


  • Hi everyone, I've been married to a sailor for 9 years. We are currently stationed in Florida (Pensacola area). We have been to Charleston SC (twice) and Groton, CT. I'm origially from Virginia and my husband from Texas. I have Family in Virginia, Houston Tx, San Diego, and Sacramento (and that's just my Parents and Siblings!) My husbands family is still in Dallas, Tx where he grew up. Most of our leave is spent visiting one of these places!

    My husband and I were together for 2 years before we got married and I gained about 20 pounds during that time, I wasn't exercising and cheap food fit our budget (Hamburger Helper). In the first 3 years of our marriage I gained another 30-40 lbs and have been right around 200lbs since, (I'm 5'9"). I'm 31 and figure it's now or never. We are going to be moving a lot in the next three years so an online support group will be helpful.

    Feel free to add me to your friends list, and thank your husbands for their service and thank you all for supporting them!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Welcome rinzainab: You're right, with moving so much an online group is an ideal support group. Grats on your lengthy relationship through the many changes.

    Lexxy: hello there! It's admirable how you are planning on taking care of you first before adding to the family. Very wise, I think. The diet seems challenging to me (but my friend is considering it, so who knows, I may get on board).
  • MizuOki
    MizuOki Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone, my husband & I have been together almost 10yrs but married for 5yrs. We are both military brats but new to life as adults. We joined the Army April of this year & have seen each other a total of 2wks since this journey has began. I'm currently in Texas waiting to join him in Italy. We love to workout but have been doing it separately since we joined. Finding this group came at the best time.
  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hello all! My name is Rachel and I am happily
    Married to a marine! We have been married for almost 6 years. ( will be 6 on march 23 of 2012). we are currently stationed on okinawa japan, we have a wonderful 2 almost 3 year old daughter and a newly turned one year old son. When I mee my husband I weighed 135-140 but when we started to try for our first child we hard a very hard time conceiving and that caused mento jump to 170. Once I got pregnant with our first I gained 20 lbs but when she turn 3 months we moved here and I slowly started to lose weight. We decided to have another child and I got back on fertility mess and got pregnant with our son and gained 30ish lbs. After I had him I weighed 200 even. At the beginning of this year I started to lose weight and since feb. I have lost 40ksh lbs. Now 163 I am trying to get back down to 135. Oh I am almost 24 years old and you can add me as a friend if you like!
  • MommaSchwag
    MommaSchwag Posts: 81 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I'm Rachel and I'm very happily married to a Coastie. We are currently stationed in Port Angeles, WA. We have an amazing little boy, Tristan, who turns three today. Happy Birthday Tristan! I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, but am a former Weight Watchers lifetime member. I started my weight loss journey three years ago, after Tristan was born, at 200 pounds. I lost 60 pounds in one year with Weight Watchers, reached goal, and maintained that weight for the last 2 years. I basically got stuck. I was tracking, exercising, and doing all the right things, but could not make my weight budge. So, I got lazy, quit trying with WW, and the weight started creeping back. 6 months ago, I read the book Master Your Metabolism, and it changed my life. I started eating cleaner, organic fruits and veggies, and cut out alot of processed food from my diet. I also switched to counting calories, and loved how much easier it was than figuring out WW points. I was tracking my calories in a little homemade journal, and then my friend told me about MyFitnessPal. I haven't gone back. I am now 6 pounds away from my ultimate goal. For fitness, I am addicated to running (it's a little hard right now with the Northwest Washington winter), and I ran my first half-marathon in August. I will begin official training for my first full marathon starting in February. I absolutely LOVE MFP, the friends I have made on here and the encouragement everyone provides daily. This is SO MUCH BETTER than WW, and, it's FREE! I love to provide encouragement to others along their journey, so please feel free to add me. :)
  • kristypie
    kristypie Posts: 102 Member
    Hi girls! My name is Kristy and I've been married to a US Marine for almost 9 years. I'm glad I found this group on MFP. I used to be skinny, although I never realized it until I gained a lot of weight. My weight gain started right after we were married when he was deployed during the invasion to Iraq in 2003. We had only been married a few weeks when he left and it was so stressful. Anyway, I've been carrying this weight around all these years, and it's time to finish getting it off. I lost 20 lbs. last year and have about 50 I would like to lose this year. One of my fitness goals is to be able to run with my husband. I've never been able to do that. I have always sat on the sidelines to watch him do anything physical. I want all that to change this year!
  • MollyMeghan5
    MollyMeghan5 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Molly and my husband is in the Air Force. We've been married for a little over a year. We just moved from Nebraska to Florida. I want to lose weight for a couple reasons. One being I live in Florida and want to be able to wear a bikini at the beach and two we are going to start trying to have a baby this summer and I would like to be at a healthy weight when I do get pregnant. I've been the same size for about 5 years now and I'm ready to drop the 40 lbs I've gained.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    HI everyone :D Newlywed here as of Dec 23. My name is Jennifer and I'm married to the most amazing man I know, who is a Marine. We are stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA. (So I am not aware of alot of the lingo or benefits yet) Both just took place in less than 2 weeks and I am still in a bit of a shock that I am actually married!! I joined MFP in May and haven't had a ton of success with only 14 lbs gone. He will be deploying soon, so I am not stressing the weight just yet only enjoying the time we have now. Once he leaves I can focus more on getting super fit for his return. I'm currently 163 and need to lose easily another 30lbs. As someone else stated I need his jaw to drop upon seeing me on his return, partially cause he doubts I can do it. This is our first "real" deployment together as this one is a long one. I have been with him through a few months long deployments which were a piece of cake. I am hoping this time with pass quickly. My 2 goals while he is gone is to find a job, been looking since July when I moved down here and to lose the weight. Glad to be apart of a group for support :)
  • Hello everyone, I am Jessica married to an Army man. We each have a daughter age 8 and 7 plus a new baby boy 8 months old. My husband just left in November for a year deployment in Afghanistan :(
    I really want to loose weight to be healthy for myself, husband, and children! ( also look good for his R&R)
    I really appreciate any support both far and near
  • Hey guys! I'm Meg and I've been married to my dream Marine for 2 months now! (although we've been together for 6 :) ) He's currently deployed, but he's been stationed in Okinawa since March 2010. Since him pcs-ing to Oki, every time I've seen him (4- week long visits) I've felt so self conscious about my weight, I'm afraid it may have gotten in the way of having fun, and enjoying my rare moments with the one I love. So, I have 5-7 more months to drop all this excess grossness and make him proud :)
  • My name is Archangela, I'm married to an Army Combat Medic who is coming home soon from South Korea. I'm currently a referee for Desert Dolls Roller Derby in Phoenix, AZ, though I will soon be moving and will join the Bettie Brigade at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington. I found out about MFP from my sister-in-law who is also a derby girl with DDRD. I joined roller derby 4 years ago, first starting with the Arizona Derby Dames. After getting injured at the beginning of my 2nd season & my husband's first deployment, I stopped skating, started volunteering for the league & gaining weight. I gained 25 lbs when he was gone the first time, only losing 15 during our time back together. This last year, he's been in South Korea and I'm up to a size 18 and that's with being a skating ref. He's coming home now and I would like to get down to the weight I was when I first joined derby: 160 lbs. I am a very proud chubby girl, but I'm also a proud derby girl and I believe losing this weight will help me be a better skater and I want to give my hubby a run for his money when we work out together.
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Hello all, i'm Meg. I am very new to all this as my Husband just left Tuesday for boot camp for the Air Force. We got married July 3rd of last year and we have a 2 1/2 year old son!
    When i met my husband about 5 years ago i was 127 lbs and pretty much in the best shape of my adult life. And then i got pregnant, lol. So over the past 2 1/2 years i have lost a few, gained it back and was teetering between 145 and 155 until Sept 2011. For whatever reason i am super motivated to finally get back to that place i was when we met and then some. I ideally would like to be at my goal of 125 by March 8th when my hubs graduates which is only another 10 lbs. Ready to do this....
  • clindstrom520
    clindstrom520 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! My name is Crystal and I am a Coastie Wife =) My husband has been in the USCG for almost 7 years and we just recently PCSed to Newport, RI from Virginia. He is on a 225 ft buoy tender called the Juniper. We have been together for almost 8 years (married almost 5 years) so I have been with him since the beginning. We started dating March of our senior year in high school so I guess you can call us "high school sweethearts". As for me, I work with animals. While we were in VA for 4 years I worked at a local animal hospital as a receptionist/assistant and here in RI I work at a local animal shelter as a animal care associate. It is hard work both physically and emotionally but when the animals find good homes it makes it all worth it.

    Besides working with animals, my other passion is photography and I am trying to setup my own little business where I can sell my prints. Just got started so it is in the very beginning stages. I do have a Facebook page for my photography if anyone would like to look at it.

    Anyway, a few other things about me.......we don't have any kids yet but we have been trying for over 2 years. Came close back in July but it ended in a early miscarriage. I am hoping that getting healthy and losing some weight will help us conceive. We do have two furbabies, Lily Bell and Jimmy Dean, both chihuahuas. I love music and art and I am a pretty down to earth kinda gal =)
  • jesstagirl
    jesstagirl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Jessica, an Air Force wife, and we're stationed in Northern Italy! I love it out here (we just arrived 4 months ago), but it's definitely a little culture shock with getting back into my habits. I exercise regularly and eat healthy, but the weight just won't come off. I lost 20 pounds with WW before my wedding two years ago and I've gained 30 back. My goal is to lose 50, but that seems incredibly daunting right now, so I'd like to have a short-term goal of working towards 5 pounds (then another 5, etc.). Glad I found this group!
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    Hello , My Name is Kim. I just recently married a German Airforce Staff Sergeant. :) He is the love of my life. I absolutely love all the classes that they offer on base, and the gym is beautiful. I am not a wife that can sit around the house, I am always going! I love fitness and eating right (even though it hurts sometimes ) lol
    My goal is to compete (and place) in a figure competition this spring or summer.
  • Hello! My name is Marina, Army wife almost 9 years. Stationed in Hollywood, CA (Recruiting). If all goes well we will be pcs'ing to Okinawa, Japan in mid June. I am 27 years old and I have a 5 year old son. I love the outdoors if its sunny I'm ALWAYS outside!!

    Feel free to FR me :-)
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    I'm Amy, married almost 10 years to my soldier, we have 3 children. Originally from WA, hubby is from AK, we've lived in TX via South Korea, and now are stationed at Ft Irwin, CA (aka: Middle of NoWhere!!). I am a RN by trade but currently a SAHM. I originally started my weight loss journey beginning of last year. I lost 40#'s and about 15 more to go! Although I don't consider myself a runner, I completed C25K last year and have kept it up. We have monthly 5K's on post and I'm up to running 4 miles and working on increasing that number. I could go on but I look forward to getting to know everyone!

    Happy Losing!
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member name is Laura and I am married to a wonderful man in the AF. Was active myself for almost 10 years prior to having my daughter. Got out after we had her because of the high tempo of both of our career fields. He is currently deployed and I wanted to get in better shape. Have lost about 40 pounds so far and looking to toss another 10 away. Was trying to do it before he returns but that is not looking like it is going to happen. That is alright glad when he gets back. :) Nice to find a group that understands the struggles of what we go through when the spouse is away.
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
    My name is Stephanie. Husband is in the Navy, 20 years this October. This April we will be married for 10 years, and of course he will be on deployment. We are currently stationed in Virginia Beach. We have an 8 year old son that keeps me pretty busy. Hopefully this will be our last deployment and we can stop moving.
  • Stringcheese84
    Stringcheese84 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi My name is Irene. My husband is currently a Army Recruiter, stationed in Chattanooga, TN. Much different than a post but love it. We have two children (5 year old and 3 year old). We are set to move sometime around Oct. or Nov. of this year. I joined myfitnesspal a while ago but never realized there was so much more support (groups, friends, etc). I am excited to make a new support group through my weight loss journey. Lord knows that I need it. Being a stay at home mom, it is easier for me to put the weight on than keep the weight off. I am looking forward to making new friends on here.