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How Many of Us...

Have desk jobs? Just wondering.

Am concerned about non-activity lapses.


Ps. Also, anyone else here annoyed with the smallish keyboards on these smart phones??? 8-)


  • I have a desk job and know that it's not conducive to long-term health.

    USA Today had an article a few months ago about sedentary jobs and increases in cancer risks. Here it is:


    So I try to get up and walk around at least once an hour ... even if it's just to talk to someone (instead of using the phone!). My office is only a two story building, so stairs don't come into play. But I usually take the elevator up from the garage. I know ... LAZY!!!! :embarassed:
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I have a desk job...I work from home...that allows me to get up and chase after my 4 year old occassionally :)

    I also live in a bilevel so always up and down stairs!
  • tammi42
    tammi42 Posts: 62 Member
    I don't work outside of my home, I do some paperwork occasionally for my husband. So there is NO excuse for me not to get my butt moving!
  • i've been out of work a couple of years now - so you would think that i have plenty of time to excercise - but oh no *shakes head* i'm just totally lethargic & after the injury i've gotten into the habit of not going outside further than the shop or putting the bins out :embarassed:
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Oh my, hope you're doing okay.

    Can you share with us what kind of injury?

    Maybe we can, based on what's wrong, we can suggest exercise that won't exarcerbate your injury. It's even possible, someone here has the same kind of affliction.
  • oh sure, it was a back injury, nothing secret :smile:

    doing a lot better now thanks, but it still plays up from time to time. it left me more or less immobile for a few months, which is where all the trouble started - & of course out of work, so bad habits were formed. :embarassed:

    strangely i find that if i get into doing stomach exercises for a few weeks, this actually really helps, as it builds up core muscles & protects your back - i was given this advice by my chiropractor & it's true! sadly i've been too lazy to keep them up though :frown:

    i need to stay away from anything hugely high impact right now, as my extra weight puts more strain on my back - talk about a catch twenty-two! lol! however i just need to stop making excuses about doing any exercise now :smile:
  • JVanDam77
    JVanDam77 Posts: 130
    I don't have a desk job...I'm just hella lazy! Or, WAS! :)
  • I *think* the exercise I get during the day is more than sufficient for maintaining health/weight, as long as I control my intake. I do work out in the field, primarily. My new pedometer says I walk an average of 3.2 miles during the workday (min 1.6, max 5.7 so far) and there's a moderate amount of exercise involved besides the walking.
  • about 8yrs ago I went from florist to desk job...I still love my job now, just not the desk part
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Was being the operative word, JVanDam77 !!! Now you're here, doing something about it.

    Glad you're here with us!

    Gribbish - 3.2 miles/day is great! I aspire to get that much exercise in one day... working on it.

  • Shellebell921
    Shellebell921 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a sedentary desk job but I try and get up at least two times a day just to run up and down the steps.. I don't know if it helps but it makes me feel like I am doing something.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I have a desk job which I always thought I'd love. But after working as a Restaurant Manager for years it is very boring and I really don't care much for it. I do get up about 1x an hour and walk to the rest room or copy machine.
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Yup, me too. I am tied to a desk all day which is half my weight problem.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    work and school desk
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    I am currently looking for a job, but I am also going back to school too. I start on Tuesday. Even though i will most likely end with a desk job.

    But i am not going to let myself get lazy!
  • Heh... I don't exactly have a desk job. It's more a couch job. During the day, my primary duty is homeschooling my son, so there's quite a bit of sitting involved, no matter how many activities I try to add to the day. Also, I run an etsy shop, so I spend lots of time working on knitting and sewing.

    Fortunately, in the summer, I work at a park as a "host." Host is a fancy word for saying collector-of-fees-enforcer-of-rules-mower-of-grass-general-custodian-painter-and-whatever-else-needs-to-be-done-doer! I love that job! =) But... I do need to work on upping my activity during the off months.

    I recently started using a pedometer thingy. It goes with a game (motivational support type thing) for my Nintendo DSi... I found that I average about 3,000 steps a day (eep!), so my goal is to consistently hit 5,000 steps, then I'll up my goal to 6,000, and so on.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Not I!
    I run a retail store!
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I have a desk job. When I first started here I would make it a point to do pushups & body weight squats a couple of times per day. Also, I work with kids and they have a Total Gym (you know, the Chuck Norris thing) and whenever possible I would do 3-5 minutes on that as well. I slacked a bit but I am back to doing it now.
  • Totally at the desk....for approximately 9 hours a day. Schedule my workouts for the evening so I'm not desk to couch!
  • SherNY
    SherNY Posts: 87
    Yep, I have a desk job. I do try to get up a few times a day to walk up the stairs even if it's just a couple flights. And I've found that I get up to go talk to folks across the building instead of using IM. :)