Week 3



  • Devonanne
    Devonanne Posts: 102 Member
    I did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday. It was hard because my first 3 min run interval was entirely up a big, steep hill haha. I think though if I did it on the treadmill it would have been a piece of cake (I am alternating outdoor and treadmill days to try to get the best of both worlds). I was shocked to find myself running for 3 minutes without stopping, actually - never thought I could do it! Excited to step it up next week and see how I do :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Reviving this thread, anyone else still in Week 3? I'm working on 5k @ 10mm & got hung up with the 3 min intervals. Will have to stay in Week 3 until I can complete them at my target pace. Have added in some cross-training on the off days to see if that helps.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I'd say just concentrate on running for the set time...the speed can come later. i did C25K and probably got to 10minute-mile pace by the end...but would say that if you want to up your pace, run longer and do Bridge to 10K - I did a sub-8 minute mile the other day. Doing distance really helps!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Intervals are harder work than running for longer IMHO
  • PinkAndSparkle
    Week 3, Day 1 today! I'm pretty excited to run for more than 1.5 minutes...hopefully I wont pas out.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Appreciate the feedback flabulous! This is actually my 2nd time around & my endurance is fine at a slower pace, like 13-14mm. Just for gits & shiggles I went out for a distance run on Saturday since it was nice out & ran for 1:03 no problem, & that was my first run over 3 miles since my last 10k on Thanksgiving.

    So this time I'm being strict with myself about the pace, & I have no deadline really so it doesn't bother me to repeat weeks. The good news is that since I struggled with 3 min of 6 mph last week, today I lowered my speed to 5.5 mph for the running parts & I made it through the 3 min intervals, w00t!! At the very end I even tacked on 2 whole minutes at 6 mph right before the cool down & I made it through that too.

    On Friday I'm going to do it the same way but try upping the running speed to 5.7 mph to see how that goes.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I have a question:
    I started week 3 last week, and did days 1 and 2, but then went on vacation. I kept active while I was away, but did not finish W3. Should I start the week over now, or should I just do day 3 and see how I do?
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I would do W3D3 and see how you do.

    If you can't complete the session, revert back to W2.
    If you complete it, but it is difficult, complete an entire week of W3.
    If you complete it with no problems, then move on to W4D1.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    You might try backing down your speed for the running parts. So my update is that my session @ 5.7 mph was successful, & today I managed 5.9 mph. I'm pretty psyched about that. I am going to do it one more time officially at 6 mph, & assuming I don't die I'll move on to Week 4...though I suspect I might have to back down the speed to get through the 5 min intervals. We'll see how it goes.

    And FYI, I'm cross-training on the elliptical on the in-between days following the same interval pattern for the week I'm on & that seems to be helping with my endurance. Just an idea in case anyone wants to borrow it. :wink:
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    And FYI, I'm cross-training on the elliptical on the in-between days following the same interval pattern for the week I'm on & that seems to be helping with my endurance. Just an idea in case anyone wants to borrow it. :wink:

    Cheers! :wink:
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Blech...I am still hung up on Week 3. Even after an awesome Spike Day yesterday, my glycogen-loaded body would not let me finish those 3-min intervals at 6 mph. What the crap?? Well, just gonna keep repeating it until I can complete 3 sessions. Don't really have another choice. I'll get there.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Did week 3 Day 1 today. I feel great!
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    I'm on my...third week of Week 3, I think. Though not officially; it's not that I couldn't complete the week in previous weeks, but rather because I was having so much trouble getting my butt motivated to go to the gym! I've gone two days in a row now, though, and run W3D3 both mornings. Haven't had to stop or cut any of my intervals short so I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'll try to run it at least two more times this week, and then give Week 4 a shot next Monday!
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Did Week 3 Day 2 yesterday, and it was awesome! I will probably do day 3 on Saturday.

    Keep up the good work people!
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    Did Week 3 Day 2 yesterday, and it was awesome! I will probably do day 3 on Saturday.

    Keep up the good work people!

    I also did Week 3 day 2 yesterday...planning for day 3 Saturday too. Feeling great :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I DID IT!!! Freaking FINALLY. Last night at the gym I did a week 3 session at my target pace of 6 mph for the running parts. And I didn't die! Almost, but I still didn't. Super psyched. If I can get through 2 more sessions I'll call week 3 a wrap & move on.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I DID IT!!! Freaking FINALLY. Last night at the gym I did a week 3 session at my target pace of 6 mph for the running parts. And I didn't die! Almost, but I still didn't. Super psyched. If I can get through 2 more sessions I'll call week 3 a wrap & move on.

    That's great!

    I finished week 3 yesterday and it was fine. I'll start week 4 tomorrow, and I will hopefully see all of you fantastic people in the week 4 thread very soon!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I am doing W3D3 tomorrow, I'm excited! Week 3 is my first week of actually following C25K strictly, for weeks 1 and 2 I was kind of making up my own intervals. Week 1 was 5 min walk, 90s walk/run repeat until 25m then walk 5 min, week 2 was 5min walk to start and end, and 20 min of rotating 2 min walk / 2 min run.

    With that said, I found that following W3 felt like I was kind of running less time overall, so it's been "easy" so far. I have been jogging slowly though, only 5.0mph! For W3 D3 I might try to push it to 5.5 running since I haven't had too hard of a time so far. Have always heard not to push it too much too soon so I've been wary of that.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Another successful session today, yay me! The scary part is that I didn't sweat nearly as much as I usually do & it felt way easier after it was over than the previous one. Will tackle it one more time on Wed then give Week 4 a go on Friday.

    Nice job elg! Hopefully I'll be meeting you over on the Week 4 thread soon enough. :happy:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 for me yesterday, was better than I expected, I was pretty nervous about it before hand, but I did the whole thing! Was very proud of myself, I really look forward to my running days now, I'm running with my dog and she gets super excited when I get my running gear on