Ravenclaw Common Room



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I did really good today with bypassing my after-lunch candy craving! But then when I got home, my hubby had the chips out and I went right for them :grumble: Maybe I need to add no after-work snacking to my challenge too.

    We're still waiting for weigh-ins from:


    Let's go Ravenclaw!!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw and happy tuesday!! i'm trying to change up my workouts as i hadn't been burning as many calories with my routine so i tried an old dvd i found in the closet. it was the turbojam kickboxing workout. burned just ok as i had trouble keeping up and figuring out what they were doing. i suppose i should give it another try to see if i do better once i learn the moves. may just go back to the biggest loser dvd. looks like bike riding is out for the time being. chiropractor said to see if staying off of it would relieve my back pain, and (sorry to say) it has :grumble: . gonna have to find other thing that are fun i guess.
    hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hi guys, my weigh in is late again - but I'm still maintaining at 140.8lb.

    My apologies I haven't been a very good Ravenclaw lately and haven't been around to participate and lend my support. I've finished my exams for the year now so I should be ok, but I've just come down with a bad cold so I'll probably be inactive for a few more days. Hoping to be back logging my calories and posting by next week.

    Hope you're all doing well :smile:
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    good morning ravenclaws! wish me luck today, I'm going out to interview for internships at accounting firms! I'm so nervous! if i get one it'll really help out because most of them are paid and i get to stay in school and it counts as credit! eeeeee
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Sorry I didn't log yesterday- had a work meltdown which took HOURS to fix- and I don't have hours free I'm a teacher so these hours were spent during prep/lunch/and last night after the kids went to bed.

    Today's Stats (Monday/Tuesday)
    Food (no snacking between 3-5): +2
    Exercise (60 minutes): +2
    Spirit: +1
    House Points: 222

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS: 9
    House Points: 222
  • Addeyfit
    Hello Ravenclaws

    I'm hoping you will accept me in your Ravenclaw group. I just joined MFP yesterday so this a perfect way for me to stay motivated. Look I already earned 1 House Spirit OWL, 1 Food OWL and 1 Exercise OWL ...Woo Hoo!

    Starting Weight: 235 lbs = no weight lost - I will weight in next Monday morning before breakfast and post my results here!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws

    I'm hoping you will accept me in your Ravenclaw group. I just joined MFP yesterday so this a perfect way for me to stay motivated. Look I already earned 1 House Spirit OWL, 1 Food OWL and 1 Exercise OWL ...Woo Hoo!

    Starting Weight: 235 lbs = no weight lost - I will weight in next Monday morning before breakfast and post my results here!
    Welcome Addeyfit! If you go to my profile (just click on my picture), you will find a link to the house challenges. We start a new in-house challenge each week after our weigh-in - this is how your earn your OWLs and they are used to determine each week's Prefects. The Inter-House challenge is based on the total number of exercise minutes you accumulate throughout the week - these are your house points. If you have any questions as all, feel free to email me!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    oh man guys i didnt weigh this week i feel to much like a fatty that binged on egg nog and ice cream. Put me in Detention and i will do better this week.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    feeling the desire/need to binge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Afternoon Ravenclaws!

    I found out something important about myself by doing this exercise challenge. One would think it's easy not to eat after 9pm, and still meet your calories. I, however, have found this difficult. I work all day, and have class until 10pm 3 days a week. I've only been successful once. Dinner at 5 is too early, and I often find myself below 1500 calories by 10.

    I do think I have a plan. I pack my lunch everyday which works out great. I think I also need to pack a night meal to help, eet my target. I could eat it around 8pm and then I wouldn't have to worry. I'll try on Wednesday night and see how it goes.
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Between 8 and 10 pm every single night for me is a battle, no matter what I eat and when. I'll do great up until about an hour after dinner, no matter how much I ate. It's my trigger time. I really hope your plan works!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good evening Ravenclaw! OK - Sami, you're in detention - no trips to Hogsmeade for you!

    Penny - I've been bingy today too. I'm making it through my challenge and staying away from the candy at work, but when I get home - I just want to dig into the chips! ARGHHHH!

    Korki - I hope your plan works! I find that I do much better when I plan my days out like that. Good luck!

    And now - the Ravenclaw results for Week 2:
    DefiningRaquel lost 1.69% - Fantastic loss, Raquel!!
    Korkster earned 20 OWLs - Good job!!
    Congratulations to this week's Prefects! Raquel, please email an idea for next week's exercise challenge by Thursday and Korki, please send a food challenge.

    Hey, guys - please make sure you give me your house points when you weigh in each week. If you weigh in and don't report house points, according to the Inter-House Challenge rules, I have to put a zero down for you (unless there's a valid reason why you can't exercise). Since the house points are an average of all our exercise minutes, that zero makes a huge difference! OWLs are in-house only - so if you can't keep up with them for the week, that's no big deal.

    I'm still waiting for a couple of you to report house points, but here is the current chart:


    Another great week, Ravenclaw!! Let's really kick some butt this week!
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Congrats to the new prefects and to everyone on a good week!

    Does anyone have any tips for lowering sodium intake? 3-4 of my meals are eaten on the way to or while at work and so I tend to go with what's easiest / quickest to prepare in the morning, which ends up with a lot of sodium more often than not.

    I also tend to be really lazy when it comes to preparing food. Does anyone have any quick tips that they've learned (my diet is protein heavy, so easy ways to prepare some lean protein meals are appreciated :smile: )
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Does anyone have any tips for lowering sodium intake? 3-4 of my meals are eaten on the way to or while at work and so I tend to go with what's easiest / quickest to prepare in the morning, which ends up with a lot of sodium more often than not.

    I also tend to be really lazy when it comes to preparing food. Does anyone have any quick tips that they've learned (my diet is protein heavy, so easy ways to prepare some lean protein meals are appreciated :smile: )
    I usually stay within my sodium limits pretty well - feel free to poke around my diary. I make most of my own food so I can give recipes for most anything you might see. I don't add much salt at all to my foods. If you cook something large (like a roast), it lasts for several days and limits the amount of cooking that needs to be done. If you can stay away from prepared, processed foods, your sodium will stay a lot lower.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    quick checkin...running a bit late. have a great day everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • Addeyfit
    Good Morning my Ravenclaw Housemates!

    I have a mini-success story... last night I felt like snacking and I've been trying to stay away from dessert foods (cakes, cookies etc) so I ate 3 dill pickles (with garlic). OMG they were so good and they hit the spot! I didn't want to snack afterwards or anything. Only 15 calories WOO HOO!

    Thought I would share...thanks for listening :o)
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Morning Ravenclaws! Didn't feel well Monday or Tuesday, so no workout sadly. And this week is super busy (professors are making us pay for having an entire week off), but I'm going to to my best to get some workouts in there! Besides, I may not the best next week, so I really need to be good this week!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm trying my best to be a good Ravenclaw, both here and at school! Its hard right now, though--three 5-7 page research papers due in the next two weeks that I have barely started! I almost started crying in class today from overload, lol. I'll get through it, though, though maybe a bit cracked :wink:
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Have been so busy I realized that I have not checked in, nor do i know what our owl goals are for this week. I will have to check it out. Only by dumb luck will i earn any i am guessing.

    Hope everyone is well.