Graduation Announcements!



  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Congratulations to our current list of graduates!!!

    - a_stronger_steph, September 8th
    - herillussion, September 27th
    - ASPhantom
    - killagb, October 16
    - drblythe, November 3rd
    - u2fergus, November 3rd
    - kterrell30, November 6th
    - russelljclarke, November 10th

    Congratulations to each of you! You are all a great inspiration...
  • shanighias
    shanighias Posts: 169 Member
    I did my first 5k in july at 38 minutes!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Graduated on Thursday, November 24, 2011! I decided that the 5K I did yesterday was my final C25K workout since I ran the entire distance. My FIRST time running the entire 5K! The course was quite hilly so my finish time of 34:06 was not a personal record, but the fact that I ran the entire race is a victory!!

    Now, on to the Bridge to 10K!!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi everyone! I graduated in September 2011, it felt wonderful!

    I now do a 5K parkrun on a multi-terrain course every Saturday and my best time so far is 27:56 - and I was the second-placed woman today! :D

    I'm on the last week of Bridge to 10K and have signed up for a 10K race in February. After that...we'll see!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Congratulations, graduates!!
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    Yeah!! Today was my offical graduation day!!! But I have to say the high point of my training was 4 days ago on Thanksgiving when I ran my first 5k. This was on w9d2 and was my best day yet. My run time was 33:56 which I was very happy with!

    Todays run was not great, still recovering from the 5k thursday and a long night of dancing in heels on Friday plus a bit of a chest cold so was not my best at all. But I got one last day in and called it Graduation!!!

    My plan is to continue running on my treadmill 2-3 days a week. To help increase my speed I may go back to some of the earlier weeks in c25k and increase my speed on the intervals. I definitely want to keep running and pick up more 5k's in the spring. I live in Michigan and am a weather wimp so I will be keeping with the treadmill for a few months. :-)

    To all of you still in the program....keep with it!! I was NEVER a running and can't believe I have built my endurance enough to run 30 minutes! This is a great program!!
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I graduated the first time on June 25, 2011 but I made the mistake of NOT signing up for a 5K right away and let the Arizona heat derail my running. So I have started over and expect to finish on 12/11/11 just in time for the race that I am registered for on 12/17 (my B-day!)

    My goal for the race is to finish in under 35:00 and not walk at all.

    Congratulations to all who have finished!
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    Congrats to all you newly announced graduates!

    I'll have to add a column for those who have done the program twice!

    Here's the newest additions:
    realrayne10, 25 June
    shanighias, July
    flabulous4, September
    Tobi1013, 24 November
    nborsh22, 27 November

    I am ONE run away from joining your ranks! you all are amazing!
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    I "graduated" the day I ran my first 5K which was this Thanksgiving. For some reason I can't seem to run the whole time while outside, but inside on the treadmill I have no problem? I ran my first 5K in 44:26, which to me was actually a personal best! I was averaging a 15 min mile... The atmosphere and race day energy helped alot. I plan to re-start the program and increase my speed. But to everyone else out there on this program keep with it! It is so worth it! In August I couldn't even run for 30 sec now I can proudly say I finished my first 5K!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Nice! I don't officially graduate until the end of this week. I'll probably do my final run on Saturday or Sunday. But I did run in my first 5k race last week! I completed it in around 36 minutes (didn't actually get an exact time, but it was around there). I probably won't run another one until, oh, April? It's going to be cold here in MN for a while...

    But my general plan is to keep running around 3 times a week, and get in a 5k distance about once a week at least.
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I graduated yesterday, December 1st! My plan is to run an official 5K on January 28th to give myself some time to get my speed up. I start Bridge to 10K on Sunday. I can't believe that at the age of 57 I've discovered that I like to run!!!!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I graduated yesterday, December 1st! My plan is to run an official 5K on January 28th to give myself some time to get my speed up. I start Bridge to 10K on Sunday. I can't believe that at the age of 57 I've discovered that I like to run!!!!
    Awesome! :drinker:
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    I graduated today, i ran 5K in 34 minutes, i hoped for an under 30 minute time but i'm still very happy i made it. I'm going to try and run a sub 30 now and after that i'm going to start training for 10K.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    Congratulations to all of you! I can't wait to put my graduation announcement up around New Year's Eve! Planning on doing my first 5K on 1/1/12!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I graduated yesterday but I ran my first 5K on 12/11/11 which would have been my W9D2. I finished in 33:28 which was amazing for me b/c the fastest I had ever got on the treadmill was 4.8 mph and according to runkeeper I ran about 5.5 mph at the race and I ran the whole entire thing!! I am going to start B210K and hopefully work on my speed some.
  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    Started 10/28/11 and officially graduated 12/21/11, a week earlier than the program recommended... i'm so happy!:happy: let's celebrate! :):drinker:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Started 10/28/11 and officially graduated 12/21/11, a week earlier than the program recommended... i'm so happy!:happy: let's celebrate! :):drinker:

    :drinker: Cheers to you! Congrats! I'm a week away (although with the holiday it'll probably be a little longer) from graduating.
  • 79smudge
    79smudge Posts: 26 Member
    I started Nov 7th and finished today. Certainly not 5K yet, but 30 slow minutes! Now to work on my speed!! I actually am finding it hard to believe I did this... :tongue:
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I did my third week 9 on the 13th of September 2011! :D I did the time based version so it was 30 minutes instead of 5k

    Now I run 5k but it takes me between 35 and 39 minutes to run.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    Graduated early december-made the 30 minute time and so excited. I now am working on increasing speed:)