Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    I'm marty, 40, mum, married with 2 boys. All gamers in my home so 4 xbox 360s, 2 laptops and a geriatric desktop.

    Started gaming on....wait for it....the vic 20!!! When you used cassette tapes to load a game, it took 3 hours and usually failed lol

    Want to get to 140 (ish)lbs after putting on 50lbs when I gave up smoking and working as a nurse.

    Home ed our 9 year old and studying for a BA history through the OU.

    Play most games except strategy. Love assasins creed series, elder scrolls series, (lego series but don't tell anyone:wink: ) and currently just playing MW3 and trying to decide what to spend my 3 prestige tokens on. Also elite founder...I have no idea what that means but apparently its good!! :laugh:


    gt on xbl SvelteMartine
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I wouldn't consider myself "Hardcore". LOL

    I am a 21yo female who loves to play games! I currently revel in the Battlefield 3 (from BBC2) and have spent many hours on WOW, and played in home D&D with my boyfriends family (they played it ALL the time!). I have spent quite a few days on Fable 2, and thought the multiplayer in Assasins Creed was the best (although slow in the loading...)! I love all of the above, but due to owning my own business and spending so much time with trying to lose weight I hardly ever have the time to do anything other than surf MFP.

    I have lost 15lbs, in the last 85 days, I've lost two of those :/ Its okay, I think I started to deduce I was under-eating!

    When it comes to those codes, you've got one lost cookie here! RP? I would assume that relates to Role Playing... spoke about that one... LARP? Have no idea what that is!!!
  • ahandziak
    ahandziak Posts: 2 Member
    Who are you!
    Age? 30
    Female or male? Female
    RP? I miss it =( But being a mom you have to give up a few things =P
    LARP? no...oh hell no. me + costume =awkward
    What are your weightloss goals?! I want to get down to a healthy weight in the correct bmi range~ so...140-150ish (hoping to lose about 120)
    How many pounds have you lost? just started so....won't know until I weigh myself this week!
    Walk on the Beach? I do other things on the nvm...

    Otherwise I'm a happily married mom who kills computer monsters while the kiddos sleep.
  • VinVenture
    I'm Vinnie, 21 year old female gamer. I'd RP if I could get that damn group together. No larping, too lazy for that. I wanna get a good cosplay body, and lift more than skinnyfat guys. (The look on their faces, priceless)

    In total I've lost about 11 lbs I think, not sure how heavy I was at most. I don't like walking on the beach, I prefer lying lazily with an alcoholic beverage and a book. I was never fat, I've only been various sizes of chubby ever, and aiming to fix that. Been gaming since I was little (3-5 somewhere), with sega and gameboy and PC.

    I'm also the clever kind of nerd, and I will several times in a day stop and flinch and think "I'm surrounded by idiots.."
  • gapm
    gapm Posts: 48
    I'm a 50 year old female, wife, working mother of two, and a gamer. I put on 15 lb the first month I started playing WoW. It was in February 2006 and there was a lot of chocolate in the house. That should have been a clue I needed to look at at my eating and exercise habits. The rate of weight gain slowed, and I've been holding steady around 185 for the past year. I hope to start playing SWTOR soon.

    I play on an RP-PvP server in WoW and I have done forum and chat RP. I do not LARP.

    I want to get back down to a healthy BMI and hopefully avoid type 2 diabetes. I also want to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim again. I'm just starting so I haven't lost anything yet this time around. After both of my kids I was able to get down to my pre-preganancy weight of 145 lb. I had gotten up to 210 lb when I was pregnant with my second; she weighed 10 lb 9 oz when she was born. When I lost weight after the kids, I was more active. This time I have not been able to lose weight even though I returned to the eating habits that helped me to lose and keep off weight before. I would like to get down to at least 155 lb.
  • siraith
    Who are you: My name is Ronja and I am from Vienna, Austria.

    Age: I'm 27

    Female or male: female

    RP: Absolutely yes. At the moment I play Skyrim whenever I get the chance to do it or old Hack'n' Slay games with my bf on our PS2. I am looking forward to the release of SW:TOR but still don't know how I am going to manage playing an MMO again since my lifestyle has changed so much (during high school and college I was a total EQ2 addict, raiding 6 nights a week oh my...). But my guild from back then will be with me and we all got older and got a life and so on ;) so I am looking forward to having the one or two gaming nights a week.

    As for gamign history: My first MMO was Ultima Online. Nuff said :) Everquest 2, Sacred, Diablo, Age of Conan, WoW, Aion, KOTOR, Guild Wars, Dungeon Siege, Baldur's Gate, NWN, Oblivion, The Witcher I + II, etc pp.

    LARP: Never got into it, padding a sword never seemed right :P

    What are your weightloss goals: Eventually I want to go to about 150lbs, my current goal is 187lbs

    How many pounds have you lost: I have lost 11lbs so far (I am now at 220lbs). I started working out regularly at the beginning of September 2011. I haven't lost that much weight since then but I can definitely see (and feel) some improvements in fitness and tone.

    Walk on the Beach? We don't have the sea here in Austria, but there's some really nice lakes, so yes!

    PS: Yeah, will upload a pic to my profile as well, but haven't got any full body shots (not very flattering) but since I'm here to change I will start with taking those pictures!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Who are you! ---name's Melly and I'm 25...Female

    I'm kind of a girly gamer. I love my silly little Wii games, but I like to get serious too and play CoD, Diablo, etc. I REALLY want Skyrim, by hubby says I have to wait until Christmas. BOO! I'm REALLY into PvP, its more fun, more of a challenge.

    My all time fav is World of Warcraft, I have been an addict for roughly 5 years now!

    I am CURRENTLY not playing any games because of the addiction. I decided to use the money I used for WoW for a gym membership...I miss it sometimes! I know, what a loser!

    My usual screen names are variations of Lichelle

    These are my weight goals
    [Starting Weight: 224.0 lbs]
    [Current Weight: 202.0 lbs]
    1st: 199.0 -25 lbs
    2nd: 184.5 -39.5 lbs
    3rd: 180.0 -44 lbs
    4th: 169.0 -55 lbs
    Goal: 145.0 -79 lbs
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Hiya, Nerds! I am Tiana, 32, female, and need to lose 30lbs... give or take a few. I've lost 5 in the last week (I know it's all fluids) and I like long walks off of short piers. Now... gonna go game while on the elliptical! LOVE TO ALL! :)
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Who are you! Sabrina! I'd say I'm a stay at home mom, but since the "baby" will be 18 in Feb, what I really am is a stay at home slacker.

    Age? 34

    Female or male? Female

    RP? Used to play D&D. Mine and my husband's first date was actually playing a game of D&D. How nerdy is that? In our defense, we were 15 and 17 at the times. We've actually been trying to get back into it lately because the kid has been wanting to play, but husband is a super ****ty DM so it isn't working out so well.

    LARP? No

    What are your weightloss goals?! 100 ish lbs

    How many pounds have you lost? 56.6

    Walk on the Beach? I live in San Diego and pretty much hate the beach.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    Who are you?

    Hey, my name is Igor and I'm a semi-geek :) I own an aging PC (about 3 years old now) on which I play games through Steam. I have the Valve pack, Medal of Honor, MW2, Serious Sam 3 and other fun stuff. I'm an avid PS3 gamer and a big fan of a first-person shooter style. You can find me playing Black Ops, Bad Company 2, MW3, and Battlefield 3!



    Female or male?


    RP? LARP?

    Used to when I used to be younger, not anymore!

    What are your weightloss goals?!

    7.5lb away from my goal and healthy BMI! Then, I will focus on my percent body fat and start building muscle!

    How many pounds have you lost?


    Walk on the Beach?

    Yep! I live right next to the beach

    I'm looking for friends who play games on here :)
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    Who are you!
    Kaline of Blackwater Raiders... oh wait we're in RL right now.


    Female or male?

    Of course!

    Hmmm... I might if given the opportunity.

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    I'd like to lose 80lbs... seriously I wish that I could hook up my RPGs to my Elliptical. Imagine all the running I'd do if I was playing Old Republic or WoW.

    How many pounds have you lost?
    Just Started so only one right now. Two weeks in... (I feel like it should be more but I've been working out cross training too so maybe I've gained some muscle too. Who knows)

    Walk on the Beach?
    I wish I had a beach near me to walk on.....
  • digitalsinner
    Hey there, Tammie here!

    My nerd vices include gaming, ranging from pen and paper, to 40K to MMORPGs. Mostly playing WoW at the moment. I'm a Resident Evil addict, I enjoy going to cons, though I'm not the cosplay type. I cannot, will not EVER LARP. I'm a comic book junkie and Wonder Woman will always be one of my biggest heroes. I'm a huge fan of the sci fi genre and fully convinced that Joss Whedon is a god. Star Wars trumps Star Trek and when I was younger, I just knew that one day Boba Fett and I would be blissfully happy together. I still have most of my old gaming consoles, ranging back all the way to my Atari 5200.

    I have a 65 lb weight loss goal. After my divorce, the weight slowly started to sneak up on me. I turn 40 next year and I want to do it feeling good about myself instead of embarrassed by the weight I've gained.
  • mollyb33
    HI my name is Molly :)
    Or Apples, 4pp135, or Apple Pi.

    I'm a 21 (22 in a few days) year old female geek/nerd/melvin who loves anything academic, technological, or game based.

    I'm definitely a game lover. I play games on all the different consoles from FPS to RPGs. I am definitely into RPGs like Pathfinder and DnD. I haven't really LARPed before but I have definitely dressed up for Renaissance Fairs and Civil War Reenactments.
    I also adore TCG and board games. My biggest TCG is Magic the Gathering but I love playing obscure ones like the X-Files Card Game. Honestly if it is a game and I can play it I probably have or will. :)

    Currently I have lost about 17lbs since I have started dieting. I used to be a very active individual but over time especially with my start of a career in Human Resources I've let my health get on the back burner. My goal is to get back down to my healthy weight of 135lbs. I'm really excited to have found myfitpal because it seems like an amazing community and I'm even more motivated to work my butt off (literally). ^__^
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    My name is Meagan, I'm a few weeks shy of 22 years old. I just had a beautiful baby girl on October 12th,2011 named Scarlett. Even with my newborn daughter and exercise program, I can still squeeze in a few minutes of gaming a week. Lol.

    I'm more into role playing games, and don't really like first person shooters, the exceptions being The Elder Scrolls series and as my MFP username implies, the BioShock series. Oh, and Resident Evil 5.Although many gamers laugh at this, I am a huge fan of the Harvest Moon games, which I've played since I got it on my GameBoy Color. BioShock 2 is my favorite game, and I'm dying for BioShock Infinite even though the story takes place completely out of Rapture. I find any sports-themed video games completely and utterly pointless. Either go outside and play in real life, or turn on ESPN. Or better yet, hand me the controller and let me play Skyrim.

    As for weightloss, I gained 40 lbs with my pregnancy and reached my heaviest weight at 340 lbs, which I already lost plus an extra 5 lbs before starting on MFP again. Since joining on the 26th of November (When my C-Section incision was cleared for workouts) I've lost 3 lbs, I've put this on my ticker but for some reason it's not showing it. :/ My boyfriend Nich is on here as well, (Also a gamer) and we help each other stick to working out and eating as best we can.

    My XBox gametag is BioShocked28.
  • NerdyXX
    I'm Brea. That's Br-ee for any of those who cared. I'm 24.5 years old. I'm a female, or an XX as I refer to myself in my MFP username. I was a hardcore roleplayer on the game World of Warcraft and participated in a heavy RP guild for over 2 years before they disbanded. I continued to play WoW for another 2 years until I decided I was too bored with it. I would LOVE to LARP, but unfortunately there are no LARP groups in my area so no nerdy dressing up and casting lightning bolt for me. :(

    My weight loss goal is to get to 120 or less by my birthday, which is in June. I'm determined not to be another fat nerd which are discussed on the internet at great length. I want to be one of those E3 models rockin' an awesome costume and a flat stomach.

    I've only lost 2 lbs so far. But I'm not done yet!

    Walk on the beach? Does it have cake at the end of the walk? NO. NO I MUST RESIST. THE CAKE IS A LIE. THE CAKE IS A LIE. THE CAKE IS A LIE.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    31 yr old male living near Seattle, WA. pretty avid gamer. I play a little of everything, FPS, sports games (mainly soccer and nba), horror genre, both on console and pc. My favorite genre is rpgs/adventure types. I was also heavily into the MMO scene years ago. Final Fantasy XI was my drug of choice. 8-10 hrs a day 7 days a week was normal for me. I tried WoW, EQ (for all of 5 mins lol) AION, 2002-2009. I finally had to quit FFXI b/c of my health.

    I got big. Nearly 500 lbs. and had diabetes type II and was sleepy all the time. I started losing weight and work on being healthier Dec. 2009. I am glad to say since Jan. 2011, after losing 100 lbs. I no longer have diabetes and my sleepiness went away too. Thought I had sleep apnea but found out it was all related to my diabetes. I still play games, 1-3 hrs, 3-4x a week. I'm also more active physically. Walks, jogs, swimming, weights and even a little Zumba. 5x a week.

    Besides gaming I have played Magic the Gathering, read comic books. favorite is Nightcrawler from Marvel, japanese manga, anime, also like my sci-fi tv shows. Firefly, Dollhouse, Roswell, Also non sci-fi shows like BtVS, True Blood, Angel etc. etc.

    Love Star Wars. Star okay......I did like TNG. and the new reboot/movie series. I also have gone to San Diego Comic-con for the past few years. I have friends that live down in SD so hotel costs are 0$ making it really affordable. Never dressed up. I may sometime. but I am a bit shy so probably not XD

    So ultimately my goal is to reach 200-220 lbs, and be able to wear cool geeky stuff like t-shirts and what not. Before I was 5-6XL in size now I actually fit into 2XL and can find cool stuff to wear!
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    I'm Mel, a 42 year old female gamer. Now I am playing Skyrim, did beta for SWTOR and looking forward to playing that. In the past I've played EQ, EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, Diablo, Diablo II, Starcraft, Starcraft II, Red Alert, Command and Conquer, Civ, Sims, Titan Quest, Total Annihilation, Rainbow 6, Doom, Quake, The Realm - wow, this list is getting embarrassing.

    My weight loss goal is 62 to 67 kilos. I've lost 59 kilos. Almost there!

    Still trying to finish my M.A. thesis. Not going well, what with all the gaming. ;)
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    I'm Charlotte, I'm 32 and I'm female. I role play Dark Heresy and SLA Industries. I do not LARP. I used to play WoW a heck of a lot, but stopped just before I got married in October and haven't really gone back. I've also played Guild Wars, Kingdom of Loathing and Dawn of War on the PC. I'm a massive Lego computer game fan. Currently gone back to Dynasty Warriors 6 on the XBox 360 with the husband, but it's not as good as DW3 or 4. I read sci fi and fantasy novels. I write my own sometimes. I also play a lot of board games, in particular Arkham Horror. I

    I have lost 22lbs this year, I have about the same to go until I'm at what I'd consider to be an acceptable weight. My goals are to be a UK size 14 all over.

    I don't live near a beach, but when I get the chance I love to walk on it.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    The name's Mike. 25 year old male here.

    I'm pretty much exclusively a PS3 Gamer. Mostly RPG and RPG shooter combos, with some Action/Adventure thrown in. Series like Mass Effect, Fallout, Final Fantasy, Infamous, Uncharted, and Assassin's Creed.

    I'm looking to lose about 15 pounds. The first time I was on this site, I lost almost 20. But I got lazy and stopped showing up and exercising or eating right, so I gained pretty much all of it back. My goal is also fitness through strength training and martial arts. Trying to live out the childhood dream of being the gamer nerd who can also kick the jocks *kitten*.

    I live in Florida, but don't get to the beach as much as people would think, even though there are a number of beaches that are about a 30 minute drive. But when I am on the beach, I'll take long walks on them.
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    Hi. My name is Ashley, I am 22 years old in Fort Riley, KS

    As far as gaming...
    I play on XBOX 360, gamer tag is: DMR Chick
    I play pretty much anything...but I prefer FPS (COD, Halo, etc...)

    As far as fitness goals....
    I currently an only about 5-10 lbs from my goal....this is just the hardest part. Currently 121...goal is around 110-115.

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