Hufflepuff Common Room



  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Sorry to hear I am not alone with the bad week...I'm trying to stay positive and now have come to the realization it may not be a bad thing to step back, as then I can see just how far I really have come. I resolve to get myself back (sort of anyways) on track until Christmas Eve. Stay strong fellow Hufflepuffs...we will make it through the holidays :smile:


    HP 72
    owls 3
    newts 3

    HP 75
    owls 3
    newts 2
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Wow, been really poor at posting regularly, sorry guys. I'm also doing pretty crap at logging :blushing:

    mY numbers for the week:

    NEWTs 25
    OWLs 7
    House Points 170
  • daddylion87
    Checking in ... NEWTS-0 Sorry HPs- 389 so far this week. Checking in at 199.2lbs
  • Molly_Louise
    I am officially awful at posting my stats! It's been a hectic week, and now I'm onto my 23rd day of having a chest infection, gahhh.


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 3
    H.P - 0


    OWLs - 1
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 20


    OWLs - 9
    NEWTs - 2
    H.P - 180

    How much food do you plan on logging on Christmas day, if any?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am officially awful at posting my stats! It's been a hectic week, and now I'm onto my 23rd day of having a chest infection, gahhh.


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 3
    H.P - 0


    OWLs - 1
    NEWTs - 6
    H.P - 20


    OWLs - 9
    NEWTs - 2
    H.P - 180

    How much food do you plan on logging on Christmas day, if any?

    I am in another challenge where I have to log all my food no matter how bad it is so I will be logging everything no matter how ugly it gets!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Yo. weighing in, lost .6 pounds which sounds piddly but I have stayed the same for so long.

    The week's stats are:
    NEWTs 33
    OWLs 12
    House Points 280

    I think I did a lot of dancing last night but I can't really remember and I feel so broken today given that I saw to a lot of vodka. getting points for being very drunk and rowdy feels like rewarding myself for bad behaviour so I'm not counting it!
  • msrobinson77
    No exercise in the last few days although I did plenty of walking at the mall. Have a nice Christmas all. I'll be back on when I get home and back to a schedule.

    Weighed in this morning at 135lbs.
  • Molly_Louise
    Weight is 154, I haven't calculated my stats but today I did 250 mins of exercise.

    Not logging again until Monday.

    Happy Christmas one and all xox
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone gets what they want this year!
    HP 100
    newts 2
    owls 5

    HP 1
    newts 4
    owls 6

    HP 0
    newts 2
    owls 0
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I did. I was horrible at logging on last week, I did not exercise at all except for the walking and walking I did Christmas shopping. So sorry, no house points for last week. Here are my stats

    Weight 12/26 161.4
    House pts.: 0
    Newts: 16 --wasn't good about keeping track of food, but those are the ones I remember.

    Great job to those that tracked through the holidays. I did not see any new challenges posted, so will continue to follow last weeks.
    Now it is back to business as usual. : )
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Special Challenge for this week ...

    Lunges .... Each lung (one on each leg) is worth 1 OWL
    Protein ... The goal is to reach your minimum protein intake recommended by MFP. Protein is so important with weight loss. It keeps you full for longer. Each day you reach your protein goal you will receive 10 NEWTS if you make it halfway 5 NEWTs.

    Also try to post something nice or encouraging to your fellow Hufflepuffs. Respond to their posts. We need to liven up our board again. I know we are just getting through the Holidays, but we can still put in some effort.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Sorry, it just felt like I was talking to myself for a while. I hope everyone got through the last week relatavely unscathed...and if a few pounds have gone on, at least you probably had a nice time and you all know that you will be able to get rid of it again. :smile: It would be nice to see everyone on here again!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Nice Christmas...then the belly bugs hit (as my sister explains this to my niece)...Water is the only substance I am keeping know it is bad when I actually call off work. No lunges/protein in the next day or 2.
    weight at 204 2 pounds up...haven't weighed since this all began...I know I am down lots of weight d/t dehydration---which I realize is not a good thing!
    Take care everyone...I'll be back on tomorrow. I too miss the activity of the board

    bumflapassass great job getting so close to goal at Christmas time :smile:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello out there!!! I wonder if everyone is just on vacation ???
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all

    I'm sorry I haven't been active on the common room lately, I've been so busy and after 27 days, I finally managed to beat my chest infection. I've been working a lot extra over Christmas so I've been more tired than usual. I feel like I've hit a brick wall with my weight loss. I'm so lethargic and just exhausted, I feel like I need a month off to get over Christmas! I probably won't be weighing in this weekend, just because I'm working so much and I feel like I can make a brand new start of the new year. I'm hoping to kick start my weight loss as soon as January 1st rolls around, who's with me?!

    Okay, stats. Wow I haven't calculated all of these for a while! I'll work my OWLs out from the 27th, since that was the day it was posted but my NEWTs I can check in the history of my diary. If you'd prefer to just record my NEWTs from after the 27th that's fine Queeda :smile: Here goes...


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 10
    H.P - 0


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 0


    OWLs - 24
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 170


    OWLs - 30
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 15


    OWLs - 10
    NEWTs - 5
    H.P - 150

    I know it's Christmas and I know people may be away for Christmas and/or don't have time to come and post here but I'm really worried that Hufflepuff is going to fall apart! Now clearly that's the last thing I want so we need to recruit some more members!! We also need to talk a lot more, and given that this group mainly consists of females - I never thought we'd have an issue with a lack of conversation! We've tried the "getting to know you" things but I was thinking we could try and come up with a new years resolution or two for the group? It's a long shot but it's worth it.

    I was thinking maybe acheive 500 minutes of exercise (so 500 house points) as a group a week? I'm sure we all exceed this but it's more motivation to do more exercise and more motivation to win the house cup. I know that I personally find it more motivational when I know exercise is being done with some one else, so we can all pull together and do this.

    Or how about a monthly challenge separate to the OWLs, NEWTs and house point challenge? We could work towards something as a group, such as eating 100 pieces of fruit and veg a month. It'll mean that someone has to keep track of that, which I am happy to do if you're all willing to join in? I don't know..only a couple of suggestions which don't need to be taken seriously but we need to be more active within Hufflepuff since we're the best and now there's only a handful of us left standing!
  • msrobinson77
    Hello all! Back home from my holiday travels. It was a wonderful week, but I definitely did not eat the way I should. I am soooo ready to drop the rest of this weight! My resolution is to eat less processed foods and to lose 8 lbs by Feb. 14th. What's yours???
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    So. Despite my efforts to eat less than everyone else at the table I have managed to put on 5 pounds this week. This is about half of my weightloss overall back on :grumble: It's my sister's birthday tomorrow so tonight I'm hosting a party for her. I am going to get stinking drunk and have a piece of cake and then from whenever I've sobered up I'm going to go to the gym and lose it all again.

    Resolutions for me are to stop smoking and to carry on with my health and fitness thing; mainly training myself to eat more healthily and exercise some self control around very nice food. I also hope to be able to run a decent distance by the end of 2012.

    Molly, I was having the same thoughts. I don't want Hufflepuff to fall apart - we're obviously the best house. I've looked at the other houses and our message board was by far the friendliest and most active. Also we have had a bit of a winning streak going on with the house cup!

  • msrobinson77
    For the protein/ lunges mini challenge-
    T 5 newts
    W 5 newts
    Th 10 newts
    F 5 newts, 2O house points

    I am feeling good today-feeling motivated. I weighed in at 137 this morning which is a gain, but I know I can get it off! A tradition in our family is to eat black eyed peas on new years. I'll be throwing mine on top of a big plate of nachos. I have a bottle of champaign chilling and will be staying in with my hunny to celebrate the new year. Dinner will be high in calories so i am heading to zumba for an awesome workout. Happy new year to all! Let's get back to business!!!!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member

    My weight for the week is 199. WOOHOO I made it to onederland :happy: -okay so I had a little help this week, but the positive of the illness is that it has reset my sugar/food cravings (it was looking bad after the holidays!), and I hope this can motivate me to stay on track
    No owl's or newts for this week
    combined HP for this week 205

    My resolutions
    decreasing processed food consumption, buying most of my food from the local farmers market
    reach goal weight (1 pound per week)
    complete 3 sprint triathlons,
    complete Komen's race for the cure (5k)
    complete a 25 mile cycling event for diabetes.
    walk to the local shopping center (about 30 min roundtrip) unless I will be going directly to work, or in the case of heavy rain.
    Totally unrelated to my health: get 400 miles per tank of gas (currently at 325-350). I am pretty sure it can be achieved if I walk to the shopping center:)

    Kudos to those who tracked and did well over the holidays, you were an inspiration that kept me getting even further off course, to those who did not do was well as intended..lets stay positive everyone...back on track and back on the journey to wellness and weight loss!
    Happy New Years to all Hufflepuffs :drinker: