops
- Clean Ninja Sizzle
- Towels -Started
Litter boxes- 30 min decluttering family room
- crochet
- Clean in front of/beside drink cooler in office
- Take give-aways to the car
- Clean and season new cast iron pan
- Debone chicken, make broth
- Crisp up pork belly skin for dinner
- Complete Week 1 curriculum
Create Intake questionnaireCreate outline for 8 week curriculum
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WTG on that Task # 1 !! I've been keeping my eye on that one all week for some reason :p
Probably b/c my table is a raging hotspot !!, come to think of it …0