Welcome! Say hello....



  • jenharrio
    jenharrio Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer, I'm 33 years old (duh, my profile says that heeheee) ;D. I just joined this group today, but have been an MFP member since April 2011. I joined the military soon after graduating high school (I must admit I was in the best shape of my life). It all kinda went downhill after I got out lol. I recently finished my B.A. in Theater Arts with a minor in business. I'm out in the job market and as a matter of fact, I'll be spending the first week of 2012 in airports and job interviews. I'm hoping this will be a good year for me. It's nice to meet everyone and feel free to add me :)
  • Fit2BShe
    Fit2BShe Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm She. I'm 37 and I reside in Texas. :smile:
  • madysmom99
    madysmom99 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there. My name is Melissa. I'm on the cusp of my 34 birthday (in February) and struggling with the idea of being "old". I am a part-time RN at a small rural hospital, a full time mom of 3 active kids (12, 4 and 2 - 2 girls and a boy), married for 6 years. I am just starting to come around to the idea that I need to take care of "me" before I can take care of "them". So here I am at MFP looking for some support from people in the same boat.
    I'd love to be involved in some challenges if they are up and coming and I never turn down the offer of friendship if people are looking for support and an occassional shoulder to lean on.
    Happy New Year to you all!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I hope all of you had a great New Year's Eve and are ready to kick @ss in 2012! If any of you would like some support or motivation please friend request me. I have learned that having a group of friends with similar struggles and goals are what make you successful on this journey.

  • MegTK
    MegTK Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all! Just turned thirty about a month ago. My husband and I were married this past summer and now I'm trying to get down to a good healthy weight so we can seriously think about having a baby. I know, sounds crazy to want to lose it before I get pregnant, but the healthier you are before you're pregnant (and are able to keep up that healthiness) the easier it is to get back there, or at least close to it. :)

    I'm a teacher and a dancer. I just dance on the weekends and take classes during the week when I have the time, but sometimes school work gets the best of me. This year is looking pretty busy for me and I've got to find a way to make it through in one piece!

    Wish me luck!

  • shay0120
    shay0120 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I will be 35 in about two weeks, I have been married for 7yrs but no children yet, my husband and I are both trying to eat better and get healthy for 2012. He just turned 38 and neither one of us are getting any younger...lol so that we can still dance and party together in our 60's and 70's it time that we start taking care of ourselves now :tongue:
  • shay0120
    shay0120 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck Meaghan I totally understand as my husband and I want to have children this year but I want to lose the weight before then, also since we have to do ivf this will give us a greater chance at conceiving.
  • Hi everyone,

    I am 32 as of November 2011 and have felt sort of stuck between the 20's and 40's so I love this group idea!

    I have been married for 7 years, work full time and go to school finishing up my masters. I am driven, except I have struggled with health for the past few years and after being told I have borderline high blood pressure I needed to change things.

    I have two dogs and no kids, we will seen in a year or so. For now finsh school, travel, maybe a new job, kinda flexible.

    Big goal for now is to get my weight down and get an athletic build. I think I need to lose at least 60 pounds so I am here for the long haul. I have been working with a small gorup and a trainer and doing metobolic resistance training- totally lve it.

    Basically, my goal is to be strong and look it on the outside too :happy:

    Happy to meet some meet and motivate some new people!
  • :drinker: HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!! Everyone calls me Mo. I'm 38, single, never been married and I have a 20 year old daughter. I'm 6'1" and I am looking forward to meeting more people so I can have others to share in my weight loss journey. I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds or more by the end of the year.
  • conlinmel
    conlinmel Posts: 3 Member
    funny I am also 32 and got married in 2008 but still feel like a newlywed. We have two dogs and one outdoor cat right now,......planning to talk about starting a family later this year.....joined this website to try and be a healthier version of myself for me and for planning to get pregnant later this year:)
  • TheYobana
    TheYobana Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm 31 and I live in Tucson. I recently found myself gaining weight and wanted some motivation! I'm a mom of a 9 year old boy and recently (March 2010) got together with my one and only true first love! I couldn't be happier, now I want my reflection to match how I feel! I look forward to meeting other people!
  • Hi! Just found this group and excited to meet some cool 30-somethings :) I'm 37 and live in SC. I've struggled with weight forever and the past year, I've gotten really serious and lost a lot, but the last couple of months I've been STUCK!! Starting a juice fast and hopefully the numbers will start going down again! Can't wait to meet you guys. Feel free to friend me :)
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Greetings everyone in my age bracket! I'm Robin aka Six. I just turned 37 in early December. I've been married for almost 13 years and have five beautiful little ladies ages 3-13. I started my weight loss journey officially on January 16, 2011. I had lost 37 lbs, but ended up gaining a few of those back recently. I'm not going to dwell on it because overall, I am far healthier now then I was when I started last year. This year, I am more determined than ever to get the rest of my weight off of me.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi! Just found this group and excited to meet some cool 30-somethings :) I'm 37 and live in SC. I've struggled with weight forever and the past year, I've gotten really serious and lost a lot, but the last couple of months I've been STUCK!! Starting a juice fast and hopefully the numbers will start going down again! Can't wait to meet you guys. Feel free to friend me :)

    Amazing loss, 123 pounds is no small feat.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    A big welcome to all of you new to this forum. Let's make some changes together this year!

  • Hi! Just found this group and excited to meet some cool 30-somethings :) I'm 37 and live in SC. I've struggled with weight forever and the past year, I've gotten really serious and lost a lot, but the last couple of months I've been STUCK!! Starting a juice fast and hopefully the numbers will start going down again! Can't wait to meet you guys. Feel free to friend me :)

    Amazing loss, 123 pounds is no small feat.

    Thank you! Only 90ish more to go LOL
  • Hi! Just found this group and excited to meet some cool 30-somethings :) I'm 37 and live in SC. I've struggled with weight forever and the past year, I've gotten really serious and lost a lot, but the last couple of months I've been STUCK!! Starting a juice fast and hopefully the numbers will start going down again! Can't wait to meet you guys. Feel free to friend me :)

    Amazing loss, 123 pounds is no small feat.

    Thank you! Only 90ish more to go LOL
  • jenniferleigh30
    jenniferleigh30 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I'll be turning 30 in one week and I'm hoping to make my thirties better than my twenties. I'm looking to shed the extra weight that's crept up and get in the best shape I've ever been in. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hello! I am new to MFP, but it seems fantastic! I am at my heaviest weight yet - Ughhh! My husband also just joined MFP and is a great supporter. He does not need to lose as much as I do. It drives me nuts that he loses twice as fast as I do and gets back in the swing of it soooo much easier. He could run a half marathon after a month training! Very proud of him, but I cringe when we compare. I will whine, but I will definitely keep him!

    My job has just had a change and I travel Mon-thursday. I really do not like it, but I am riding it out. It is only temporary (well, 2 year temporary with one year down). So I depress eat or late night binge because we work long days and nights. Glad to find the group for support especially when on the road.

    Happy Healthy 2012. Friend me if you need support and we can do this together!
  • Hello! I'm 34, soon to be 35, working wife and mother of a beautiful 3 year old. I'm new to MFP and would like to make 2012 the year of the rockin' bod!!! I've got some work to do, 25+ lbs, but I'm confident that I can do it with a little support!:wink:
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