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  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Hello 30-somethings! My name is Jose. Have been on MFP actively for since around April. Married 9years, no kids by choice.
    I used to weigh 255 back in 2007. Got to a low of 165 in 2009 before falling off the wagon in 2010 and gaining 30 lbs back.
    2011 is the year my wife and I decided to change things for good, and we are both currently below the weights we got to back in '09. NIce to have a group of folks around our age!
  • damecaite42
    damecaite42 Posts: 24 Member
    Greetings, all! I'm Kay and I'm 32. I've been married to Ben for a little more than four years. No kids yet (had a miscarriage a little more than a year ago, and no luck yet, but we're still trying!) but we do have three cats that are very special to us! I work as a speech-language pathologist in a private group practice, where I see a variety of ages, primarily preschoolers and elementary aged kids, but also the occasional high schooler and adult.

    As far as my weight loss journey is concerned, I was at my highest weight (around 200) several years ago (during college, I think, and then again a few years later.) This latest segment of my weight loss journey started in January, 2010, when I joined First Place 4 Health at my church (started around 175 lbs.) I lost about 20-25 pounds over the course of about 7 or 8 months, and then after my miscarriage, I got stuck in the same five pound range for about a year (150-155.) Part of the getting stuck was also that I had arthroscopic hip surgery in February (2011), so my exercise was significantly limited while I was recovering. I got back on track this last summer by going cold turkey on the sugary snacks at work (primarily cookies, of which I am unable to eat only one) and switching from dairy to unsweetened almond milk. I've been losing pretty steadily since then, particularly with my increase in physical activity, although I was recently told by my orthopedist that I should not try running again until the spring. (Running was the reason for my hip injury.) I had tried to add it back in this summer, but it made my hip start hurting again, so I stopped on my own. I'm actually feeling OK about laying off the running, as I've found some alternatives that I really enjoy. I had gone through the P90X lean program a couple of years ago, so I've been integrating some of those workouts into my exercise routine. And I got the P90X+ dvds, and the interval and kenpo cardio workouts give me a great burn! So I'm not really missing the running, which is good, because I was really bummed when I had to stop running the first time (when I injured my hip and got tendinitis in my ankle.)

    Anyway, I'm almost to my goal weight- in fact I think I may hit it at my official weigh in on Saturday. I did a closet purge (to get rid of all the clothes that are way too big) last weekend and did a little bit of shopping, too- I was so psyched when a size 8 from the clearance rack at Target actually fit! Since I was in the groove of changing things up, I chopped my hair (around 8 inches, I think) and am feeling great! I'm trying to decide what goals to focus on beyond maintaining my goal weight. I joined the 100 push-ups group, but that's only 6 weeks long. Still, little by little, I'm getting stronger and more fit. Yippee!

    Wow, I wrote a lot! But now you all know at least a little bit about me! :)

  • RunConquerCelebrate
    Hello I am Shirley and I just turned 33 last month. Have been married for 7 years and I have two kids 4 and 2. I have been here on MFP for a year and have really struggled with loosing weight fast like some people are able to. I have lost 20lbs and still have about 13lbs to go. That would put me at 130lbs, once I get there I will determine if I want to go down to 120 or just work on toning my muscles instead of loosing more weight.

    I have always been athletic or have done some type of exercise, I believe that after getting married, having kids and hitting the 30s this journey has become really hard.

    I used to run cross country and have trained for a marathon but due to a knee injury I was not able to run the marathon. When I met my husband I was in the best shape of my life I literally used to spend two hours at the gym everyday.

    But now I have to find the time to workout while juggling a full time job, full time mommy, full time wife etc etc etc LOL!!!!.
  • grace10241976
    Hi everyone,

    I am new at trying to eat healthy along with losing weight. So far it is going okay. I think about food all the time so that is going to be the struggle for me. I would like to weigh 135. I have 16 more pounds to go. I know I can do this but in the past when ever I start anything new I end up quitting within a week or two. One day at a time is all I can do. I don't want to plan to far ahead.

    Oh and I am 35, single mom and never been married.:smile:

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  • ginabina13
    Hey everyone! I'm Gina, I'm 34, will be 35 in January. I'm engaged and still planning my March 17, 2012 wedding...yes, it's on St. Patrick's Day! Neither my fiance or I have kids, but as soon as we say our "I DOs" we'll start trying. I have been overweight/obese my entire life and struggled with dieting for as long as I can remember. I've recently changed my attitude about weight loss and it's worked. I'm down a little over 80lbs so far and plan on be 100lbs down by wedding day!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I'm Kellie and I'm 38, so I only have 2 years left here before I have to move on to the 40 somethings, lol! I finally decided to follow this healthy lifestyle thing (lol) all the way through. I quit smoking and hopped on the healthy path in February of this year. Since then, I've lost over 50 lbs and haven't had a cigarette. Life is pretty damn good. Go Bucks!
  • Shoshauney
    HI All,

    I'm Shauna, turning 31 in a little over a week. :/ My twenties were super rough, my precious son was diagnosed with Autism and for a while my life was a mess. I have been with my fiance' for over 8 years and together we have been through it all. He was in denial at first about our son and I was so alone. Needless to say I let my weight go and ate more out of depression. Getting heavy and not getting excersize made it worse!!! Life has turned around for me this year. I can finally say I am happy and at peace. My boy has grown into a wonderful kid and is doing better then I ever thought. We still have to give up many things due to his anxiety but I woul do anything for him.. After seperating and realizing we could not live without eachother, my fiance and I became engaged about 2 months ago, and to top it off I left a super stressful job for something much better. Now I am ready to get healthier and live life! The saying "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" may sound cliche' but it is the truth!
    I really like reading all your stories and gl to all on your journey...
  • jsharpnack
    jsharpnack Posts: 37 Member
    Hello fellow 30 somethings!!! it's nice to have a group with many of the same concerns and goals. I am on my second marriage and have a 14 year old son, a 13 (going on 21) year-old step-daughter and 10 year old step son. I work as a district manager in Finance and I teach riding lessons in my spare time (lol). I have been an avid horse-person my entire life. I am a purple belt in taekwon do( along with my 14 year old) but have taken a break from that for a bit sice my father passed away suddenly. I find it hard to not hit drive-thrus in my busy travels. I am trying to lose a pound a week and am at 11 lbs so far. Looking forward to hearing from all of you and managing the holiday food cravings!
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    Hey, guys!! I'm Heather (of course :laugh: ). I'm 38 and married with 2 kids, 17 and 11. I work at home as a medical transcriptionist, which keeps me extraordinarily busy most days. The plan (god, I hope) is to reach my goal size of 6/8 before I turn 40. Can't ya just hear that clock ticking with Final Countdown playing in the background? :laugh:
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Hi! My name is Sheila and I'm 33 and a mother of three by three different men, none of which I am with now. They were all unhealthy/abusive relationships and I finally got my eyes opened and broke the cycle. I'm pretty sure that those relationships are a good part of the reason I ballooned up to 170 (I'm only 4'11") since none of them believed I could actually lose the baby fat/weight after pregnancy. Plus, they all ate horribly and I was always expected to cook them their favorite foods. Anyhow, that part of my life is all over now. I'm with a man who ACTUALLY loves me, who does just as much (if not more sometimes) of the cooking and cleaning as I do, and who supports me in everything I do. We're scheduled to be legally married this Feb and to have a big wedding in Sept.My kids are a (almost) 15 yr old girl who lives with her paternal grandparents and two boys aged 3 and 7 who live with me full time. They definitely keep me busy and moving most days! I'm currently working as an optician at a WalMart Vision center and I'm pretty happy with that. All in all, my life is so much better and healthier now in EVERY way and I am extremely grateful for it. I'm getting very close to my goal and hoping I can attain it before my 34th birthday at the end of Feb. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you!!! :)
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello to all I am 35. I am single and live in Arkansas. But like several others in this group, I grew up in Dayton, Ohio. Makes this world seem so much smaller. I work full time and have 2 hours of commuting time everyday. Needless to say, I'm exhausted by the time I make it home and it's hard to find the time to commit to exercise.

    But when I joined MFP, about a month ago, it was with the determination that I am going to make this a "for real" lifestyle change. I am committed to working out and eating right and watching the weight melt off of me. I have also committed to quit smoking and get myself back to church. It's a lot to take on at once, but figured it be best to tackle it all together than one at a time. With no junk food in the house, it's going to be difficult to gain a lot of non-smoking weight. I mean it's apples or carrot sticks...but no cancer sticks.

    I'm excited to get to know everyone in this group. I think I may have the largest amount of weight to lose. I am currently at 280 and have my goal currently set at 175. That may change as I work towards getting closer to that goal. Right now, my mini goal is 275 before Thanksgiving...that may be adventageous, but I'm keeping it on the books. If I am determined I have to be accountable as well.

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • shatcher80
    shatcher80 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I am a married 31 year old and a mother of 3 kids. I have always had a petite frame and weight loss always came naturally. Now that I'm in my 30's it seems harder to lose than to gain. I'm new here to MFP so I'm hoping I get my weight loss journey on the way.
  • hleeram
    Hello!! Heather here, i'm 32 and from Ohio. I got married in Sept. of 2009 and we have no children as of yet. Thats one of the reasons I joined MFP. To get in shape and prepare my body for having a baby in my mid thirty's. I would also like to lose this "love weight" as people call it. I have gained about 15-20lbs and would love nothing more than to get back to my average weight. It seems to be a lot harder now that i'm in my 30s. I think this is the perfect group for me and I'm excited to be here!!!
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer. I am 35 (will be 36 next month). I am divorced and have a wonderful 5 year old son (who will be 6 in about 3 weeks).

    I have never been over the mid-range of my "ideal" weight but have been quite out of shape. I have also noticed as I have gotten older that I am gaining a few pounds by doing what I have always done. I guess it's catching up with me. I enjoy food...and pretty unhealthy food at that. I have always been in to strength training but hated any type of cardio so I huffed and puffed whenever I exerted myself.

    I decided it was time to get in real shape and get heart healthy, though I still eat worse than I probably should. I eat at maintenance and am working on getting in more exercise and cutting out as much fast food and junk as possible.

    My goal right now is to be in good enough shape to complete the Tough Mudder in January without having a heart attack. That has been the best motovation for me, though I did fall off the wagon for about the past month. But I'm back on it now!
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    Hi i am Carrie , i am 34 until Saturday !! I am a mom to 3 kids , a daughter 17, one son that is 16 and another that is 2. I am married to my soulmate , he is the love of my life and he is doing this weight loss with me. I started this journey in Sept and I have lost 20lbs so far. I have about another 130 to go but I will get there. Anyone that wants to add me please feel free too.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I'm 32 years old, engaged & is planning to get married in 2013. Right now I'm concentrating more in muscle toning as I already lost much weight & is now on maintenance stage. Frankly I've never been this good when I was still in my teens & 20's & the last time that I wear a size 26 jeans (my current size) is when I was 12 years old. I can say that hitting the big 3-0 gives us many pleasant surprises that we never expected.
  • Kokuzahn
    Kokuzahn Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all! I have been using MFP for a while, but have never ventured out into the community. I have been on a weight loss/fitness down hill slope for a couple of months and trying hard to get back on track. I quit smoking in Oct, so far so good...but I have gained 15 lbs back. I start again today, back on track. I am looking for others my age to both be supportive as well as for their support. 30 lbs to go!
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    Hi All *waves*

    I will be turning 30 in January which is actually what got me started to try lose weight before then. Married, no kids, but have two gorgeous Great Danes:)
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello!! Heather here, i'm 32 and from Ohio. I got married in Sept. of 2009 and we have no children as of yet. Thats one of the reasons I joined MFP. To get in shape and prepare my body for having a baby in my mid thirty's. I would also like to lose this "love weight" as people call it. I have gained about 15-20lbs and would love nothing more than to get back to my average weight. It seems to be a lot harder now that i'm in my 30s. I think this is the perfect group for me and I'm excited to be here!!!

    haha I called it my "honeymoon weight"! ;)
  • novamegs
    Hi! I'm Megan, I'm from northern virginia and I turn 30 the day after thanksgiving, so I hope you don't mind that I joined a little prematurely! I'm married, no kids, and work as a meeting planner, so I travel a lot. Please feel free to add me, I'm always looking for new MFP friends!
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