


  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Well, I accidentally posted a "hi new here" thread without bothering to read this one first. Duh!

    Anyway, hi again! I'm Jaci newly from Wisconsin (since August) but prior to that lived my whole life in Iowa. My husband and I have been married for 11 years and we have an almost (on Saturday!) 9-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son. I'm self-employed (hence the ebaymommy username) and work from home while the kids are at school.

    I'm a former I-hate-to-run person turned marathoner. Never ran a step until college when a roommate talked me into doing a 20K (yeah, as my first race....good thing I was young and stupid...LOL!). It was a lot of pain & suffering as we were somewhat undertrained, but finishing it gave me a huge sense of accomplishment. I did some shorter (5 & 10K) races off & on during the years I was pregnant or nursing.

    Then when I was about to turn 30 I decided to kick my behind in gear and get in the best shape of my life and challenge myself to do something I never thought I would do. So in 2008 I ran my first marathon. Decided it was sort of like giving birth in that after a while the memories of the pain & suffering went away and I decided to do another one. As my kids got older I bonded with a great group of ladies (3-4 of us) who had similar age kiddos and we ran together a LOT. We did a number of races together including 2 trips to Duluth to run Grandma's.

    That has been my biggest struggle since moving to Wisconsin this summer....I miss my running groupies! We spent hours pounding the pavement together talking about everything under the sun. I need to find some new people to run with here in my new town, but I haven't found anyone yet.

    Right now I'm planning to follow Hal Higdon's "Personal Best" marathon training program that is 30 weeks long which if I start this Saturday will take me to June 2012 and my 3rd Grandma's Marathon in a row. Gonna run it with my Iowa girls....and that will be my motivation to keep going this winter! I'd like to run a sub-4 hour marathon. I ran Grandma's this spring in just over 4 hours (4:05). I'd like to shoot for a BQ someday as well, but need to either get older or run faster or perhaps a bit of both. :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    ^^ Wow! Such an inspiration! Loved reading about your transformation and your personal running journey. Runners are such fascinating and inspiring individuals, and YOU lady kick some major *kitten*! :bigsmile:
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    ^^ Wow! Such an inspiration! Loved reading about your transformation and your personal running journey. Runners are such fascinating and inspiring individuals, and YOU lady kick some major *kitten*! :bigsmile:

    No, kicking major *kitten* is my grandma.

    She's 70 and has run her whole life but nothing longer than a 5K or so. When she retired a few years ago she decided to take up distance running. She ran a 20K with me in 2010....her first! This spring she was training to run another 20K and had an accident. A previously undiagnosed heart condition caused her to pass out while on a long training run. She was on a trail and when she came to she got up and started walking. She was found by someone out for a walk and taken to the hospital. Just a few weeks prior to that I had given her a Road ID bracelet for her 70th b-day and told her I hoped she never needed it. She did that day. She ended up with not broken bones, but majorly scraped up and bruised on her hands, knees and face as well as a concussion and 4 broken front teeth that had to be wired in. She was on a liquid and soft food diet for almost 2 months. Her doctor got her all squared away with medication for the heart condition and she is back to running again.

    Honestly, she's my inspiration. I don't know that I could get myself back out there after having gone through something like that.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm new to the distance thing and am only up to 6 miles but some days 3 miles feels like a struggle :/ Very occasionally I feel totally in control of my heart rate and feel like I could run forever, but that doesn't happen too often, lol. I would like to do a half marathon next year, but goodness knows I would only be racing myself. I'm very slow and more concerned with distance than speed, although I do throw in a few HIIT days to keep my metabolism up.

    I'm pretty plagued with injuries, in particular I get tendonitis in my ankles pretty easily. I'm hoping to toughen my tendons up and have my body get used to distance. I could always use advice! Feel free to give it.
  • Wisks
    Wisks Posts: 81 Member
    Hello, my name is Aaron and I live in Stamford, CT and work in NYC. I have been running most of my life with any breaks along the way for various reasons. Began running again Jan 11' and I could barely make it 5 minutes without stopping which was very depressing considering how far and long I use to run. But I ran almost everyday thereafter, a little bit more at a time, and 60 lbs. later I now I feel I am back to being a full runner again. Looking forward to a full slate of races in 12' including a couple half marathons and possibly a full marathon.
  • veganbabe133
    veganbabe133 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there runners!
    I am jodie, I have been running competitvely for about eh, a year now, since I won my first triathlon I really havent stopped running. In one week, I will be running a 10K turkey Trot, so I have been training pretty hard for that, but now its all winding down. (Tapering really is the best part!) I just finished a half marathon last month which I won! Suprisingly because I really dont know how I did that. Didnt train properly at all. Sometimes I lose motivation to go run, because I am a college student with a very hectic workload, but on days im very tired, I will do an uphill walk and flip on the tube, mostly to the Cooking Channel or the Food Network because I love to cook! :]

    All is well, friend request if you want! I lose weight to be a faster runner and I am almost there!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    Hi Runners,
    I just signed up for the suntrust 1/2 in dc. It's my first. It's gonna be on March 17, 2012. As of today I have 120 days to keep training.
    I thank you in advance for the helpful links and motivation you all share with the rest.
  • Orrgarde86
    Orrgarde86 Posts: 120 Member
    Just found this group! I am currently training for a marathon! and loosing all the weight to go with it! If you fancy giving some good tips to a beginner then please add me as a friend :-)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hi everyone. my name is Joni, and i live in new zealand.
    i'd never ran for a bus for my entire adult life, but one night in november 2009 me and my hubby had a massive row. he told me to go take the dog for a walk to clear my head- i was so angry that i didn't know what to do with all of this extra energy i had. so i ran to a lamp post. then walked the next 2, ran 1 walked 2. and, for me, that's how it started.
    i kept increasing my distances until i eventually got to being able to do about 500 metres in 1 go (bearing in mind that i was about 230lbs at the time). then in feb 2010 (on my first 5k race), i found out i was pregnant again. so all of that running went on hold, but every time i saw a jogger i was so jealous and wanted to be out there running too. had baby in the oct, and i started getting serious about running again in jan 2011.
    so, i started with c25k, then b210k. did a few races- nothing outstanding with the times, but my goal is always to finish without walking. and i am slow! then i moved to hal higdon's half marathon training, and did a half in sept and another in oct.
    for now i'm having a short break from the distance running- i feel like i've not stopped pushing since jan and just need a little hiatus to get the passion back again. so i'm doing 5k a day to try and improve my speed a bit over short distances, and also just to show myself that i can improve.
    but at the start of dec comes a 20 week training programme for the rotorua marathon that i'm running on 28th april 2012. eek- i'm really nervous. i know how trying i've found the halves, but i want the bling! it's all about the medal! and on 26th feb i'm running another half. i'll probably throw a few more races in there when i can.
    and for what it's worth i'm a mum of 3 under 5, and i work full time. admittedly my hubby is awesome and is fully supportive of me doing this, but if i can make the time then so can anyone!
  • ninamm3
    ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, I'm Nina...

    At the beginning of this year, I had determined I was going to lose 30 pounds before my 30th birthday. I joined Weight Watchers in February only to find myself at a plateau just a couple months in. Frustrated with the stand still in my progress, I wasn't sure if I was going to break through. On an afternoon while waiting on my kids at the library, I came across a magazine article which featured a woman who had lost weight and tracked using this site. I immediately looked it up! I found the site and the phone application to be extremely easy to use and began logging my food and exercise. I fell in love with running at the same time and began training for my first Half Marathon. Using MFP allowed me to be smart and make wise decisions through my training. Viewing the nutritional information was important in tracking protein, carbs, and calories. As time went on, I continued to lose weight and told everyone I knew about this spectacular new site. My 30th birthday came and I had reached my goal of 30 pounds off! I went from a snug 14 to a size 10. The very next month, I finished my Half Marathon -The Detroit Free Press.

    I'm still losing weight and MFP is one of the best tools in my bag. I just tried on my first pair of size 8 jeans and I'm now down almost 40 pounds! When people ask me how I'm doing it, I love to share how My Fitness Pal has been a huge part of my success. I began blogging about my journey as well as sharing healthy tips on my blog I encourage all of my readers to use MFP!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hi, I'm Angela. I'm in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

    I just started running in January and I'm hooked. :) I did 2 5k's and 2 10ks this year. My plan is to do 3 halfs next year.

    My next race will be in February. a 10k freezer.
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    Hello All!!
    Very excited to have found this board, lots of great info to be found. My name is Leigh, I am from PA, and have been running since this past May. I ran my first 5k on Sept. 11TH my second race was a 5miler in October and my third was a 5k in the beginning of Novemeber. I am currently training for my first half in March in DC. I am loving what running has done for me, opened many doors and I have met some really amazing people. I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    Hello - Elle here! I'm new to MFP and near the very end of my weight loss journey. Probably closer to stabilization but love the MFP community and tools. I started my journey in 2004 when I weighed 226 lbs - not related to any sort of pregnancy or anything, just plain fat. Today I'm hovering around 140 and feel really good about where I'm at. I started running in 2005 after being encouraged to start by my older sister who was a triathlete that herself had lost close to 100 lbs.

    I ran for about two years, stopped, quit being careful about what I ate, blah blah blah, gained a bunch of my weight back. In November of 2008 I decided to make my health a priority, started losing weight with Weight Watchers (can't say enough good things about that program), and started running once again. I ran my first 1/2 marathon in October this year, my second in November, and will run my third in December. To say I'm hooked on this distance would be an understatement. My goal is to continue with my training and conditioning and run a full marathon either in October of 2012 (Marine Corp in DC) or January of 2013 (Disney in Orlando). I absolutely LOVE the running community. The encouragement and support they give one another is unparalleled.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Mike and I live in Michigan.

    About 18 months ago I started on a journey that saw me lose 70 pounds, start working out, start running, and culminated in a couple of half marathons this past summer. Now I'd like to drop another 10-15 pounds and I just like hanging out with other runners :-)
  • nfrank43
    nfrank43 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello my name is Nilda. I joined cause I signed up for a half Marathon end of January and starting training about a month ago and trying to lose weight at the same time.
  • what923
    what923 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi- my name is Wanda and I'm glad I found this group. Newer to MFP but this should definitely help with the last few pounds. I have kept a food journal but usually just estimating. More importantly I started back to running in March 2010 with a goal of my first 1/2 in Oct '10. I completed three more this year and have now set my sights for a full in fall 2012. I see a handful of people with a similar goal for their first full in later 2012...I'm trying to get a group who would be interested in undertaking the Chicago marathon together in October. Not that we would 'run' together but I think it would be awesome to carb load together the night before and meet up for celebration after the race. I have gone to most of my races alone - may need the moral support for this big one.

    Either way- glad to be in this sharing tips and support through injuries (nursing a back injury right now that is giving me lots of hip pain). I live in the UP of Michigan and winter is in full swing so I'll be going thru withdrawl...only so many miles a week I can convert to a treadmill so I'm going to add lap swimming and x-country skiing to the aerobic schedule. Hoping for an early spring as my next 1/2 is set for April 7th in Illinois.
  • what923
    what923 Posts: 100 Member
    Fellow slow runner- as a friend so generously told need to be ashamed of our pace because it still beats all those people who didn't get off the couch to try :)
  • mscarolm
    mscarolm Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Carol and I live in Queens, NYC. I'm relatively new to mfp, and am struggling with the last 30+ pounds to reach my WW goal. I started this journey at just over 300 lbs, so at least I've made some progress, LOL!

    I've been a member and mentor with the NYC chaper of Team in Training, and have race walked the full Disney World marathon in January 2010 and January 2011, the More/Fitness Magazine Half Marathon in April 2011 and most recently, the Hamptons Half in September. I've just signed up for another season with Team in Training, and will be training as a run-walker for the NJ Marathon in May 2012. I think I need my head examined.

    I'm hoping to be a regular visitor to mfp, and for those worried about being slower, I am a "back of the pack" member and proud of it:smile:
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Hi All - I'm Pam from the Indianapolis, Indiana area. I just started running in March of this year, when I just started this round of weight loss - 30 seconds was my maximum time. I've walked the Indianapolis Mini Marathon for about 7 years now and set the goal to run my first half this fall.. September 3rd was my target - the 1st ever Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon, which was a nice toasty 90 degree day by the time we finished. Since then I've run 1 more half this fall and while I'm still slow, my speeds continue to rise. Currently continuing my running work with the goal of getting down to under a 12 minute mile for the next Indy Mini (from 14 minutes my last half). I did run a 5K under that pace in October, so I think I have plenty of time to get there. Looking at also joining one of the half marathon training programs that's offered locally starting in January to keep the focus. When I started, this year, was not sure if I'd really like running, but always knew it was a great weight loss tool - found that I love it, even now that I'm doing my long runs in freezing weather! Looking at training for a full marathon for next fall (which of course my husband things is totally nuts!)

    looking forward to suggestions and more ideas in the group!
  • love99lemon
    love99lemon Posts: 7 Member
    Hi- I'm Whit from Iowa and I was a cross country runner in high school. I ran the living history farms race for the first time this year as well as my first 5K. My ultimate goal is to be running half marathons, marathons, and triathalons. I've never ran more that 7 miles at once so I'm basically just trying to figure out how to get in shape enough to do these and how to know when I am. I'm so excited I found this group!