Welcome!!! (Introduce Yourselves)



  • Hello everyone! I'm Kendra! I attend PGCC in Maryland. I'm just looking to shed off the pounds before they be there forever. Also to make a healthier me since I'm afraid of needles and don't like taking pills. So I figured it is about time I lose some weight and embrace a new healthier lifestyle.
  • MsAziz
    MsAziz Posts: 71 Member
    Hey all. I'm Marie and i'm from Australia, and i'm 18 year old. I'm desperate to reach my goal weight. I really really REALLY want to be able to look great in jeans and wear dresses and look hot. I'm am like Kendra kinda scared to get past the line of no return. My goal weight is 137 pounds. Hope I can get thier in a couple of months. Good luck to all ladies here :)
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hey! I'm Mel. I'm 22 and going to be finishing up my Master's degree in May! EEK! Then it's job time. Oh, and I go to school in NJ. I have a ton of health problems which makes losing weight all the more difficult. But, alas, I keep chugging along.

    SW: 190
    CW: 152.2
    GW: 140

    Glad to see a lot of girls with similar goal weights. :smile:
  • adimeadance
    adimeadance Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Toni and I'm also in my last year of grad school. I attend the University of Louisville and plan to graduate in May! I've had an MFP account since last year, but have only recently started using it regularly. I would love to have more friends on the site to support and who might support me in turn! This process isn't really about dieting for me. I'm more invested in making smarter choices for myself. I'm happy to meet y'all!
  • somaol
    somaol Posts: 5 Member
    im 20 and in my second year of university in ireland and im studying psychology!! think this group is such a good idea as the college lifestyle definitely does add extra obstacles to weight loss!! between rushing from class to class, having to cook and manage all your own meals & food budget to essay deadlines!! and of course not forgetting the parties and odd drink :tongue: Hope we can all support each other and get to our gw! mine is 140 too!! must be something about it!
  • kjjfisher
    kjjfisher Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Ladies! My name is Kate and Im a senior at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. After taking a 5 year break from college to get married and start a family I'm back in it finishing my degree in Biotech. Im 26 years old, married and have a 4 year old daughter and looking to lose about 25 pounds to get down to that ideal magical weight of 140 :) With classes starting up next week for me I'm looking forward to getting support from the group and ideas on ways to balance studies and weight loss! Please feel free to add me :)

    SW: 172
    CW: 166
    GW: 140
    Height: 5'6
  • Hi GIRLS!!!!
    My name is Kyshia but I go by Shya I am 20, I currently go to Pima Medical Institute in Arizona, When I graduate I will be heading over to Arizona State University. I have 1 child a 11 month old. I have been struggling with my weight loss ever since I have had him. I am actually new to this site. I am happy that I have woman in my similar situation, an will have some one to talk to in my weight loss journey..

    SW: 180
    CW: 180
    GW: 150
    Height: 5'4
  • Hello! DOn't know if I count as a college student, but I'm going to start community college this fall. After I get my bachelor's degree, I am transferring (hopefully) to UCLA, USCD, or USC to study film and costume design.

    I am 18 years old, 114 lbs, and 5'5". When I tell people this, they say it doesn't sound like a lot, but I have a very small frame and people guess that I am 130-140 based on looks. I'm not really going by weight here, though - just looks, energy, and strength! :) I'll post photos on my profile. I don't have a goal weight. I just want to get rid of my cellulite and look good in shorts. But I definitely don't want to go below 102 lbs.

    I have a thing called Beal's syndrome which is similar to Marfan's syndrome but without heart or eye problems. Aside from losing weight, I want to make my arms bigger and more muscular because I'm tired of the "are you anorexic?" comments based on my arms followed by "oh never mind" when they see my stomach.

    I am going to Australia at the end of January and since it is summer there, I want to be confident wearing a bikini. I also want my ideal body by the time I start college :) Wow, I wrote a lot. Hope I didn't bore you all! haha.

    My biggest troubles are: waking up early (I am homeschooled, so I sleep in until 11), late night snacking, "nibbling" on random foods throughout the day when I'm not hungry, self-control, and sugary foods (when my mom brings home Nutella, I always gain a pound). For exercise, I am going to do 1 lap of walking lunges around my block.

    My plan is to drink 3 fruit/green smoothies a day as meal replacements and no snacks :)

    This is rather long, so I apologize and will end here. I'd love to get new contacts on here who are interested in similar goals (or different ones).

    It's nice to meet you all. I hope reach your goals!
  • anasf139
    anasf139 Posts: 101
    Hello! Happy to find this group!

    I am 22 in my first year of medical school. Undergrad has been tough on me as I gained a lot of weight that I'm looking to lose! I ordered the 30 Day Shred and am waiting for it to come in the mail so I can get started.

    CW: 195
    GW: 140 (my pre-college weight!!)
    height: 5'11"

    Glad to see this group has a lot of girls to help get us through it!

    Hi! Just read this and realised other than height! We are practically the same! Lol! So wanted to say hi!
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    Hello! DOn't know if I count as a college student, but I'm going to start community college this fall. After I get my bachelor's degree, I am transferring (hopefully) to UCLA, USCD, or USC to study film and costume design.

    I am 18 years old, 114 lbs, and 5'5". When I tell people this, they say it doesn't sound like a lot, but I have a very small frame and people guess that I am 130-140 based on looks. I'm not really going by weight here, though - just looks, energy, and strength! :) I'll post photos on my profile. I don't have a goal weight. I just want to get rid of my cellulite and look good in shorts. But I definitely don't want to go below 102 lbs.

    I have a thing called Beal's syndrome which is similar to Marfan's syndrome but without heart or eye problems. Aside from losing weight, I want to make my arms bigger and more muscular because I'm tired of the "are you anorexic?" comments based on my arms followed by "oh never mind" when they see my stomach.

    I am going to Australia at the end of January and since it is summer there, I want to be confident wearing a bikini. I also want my ideal body by the time I start college :) Wow, I wrote a lot. Hope I didn't bore you all! haha.

    My biggest troubles are: waking up early (I am homeschooled, so I sleep in until 11), late night snacking, "nibbling" on random foods throughout the day when I'm not hungry, self-control, and sugary foods (when my mom brings home Nutella, I always gain a pound). For exercise, I am going to do 1 lap of walking lunges around my block.

    My plan is to drink 3 fruit/green smoothies a day as meal replacements and no snacks :)

    This is rather long, so I apologize and will end here. I'd love to get new contacts on here who are interested in similar goals (or different ones).

    It's nice to meet you all. I hope reach your goals!

    Hi doll, of course you qualify for this group! I know what it feels like to gain weight by being at home. Over the past year I was taking online classes and I sat on the sofa with my laptop A LOT lol! i think only have smoothies isn't sucha hot idea. its a great idea it is, but you need "real" food as well. I think that having a smoothie for snacks is great or b4 a workout. But for breakfast you should have carbs, like some oatmeal. for lunch you could have like a tuna sandwich, with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. or with fresh squeeze lime with water (can take this anytime and it is GREAT for fat loss) i think thats what your looking for more --->fat loss. Bc thats more imp than weight loss as a whole for you. If you need any other food ideas, like quick meals let me know, i started cooking my own food a lot since i started losing weight :D
    For exercise walking lunges are great! so are squats! they are like the kings of exercise! i go down to the library and get exercise dvds like Jillian Michael ones, tae bo, etc. taking a walk around the block is good too :) good luck!
  • Everyone be sure to add me as a friend!!!!! I'd love to speak with each of you individually and get to know everyone better. I love meeting new people. It's one of my greatest passions. :)
  • Hi everyone :D My name is Ariel. I go to the University of Memphis and am a second semester Sophomore. I also dorm (in a building with no kitchen, only a microwave in each hall) which doesn't always bode well for the healthy eating or eating at all for that matter! I have been severely overweight for as long as I can remember. I don't really have an UGW in mind, I just want to get to the point of being healthy and fit!
  • creepycuteee
    creepycuteee Posts: 8 Member
    Hey guys, I'm Kat and I'm in my fourth year at Georgia Tech and I'm really happy that I found this group. Hoping it will help keep me accountable :)
    I work 20-25 hours a week on top of being a full time student in a very sleep depriving program and so my main issue is planning ahead and not eating food from the coffee cart and actually cooking meals ahead of time. Also, learning to keep my sweet tooth in check is one of my goals.
  • Hey,
    I'm Sophie, Sophielia is a nickname given to me at school lol :) I am a UK student, in my final year studying Journalism. I desperately want to look amazing for graduation, and I'm hoping the support I receive from groups like this will help me! I'm one of those people who really enjoys losing weight with other people and sharing tips, exercises and words of encouragement.
    CW - 147lbs
    GW - 115 lbs
    I know it seems like a drastic weight drop, but I'm quite short and this is still a healthy weight for me. Also, I see other girls who weight 130-140lbs and look amazing (my housemates, for example), but even at 130lbs people would guess I was around 11stone, I'm not sure why but I put weight on in the most horrid of places!

    I guess moreso than having a goal weight etc, I just want to be healthy! I want to be that girl that all the other girls are like "how did you get that figure?!" I used to be really in shape, and then I started smoking and eating unhealthily and it all went downhill.

    So far it's been 8 days without a cigarette, and 9 days without chocolate :)

    Good luck, I'm always here if anyone needs support!
    Sophie xoxo
  • DetectiveDavis
    DetectiveDavis Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! So excited for this group! My name is Andrea and I'm a 2nd yr grad student at the University of Florida. I will be getting my first Master's degree this May and I am determined to have the body I want by then---and not break the stage as I walk across lol. I have been on and off with my fitness journey for the past year, but Ive been quite steadfast the past few months. I can't wait to see myself minus the extra baggage.

    CW: 164

    GW: 125

    Goal waist: 28 inches

    Typical workout: Tae bo, P90x
  • Hey everyone =)

    My name's Andrea and I'm taking an Arts degree, hopefully going for a Flight Attendant training program next year. I've been on MFP for a year and now need to get back on the wagon! Stats are:

    SW: 181 lbs
    CW: 159lbs
    GW: In the 130s somewhere probably .. wherever I feel comfortable
    Height: 5'5 ft
    Age: 18
  • Hey everyone!!

    My name is Keia and I'm a third year at the the University of Virginia studying systems engineering. I'm really glad to have found this group. I was just thinking how I don't want to fall back into my bad habits when I get back to school in a week.

    I recently auditioned and was hired as a group exercise instructor at my school! So I'm super excited for that. I would describe myself as pretty fit, but fat. My thing is that I exercise often and eat pretty healthily but then I also tend to overeat and binge because of stress, basically undoing all the exercise I've done. I'm tired of feeling crappy and sluggish because of this. This semester, I'm determined to make a change!

    Height: 5' 3/4" (Yess that 3/4" matters!)
    SW: 136 lbs
    CW: 134 lbs
    GW: 115 lbs
  • kgratz27
    kgratz27 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Im Kristen, 2nd semester senior in ohio for a psychology degree. Graduating in a few months (AHH scary) and I want to look the best as possible for the memorable event!

    Height: 6'
    SW: 210
    CW: 208
    GW (for graduation): 180

    Add me :) I am looking for support and to give it!
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    Hi, my name is Donyale, and I just graduated with my first degree. I am currently still in college but working on my other two degrees.

    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 180
    CW: 155
    GW: 110-120
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Hi =] I am a freshman at Colorado State University, Business/Journalism double major. I am going into my second semester next week so I am hoping that this website will help me stay accountable because dorm food and late night snacking is not healthy o.o

    Please add me ^^

    Height: 5'6''
    SW: 185
    CW: 180.3

    Goal: 135-140
    Or whatever it takes to fit back into a size 8!!