Week One Challenge: Kick the bad habit!

xoxMandyxox Posts: 104 Member
Is there something unhealthy that you do?
How about an unhealthy food you've been unable to give up?

This week, kick the bad habit, get rid of that unhealthy food, and stick with it for 7 days! After 7 days, you might have broken the habit and give it up entirely :drinker:


  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    This is an excellent and timely challenge for me! I enjoy my wine too much, and too often. I am going to kick it for the whole week for sure, and am actually shooting to give it up for the entire month of January!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I will not eat peanut butter without measuring - just one serving not one jar!
  • Alpha12
    Alpha12 Posts: 251 Member
    I will not eat peanut butter without measuring - just one serving not one jar!

    How interesting that someone else other than my DH struggles with it! Good luck to you!
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    Does this begin on the 2nd?

    I will give up sweets for the week. I REALLY cut back anyways, but honestly, I don't indulge in bad things very often.
  • katdouce
    katdouce Posts: 79 Member
    Great Challenge...NO chocolate for me for the week...so many boxes laying around from Christmas!!!
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    I decided a month ago that Jan 1 I wanted to omit sodas and candy/chips from my dietary intake. So, to take the year out with a bang I induldged yesterday, LOL!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    i shall not eat any sweets or cakes for the week!
  • I will not drink any sodas this week! not even diet.
    p.s. great challenge!
  • dlmadeja
    dlmadeja Posts: 109 Member
    I think I need to cut out pop, even though I drink diet coke I know it isn't good for me. Here's to being pop free this year (except for rum and cokes! :D)
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    i ALWAYS snack at work, on bad foods. So, I am going to try to kick that habit and replace it with healthier foods :)
  • No candy, cake, cookies or pie for me.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I have been at MFP since March and I want to refine my keeping away from useless carbs

  • Dstdiva01
    Dstdiva01 Posts: 18 Member
    I have a bad habit of not getting enough veggies in so i'm going to be sure to have some type of green veggie during one of my meals for the week and hope that this is a trend that will stick for the road ahead :smile:
  • I need to limit my intake of sweets. Especially candy. That's my addiction so heres to limiting myself to 1 candy a week. It'll be good for me!! Good luck everyone!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Cake....Time to wean off the cake!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I don't believe in completely avoiding anything (well, I almost completely avoid most bad things already so there's not much left to banish) but I'll try not to eat sweets or pop or anything for the week (I've had tons during the holidays so I don't even feel tempted to eat all that crap anyway). Friday I'll be having chocolate though (spa day with girls and we're having a chocolate fountain but I'll be eating all fruit with the chocolate! :D )
  • gem_cat
    gem_cat Posts: 62 Member
    I will not eat peanut butter without measuring - just one serving not one jar!

    i will not eat peanut butter at all! i count my spoons but sometimes i oversize the serving! no more peanut butter for me... :D
  • Michelle923
    Michelle923 Posts: 28 Member
    Boy, so many choices...sweets, portions that are too large, wine....hmmmmm, wine it is.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    no snacking on bad foods - too much christmas junk lying around, doubled up with eating more fruit and veg
  • mariliak
    mariliak Posts: 36 Member
    I will not use being at my parents home for the rest of the week ( we still have holidays in greek universities ) as an excuse to overeat . So I will eat as healthy as possible and no sweets for this week