Hi Everyone



  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    It is possible to stretch your pouch by eating too much. Or you can eat the wrong foods to gain weight. I've only lost 5 lbs. this month and it is depressing. I should be losing more. I had the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch surgery in Sept. and have lost a total of 70 lbs. but I have anothe 85 lbs. to lose.
  • cheribaby411
    cheribaby411 Posts: 2 Member
    I decided to write things down this time around. MFP is a great resourse! I just found it... so far I have logged in 2 days of eating- YAY! I also need to change my vitamins to chewables. I don't want my hair to fall out this time! Also do you use flovorless protein powder??? How about psychologist? I attend synagogue every week now and prayers, helping others and expanding my inner self is slowly replacing my expanding outer self-lol. Still got to exercise- at least walk the dog!!!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Tami, 9 lbs since the beginning of January is FABULOSO!!! I am so happy that you are getting back on track and you seem to have put forth the effort by meeting with your surgeon and dietician to put those components in place for success. One of the things I want to understand from those that have lost the weight with surgery and put it back on is,.......why???.....and how???? Our tummies are the size of a golf ball and I'd like to hear how the weight can be put back on. Scares me a little because this has been such a life changing experience and I don't want to ever get back to 275 again.

    If I continue the track I am on, I will be below 200 on March 15 and could be in the 160's by May when I see my husband next . That would just be the cat's meow!!! Shopping for new clothes in Central London would be so awesome! I could even be at goal weight by June. That is just unreal. I know the 4 lbs/week loss won't last forever, but I am definitely going to follow my doctor's instructions and maximize these 1st 6 months to get as much weight off as possible. Hopefully I'll meet my goals or at least come close to them but I will keep striving to get this fat crap off so I can lead a more normal healthy life.

    Love and Hugs to all of you!!!!



    It is really easy to gain the weight back if you make poor food choices and stop exercising like I did. You can snack on high calorie things like chocolate, chips and crackers all day long (remember Lap Band here, so I have none of those adverse reactions some have when eating sugar...) I started eating garbage like M&Ms, chocolates and other junk food. You will still have to make smart food choices and exercise (but that is something that all of us should do for our health anyway...) I think you you stay on MFP, there is no way you could ever stray, unless you stopped logging on daily... I plan to be on here for life!

    March 15th is my birthday, so I hope for my birthday, you send me a note saying you made it to Onederland!!!!!


    Staying under your doctor's direct supervision is the best thing you can do for yourself. When I started gaining back weight, I always seemed to have an excuse as to why I had to cancel my appointment - I was ashamed of my weight gain... You are doing great!!

    (((Hugs))) to all!!!!!

  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I do use Unjury flavorless protein powder. It is awesome...you can't taste it and it mixes easily. Don't put it in hot food >130 degrees or it will curdle. I go to group therapy every week and see a psychiatrist everr 6-8 weeks. I just started exercising at the gym. I walk on the treadmill, do circuit training, use the NuStep and do water aerobics. I am suffering from hair loss now. My hair is so thin. I don't see my surgeon for another month. Do I call him? I don't really know. I am 4 months post duodenal switch.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I do use Unjury flavorless protein powder. It is awesome...you can't taste it and it mixes easily. Don't put it in hot food >130 degrees or it will curdle. I go to group therapy every week and see a psychiatrist everr 6-8 weeks. I just started exercising at the gym. I walk on the treadmill, do circuit training, use the NuStep and do water aerobics. I am suffering from hair loss now. My hair is so thin. I don't see my surgeon for another month. Do I call him? I don't really know. I am 4 months post duodenal switch.

    Absolutely, call your surgeon if you have any concerns - that's what they are there for. I used the Unjury as well for about 6 months post-op (Lap Band) - it helped me so much getting my daily protein - I mixed a spoonfull into everything : )

    Hope everybody has a great week!
  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    It is possible to stretch your pouch by eating too much. Or you can eat the wrong foods to gain weight. I've only lost 5 lbs. this month and it is depressing. I should be losing more. I had the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch surgery in Sept. and have lost a total of 70 lbs. but I have anothe 85 lbs. to lose.

    Hi Smokey,

    It is possible to stretch out your pouch, I also know that your weight loss slows down -and there will be many plateaus as your body adjusts.
    So take it easy on yourself... 70 pounds is a lot of weight- be proud!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Thank you everybody for all your help. I think I will call my surgeon tomorrow and see if he wants me to come in before the middle of Feb. At least that way I'll know what's going on and what I can do about it. Have a great week, Kim
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Thank you everybody for all your help. I think I will call my surgeon tomorrow and see if he wants me to come in before the middle of Feb. At least that way I'll know what's going on and what I can do about it. Have a great week, Kim

    Good decision ((hugs))
    Have a great week too!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    You also may want to contact your dietician. The hair loss is from lack of protein (says Miss "I can't seem to get my protein in every day"). We had a posting in our group's yahoo groups and the product called "Biotin Pills" and shampoo. The lady in our group who tried this has had success with her hair no longer falling out.


  • Just wanted to say to hi to all!!!
    I had RNY 5/3/2004.
    Starting weight 326, my 'nice' weight was 168.
    Gained up to 188, 8 gone since joining MFP, yay!!!!!
    Working to get that 20 back off!!
    I'm here to support everyone!!!

    I just wanted to comment about a post I just read...you can't really 'stretch' your pouch back out. The pouch is actually made from the strongest part of the stomach's muscle, the fundus. It is supposed to stretch somewhat over time. When you get to overeating what you actually stretch is the stoma, the opening into your 'new' stomach. FWIW, now that I'm tracking again, (and slowing down when I eat), I am finding I still have great restriction.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Well I had my endoscopy today and the GI doctor said that the pouch is larger than is normal for a bypass. Which my doctor said that sometimes they don't get the pouch as small as they thought and they can go in and make it more like it should be. It makes sense now why I don't feel much restriction when I eat. So I see the surgeon on the 8th of February to see what he has to say. I'm thinking I'll probably let him go in and make the pouch smaller like it is intended to be. But in the meantime I'm going to concentrate on eating right and exercising and losing weight! The surgeon will be happy about that!
  • That is the only 'bad' thing...the size of your pouch and cm bypassed varies by surgeon, it's normally by their preference....I hope you get things worked out to where you want them to be!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I called my surgeon like I was advised to do about my hair really falling out and breaking off. He ordered a ton of blood tests to check my vitamin levels and such. The only bad thing is that I won't get the results for about a week. I hope they can find out what I am deficient in so I can get my hair back. It is really bad. I thought about getting it cut real short, but my husband says it's ok the way it is for now.
  • foundmeagain78
    foundmeagain78 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I am new to this group. I had Roux-n-Y in Nov 2002 and lost 140 lbs from it. I was still about 60 lbs from my goal weight. I went through a few pretty rough years, finally ending in divorce. I have regained about 80 lbs and am absolutely disgusted with myself.

    The real wake up call for me was the fact that my boyfriend of a year & a half broke up with me in August. After 5 months, I have re-entered the dating scene. The kicker was on a first date 2 weeks ago with a very nice gentleman I had met, the seatbelt in his truck didn't fit. I was absolutely humiliated!! I just acted like something was wrong with his seatbelt. He has since asked me for a 2nd date but I keep finding excuses because I just don't know what to say about the seatbelt thing.

    I have re-started my desire for a healthier life. In October, I finally went back to my surgeon after 6 years. I am in the process of getting the Lap-Band procedure done. I've met with a psychologist to determine how I screwed things up so bad in the first place and have passed the psychiatric evaluation required for my surgery. She is requiring me to keep a food log, specifically concentrating on protein & sugar intake. Which is how I've ended up at MFP.

    I have also joined Planet Fitness and met with the trainer to develop the best work out for me. I've been going there for about 3 weeks now. I've also recently gotten Wii Fit Plus and a balance board to use in addition to my time at the gym. I am already down 6 lbs since Christmas. Not great, but I'll take every oz I can!

    Just looking for the kind of support that only those that have been in my shoes can provide. I hope to find it here!
  • brandychick
    brandychick Posts: 9 Member

    my name is Ronnie and I am new to this group.
    my WLS voyage started on 9th November 2005. I had a gastric band fitted and thought this would be the realisation of all my dreams. After 2 years the band slipped and had to be stitched back through surgery. I thought I was back on track after a few months, but the band slipped again and this was the end of my dream! in September 2010, the band was removed and I was offered a gastric bypass which could be performed during the same op. I refused as I had so many issues that it did not seem worth the risk.
    After putting on all the weight back and some, I now weight at 308lbs. I am morbidly obese medically and I have a few other associated medical issues. As a result of this, my endocrinologist and clinical psychologist have both tried to convince me of having further surgery.
    After discussing it with my husband and weighing the consequences of having it vs not having it...we have come to the conclusion that I should give myself this chance.
    I am waiting for my op date at the moment but it should be within the next 4 months.
    I joined MFP to start looking at nutrition and exercise so that I am in the best mental position when I have the op.

    It always amazes me when people judge us and tell us that we are choosing the easy way. There was nothing easy about my lapbanding journey and from the sound of it, I do not kid myself that the bypass journey will not require some work on my part!

    It's great to have a group just for us with like minded people who understand the hurdles we face and support us!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hiyeeeeeee Ronnie!!!! and welcome to MFP! There is an absolutely wonderful group of ladies out here in this group and we are all here to encourage one another. I am so thrilled to hear that you have made a life changing decision to have the RNY performed. I've had my ups and downs with eating (and it is different than the band), but I would do it all over again. Here's my advice to you during these next 4 months: don't wait until the surgery to eat healthy. Get yourself some Unjury protein (www.unjury.com) and begin having a protein shake every day. I am kicking myself everyday that I just let myself go those 6 months prior to surgery and ate whatever I wanted. Getting used to having protein shakes will help you pre- and postsurgery as you know. I would also be doing some form of activity or exercise just to form those good habits.

    I am 8 weeks post surgery and have lost just under 45 lbs and feel great. I'm doing cardio 6 days a week and strength 3x week. I've just run into a road block and it's because I'm not eating enough (go figure). I've had food issues since surgery but it's getting better day by day. My dietician said today to eat atleast 800 calories or whatever exercise I'm doing is for nothing. arrghghgh!!!! So it's more food in the tummy for me!

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I am here to support you any way I can.

    Congratulations on your decision! 2012 is YOUR YEAR!


  • brandychick
    brandychick Posts: 9 Member
    HI Linda,

    thanks so much for the reponse and the advice. I am so keen to do it right this time and am very scared of getting just the tiny details wrong!! I have been reading up so much about it that I sometimes think that I will forget something when it happens.
    I have made myself a folder and will definitely add protein shake at the beginning! and start taking them now.
    As you see I joined MFP to ensure that I would not add to my weight pre surgery like I did last time!! I am lucky in that they have not given me a target weight loss to qualify for surgery, but am not gonna rest on my laurels all the same!!

    I am so glad that you seem to be doing well. I have the same issue whereas I drop my calories far too low when I am in the diet zone. MFP keeps telling me off for not eating enough! LOL

    Can you tell me your experience of the "rules of the pouch" following RNY op? I keep reading about it and it seems that this is the important thing to get right if I want this to be a long term tool and not just a crash diet followed by regain of weight.
    I would love to hear your thoughts/
  • Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am 33 years old. I have my bariatric surgery in July 2003 and I lost 110 pounds. I had my son in 2008 and also quit smoking. I have since gained back 50 pounds.
    I am so unhappy with my body and I really want to change and be back to where I was before I gained the weight back. The surgery is so expensive and it was so difficult to get back to "normal" that I feel horrible about gaining the weight back :(
    I joined MFP on 1-17-12 and I am DETERMINED to get my old body back. I need to exercise and eat right and I know that things will fall back into place.
    I wish that I could capture the feeling of being healthy so that I don't forget what it feels like when I want to eat something unhealthy.
    I am gald that this support team has been created so that we all can support each other!
    Good luck to each and every one of you!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am 33 years old. I have my bariatric surgery in July 2003 and I lost 110 pounds. I had my son in 2008 and also quit smoking. I have since gained back 50 pounds.
    I am so unhappy with my body and I really want to change and be back to where I was before I gained the weight back. The surgery is so expensive and it was so difficult to get back to "normal" that I feel horrible about gaining the weight back :(
    I joined MFP on 1-17-12 and I am DETERMINED to get my old body back. I need to exercise and eat right and I know that things will fall back into place.
    I wish that I could capture the feeling of being healthy so that I don't forget what it feels like when I want to eat something unhealthy.
    I am gald that this support team has been created so that we all can support each other!
    Good luck to each and every one of you!

    Hi Jennifer. What surgery did you have? Could you possibly go back to see your surgeon and maybe get some type of adjustment to help? If not, that's what we are here for. Help, motivation, a shoulder when you need one, a sounding board and someone to celebrate the milestones. Welcome!
  • I had the Rou and Y. My surgeon is about 2 hours away. I was thinking about calling the office and seeing if they could provide me with a diet to get me back on track. I have this sickening feeling that I have "streched" my pouch out and it makes me so sad. I can tell that I can eat so much more now than I have before.
    I appreciate any support that can be provided. I wish you all the best of luck and if anyone has any food diary's that they follow for 1200 calories a day, I would be interested. It seems like I am eating the same items each day and I don't want to get bored. Thanks for all of your input!