


  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all! My name is Liz and I live in Northern California. Used to run more distance years back, then let myself fall out of habit before picking up running shorter distances with my partner a couple years ago. Now I'm running mostly 5ks and 10ks, but have a half marathon picked out for Spring! Next race is likely a 10k Turkey Trot, unless I do a last minute entry in another 10k tomorrow night...and I do really enjoy night races.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Hi! I'm Mary, and I'm from Alabama! I've just made the giant leap of faith (in myself) and decided to sign up for a half marathon! I've been running since January of this year, and I'm hooked. The longest run I've completed yet is 7 miles, so I'm thinking I should just DO IT!
    Nice to meet y'all!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Hi all! My name is Liz and I live in Northern California. Used to run more distance years back, then let myself fall out of habit before picking up running shorter distances with my partner a couple years ago. Now I'm running mostly 5ks and 10ks, but have a half marathon picked out for Spring! Next race is likely a 10k Turkey Trot, unless I do a last minute entry in another 10k tomorrow night...and I do really enjoy night races.

    ooh, where is there a night race? I live in NorCal too!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hi! I'm Dawn. I'm from MI but transplanted in southern NJ.
    I used to run cross-country in high school.
    I'm not at a place in my weight loss to jog or run YET, but am looking forward
    to being able to again. =]
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    New to running, started with the Couch 2 5k in May. Since then, I've been trying to run, and race, and now train for a half marathon. Never thought I'd be able to be a runner! I literally couldn't run a block when I started. Now I'm doing 5, 6, even 7 miles at a time!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    Hi Everyone I'm Kat from the Buffalo, NY area! I just ran my first half marathon in September and continue to look towards more half marathons and a full. My goals are to run the Grand Island Half, Buffalo Half, Presque Isle Half, Repeat the Lewiston half in 2012, and then run the NYC Full in 2012 :-) I am starting to train now for the full so I have a good base and can run (hopefully) a Boston qualifying time as well. Running is not just something I do, it is a part of me!
  • Hi! I am Amanda from Houston, TX. This past July I started running with a goal of running a half-marathon. I am up to 9 miles with the goal race scheduled for January 30, 2012. This has been an amazing experience as I was 110 lbs. heavier this time last year. When I was heavy and working to lose weight the goal of someday running was something I focused on. Now, it almost feels surreal to be logging those 20+ miles a week I dreamt of just months before. I am definitely hooked. I want to eventually complete a marathon and possibly cross over into completing triathlons.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi Everyone I'm Kat from the Buffalo, NY area!

    Yay! Home! I grew up in the wonderful no-man's land between Buffalo and Rochester :smile:
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm Derek. I'm 38, married, 4 kids. I am in Spring Hill, FL(about 45 min north of Tampa) I have done several 5/10k's 1 half and 1 full. my next race in in February, the St. Pete rock n roll half. nice to meet everyone and glad there is a running group.
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Amber from Maryland. I've been running (and doing triathlons) regularly for about 4 years now. Initially it helped me lose 70 pounds but then during / after marathon training I gained 15 back...very frustrating! I've been stuck trying to lose these same 15 pounds for about a year now. I'm currently focusing on going sub 2:00 for the half and then I'll try another marathon. Nice to meet you all!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am Keira from Surrey in the UK and have been running since 2009. Before the age of 30 I had only ever ran on a treadmill for about 10 minutes at the most!

    I HATED running in school and still love to hate it sometimes, but I love the buzz I get after running and the thrill of finishing a race.

    I have done 3 or 4 10K races so far, my first ever was Race for Life in Brighton. I have also done The Great South Run (10 Miles) and the Reading Half Marathon. I am doing my second half marathon in Bath in March to raise money for MacMillan and also to better my time.

    My brother is my biggest inspiration, he has ran so many marathons & half marathons I can't even remember how many.

    I would love to do either the London or Dublin Marathon one day but there's no rush- sometime in my lifetime is good enough for me!
  • Hi all! I wanted to introduce myself.

    I have been running long distance half/full for about 3 years now. I ran in high school and stopped while in college... I started running again when I trained for a sprint triathlon 3 years ago. I was hooked! I have ran from a 5k all the way up to a full marathon. I enjoy half marathons the most just because my life does not always allow the time training for a full. Perhaps I will train for a full again in a few years but for now 13.1 is my favorite distance!

    I am currently 3 months pregnant and I have cut back to my running to about 2-3 miles each time. I have been having some breathing issues and therefore have switched to a more easy going run/walk pace. I hope to pick up post baby and complete a half marathon in 2012 pushing the little peanut along with me!
  • Hi! I'm Carissa and live in St. Louis. I've run 3 half marathons and will be starting training for my 4th which is in April. After that, I'll be training for my first full (October 2012)!!! I'm pretty excited but also VERY nervous about the full :)
  • Hey, I'm Daryl, I'm currently living in Frankfort, Ky but originally from Louisville, Ky. I was a runner in HS and college, took a 10+ yr hiatus then began running again about 2 1/2 yrs ago. Ran off and on for about 2 yrs before I started to finally get serious about my running this summer, which happens to coincide when I decided to get serious about losing weight :) Right now I'm tapering for my first marathon on 11/20. Looking forward to setting some PR's in the next year or so.
  • GateCrasher1
    GateCrasher1 Posts: 108 Member
    Tallyho all-

    My name is Cody and I just moved back to the U.S. after three years in Bologna, Italy. I've run a myriad of 5Ks and 10Ks as well as one half marathon. I'm getting back in shape and looking to run another half in the near future.

    I'm currently in Orlando, FL and am enjoying the mild weather right now as it allows me more outdoor time. Good to meet all of you!,
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    Hello! I'm Maureen from NS Canada. I love running! I have done 2 half-marathons, and quite a few 10K races. I try to run 4-5 times a week. Looking forward to posting and getting to know you all!
  • Hi:) I'm a newbie to distance running, but I love it. I actually just got myself up to about 7.5 miles today. Race wise, I have only done 2 5ks and have a 4.4 mile race on thanksgiving. BUT I really want to somehow magically be able to race in the new york half....and if I can't get any luck in the lottery for that race do one by me. I run pushing a stroller speed is not my forte.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm Marcy from Texas...and I just finished my 4th half marathon on 11/6. I'm the pace leader of a run/walk group at my local running club and have been running off and on most of my life - I guess it's genetic because my mom was a track star in high school. I took up running seriously in the form of running in a group in 2007, but due to a stress fracture - had to stop, gained the weight from being in a cast most of 2008. I started running with a running club in 2010 and was asked to be a pace leader this past summer and love it! My next big race is the White Rock Marathon (running on a relay team - my leg is 5.2 miles) followed by running the Susan G Komen Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in March 2012.

    Looking forward to the group!
  • VTGolden
    VTGolden Posts: 24 Member
    Hi All! I am Lisa, from Colchester, Vermont. I have been running for three years and started with a 5k and worked my way up to Half Marathons. It helped me lose 40 pounds! This past Fall, I got a bad case of Achilles Tendonitis, and on top of that, fell on my Mountain Bike and fractured my shoulder. Unfortunately, I had to pull out of what was going to be my first Marathon (Cape Cod Marathon at the end of October). But, I am determined to get back to where I was before the accident. In fact, I did a 12.5 loop trail run this past Saturday called "Run your can off". For each loop you ran (I did 10 loops 1.25 miles long) you had to donate something to the food shelf. It was sooo much fun and I surprised myself that I did so well.

    Oh yeah, and I mostly practice ChiRunning, which has helped me with current and past injuries. Amazingly, I got faster practicing it as well.
  • Hello Runners,

    This is Lisa from St. Charles, MO. I have been running for about 15 years now. Distance running for about 7 years. I've completed 2 full marathons and I've lost count of how many half marathons. My next run is St. Judes in Memphis Dec. 7. This will be my 5th St. Jude's half. This memphis course is alwaya a tuff one for me but the company is great and the cause is a good one. Exercise is not a problem for me -- eating right is a real struggle. Frankly, I'm clueless about nutrition. I also resent not being able to eat sweets. I wish I could transfer some of the diligence and energy I seem to find for running into a desire to improve my diet. My favorite foods are chocolate and Guiness. I have been chocolate and Guiness free for 2 weeks now and I've gained 1 pound. I am in awe of the people out here that are kickn a55 when it comes to dropping lbs. It's amazing - I've never had to meet such a challenge and don't know where you draw from to do so. I have never lost more than10lbs and those two efforts started with a stomach flu, followed by a temporary loss of appetite and then a half-hearted attempt to cut back on portions for a couple of weeks. I trained for and ran a marathon this past September. I was able to lose 6 pounds purely from training, but that weight is right back on me and I'm not going to train for another marathon for quite some time. So, I'm back to 15 lbs overweight at age 46. For the most part, this weight has been a 2-3 lb gain/per year for the last 5-6 years. To some of you, my weight loss goal may seem miniscule, but having never had to diet, being clueless about nutrition, and now suddenly having to make an effort or sacrifice for something that use to come freely..... well to me, my weightloss goal is more of challenge than running 26.2 miles. I've recently started seeing a personal trainer/nutritionist. He's tough. He scolded me for not keeping a food diary of what I eat. He told me about MFP and said I needed to beef-up on nutrition too. He said the weight gain women experience in their 40s continues into their 50s but it is myth that nothing can be done to control or reverse the gain. It's just not going to happen naturally or through exercise alone. I have to change my diet -- good bye guiness:( On the bright side, I dig this site. I think it's going to help. I'm not saying I have a plan yet but I'm exploring a lot of paths out here on MFP and I already feel not so lost.

    Thanks for letting me bend your ear!